 * Copyright (c) 2019. Qubole Inc
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
package com.qubole.rubix.bookkeeper;

import com.codahale.metrics.Counter;
import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Ticker;
import com.google.common.cache.Cache;
import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder;
import com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader;
import com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache;
import com.google.common.cache.RemovalListener;
import com.google.common.cache.RemovalNotification;
import com.google.common.cache.Weigher;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Service;
import com.qubole.rubix.bookkeeper.utils.DiskUtils;
import com.qubole.rubix.bookkeeper.validation.CachingValidator;
import com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics;
import com.qubole.rubix.core.ClusterManagerInitilizationException;
import com.qubole.rubix.core.ReadRequest;
import com.qubole.rubix.core.RemoteReadRequestChain;
import com.qubole.rubix.spi.BookKeeperFactory;
import com.qubole.rubix.spi.CacheConfig;
import com.qubole.rubix.spi.CacheUtil;
import com.qubole.rubix.spi.ClusterManager;
import com.qubole.rubix.spi.ClusterType;
import com.qubole.rubix.spi.thrift.BlockLocation;
import com.qubole.rubix.spi.thrift.BookKeeperService;
import com.qubole.rubix.spi.thrift.CacheStatusRequest;
import com.qubole.rubix.spi.thrift.FileInfo;
import com.qubole.rubix.spi.thrift.Location;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.DirectBufferPool;
import org.apache.thrift.shaded.TException;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.CACHE_AVAILABLE_SIZE_GAUGE;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.CACHE_EVICTION_COUNT;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.CACHE_EXPIRY_COUNT;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.CACHE_HIT_RATE_GAUGE;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.CACHE_INVALIDATION_COUNT;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.CACHE_MISS_RATE_GAUGE;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.CACHE_REQUEST_COUNT;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.CACHE_SIZE_GAUGE;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.NONLOCAL_REQUEST_COUNT;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.REMOTE_REQUEST_COUNT;
import static com.qubole.rubix.common.metrics.BookKeeperMetrics.CacheMetric.TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT;
import static com.qubole.rubix.spi.ClusterType.TEST_CLUSTER_MANAGER;
import static com.qubole.rubix.spi.ClusterType.TEST_CLUSTER_MANAGER_MULTINODE;
import static com.qubole.rubix.spi.utils.DataSizeUnits.BYTES;
import static com.qubole.rubix.spi.utils.DataSizeUnits.MEGABYTES;

 * Created by stagra on 12/2/16.
public abstract class BookKeeper implements BookKeeperService.Iface
  private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BookKeeper.class);
  private static DirectBufferPool bufferPool = new DirectBufferPool();

  protected static Cache<String, FileMetadata> fileMetadataCache;
  private static LoadingCache<String, FileInfo> fileInfoCache;
  protected ClusterManager clusterManager;
  String nodeName;
  static String nodeHostName;
  static String nodeHostAddress;
  protected final Configuration conf;
  private static Integer lock = 1;
  private List<String> nodes;
  int currentNodeIndex = -1;
  static long splitSize;
  private RemoteFetchProcessor fetchProcessor;
  private final Ticker ticker;
  private static long totalAvailableForCacheInMB;

  // Registry for gathering & storing necessary metrics
  protected final MetricRegistry metrics;
  private final BookKeeperMetrics bookKeeperMetrics;

  // Metrics to keep track of cache interactions
  private static Counter cacheEvictionCount;
  private static Counter cacheInvalidationCount;
  private static Counter cacheExpiryCount;
  private Counter totalRequestCount;
  private Counter remoteRequestCount;
  private Counter cacheRequestCount;
  private Counter nonlocalRequestCount;

  public BookKeeper(Configuration conf, BookKeeperMetrics bookKeeperMetrics) throws FileNotFoundException
    this(conf, bookKeeperMetrics, Ticker.systemTicker());

  public boolean isBookKeeperAlive()
    return true;

  BookKeeper(Configuration conf, BookKeeperMetrics bookKeeperMetrics, Ticker ticker) throws FileNotFoundException
    this.conf = conf;
    this.bookKeeperMetrics = bookKeeperMetrics;
    this.metrics = bookKeeperMetrics.getMetricsRegistry();
    this.ticker = ticker;
    initializeCache(conf, ticker);

    fetchProcessor = null;
    if (CacheConfig.isParallelWarmupEnabled(conf)) {
      fetchProcessor = new RemoteFetchProcessor(this, metrics, conf);

