recast4j copyright (c) 2015-2019 Piotr Piastucki [email protected]

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package org.recast4j.detour.extras.unity.astar;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.List;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.recast4j.detour.BVNode;
import org.recast4j.detour.DefaultQueryFilter;
import org.recast4j.detour.FindNearestPolyResult;
import org.recast4j.detour.MeshData;
import org.recast4j.detour.MeshTile;
import org.recast4j.detour.NavMesh;
import org.recast4j.detour.NavMeshQuery;
import org.recast4j.detour.Poly;
import org.recast4j.detour.QueryFilter;
import org.recast4j.detour.Result;
import org.recast4j.detour.Status;
import org.recast4j.detour.io.MeshSetWriter;

public class UnityAStarPathfindingImporterTest {

     * 3 is enough for recast4j as all nodes created by A* Star Pathfinding are triangles. However 6 can be used to to
     * keep the result compatible with RecastDemo.
    static final int MAX_VERTS_PER_POLY = 6;

    public void test_v4_0_6() throws Exception {
        NavMesh mesh = loadNavMesh("graph.zip");
        float[] startPos = new float[] { 8.200293f, 2.155071f, -26.176147f };
        float[] endPos = new float[] { 11.971109f, 0.000000f, 8.663261f };
        Result<List<Long>> path = findPath(mesh, startPos, endPos);
        assertEquals(Status.SUCCSESS, path.status);
        assertEquals(57, path.result.size());
        saveMesh(mesh, "v4_0_6");

    public void test_v4_1_16() throws Exception {
        NavMesh mesh = loadNavMesh("graph_v4_1_16.zip");
        float[] startPos = new float[] { 22.93f, -2.37f, -5.11f };
        float[] endPos = new float[] { 16.81f, -2.37f, 25.52f };
        Result<List<Long>> path = findPath(mesh, startPos, endPos);
        assertEquals(15, path.result.size());
        saveMesh(mesh, "v4_1_16");

    public void testBoundsTree() throws Exception {
        NavMesh mesh = loadNavMesh("test_boundstree.zip");
        float[] position = { 387.52988f, 19.997f, 368.86282f };

        int[] tilePos = mesh.calcTileLoc(position);
        long tileRef = mesh.getTileRefAt(tilePos[0], tilePos[1], 0);
        MeshTile tile = mesh.getTileByRef(tileRef);
        MeshData data = tile.data;
        BVNode[] bvNodes = data.bvTree;
        data.bvTree = null; // set BV-Tree empty to get 'clear' search poly without BV
        FindNearestPolyResult clearResult = getNearestPolys(mesh, position)[0]; // check poly to exists

        // restore BV-Tree and try search again
        // important aspect in that test: BV result must equals result without BV
        // if poly not found or found other poly - tile bounds is wrong!
        data.bvTree = bvNodes;
        FindNearestPolyResult bvResult = getNearestPolys(mesh, position)[0];

        assertEquals(clearResult.getNearestRef(), bvResult.getNearestRef());

    private NavMesh loadNavMesh(String filename) throws Exception {
        // Import the graphs
        UnityAStarPathfindingImporter importer = new UnityAStarPathfindingImporter();
        NavMesh[] meshes = importer.load(new File(ClassLoader.getSystemResource(filename).getFile()),
        return meshes[0];

    private Result<List<Long>> findPath(NavMesh mesh, float[] startPos, float[] endPos) {
        // Perform a simple pathfinding
        NavMeshQuery query = new NavMeshQuery(mesh);
        QueryFilter filter = new DefaultQueryFilter();

        FindNearestPolyResult[] polys = getNearestPolys(mesh, startPos, endPos);
        return query.findPath(polys[0].getNearestRef(), polys[1].getNearestRef(), startPos, endPos, filter);

    private FindNearestPolyResult[] getNearestPolys(NavMesh mesh, float[]... positions) {
        NavMeshQuery query = new NavMeshQuery(mesh);
        QueryFilter filter = new DefaultQueryFilter();
        float[] extents = new float[] { 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f };

        FindNearestPolyResult[] results = new FindNearestPolyResult[positions.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            float[] position = positions[i];
            Result<FindNearestPolyResult> result = query.findNearestPoly(position, extents, filter);
            assertNotNull("Nearest start position is null!", result.result.getNearestPos());
            results[i] = result.result;
        return results;

    private void saveMesh(NavMesh mesh, String filePostfix) throws IOException {
        // Set the flag to RecastDemo work properly
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getTileCount(); i++) {
            for (Poly p : mesh.getTile(i).data.polys) {
                p.flags = 1;

        // Save the mesh as recast file,
        MeshSetWriter writer = new MeshSetWriter();
        FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(String.format("all_tiles_navmesh_%s.bin", filePostfix));
        writer.write(os, mesh, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, true);
