   Licensed to Plutext Pty Ltd under one or more contributor license agreements.  
 *  This file is part of docx4j.

    docx4j is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 

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package org.docx4j.convert.out.fo;

import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;

import org.docx4j.XmlUtils;
import org.docx4j.convert.out.common.AbstractWmlConversionContext;
import org.docx4j.convert.out.common.ConversionSectionWrapper;
import org.docx4j.convert.out.common.preprocess.Containerization;
import org.docx4j.fonts.RunFontSelector;
import org.docx4j.jaxb.Context;
import org.docx4j.model.PropertyResolver;
import org.docx4j.model.fields.FormattingSwitchHelper;
import org.docx4j.model.listnumbering.Emulator.ResultTriple;
import org.docx4j.model.properties.Property;
import org.docx4j.model.properties.PropertyFactory;
import org.docx4j.model.properties.paragraph.Indent;
import org.docx4j.model.properties.paragraph.Justification;
import org.docx4j.model.properties.paragraph.PBorderBottom;
import org.docx4j.model.properties.paragraph.PBorderTop;
import org.docx4j.model.properties.paragraph.PShading;
import org.docx4j.model.styles.StyleUtil;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.OpcPackage;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage;
import org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.WordprocessingML.DocumentSettingsPart;
import org.docx4j.wml.CTPageNumber;
import org.docx4j.wml.CTTabStop;
import org.docx4j.wml.CTTwipsMeasure;
import org.docx4j.wml.HpsMeasure;
import org.docx4j.wml.JcEnumeration;
import org.docx4j.wml.PPr;
import org.docx4j.wml.PPrBase.NumPr.Ilvl;
import org.docx4j.wml.ParaRPr;
import org.docx4j.wml.RPr;
import org.docx4j.wml.STTabJc;
import org.docx4j.wml.SectPr;
import org.docx4j.wml.Style;
import org.docx4j.wml.Tabs;
import org.docx4j.wml.TcPr;
import org.docx4j.wml.TrPr;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator;

 * This class contains static functions that are specific to the FO xsl-transformation and 
 * are called from docx2fo.xslt. 
public class XsltFOFunctions {
	private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XsltFOFunctions.class);

	public static DocumentFragment getLayoutMasterSetFragment(AbstractWmlConversionContext context) {
		return LayoutMasterSetBuilder.getLayoutMasterSetFragment(context);
    public static DocumentFragment createBlockForSdt(FOConversionContext context, 
    		NodeIterator pPrNodeIt,
    		String pStyleVal, NodeIterator childResults, String tag) {
    	DocumentFragment docfrag = createBlock(context,
        		 pStyleVal,  childResults,
    	// Set margins, but only for a shading container,
    	// not a borders container
    	if (tag.equals(Containerization.TAG_SHADING) && docfrag!=null) {
    		// docfrag.getNodeName() is  #document-fragment
    	    Node foBlock = docfrag.getFirstChild();
    	    if (foBlock!=null) {
				((Element)foBlock).setAttribute("margin-top", "0in");    	    	
				((Element)foBlock).setAttribute("margin-bottom", "0in");    	    	

//				((Element)foBlock).setAttribute("padding-top", "0in");    	    	
//				((Element)foBlock).setAttribute("padding-bottom", "0in");    	    	
    	return docfrag;