  RemoteFetchProcessor getRemoteFetchProcessorInstance()
    return fetchProcessor;

  // Cleanup the cached files that were downloaded as a part of previous bookkeeper session.
  // This makes sure we always start with a clean empty cash.
  // TODO: We need to come up with a way to persist the files being downloaded before
  // So that we can use that info to load those files in guava cache.
  private void cleanupOldCacheFiles(Configuration conf)
    if (CacheConfig.isCleanupFilesDuringStartEnabled(conf)) {
      try {
        int numDisks = CacheConfig.getCacheMaxDisks(conf);
        String dirSuffix = CacheConfig.getCacheDataDirSuffix(conf);
        List<String> dirPrefixList = CacheUtil.getDirPrefixList(conf);

        for (String dirPrefix : dirPrefixList) {
          for (int i = 0; i < numDisks; i++) {
            java.nio.file.Path path = Paths.get(dirPrefix + i, dirSuffix, "*");

          java.nio.file.Path path = Paths.get(dirPrefix, dirSuffix, "*");
      catch (IOException ex) {
        log.error("Could not clean up the old cached files", ex);

   * Initialize the instruments used for gathering desired metrics.
  private void initializeMetrics()
    cacheEvictionCount = metrics.counter(CACHE_EVICTION_COUNT.getMetricName());
    cacheInvalidationCount = metrics.counter(CACHE_INVALIDATION_COUNT.getMetricName());
    cacheExpiryCount = metrics.counter(CACHE_EXPIRY_COUNT.getMetricName());
    totalRequestCount = metrics.counter(TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT.getMetricName());
    cacheRequestCount = metrics.counter(CACHE_REQUEST_COUNT.getMetricName());
    nonlocalRequestCount = metrics.counter(NONLOCAL_REQUEST_COUNT.getMetricName());
    remoteRequestCount = metrics.counter(REMOTE_REQUEST_COUNT.getMetricName());

    metrics.register(CACHE_HIT_RATE_GAUGE.getMetricName(), new Gauge<Double>()
      public Double getValue()
        return ((double) cacheRequestCount.getCount() / (cacheRequestCount.getCount() + remoteRequestCount.getCount()));
    metrics.register(CACHE_MISS_RATE_GAUGE.getMetricName(), new Gauge<Double>()
      public Double getValue()
        return ((double) remoteRequestCount.getCount() / (cacheRequestCount.getCount() + remoteRequestCount.getCount()));
    metrics.register(CACHE_SIZE_GAUGE.getMetricName(), new Gauge<Integer>()
      public Integer getValue()
        return DiskUtils.getCacheSizeMB(conf);
    metrics.register(CACHE_AVAILABLE_SIZE_GAUGE.getMetricName(), new Gauge<Long>()
      public Long getValue()
        return totalAvailableForCacheInMB;

  public List<BlockLocation> getCacheStatus(CacheStatusRequest request) throws TException
    try {
    catch (ClusterManagerInitilizationException ex) {
      log.error("Not able to initialize ClusterManager for cluster type : " +
          ClusterType.findByValue(request.getClusterType()) + " with Exception : " + ex);
      return null;
    if (nodeName == null) {
      log.error("Node name is null for Cluster Type" + ClusterType.findByValue(request.getClusterType()));
      return null;

    if (currentNodeIndex == -1 || nodes == null) {
      log.error("Initialization not done");
      return null;

    Map<Long, String> blockSplits = new HashMap<>();
    long blockNumber = 0;

    long fileLength = request.getFileLength();
    String remotePath = request.getRemotePath();
    long lastModified = request.getLastModified();
    long startBlock = request.getStartBlock();
    long endBlock = request.getEndBlock();
    boolean incrMetrics = request.isIncrMetrics();

    for (long i = 0; i < fileLength; i = i + splitSize) {
      long end = i + splitSize;
      if (end > fileLength) {
        end = fileLength;
      String key = remotePath + i + end;
      int nodeIndex = clusterManager.getNodeIndex(nodes.size(), key);
      blockSplits.put(blockNumber, nodes.get(nodeIndex));

