package test;

import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.Date;

import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import cz.vutbr.web.css.CSSException;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.CSSFactory;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.Declaration;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.RuleSet;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.StyleSheet;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.Term;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.TermBracketedIdents;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.TermFactory;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.TermFunction;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.TermInteger;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.TermLength;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.TermNumeric.Unit;
import cz.vutbr.web.css.TermURI;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class SimpleTest {
	private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleTest.class);
	public static final TermFactory tf = CSSFactory.getTermFactory();
	public static final String TEST_STRING1 = 
		"BODY { display: block;}";
	public static final String TEST_CHARSET_STRING1 = 
		"@charset \"UTF-8\";";
	public static final String TEST_CHARSET_STRING2 = 
		"@charset \"ISO-8859-1\";\n" +
		"\n" +
		"BODY { color: blue;}";
	public static final String TEST_HASH_COLOR1 =
		"BODY { color: #00AA85;}";
	public static final String TEST_HASH_COLOR2 =
		"DIV, P { color: #CCC;}";
	public static final String TEST_RGBFUNCTION1 =
		"BODY { color: rgb(192,64,32);}";
	public static final String TEST_RGBFUNCTION2 =
		"BODY { color: rgb(50%,40%,30%);} ";
    public static final String TEST_RGBFUNCTION_INVALID =
            "BODY { color: rgb(50%,100,0);} ";
    public static final String TEST_HSLFUNCTION1 =
            "BODY { color: hsl(120,100%,50%);} ";
    public static final String TEST_RGBAFUNCTION1 =
            "BODY { color: rgba(255,0,0,0.2);} ";
    public static final String TEST_HSLAFUNCTION1 =
            "BODY { color: hsla(240,100%,50%, 0.4);} ";
	public static final String TEST_UNIT =
		"BODY { margin: 5em; }";
	public static final String TEST_STRING2 = 
		"BODY {\n" +
		"	background-color: #EEE;\n" +
		"	color: red;\n" +
		"}\n" +
		"\n" +
		"H1.prvni+P {\n" +
		"	color: #00A;\n" +
		"}\n" +
		"\n" +
		"H1 {\n"+
		"	font-size: 20px;\n" +
		"	color: #000;\n" +
		"}\n" +
		"\n" +
		"H1.prvni {\n" +
		"	color: #00A;\n" +
		"}\n" +		
		"\n" +
		".AA {\n" +
		"font-weight: bold;\n" +
		"}\n" +
		"\n" +
		".BB {\n" +
		"	color: #0F0;}\n" +
	public static final String TEST_URI1 = "BODY { background-image: url(image.jpg); } ";
	public static final String TEST_BRACKETED_IDENT = "p { grid: [ -linename1 ]  \"a\" 100px [linename2]; }";
    public static final String TEST_BRACKETED_IDENTS = "p { grid: [ -linename1 linename2 ]  \"a\" 100px [linename2]; }";

	// Test case for issue #55
	public static final String TEST_POSITIVE_NUMBER1 = "p { text-indent: +10px; }";

	// Test case for issue #56
	private static final String TEST_INTEGER_Z_INDEX = "p { z-index: 10; }";

	// Test case for issue #59
	private static final String TEST_INVALID_PSEUDO_SELECTOR1 = "::notaselector {background: red}";

	// Test case for issue #59
	private static final String TEST_INVALID_PSEUDO_SELECTOR2 = "::selection {background: red}" +
		"::notaselector {background: yellow}" +
		"p {background: green}";
	public static void init()  {"\n\n\n == SimpleTest test at {} == \n\n\n", new Date());
	public void testCharsets() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss;
		ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_CHARSET_STRING1, null);
		assertEquals("No rules are defined", 0, ss.size());

		ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_CHARSET_STRING2, null);
		assertEquals("One rule is set", 1, ss.size());
		RuleSet rule = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);				
		assertArrayEquals("Rule contains one selector BODY ", 
		assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration { color: blue;}",
				DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "color", 
	public void testString1() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_STRING1, null);
		assertEquals("One rule is set", 1, ss.size());
		RuleSet rule = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);				
		assertArrayEquals("Rule contains one selector BODY ", 
		assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration {display:block;}",
				DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "display", 
	public void testRGBFunction1() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_RGBFUNCTION1, null);
		assertEquals("One rule is set", 1, ss.size());
		RuleSet rule = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);				
		assertArrayEquals("Rule contains one selector BODY ", 
		assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration {color: #00aa85;}",
				DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "color", 
						tf.createColor(192, 64, 32)),
	public void testRGBFunction2() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_RGBFUNCTION2, null);
		assertEquals("One rule is set", 1, ss.size());
		RuleSet rule = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);				
		assertArrayEquals("Rule contains one selector BODY ", 
		assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration {color: rgb(50%,40%,30%);}",
				DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "color", 
						tf.createColor(127, 102, 76)),
    public void testRGBFunctionInvalid() throws IOException, CSSException   {
        StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_RGBFUNCTION_INVALID, null);
        assertEquals("One rule is set", 1, ss.size());
        RuleSet rule = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);             
        assertArrayEquals("Rule contains one selector BODY ", 
        assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration", 1, rule.size());
        Term<?> value = rule.get(0).get(0);
        assertTrue("Assigned value is TermFunction (not TermColor)", value instanceof TermFunction);
    public void testHSLFunction1() throws IOException, CSSException   {
        StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_HSLFUNCTION1, null);
        assertEquals("One rule is set", 1, ss.size());
        RuleSet rule = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);             
        assertArrayEquals("Rule contains one selector BODY ", 
        assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration with color",
                DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "color", 
                        tf.createColor(0, 255, 0)),
    public void testRGBAFunction1() throws IOException, CSSException   {
        StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_RGBAFUNCTION1, null);
        assertEquals("One rule is set", 1, ss.size());
        RuleSet rule = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);             
        assertArrayEquals("Rule contains one selector BODY ", 
        assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration with color",
                DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "color", 
                        tf.createColor(255, 0, 0, 51)),
    public void testHSLAFunction1() throws IOException, CSSException   {
        StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_HSLAFUNCTION1, null);
        assertEquals("One rule is set", 1, ss.size());
        RuleSet rule = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);             
        assertArrayEquals("Rule contains one selector BODY ", 
        assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration with color",
                DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "color", 
                        tf.createColor(0, 0, 255, 102)),
	public void testHashColor1() throws IOException, CSSException   {

		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_HASH_COLOR1, null);
		assertEquals("One rule is set", 1, ss.size());
		RuleSet rule = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);				
		assertArrayEquals("Rule contains one selector BODY ", 
		assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration {color: #00aa85;}",
				DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "color", 
						tf.createColor(0, 170, 133)),
	public void testHashColor2() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_HASH_COLOR2, null);
		assertEquals("One rule is set", 1, ss.size());
		final RuleSet rule = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);				
		assertArrayEquals("Rule contains two selectors DIV, P", 
				SelectorsUtil.createSelectors("DIV", "P"), 
		assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration {color: #CCC;}",
				DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "color", 
	public void testUnit() throws IOException, CSSException {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_UNIT, null);
		assertEquals("There is one rule", 1, ss.size());
	public void testString2() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_STRING2, null);
		assertEquals("Six rules are set", 6, ss.size());
	public void testURI1() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_URI1, null);
		assertEquals("There is one rule", 1, ss.size());
		Declaration dec = (Declaration) ss.get(0).get(0);
		assertEquals("There is one declaration", 1, ss.get(0).size());
		Object term = dec.get(0);
		assertTrue("Term value is URI", term instanceof TermURI);
		TermURI uri = (TermURI) term;
		assertEquals("URI has proper value", "image.jpg", uri.getValue());