    public static DocumentFragment createInlineForSdt( 
    		FOConversionContext context,
    		NodeIterator rPrNodeIt,
    		NodeIterator childResults, String tag) {
    	DocumentFragment docfrag = createBlockForRPr( 
    	return docfrag;
     * This is invoked on every paragraph, whether it has a pPr or not.
     * @param wmlPackage
     * @param pPrNodeIt
     * @param pStyleVal
     * @param childResults - the already transformed contents of the paragraph.
     * @return
    public static DocumentFragment createBlockForPPr( 
    		FOConversionContext context,
    		NodeIterator pPrNodeIt,
    		String pStyleVal, NodeIterator childResults) {
    	DocumentFragment df = createBlock( 
        		pStyleVal, childResults,
    	// Arabic (and presumably Hebrew) fix
    	// If we have inline direction="rtl" (created by TextDirection class)
    	// wrap the inline with:
    	//    <bidi-override direction="rtl" unicode-bidi="embed">
		/* See further:
			From: Glenn Adams <[email protected]>
			Date: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:41 AM
			Subject: Re: right align arabic in table-cell
			To: FOP Users <[email protected]>
    	Element block = (Element)df.getFirstChild();
		NodeList blockChildren = block.getChildNodes();
    	for (int i = 0 ; i <blockChildren.getLength(); i++ ) {
    		if (blockChildren.item(i) instanceof Element) {
	    		Element inline = (Element)blockChildren.item(i);
		    	if (inline !=null && inline.getAttribute("direction")!=null
		    			&& inline.getAttribute("direction").equals("rtl")) {
		    		Element bidiOverride = df.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format", 
		        	bidiOverride.setAttribute("unicode-bidi", "embed" );
		        	bidiOverride.setAttribute("direction", "rtl" );    		
		        	block.replaceChild(bidiOverride, inline);
    	if (foContainsElement(block, "leader")) {
			// ptab to leader implementation:
			// for leader to work as expected in fop, we need text-align-last; see http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/faq.html#leader-expansion
			// this code adds that.
    		// Note that it doesn't seem to be necessary for leader in TOC, but it doesn't hurt
			block.setAttribute("text-align-last", "justify");
    	return df;
     * Recurse sourceNode looking to see whether it contains element with local name elementName
     * @param sourceNode
     * @param elementName
     * @return
    private static boolean foContainsElement(Node sourceNode, String elementName) {

        switch (sourceNode.getNodeType() ) {

	    	case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: // type 9
        	case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: // type 11
                // recurse on each child
                NodeList nodes = sourceNode.getChildNodes();
                if (nodes != null) {
                    for (int i=0; i<nodes.getLength(); i++) {
                    	if (foContainsElement(nodes.item(i), elementName)) {
                    		return true;
                return false;
            case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                // Do it...
            	Element el = (Element)sourceNode;
            	if (el.getLocalName().equals(elementName)) {
//            		log.debug("Got " + elementName);
            		return true;

                // recurse on each child
                NodeList children = sourceNode.getChildNodes();
                if (children != null) {
                    for (int i=0; i<children.getLength(); i++) {
                    	if (foContainsElement(children.item(i), elementName)) {
                    		return true;

                return false;

            case Node.TEXT_NODE:
                return false;
                return false;
    private static DocumentFragment createBlock( 
    		FOConversionContext context,
    		NodeIterator pPrNodeIt,
    		String pStyleVal, NodeIterator childResults,
    		boolean sdt) {

    	PropertyResolver propertyResolver = context.getPropertyResolver();
    	// Note that this is invoked for every paragraph with a pPr node.
    	// incoming objects are org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeIterator 
    	// which implements org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator
		Style defaultParagraphStyle = 
				(context.getWmlPackage().getMainDocumentPart().getStyleDefinitionsPart(false) != null ?
				context.getWmlPackage().getMainDocumentPart().getStyleDefinitionsPart(false).getDefaultParagraphStyle() :
    	String defaultParagraphStyleId;
    	if (defaultParagraphStyle==null) // possible, for non MS source docx
    		defaultParagraphStyleId = "Normal";
    	else defaultParagraphStyleId = defaultParagraphStyle.getStyleId();
		if ( pStyleVal ==null || pStyleVal.equals("") ) {
//			pStyleVal = "Normal";
			pStyleVal = defaultParagraphStyleId;
		if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
			log.debug("style '" + pStyleVal );