    FileMetadata md;
    try {
      md = fileMetadataCache.get(remotePath, new CreateFileMetadataCallable(remotePath, fileLength, lastModified, 0, conf));
      if (isInvalidationRequired(md.getLastModified(), lastModified)) {
        md = fileMetadataCache.get(remotePath, new CreateFileMetadataCallable(remotePath, fileLength, lastModified, 0, conf));
    catch (ExecutionException e) {
      log.error(String.format("Could not fetch Metadata for %s", remotePath), e);
      throw new TException(e);
    endBlock = setCorrectEndBlock(endBlock, fileLength, remotePath);
    List<BlockLocation> blockLocations = new ArrayList<>((int) (endBlock - startBlock));
    int blockSize = CacheConfig.getBlockSize(conf);

    //TODO: Store Node indices too, i.e. split to nodeIndex map and compare indices here instead of strings(nodenames).
    int totalRequests = 0;
    int cacheRequests = 0;
    int remoteRequests = 0;
    int nonLocalRequests = 0;

    try {
      for (long blockNum = startBlock; blockNum < endBlock; blockNum++) {

        long split = (blockNum * blockSize) / splitSize;
        if (!blockSplits.get(split).equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName)) {
          blockLocations.add(new BlockLocation(Location.NON_LOCAL, blockSplits.get(split)));
        else {
          if (md.isBlockCached(blockNum)) {
            blockLocations.add(new BlockLocation(Location.CACHED, blockSplits.get(split)));
          else {
            blockLocations.add(new BlockLocation(Location.LOCAL, blockSplits.get(split)));
    catch (IOException e) {
      throw new TException(e);

    if (request.isIncrMetrics() && !isValidatingCachingBehavior(remotePath)) {

    return blockLocations;

  public boolean isInitialized()
    return clusterManager != null;

  private void initializeClusterManager(CacheStatusRequest request) throws ClusterManagerInitilizationException
    if (!isInitialized()) {
      checkState(request.isSetClusterType(), "Received getCacheStatus without clusterType before BookKeeper is initialized");


  public void initializeClusterManager(int clusterType) throws ClusterManagerInitilizationException
    if (!isInitialized()) {
      ClusterManager manager = null;
      synchronized (lock) {
        if (!isInitialized()) {
          try {
            nodeHostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName();
            nodeHostAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
            log.info(" HostName : " + nodeHostName + " HostAddress : " + nodeHostAddress);
          catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            log.warn("Could not get nodeName", e);

          manager = getClusterManagerInstance(ClusterType.findByValue(clusterType), conf);
          this.clusterManager = manager;
          splitSize = clusterManager.getSplitSize();

          if (clusterType == TEST_CLUSTER_MANAGER.ordinal() || clusterType == TEST_CLUSTER_MANAGER_MULTINODE.ordinal()) {
            currentNodeIndex = 0;
            nodes = clusterManager.getNodes();
            nodeName = nodes.get(currentNodeIndex);
            if (clusterType == TEST_CLUSTER_MANAGER_MULTINODE.ordinal()) {
              nodes.add(nodeName + "_copy");

    nodes = clusterManager.getNodes();
    if (nodes == null || nodes.size() == 0) {
      log.error("Could not initialize as no cluster node is found");
    else if (nodes.indexOf(nodeHostName) >= 0) {
      currentNodeIndex = nodes.indexOf(nodeHostName);
      nodeName = nodeHostName;
    else if (nodes.indexOf(nodeHostAddress) >= 0) {
      currentNodeIndex = nodes.indexOf(nodeHostAddress);
      nodeName = nodeHostAddress;
    else {
      log.error(String.format("Could not initialize cluster nodes=%s nodeHostName=%s nodeHostAddress=%s " +
          "currentNodeIndex=%d", nodes, nodeHostName, nodeHostAddress, currentNodeIndex));

  public ClusterManager getClusterManagerInstance(ClusterType clusterType, Configuration config)
      throws ClusterManagerInitilizationException
    String clusterManagerClassName = CacheConfig.getClusterManagerClass(conf, clusterType);
    log.info("Initializing cluster manager : " + clusterManagerClassName);
    ClusterManager manager = null;

    try {
      Class clusterManagerClass = conf.getClassByName(clusterManagerClassName);
      Constructor constructor = clusterManagerClass.getConstructor();
      manager = (ClusterManager) constructor.newInstance();
    catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException |
        IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
      String errorMessage = String.format("Not able to initialize ClusterManager class : %s ",
      throw new ClusterManagerInitilizationException(errorMessage, ex);

    return manager;

  public void setAllCached(String remotePath, long fileLength, long lastModified, long startBlock, long endBlock)
      throws TException
    FileMetadata md;
    md = fileMetadataCache.getIfPresent(remotePath);

