package com.jn.chart.utils;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Build;
import android.text.Layout;
import android.text.StaticLayout;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.VelocityTracker;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;

import com.jn.chart.components.YAxis.AxisDependency;
import com.jn.chart.formatter.DefaultValueFormatter;
import com.jn.chart.formatter.ValueFormatter;

import java.util.List;

 * Utilities class that has some helper methods. Needs to be initialized by
 * calling Utils.init(...) before usage. Inside the Chart.init() method, this is
 * done, if the Utils are used before that, Utils.init(...) needs to be called
 * manually.
 * @author Philipp Jahoda
public abstract class Utils {

    private static DisplayMetrics mMetrics;
    private static int mMinimumFlingVelocity = 50;
    private static int mMaximumFlingVelocity = 8000;
    public final static double DEG2RAD = (Math.PI / 180.0);
    public final static float FDEG2RAD = ((float) Math.PI / 180.f);

     * initialize method, called inside the Chart.init() method.
     * @param context
    public static void init(Context context) {

        if (context == null) {
            // noinspection deprecation
            mMinimumFlingVelocity = ViewConfiguration.getMinimumFlingVelocity();
            // noinspection deprecation
            mMaximumFlingVelocity = ViewConfiguration.getMaximumFlingVelocity();

                    , "Utils.init(...) PROVIDED CONTEXT OBJECT IS NULL");

        } else {
            ViewConfiguration viewConfiguration = ViewConfiguration.get(context);
            mMinimumFlingVelocity = viewConfiguration.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity();
            mMaximumFlingVelocity = viewConfiguration.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity();

            Resources res = context.getResources();
            mMetrics = res.getDisplayMetrics();

     * initialize method, called inside the Chart.init() method. backwards
     * compatibility - to not break existing code
     * @param res
    public static void init(Resources res) {

        mMetrics = res.getDisplayMetrics();

        // noinspection deprecation
        mMinimumFlingVelocity = ViewConfiguration.getMinimumFlingVelocity();
        // noinspection deprecation
        mMaximumFlingVelocity = ViewConfiguration.getMaximumFlingVelocity();

     * This method converts dp unit to equivalent pixels, depending on device
     * @param dp A value in dp (density independent pixels) unit. Which we need
     *           to convert into pixels
     * @return A float value to represent px equivalent to dp depending on
     * device density
    public static float convertDpToPixel(float dp) {

        if (mMetrics == null) {

                    "Utils NOT INITIALIZED. You need to call Utils.init(...) at least once before" +
                            " calling Utils.convertDpToPixel(...). Otherwise conversion does not " +
                            "take place.");
            return dp;
            // throw new IllegalStateException(
            // "Utils NOT INITIALIZED. You need to call Utils.init(...) at least once before
            // calling Utils.convertDpToPixel(...).");

        DisplayMetrics metrics = mMetrics;
        float px = dp * (metrics.densityDpi / 160f);
        return px;

     * This method converts device specific pixels to density independent
     * @param px A value in px (pixels) unit. Which we need to convert into db
     * @return A float value to represent dp equivalent to px value
    public static float convertPixelsToDp(float px) {

        if (mMetrics == null) {

                    "Utils NOT INITIALIZED. You need to call Utils.init(...) at least once before" +
                            " calling Utils.convertPixelsToDp(...). Otherwise conversion does not" +
                            " take place.");
            return px;
            // throw new IllegalStateException(
            // "Utils NOT INITIALIZED. You need to call Utils.init(...) at least once before
            // calling Utils.convertPixelsToDp(...).");

        DisplayMetrics metrics = mMetrics;
        float dp = px / (metrics.densityDpi / 160f);
        return dp;

     * calculates the approximate width of a text, depending on a demo text
     * avoid repeated calls (e.g. inside drawing methods)
     * @param paint
     * @param demoText
     * @return
    public static int calcTextWidth(Paint paint, String demoText) {
        return (int) paint.measureText(demoText);

     * calculates the approximate height of a text, depending on a demo text
     * avoid repeated calls (e.g. inside drawing methods)
     * @param paint
     * @param demoText
     * @return
    public static int calcTextHeight(Paint paint, String demoText) {

        Rect r = new Rect();
        paint.getTextBounds(demoText, 0, demoText.length(), r);
        return r.height();

    public static float getLineHeight(Paint paint) {
        Paint.FontMetrics metrics = paint.getFontMetrics();
        return metrics.descent - metrics.ascent;

    public static float getLineSpacing(Paint paint) {
        Paint.FontMetrics metrics = paint.getFontMetrics();
        return metrics.ascent - + metrics.bottom;

     * calculates the approximate size of a text, depending on a demo text
     * avoid repeated calls (e.g. inside drawing methods)
     * @param paint
     * @param demoText
     * @return
    public static FSize calcTextSize(Paint paint, String demoText) {

        Rect r = new Rect();
        paint.getTextBounds(demoText, 0, demoText.length(), r);
        return new FSize(r.width(), r.height());

     * Math.pow(...) is very expensive, so avoid calling it and create it
     * yourself.
    private static final int POW_10[] = {
            1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000

     * Formats the given number to the given number of decimals, and returns the
     * number as a string, maximum 35 characters. If thousands are separated, the separating
     * character is a dot (".").
     * @param number
     * @param digitCount
     * @param separateThousands set this to true to separate thousands values
     * @return
    public static String formatNumber(float number, int digitCount, boolean separateThousands) {
        return formatNumber(number, digitCount, separateThousands, '.');