    	//    	log.info("pPrNode:" + pPrNodeIt.getClass().getName() ); // org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeIterator    	
//    	log.info("childResults:" + childResults.getClass().getName() ); 
		/* First, determine effective paragraph and run properties (pPr, rPr) */
    	PPr pPrDirect = null;
    	// Get the pPr node as a JAXB object,
    	// so we can read it using our standard
    	// methods.  Its a bit sad that we 
    	// can't just adorn our DOM tree with the
    	// original JAXB objects?
    	PPr pPr = null;
    	RPr rPr = null;
    	RPr rPrParagraphMark = null;  // required for list item label
        try {
        	if (pPrNodeIt==null) {  // Never happens?        		
    			if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    				log.debug("Here after all!!");
        		pPr = propertyResolver.getEffectivePPr(defaultParagraphStyleId);
        		rPr = propertyResolver.getEffectiveRPr(defaultParagraphStyleId);
        		rPrParagraphMark = rPr;
        	} else {
        		Node n = pPrNodeIt.nextNode();
        		if (n==null) {
        			if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        				log.debug("pPrNodeIt.nextNode() was null (ie there is no pPr in this p)");
            		pPr = propertyResolver.getEffectivePPr(defaultParagraphStyleId);
            		rPr = propertyResolver.getEffectiveRPr(defaultParagraphStyleId);
            		// TODO - in this case, we should be able to compute once,
            		// and on subsequent calls, just return pre computed value
        		} else {
        			if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        				log.debug( "P actual pPr: "+ XmlUtils.w3CDomNodeToString(n) );
        			Unmarshaller u = Context.jc.createUnmarshaller();			
        			u.setEventHandler(new org.docx4j.jaxb.JaxbValidationEventHandler());
        			Object jaxb = u.unmarshal(n);
    				pPrDirect =  (PPr)jaxb;
    				pPr = propertyResolver.getEffectivePPr(pPrDirect);  
    				if ((pPr==null) && (log.isDebugEnabled())) {
    					log.debug("pPr null; obtained from: " + XmlUtils.w3CDomNodeToString(n) );
    				// On the block representing the w:p, we want to put both
    			    // pPr and rPr attributes.
    				if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    					log.debug("getting rPr for paragraph style");

					// rPr in pPr direct formatting only applies to paragraph mark, 
					// and by virtue of that, to list item label,
					// so pass null here.				
					// 2018 05, actually, sz also affects line spacing (eg 12 pt on block
            		// with 11 pt inside would have more space), so its important
            		RPr fontSzOnlyRPr = new RPr();
            		if (pPrDirect.getRPr()!=null && pPrDirect.getRPr().getSz()!=null) {
            			HpsMeasure hm = new HpsMeasure(); 
            			hm.setVal( pPrDirect.getRPr().getSz().getVal() ); // does this suffice as a copy?
            		rPr = propertyResolver.getEffectiveRPr(fontSzOnlyRPr, pPrDirect);
    				// Now, work out the value for list item label
            		rPrParagraphMark = XmlUtils.deepCopy(rPr);
//        			System.out.println("p rpr-->" + XmlUtils.marshaltoString(pPrDirect.getRPr()));
            		StyleUtil.apply(pPrDirect.getRPr(), rPrParagraphMark); 

			if (log.isDebugEnabled() && pPr!=null) {				
				log.debug("P effective pPr: "+ XmlUtils.marshaltoString(pPr, true, true));					
		} catch (Exception e) {
			//log.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
			log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
	    	return null;
		/* Now that we have pPr, we can format the block. */
		return createBlock(context.getWmlPackage(), context.getRunFontSelector(), pStyleVal, childResults, sdt, pPrDirect, pPr, rPr, rPrParagraphMark); 

	protected static DocumentFragment createBlock(WordprocessingMLPackage wmlPackage, RunFontSelector runFontSelector, 
			String pStyleVal, NodeIterator childResults,
			boolean sdt, PPr pPrDirect, PPr pPr, RPr rPr, RPr rPrParagraphMark) {

        try {
            // Create a DOM builder and parse the fragment			
			Document document = XmlUtils.getNewDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
			//log.info("Document: " + document.getClass().getName() );
			Element foBlockElement = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format", "fo:block");
			Element foListBlock = null;
			boolean indentHandledByNumbering = false;
			// Is it a list item?
			if (pPr!=null 
					&& pPr.getNumPr()!=null 
					&& pPr.getNumPr().getNumId()!=null
					&& pPr.getNumPr().getNumId().getVal().longValue()!=0 //zero means no numbering
					) {
				foListBlock = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format", "fo:list-block");
				// Its a list item.  At present we make a new list-block for
				// each list-item. This is not great; DocumentModel will ultimately
				// allow us to use fo:list-block properly.