    //md will be null when 2 users try to update the file in parallel and both their entries are invalidated.
    // TODO: find a way to optimize this so that the file doesn't have to be read again in next request (new data is stored instead of invalidation)
    if (md == null) {
      log.warn(String.format("Could not update the metadata for file %s", remotePath));
    if (isInvalidationRequired(md.getLastModified(), lastModified)) {
    endBlock = setCorrectEndBlock(endBlock, fileLength, remotePath);
    log.debug("Updating cache for " + remotePath + " StartBlock : " + startBlock + " EndBlock : " + endBlock);

    try {
      OptionalInt updatedBlocks = md.setBlocksCached(startBlock, endBlock);
      if (updatedBlocks.isPresent()) {
        long currentFileSize = md.incrementCurrentFileSize(updatedBlocks.getAsInt() * CacheConfig.getBlockSize(conf));
        // CurrentFileSize as per Blocks' based computation can cross actual file size
        // This can only happen when the last block of file is not completely full
        // as it doesnt align to the block boundary
        currentFileSize = Math.min(currentFileSize, fileLength);
        replaceFileMetadata(remotePath, currentFileSize, conf);
    catch (IOException e) {
      throw new TException(e);

  public long getTotalCacheWeight()
    return fileMetadataCache.asMap().values().stream().mapToLong(FileMetadata::getWeight).sum();

  public Map<String, Double> getCacheMetrics()
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Double> cacheMetrics = ImmutableMap.builder();

    // Clean up cache to resolve any pending changes.

    // Add all enabled metrics gauges
    for (Map.Entry<String, Gauge> gaugeEntry : metrics.getGauges(bookKeeperMetrics.getMetricsFilter()).entrySet()) {
      try {
        cacheMetrics.put(gaugeEntry.getKey(), getGaugeValueAsDouble(gaugeEntry.getValue().getValue()));
      catch (ClassCastException e) {
        log.error(String.format("Gauge metric %s is not a numeric value", gaugeEntry.getKey()), e);

    // Add all enabled metrics counters
    for (Map.Entry<String, Counter> counterEntry : metrics.getCounters(bookKeeperMetrics.getMetricsFilter()).entrySet()) {
      cacheMetrics.put(counterEntry.getKey(), (double) counterEntry.getValue().getCount());

    return cacheMetrics.build();

  //This method is to ensure that data required by another node is cached before it is read by that node
  //using localTransferServer.
  // If the data is not already cached, remoteReadRequest for that block is sent and data is cached.

  //TODO : buffer is initialized everytime readData is called and it contains garbage value which is not required.
  // We cannot make it static because the variable is used in remoteReadRequestChain to write (cache) data to files.
  // So, it has to store the correct value in each thread. getCacheStatus is called twice.
  public boolean readData(String remotePath, long offset, int length, long fileSize, long lastModified, int clusterType)
      throws TException
    if (CacheConfig.isParallelWarmupEnabled(conf)) {
      log.debug("Adding to the queue Path : " + remotePath + " Offste : " + offset + " Length " + length);
      fetchProcessor.addToProcessQueue(remotePath, offset, length, fileSize, lastModified);
      return true;
    else {
      return readDataInternal(remotePath, offset, length, fileSize, lastModified, clusterType);

  private synchronized void startRemoteFetchProcessor()
    if (fetchProcessor.state() == Service.State.NEW) {

  public FileInfo getFileInfo(String remotePath) throws TException
    try {
      return fileInfoCache.get(remotePath);
    catch (ExecutionException e) {
      log.error(String.format("Could not fetch FileInfo from Cache for %s", remotePath), e);
      throw new TException(e);