    public void testBracketedIdent() throws IOException, CSSException   {
        StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_BRACKETED_IDENT, null);
        assertEquals("There is one rule", 1, ss.size());
        Declaration dec = (Declaration) ss.get(0).get(0);
        assertEquals("There is one declaration", 1, ss.get(0).size());
        assertEquals("Four terms", 4, dec.size());
        assertTrue("Term[0] type is BracketedIdents", dec.get(0) instanceof TermBracketedIdents);
        assertEquals("Term[0] : There is one ident", 1, ((TermBracketedIdents) dec.get(0)).size());
        assertEquals("Term[0] : Identifier value is correct", "-linename1", ((TermBracketedIdents) dec.get(0)).get(0).getValue());
        assertTrue("Term[3] type is BracketedIdents", dec.get(3) instanceof TermBracketedIdents);
        assertEquals("Term[3] : There is one ident", 1, ((TermBracketedIdents) dec.get(3)).size());
        assertEquals("Term[3] : Identifier value is correct", "linename2", ((TermBracketedIdents) dec.get(3)).get(0).getValue());

    public void testBracketedIdents() throws IOException, CSSException   {
        StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_BRACKETED_IDENTS, null);
        assertEquals("There is one rule", 1, ss.size());
        Declaration dec = (Declaration) ss.get(0).get(0);
        assertEquals("There is one declaration", 1, ss.get(0).size());
        assertEquals("Four terms", 4, dec.size());
        assertTrue("Term[0] type is BracketedIdents", dec.get(0) instanceof TermBracketedIdents);
        assertEquals("Term[0] : There are two idents", 2, ((TermBracketedIdents) dec.get(0)).size());
        assertEquals("Term[0] : Identifier1 value is correct", "-linename1", ((TermBracketedIdents) dec.get(0)).get(0).getValue());
        assertEquals("Term[0] : Identifier2 value is correct", "linename2", ((TermBracketedIdents) dec.get(0)).get(1).getValue());

	// Test for issue #55
	public void testPositiveNumber1() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_POSITIVE_NUMBER1, null);
		assertEquals("There is one rule", 1, ss.size());
		Declaration dec = (Declaration) ss.get(0).get(0);
		assertEquals("There is one declaration", 1, ss.get(0).size());
		Object term = dec.get(0);
		assertTrue("Term value is Numeric", term instanceof TermLength);
		TermLength length = (TermLength) term;
		assertThat(length, is(tf.createLength(10.0f, Unit.px)));

	// Test for issue #56
	public void testIntegerZIndex() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_INTEGER_Z_INDEX, null);
		assertEquals("There is one rule", 1, ss.size());
		Declaration dec = (Declaration) ss.get(0).get(0);
		assertEquals("There is one declaration", 1, ss.get(0).size());
		Object term = dec.get(0);
		assertTrue("Term value is Integer", term instanceof TermInteger);
		TermInteger zIndex = (TermInteger) term;
		assertTrue("toString should return 10", "10".equals(zIndex.toString()));

	// Test for issue #59
	public void testInvalidPseudoSelector1() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_INVALID_PSEUDO_SELECTOR1, null);
		assertEquals("Zero rule is set", 0, ss.size());

	// Test for issue #59
	public void testInvalidPseudoSelector2() throws IOException, CSSException   {
		StyleSheet ss = CSSFactory.parseString(TEST_INVALID_PSEUDO_SELECTOR2, null);
		assertEquals("Two rules are set", 2, ss.size());

		RuleSet rule1 = (RuleSet) ss.get(0);

		assertEquals("Rule contains one selector ::selection ",

		assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration {background: red}",
				DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "background",
						tf.createColor(255, 0, 0)),
		RuleSet rule2 = (RuleSet) ss.get(1);

		assertArrayEquals("Rule contains one selector p ",

		assertEquals("Rule contains one declaration {background: green}",
				DeclarationsUtil.appendDeclaration(null, "background",
						tf.createColor(0, 128, 0)),