				indentHandledByNumbering = createListBlock(wmlPackage, runFontSelector, pStyleVal, pPrDirect, pPr, rPr,
						rPrParagraphMark, document, foBlockElement, foListBlock);
				if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
					log.debug("bare list result: " + XmlUtils.w3CDomNodeToString(foListBlock) );
			} else /* its not a list item */ {
			/* Now apply pPr (whether its a list or not) */				
			if (pPr!=null) {
				// Ignore paragraph borders once inside the container
				boolean ignoreBorders = !sdt;
				createFoAttributes(wmlPackage, pPr, ((Element)foBlockElement), indentHandledByNumbering, ignoreBorders );				
			/* Now apply rPr */				
			if (rPr!=null) {
				if (foListBlock==null) {
					createFoAttributes(wmlPackage, rPr, ((Element)foBlockElement) );
				} else {
					createFoAttributes(wmlPackage, rPr, ((Element)foListBlock) );					

			if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
				log.debug("after createFoAttributes: " + XmlUtils.w3CDomNodeToString(foBlockElement) );
			// Our fo:block wraps whatever result tree fragment
			// our style sheet produced when it applied-templates
			// to the child nodes
			Node n = childResults.nextNode();
			// Handle empty case - want the block to be preserved!
			if (n.getChildNodes().getLength()==0) {
				((Element)foBlockElement).setAttribute( "white-space-treatment", "preserve");
				foBlockElement.setTextContent(" ");
			} else {
	//				log.info("Node we are importing: " + n.getClass().getName() );
	//				foBlockElement.appendChild(
	//						document.importNode(n, true) );
				 * Node we'd like to import is of type org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeProxy
				 * which causes
				 * org.w3c.dom.DOMException: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: The implementation does not support the requested type of object or operation.
				 * See http://osdir.com/ml/text.xml.xerces-j.devel/2004-04/msg00066.html
				 * So instead of importNode, use 
	            ((Element)foBlockElement).setAttribute( "white-space-treatment", "preserve");
	            ((Element)foBlockElement).setAttribute( "white-space-collapse", "false");
	            XmlUtils.treeCopy( n,  foBlockElement );
			// FOP doesn't support "ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed", and "pre" is no good, since wrapping does not happen
			// (so paragraph continues right over edge of page)
			//((Element)foBlockElement).setAttribute( "white-space", "ignore");
			DocumentFragment docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment();

			return docfrag;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			//log.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
			log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

	protected static boolean createListBlock(WordprocessingMLPackage wmlPackage, RunFontSelector runFontSelector,
			String pStyleVal, PPr pPrDirect, PPr pPr, RPr rPr, RPr rPrParagraphMark, Document document,
			Element foBlockElement, Element foListBlock) {
		/* Create something like:
			<fo:list-block provisional-distance-between-starts="0.5in" start-indent="0.5in">
			      <fo:block font-family="Times New Roman">-</fo:block>
			    <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()">
			      <fo:block font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="9.0pt" line-height="100%" space-after="0.08in" space-before="0.08in" text-align="justify">
			        <inline xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" id="clauseDPI5123341"/>Content goes here...
//				foListBlock.setAttribute("provisional-distance-between-starts", "0.5in");
		boolean indentHandledByNumbering = false;
		// Need to apply shading at fo:list-block level
		if (pPr.getShd()!=null) {
			PShading pShading = new PShading(pPr.getShd());
		Element foListItem = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format", "fo:list-item");