  private boolean readDataInternal(String remotePath, long offset, int length, long fileSize,
                                   long lastModified, int clusterType) throws TException
    int blockSize = CacheConfig.getBlockSize(conf);
    byte[] buffer = new byte[blockSize];
    String localPath = CacheUtil.getLocalPath(remotePath, conf);
    FileSystem fs = null;
    FSDataInputStream inputStream = null;
    Path path = new Path(remotePath);
    long startBlock = offset / blockSize;
    long endBlock = ((offset + (length - 1)) / CacheConfig.getBlockSize(conf)) + 1;
    try {
      int idx = 0;
      CacheStatusRequest request = new CacheStatusRequest(remotePath, fileSize, lastModified, startBlock, endBlock).setClusterType(clusterType);
      List<BlockLocation> blockLocations = getCacheStatus(request);

      for (long blockNum = startBlock; blockNum < endBlock; blockNum++, idx++) {
        long readStart = blockNum * blockSize;
        log.debug(" blockLocation is: " + blockLocations.get(idx).getLocation() + " for path " + remotePath + " offset " + offset + " length " + length);
        if (blockLocations.get(idx).getLocation() != Location.CACHED) {
          if (fs == null) {
            fs = path.getFileSystem(conf);
            fs.initialize(path.toUri(), conf);

            inputStream = fs.open(path, blockSize);

          // Cache the data
          // Ue RRRC directly instead of creating instance of CachingFS as in certain circumstances, CachingFS could
          // send this request to NonLocalRRC which would be wrong as that would not cache it on disk
          long expectedBytesToRead = (readStart + blockSize) > fileSize ? (fileSize - readStart) : blockSize;
          RemoteReadRequestChain remoteReadRequestChain = new RemoteReadRequestChain(inputStream, localPath, bufferPool, CacheConfig.getDiskReadBufferSize(conf), buffer, new BookKeeperFactory(this));
          remoteReadRequestChain.addReadRequest(new ReadRequest(readStart, readStart + expectedBytesToRead, readStart, readStart + expectedBytesToRead, buffer, 0, fileSize));
          long dataRead = remoteReadRequestChain.call();
          // Making sure the data downloaded matches with the expected bytes. If not, there is some problem with
          // the download this time. So won't update the cache metadata and return false so that client can
          // fall back on the directread
          if (dataRead == expectedBytesToRead) {
            remoteReadRequestChain.updateCacheStatus(remotePath, fileSize, lastModified, blockSize, conf);
          else {
            log.error("Not able to download requested bytes. Not updating the cache for block " + blockNum);
            return false;
      return true;
    catch (Exception e) {
      log.warn("Could not cache data: ", e);
      return false;
    finally {
      if (inputStream != null) {
        try {
        catch (IOException e) {
          log.error("Error closing inputStream", e);

  private long setCorrectEndBlock(long endBlock, long fileLength, String remotePath)
    long lastBlock = (fileLength - 1) / CacheConfig.getBlockSize(conf);
    if (endBlock > (lastBlock + 1)) {
      endBlock = lastBlock + 1;

    return endBlock;

  private static synchronized void initializeCache(final Configuration conf, final Ticker ticker)
      throws FileNotFoundException
    if (CacheConfig.isOnMaster(conf) && !CacheConfig.isCacheDataOnMasterEnabled(conf)) {
      log.info("Cache disabled on master node; skipping initialization");
      totalAvailableForCacheInMB = 0;
      fileInfoCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(
              new CacheLoader<String, FileInfo>()
                public FileInfo load(String key) throws Exception
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                          String.format("unexpected load call for key %s; cache disabled on master node", key));
      fileMetadataCache = new ThrowingEmptyCache<>();


    int cacheDiskCount = CacheUtil.getCacheDiskCount(conf);
    if (cacheDiskCount == 0) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("No disks available for caching");

    long avail = 0;
    for (int d = 0; d < cacheDiskCount; d++) {
      avail += new File(CacheUtil.getDirPath(d, conf)).getUsableSpace();
    avail = BYTES.toMB(avail);

