package twitterbotics;

import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;

import tabular.CountTable;
import tabular.SymbolMap;

// Acquire affective dimensions of a Twitter user from a web-site

public class AffectiveProfile 
	private final String baseURL = "";
	private final String labelPrefix = "\"return nd();\">";
	private final String labelSuffix = " (";
	private final String valuePrefix = "title=\"";
	private final String valueSuffix = "\">";
	private CountTable dimensions = new CountTable(true);
	private String handle = null;
	// Constructors

	public AffectiveProfile(String handle)
		if (handle.startsWith("@"))
			handle = handle.substring(1);
		this.handle = handle;
		scrapeAffectWebsite(baseURL + handle);
	public AffectiveProfile(String handle, KnowledgeBaseModule transformulas)
	// Access Methods

	public String getHandle()
		return handle;
	public int getValue(String dimName)
		return dimensions.getCount(dimName);
	public Vector getSortedDimensions()
		return SymbolMap.getSorted(dimensions.getKeyList());
	public Vector getDimensions()
		return dimensions.getKeyList();
	// Calculate derived (jnferred) qualities using transformational formulas
	private void calculateTransFormulas(KnowledgeBaseModule transformulas)
		Vector quals = transformulas.getAllFrames();
		for (int q = 0; q < quals.size(); q++)
			String quality  = (String)quals.elementAt(q);
			Vector formulas = transformulas.getFieldValues("Formulas", quality);
			if (formulas == null) continue;
			int prev = getValue(quality);
			for (int f = 0; f < formulas.size(); f++)
				String formula = (String)formulas.elementAt(f);
				int value = calculateFormula(formula);
				System.out.println(quality + " (" + formula + ") = " + value);
				if (value > prev)
					dimensions.putMax(quality, value);				
	private int calculateFormula(String formula)
		int amp = formula.indexOf((int)'&');
		if (amp > 0)
			return Math.min(calculateFormula(formula.substring(0, amp)), 
		if (formula.startsWith("-"))
			return 100 - calculateFormula(formula.substring(1));
		return getValue(formula);	
	// Scrape the relevant website
	private void scrapeAffectWebsite(String pageURL)
		try {
			URL website         = new URL(pageURL);
			URLConnection conn  = website.openConnection();
			conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100316 Firefox/3.6.2");
			BufferedReader in   = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
			String inputLine    = null;
			while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) 
				int labpfixPos = inputLine.indexOf(labelPrefix);
				while (labpfixPos >= 0) 
					int labsfixPos = inputLine.indexOf(labelSuffix, labpfixPos + labelPrefix.length());
					if (labsfixPos > 0)
						int valpfixPos = inputLine.indexOf(valuePrefix, labsfixPos + labelSuffix.length());
						if (valpfixPos > 0)
							int valsfixPos = inputLine.indexOf(valueSuffix, valpfixPos + valuePrefix.length());
							if (valsfixPos > 0)
								setDimension(inputLine.substring(labpfixPos + labelPrefix.length(), labsfixPos), 
											 inputLine.substring(valpfixPos + valuePrefix.length(), valsfixPos));	
					labpfixPos = inputLine.indexOf(labelPrefix, labpfixPos+1);
		catch (Exception e) {
	private void setDimension(String dimName, String dimValue)
		if (dimValue == null || dimValue.length() < 1 || !Character.isDigit(dimValue.charAt(0)))
		int slash = dimName.indexOf((int)'/');
		if (slash > 0)
			setDimension(dimName.substring(0, slash), dimValue);
			setDimension(dimName.substring(slash+1), dimValue);
			dimensions.put(cleanDmmensionName(dimName), Integer.parseInt(dimValue));
	private String cleanDmmensionName(String dimName)
		StringBuffer clean = new StringBuffer(dimName.toLowerCase());
		for (int c = 0; c < clean.length(); c++)
			if (dimName.charAt(c) == '-' || dimName.charAt(c) == ' ')
				clean.setCharAt(c, '_');
		return clean.toString();
	// Main application stub

	public static void main(String[] args)
		String handle = "@MetaphorMagnet";
		String kdir   = "/Users/tonyveale/Dropbox/CodeCamp2016/NOC/DATA/TSV Lists/";
		KnowledgeBaseModule transformulas = new KnowledgeBaseModule(kdir + "Veale's ranked quality classifications.txt");
		AffectiveProfile profile = new AffectiveProfile(handle, transformulas);
		System.out.println("Upbeat" + " = " +  profile.getValue("upbeat"));
		System.out.println("Worried" + " = " +  profile.getValue("worried"));
		System.out.println("Angry" + " = " +  profile.getValue("angry"));
		System.out.println("Depressed" + " = " +  profile.getValue("depressed"));
		System.out.println("Plugged In" + " = " +  profile.getValue("plugged_in"));
		System.out.println("Personable" + " = " +  profile.getValue("personable"));
		System.out.println("Arrogant" + " = " +  profile.getValue("arrogant"));
		System.out.println("Distant" + " = " +  profile.getValue("distant"));
		System.out.println("Spacy" + " = " +  profile.getValue("spacy"));
		System.out.println("Analytic" + " = " +  profile.getValue("analytic"));
		System.out.println("Sensory" + " = " +  profile.getValue("sensory"));
		System.out.println("In-the-moment" + " = " +  profile.getValue("in_the_moment"));