		Element foListItemLabel = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format", "fo:list-item-label");
		Element foListItemLabelBody = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format", "fo:block");
		Element foListItemBody = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format", "fo:list-item-body");
		foListItemBody.setAttribute(Indent.FO_NAME, "body-start()");
		ResultTriple triple;
		if (pPrDirect!=null && pPrDirect.getNumPr()!=null) {
			triple = org.docx4j.model.listnumbering.Emulator.getNumber(
					wmlPackage, pStyleVal, 
				pPrDirect.getNumPr().getIlvl().getVal().toString() ); 
		} else {
			// Get the effective values; since we already know this,
			// save the effort of doing this again in Emulator
			Ilvl ilvl = pPr.getNumPr().getIlvl();
			String ilvlString = ilvl == null ? "0" : ilvl.getVal().toString();
			triple = null; 
			if (pPr.getNumPr().getNumId()!=null) {
				triple = org.docx4j.model.listnumbering.Emulator.getNumber(
						wmlPackage, pStyleVal, 
		    			ilvlString ); 		        	
		if (triple==null) {
			log.warn("computed number ResultTriple was null");
			if (log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
				foListItemLabelBody.setAttribute("color", "red");
		} else {

			/* Format the list item label
			 * Since it turns out (in FOP at least) that the label and the body 
			 * don't have the same vertical alignment 
			 * unless font size is applied at the same level
			 * (ie to both -label and -body, or to the block inside each), 
			 * we have to format the list-item-body as well.
			 * This issue only manifests itself if the font size on
			 * the outer list-block is larger than the font sizes
			 * set inside it.
			// OK just to override specific values
			// Values come from numbering rPr, unless overridden in p-level rpr
			if(triple.getRPr()==null) {
				if (pPr.getRPr()==null) {
					// do nothing, since we're already inheriting the formatting in the style
					// (as opposed to the paragraph mark formatting)
					// EXCEPT for font
//	        				setFont( context,  foListItemLabelBody, rPr.getRFonts()); 
					setFont( runFontSelector,  foListItemLabelBody,  pPr,  rPr,  triple.getNumString());
				} else {
					createFoAttributes(wmlPackage, rPrParagraphMark, foListItemLabel );	        				
					createFoAttributes(wmlPackage, rPrParagraphMark, foListItemBody );	
//	        				setFont( context,  foListItemLabelBody, rPrParagraphMark.getRFonts()); 	        				
					setFont( runFontSelector,  foListItemLabelBody,  pPr,  rPrParagraphMark,  triple.getNumString());
			} else {
				RPr actual = XmlUtils.deepCopy(triple.getRPr()); // clone, so the ilvl rpr is not altered
//	        			System.out.println(XmlUtils.marshaltoString(rPrParagraphMark));
				// pMark overrides numbering, except for font
				// (which makes sense, since that would change the bullet)
				// so set the font
				setFont( runFontSelector,  foListItemLabelBody,  pPr,  actual,  triple.getNumString());
				// .. before taking rPrParagraphMark into account
				StyleUtil.apply(rPrParagraphMark, actual); 
//	        			System.out.println(XmlUtils.marshaltoString(actual));
				createFoAttributes(wmlPackage, actual, foListItemLabel );
				createFoAttributes(wmlPackage, actual, foListItemBody );
			int numChars=1;
			if (triple.getBullet()!=null ) {
				foListItemLabelBody.setTextContent(triple.getBullet() );