    // In corner cases evictions might not make enough space for new entries
    // To minimize those cases, consider available space lower than actual
    final long totalUsableMBs = (long) (0.95 * avail);

    final long cacheMaxSizeInMB = CacheConfig.getCacheDataFullnessMaxSizeInMB(conf);
    totalAvailableForCacheInMB = (cacheMaxSizeInMB == 0)
        ? (long) (totalUsableMBs * 1.0 * CacheConfig.getCacheDataFullnessPercentage(conf) / 100.0)
        : cacheMaxSizeInMB;
    log.info("total free space " + avail + "MB, maximum size of cache " + totalAvailableForCacheInMB + "MB");

    initializeFileInfoCache(conf, ticker);

    fileMetadataCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
        .weigher(new Weigher<String, FileMetadata>()
          public int weigh(String key, FileMetadata md)
            return md.getWeight();
        .expireAfterWrite(CacheConfig.getCacheDataExpirationAfterWrite(conf), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
        .removalListener(new CacheRemovalListener())

  public FileMetadata getFileMetadata(String key)
    return fileMetadataCache.getIfPresent(key);

  private static void initializeFileInfoCache(final Configuration conf, final Ticker ticker)
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
    int expiryPeriod = CacheConfig.getStaleFileInfoExpiryPeriod(conf);
    fileInfoCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
        .expireAfterWrite(expiryPeriod, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .removalListener(new RemovalListener<String, FileInfo>()
          public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<String, FileInfo> notification)
            log.debug("Removed FileInfo for path " + notification.getKey() + " due to " + notification.getCause());
        .build(CacheLoader.asyncReloading(new CacheLoader<String, FileInfo>()
          public FileInfo load(String s) throws Exception
            Path path = new Path(s);
            FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf);
            FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(path);
            FileInfo info = new FileInfo(status.getLen(), status.getModificationTime());
            return info;
        }, executor));

  protected static class CacheRemovalListener implements RemovalListener<String, FileMetadata>
    public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<String, FileMetadata> notification)
      FileMetadata md = notification.getValue();
      try {
        md.closeAndCleanup(notification.getCause(), fileMetadataCache);
        if (!isValidatingCachingBehavior(md.getRemotePath())) {
          switch (notification.getCause()) {
            case EXPLICIT:
            case SIZE:
            case EXPIRED:
      catch (IOException e) {
        log.warn("Could not cleanup FileMetadata for " + notification.getKey(), e);

  private static class CreateFileMetadataCallable
      implements Callable<FileMetadata>
    String path;
    Configuration conf;
    long fileLength;
    long lastModified;
    long currentFileSize;

    public CreateFileMetadataCallable(String path, long fileLength, long lastModified, long currentFileSize,
                                      Configuration conf)
      this.path = path;
      this.conf = conf;
      this.fileLength = fileLength;
      this.lastModified = lastModified;
      this.currentFileSize = currentFileSize;

    public FileMetadata call()
        throws Exception
      return new FileMetadata(path, fileLength, lastModified, currentFileSize, conf);

  // This method is to invalidate FileMetadata from guava cache.
  public void invalidateFileMetadata(String key)
    // We might come in here with cache not initialized e.g. fs.create
    if (fileMetadataCache != null) {
      FileMetadata metadata = fileMetadataCache.getIfPresent(key);
      if (metadata != null) {
        log.debug("Invalidating file " + key + " from metadata cache");

  private void replaceFileMetadata(String key, long currentFileSize, Configuration conf) throws IOException
    if (fileMetadataCache != null) {
      FileMetadata metadata = fileMetadataCache.getIfPresent(key);
      if (metadata != null) {
        FileMetadata newMetaData = new FileMetadata(key, metadata.getFileSize(), metadata.getLastModified(),
            currentFileSize, conf);
        fileMetadataCache.put(key, newMetaData);

  private boolean isInvalidationRequired(long metadataLastModifiedTime, long remoteLastModifiedTime)
    if (CacheConfig.isFileStalenessCheckEnabled(conf) && (metadataLastModifiedTime != remoteLastModifiedTime)) {
      return true;

    return false;

  private static boolean isValidatingCachingBehavior(String remotePath)
    return CachingValidator.VALIDATOR_TEST_FILE_NAME.equals(CacheUtil.getName(remotePath));

   * Convert the provided gauge value to a {@code double}.
   * @param gaugeValue The gauge value to convert.
   * @return The gauge value as a {@code double}.
  private double getGaugeValueAsDouble(Object gaugeValue)
    if (gaugeValue instanceof Long) {
      return ((Long) gaugeValue).doubleValue();
    else if (gaugeValue instanceof Integer) {
      return ((Integer) gaugeValue).doubleValue();
    else if (Double.isNaN((double) gaugeValue)) {
      return Double.NaN;
    else {
      throw new ClassCastException("Could not cast gauge metric value type to Double");