			} else if (triple.getNumString()==null) {
				log.debug("computed NumString was null!");
				if (log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
					foListItemLabelBody.setAttribute("color", "red");
			} else {
				Text number = document.createTextNode( triple.getNumString() );
				numChars = triple.getNumString().length();
			// Indent (setting provisional-distance-between-starts)
			// Indent on direct pPr trumps indent in pPr in numbering, which trumps indent
			// specified in a style.  Well, not exactly, components which aren't set in
			// the direct formatting will be contributed by the numbering's indent settings
			Indent indent = new Indent(pPrDirect.getInd(), triple.getIndent());
			if (indent.isHanging() ) {
				indent.setXslFOListBlock(foListBlock, -1);	        			
			} else {
				int numWidth = 90 * numChars; // crude .. TODO take font size into account
			    int pdbs = getDistanceToNextTabStop(indent.getNumberPosition(), numWidth,
			    		pPrDirect.getTabs(), wmlPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getDocumentSettingsPart());
				indent.setXslFOListBlock(foListBlock, pdbs);	        				        			
			indentHandledByNumbering = true; 
//	        		// Set the font
//	        		if (triple.getNumFont()!=null) {
//	        			String font = PhysicalFonts.getPhysicalFont(context.getWmlPackage(), triple.getNumFont() );
//	        			if (font!=null) {
//	        				foListItemLabelBody.setAttribute("font-family", font );
//	        			}
//	        		}
		return indentHandledByNumbering;
     * Use RunFontSelector to determine the correct font for the list item label.
     * @param context
     * @param foListItemLabelBody
     * @param pPr
     * @param rPr
     * @param text
    protected static void setFont(RunFontSelector runFontSelector, Element foListItemLabelBody, PPr pPr, RPr rPr, String text) {
    	DocumentFragment result = (DocumentFragment)runFontSelector.fontSelector(pPr, rPr, text);
    	// eg <fo:inline xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" font-family="Times New Roman">1)</fo:inline>
    	// Now get the attribute value
    	if (result!=null && result.getFirstChild()!=null) {
    		Attr attr = ((Element)result.getFirstChild()).getAttributeNode("font-family");
    		if (attr!=null) {
    			foListItemLabelBody.setAttribute("font-family", attr.getValue());
    protected static int getDistanceToNextTabStop( int pos, int numWidth, Tabs pprTabs, DocumentSettingsPart settings) {
    	// Also used by FOExporterVisitorGenerator, so should be moved
		int pdbs = 0; 
		int defaultTab = 360;
		if (pprTabs!=null
				&& pprTabs.getTab()!=null
				&& pprTabs.getTab().size()>0) {
			for ( CTTabStop tabStop : pprTabs.getTab() ) {
					if (tabStop.getPos().intValue()> (pos+ numWidth) ) {
						log.debug("tab stop: using specified");
						return (tabStop.getPos().intValue() - pos);
		// The default tabs continue to apply after the specified ones
		if (settings!=null
				&& settings.getJaxbElement().getDefaultTabStop()!=null ) {
			CTTwipsMeasure twips = settings.getJaxbElement().getDefaultTabStop();
			defaultTab = twips.getVal().intValue();
			if (defaultTab>0) {
				log.debug("tab stop: using default from docx");
				int tabNUmber = (int)Math.floor((pos+numWidth)/defaultTab);
				int nextTabPos = defaultTab*(tabNUmber+1);
				return nextTabPos - pos;

		log.debug("tab stop: assuming default tab 360");
		int tabNUmber = (int)Math.floor((pos+numWidth)/defaultTab);
		int nextTabPos = defaultTab*(tabNUmber+1);
		return nextTabPos - pos;

	private static void createFoAttributes(OpcPackage opcPackage, PPr pPr, Element foBlockElement, boolean inList, boolean ignoreBorders){
    	List<Property> properties = PropertyFactory.createProperties(opcPackage, pPr);
    	for( Property p :  properties ) {
			if (p!=null) {
				if (ignoreBorders &&
						((p instanceof PBorderTop)
								|| (p instanceof PBorderBottom))) {
				if (inList && !(p instanceof Indent) ) { 
					// Don't set start-indent in 
					// fo:list-item-body/fo:block.
					// This has to be handled above using something like 
					//  <fo:list-block provisional-distance-between-starts="0.5in" start-indent="2in">
				} else if (!inList) {
    	if (pPr==null) return;
    	// Special case, since bidi is translated to align right
    	// Handle interaction between w:pPr/w:bidi and w:pPr/w:jc/@w:val='right'
    	if (pPr.getBidi()!=null && pPr.getBidi().isVal()) {
    		if (pPr.getJc()!=null) {
    			if (pPr.getJc().getVal().equals(JcEnumeration.RIGHT)) {
    				// set it to left!
    				foBlockElement.setAttribute(Justification.FO_NAME,  "left");
    			} else if (pPr.getJc().getVal().equals(JcEnumeration.LEFT)) {
    				// set it to right!
    				foBlockElement.setAttribute(Justification.FO_NAME,  "right");
    	// Table of contents dot leader needs text-align-last="justify"
    	// Are we in a TOC?
    	if (pPr.getTabs()!=null
    			// PStyle is not included in our effective pPr!
//    			&& pPr.getPStyle()!=null 
//    			&& pPr.getPStyle().getVal()!=null
//    			&& pPr.getPStyle().getVal().startsWith("TOC")  
    			) {
    		CTTabStop tabStop = pPr.getTabs().getTab().get(0);
    		if (tabStop!=null
    				//&& tabStop.getLeader().equals(STTabTlc.DOT)
    				&& tabStop.getVal().equals(STTabJc.RIGHT) ) {
    			foBlockElement.setAttribute("text-align-last",  "justify");
	 *  @since 3.0.0
	public static void applyFoAttributes(List<Property> properties, Element foElement) {
		if ((properties != null) && (!properties.isEmpty())) {
			for (int i=0; i<properties.size(); i++) {
    private static void createFoAttributes(TrPr trPr, Element foBlockElement){
    	if (trPr == null) {
    	applyFoAttributes(PropertyFactory.createProperties(trPr), foBlockElement);
    private static void createFoAttributes(TcPr tcPr, Element foBlockElement){
    	// includes TcPrInner.TcBorders, CTShd, TcMar, CTVerticalJc
		if (tcPr==null) {
    	applyFoAttributes(PropertyFactory.createProperties(tcPr), foBlockElement);

     * On a block representing a run, we just put run properties
     * from this rPr node. The paragraph style rPr's have been
     * taken care of on the fo block which represents the paragraph.
     * @param wmlPackage
     * @param rPrNodeIt
     * @param childResults
     * @return
    public static DocumentFragment createBlockForRPr( 
    		FOConversionContext context,
    		NodeIterator pPrNodeIt,
    		NodeIterator rPrNodeIt,
    		NodeIterator childResults ) {

    	PropertyResolver propertyResolver = context.getPropertyResolver();
    	// Note that this is invoked for every paragraph with a pPr node.
    	// incoming objects are org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeIterator 
    	// which implements org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator

//    	log.info("rPrNode:" + rPrNodeIt.getClass().getName() ); // org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeIterator    	
//    	log.info("childResults:" + childResults.getClass().getName() ); 
        try {
			Unmarshaller u = Context.jc.createUnmarshaller();			
			u.setEventHandler(new org.docx4j.jaxb.JaxbValidationEventHandler());

			// If there is w:pPr/w:pStyle,			
			// we need to honour any rPr in the pStyle
			PPr pPrDirect = null;
        	if (pPrNodeIt!=null) {
        		Node n = pPrNodeIt.nextNode();
        		if (n!=null) {
        			Object jaxb = u.unmarshal(n);
        			try {
        				pPrDirect =  (PPr)jaxb;
        			} catch (ClassCastException e) {
        		    	log.error("Couldn't cast to PPr " + jaxb.getClass().getName() + " to PPr!");
			Object jaxbR = u.unmarshal(rPrNodeIt.nextNode());			
			//RPr rPrDirect = null;
			RPr rPr = null;
			if (jaxbR instanceof RPr) {
				//rPrDirect =  (RPr)jaxbR;
				rPr = propertyResolver.getEffectiveRPr((RPr)jaxbR, pPrDirect);
			} else if (jaxbR instanceof ParaRPr) {
//				if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
//					Throwable t = new Throwable();
//					log.debug("passed ParaRPr", t);
//				}
				rPr = propertyResolver.getEffectiveRPr(null, pPrDirect); 
//    			System.out.println("p rpr-->" + XmlUtils.marshaltoString(pPrDirect.getRPr()));
        		StyleUtil.apply((ParaRPr)jaxbR, rPr); 				
			} else {
				log.error("TODO handle  .." + jaxbR.getClass().getName());
            // Create a DOM builder and parse the fragment
			Document document = XmlUtils.getNewDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
			//log.info("Document: " + document.getClass().getName() );

			Node foInlineElement = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format", "fo:inline");			
//			if (log.isDebugEnabled() && rPr!=null) {					
//				log.debug(XmlUtils.marshaltoString(rPr, true, true));					
//			}
			//if (rPr!=null) {				
				createFoAttributes(context.getWmlPackage(), rPr, ((Element)foInlineElement) );
			// Our fo:block wraps whatever result tree fragment
			// our style sheet produced when it applied-templates
			// to the child nodes
			Node n = childResults.nextNode();
			XmlUtils.treeCopy( n,  foInlineElement );			
			DocumentFragment docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment();

			return docfrag;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    	return null;

	private static void createFoAttributes(OpcPackage opcPackage,
			RPr rPr, Element foInlineElement){

    	List<Property> properties = PropertyFactory.createProperties(opcPackage, rPr);
    	for( Property p :  properties ) {
    public static String getPageNumberFormat(FOConversionContext context) {
    	String pageFormat = 
    	//may return empty string if no page number format supplied
    	pageFormat = FormattingSwitchHelper.getFoPageNumberFormat(pageFormat);
    	return (pageFormat == null ? "" : pageFormat);
    public static String getPageNumberInitial(FOConversionContext context) {
    	int ret = 
    	//may return empty string if no start page number supplied
    	return (ret == -1 ? "" : Integer.toString(ret));
     * FOP inserts a blank page if necessary so that a section with page numbering
     * from 1 would be face up when printed double sided. Word doesn't do that
     * (unless you have an odd section type), so this function mimics Word's 
     * behaviour. 
     * @param context
     * @return
     * @since 3.2.2
    public static String getForcePageCount(FOConversionContext context) {
    	// see http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#force-page-count
    	ConversionSectionWrapper wrapper = context.getSections().peekNextSection();
    	if (wrapper==null) {
    		// final section
    		return "no-force";
    	} else {
    		SectPr.Type secType = wrapper.getSectPr().getType();
    		CTPageNumber pgNumType = wrapper.getSectPr().getPgNumType();
    		Boolean isExplicitOdd = null; // null means numbering will continue from the highest page number in the previous section
    		if (pgNumType!=null && pgNumType.getStart()!=null) {
    			int start = pgNumType.getStart().intValue();
    			if ( start % 2 == 0) {
    				isExplicitOdd = Boolean.FALSE;    				
    			} else {
    				isExplicitOdd = Boolean.TRUE;    				    				
    		if (secType==null || secType.getVal().equals("nextPage") ) {
        		return "no-force";  
    		} else if (isExplicitOdd==null  // LIMITATION: We don't get this right after the user has set the page number explicitly in a previous section
    						|| isExplicitOdd) {
    			// The normal case
    			if ( secType.getVal().equals("evenPage") ) {
	    			// Even page section breaks, which begin the new section on the next even-numbered page.
	    			// (What happens if that section has w:pgNumType/@w:start="1"?)
	    			return "end-on-odd";
	    		} else if ( secType.getVal().equals("oddPage") ) {
	    			// Odd page section breaks, which begin the new section on the next odd-numbered page
	    			return "end-on-even";
	    		} else {
	    			// continuous (!)
	        		return "no-force";    			    			
    		} else {
    			// section starts with p2 or p4
    			if ( secType.getVal().equals("evenPage") ) {
	    			// Even page section breaks, which begin the new section on the next even-numbered page.
	    			// (What happens if that section has w:pgNumType/@w:start="1"?)
	    			return "end-on-even";
	    		} else if ( secType.getVal().equals("oddPage") ) {
	    			// Odd page section breaks, which begin the new section on the next odd-numbered page
	    			return "end-on-odd";
	    		} else {
	    			// continuous (!)
	        		return "no-force";    			    			

    private static boolean isOdd(SectPr sectPr) {
    	CTPageNumber pgNumType = sectPr.getPgNumType();
    	return true;

    public static boolean hasPgNumTypeStart(FOConversionContext context) {
    	return (context.getSections().getCurrentSection().getPageNumberInformation().getPageStart() > -1);