     * Formats the given number to the given number of decimals, and returns the
     * number as a string, maximum 35 characters.
     * @param number
     * @param digitCount
     * @param separateThousands set this to true to separate thousands values
     * @param separateChar      a caracter to be paced between the "thousands"
     * @return
    public static String formatNumber(float number, int digitCount, boolean separateThousands,
                                      char separateChar) {

        char[] out = new char[35];

        boolean neg = false;
        if (number == 0) {
            return "0";

        boolean zero = false;
        if (number < 1 && number > -1) {
            zero = true;

        if (number < 0) {
            neg = true;
            number = -number;

        if (digitCount > POW_10.length) {
            digitCount = POW_10.length - 1;

        number *= POW_10[digitCount];
        long lval = Math.round(number);
        int ind = out.length - 1;
        int charCount = 0;
        boolean decimalPointAdded = false;

        while (lval != 0 || charCount < (digitCount + 1)) {
            int digit = (int) (lval % 10);
            lval = lval / 10;
            out[ind--] = (char) (digit + '0');

            // add decimal point
            if (charCount == digitCount) {
                out[ind--] = ',';
                decimalPointAdded = true;

                // add thousand separators
            } else if (separateThousands && lval != 0 && charCount > digitCount) {

                if (decimalPointAdded) {

                    if ((charCount - digitCount) % 4 == 0) {
                        out[ind--] = separateChar;

                } else {

                    if ((charCount - digitCount) % 4 == 3) {
                        out[ind--] = separateChar;

        // if number around zero (between 1 and -1)
        if (zero) {
            out[ind--] = '0';
            charCount += 1;

        // if the number is negative
        if (neg) {
            out[ind--] = '-';
            charCount += 1;

        int start = out.length - charCount;

        // use this instead of "new String(...)" because of issue < Android 4.0
        return String.valueOf(out, start, out.length - start);

     * rounds the given number to the next significant number
     * @param number
     * @return
    public static float roundToNextSignificant(double number) {
        final float d = (float) Math.ceil((float) Math.log10(number < 0 ? -number : number));
        final int pw = 1 - (int) d;
        final float magnitude = (float) Math.pow(10, pw);
        final long shifted = Math.round(number * magnitude);
        return shifted / magnitude;

     * Returns the appropriate number of decimals to be used for the provided
     * number.
     * @param number
     * @return
    public static int getDecimals(float number) {

        float i = roundToNextSignificant(number);
        return (int) Math.ceil(-Math.log10(i)) + 2;

     * Converts the provided Integer List to an int array.
     * @param integers
     * @return
    public static int[] convertIntegers(List<Integer> integers) {

        int[] ret = new int[integers.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
            ret[i] = integers.get(i).intValue();

        return ret;

     * Converts the provided String List to a String array.
     * @param strings
     * @return
    public static String[] convertStrings(List<String> strings) {

        String[] ret = new String[strings.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
            ret[i] = strings.get(i);

        return ret;

     * Replacement for the Math.nextUp(...) method that is only available in
     * HONEYCOMB and higher. Dat's some seeeeek sheeet.
     * @param d
     * @return
    public static double nextUp(double d) {
        if (d == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
            return d;
        else {
            d += 0.0d;
            return Double.longBitsToDouble(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d) +
                    ((d >= 0.0d) ? +1L : -1L));

     * Returns the index of the DataSet that contains the closest value on the
     * y-axis. This is needed for highlighting. This will return -Integer.MAX_VALUE if failure.
     * @param valsAtIndex all the values at a specific index
     * @return
    public static int getClosestDataSetIndexByValue(List<SelectionDetail> valsAtIndex, float value,
                                             AxisDependency axis) {

        SelectionDetail sel = getClosestSelectionDetailByValue(valsAtIndex, value, axis);

        if (sel == null)
            return -Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        return sel.dataSetIndex;

     * Returns the index of the DataSet that contains the closest value on the
     * y-axis. This is needed for highlighting. This will return -Integer.MAX_VALUE if failure.
     * @param valsAtIndex all the values at a specific index
     * @return
    public static int getClosestDataSetIndexByPixelY(List<SelectionDetail> valsAtIndex, float y,
                                                    AxisDependency axis) {

        SelectionDetail sel = getClosestSelectionDetailByPixelY(valsAtIndex, y, axis);

        if (sel == null)
            return -Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        return sel.dataSetIndex;

     * Returns the SelectionDetail of the DataSet that contains the closest value on the
     * y-axis.
     * @param valsAtIndex all the values at a specific index
     * @return
    public static SelectionDetail getClosestSelectionDetailByValue(
            List<SelectionDetail> valsAtIndex,
            float value,
            AxisDependency axis) {

        SelectionDetail closest = null;
        float distance = Float.MAX_VALUE;

        for (int i = 0; i < valsAtIndex.size(); i++) {

            SelectionDetail sel = valsAtIndex.get(i);

            if (axis == null || sel.dataSet.getAxisDependency() == axis) {

                float cdistance = Math.abs(sel.value - value);
                if (cdistance < distance) {
                    closest = sel;
                    distance = cdistance;

        return closest;

     * Returns the SelectionDetail of the DataSet that contains the closest value on the
     * y-axis.
     * @param valsAtIndex all the values at a specific index
     * @return
    public static SelectionDetail getClosestSelectionDetailByPixelY(
            List<SelectionDetail> valsAtIndex,
            float y,
            AxisDependency axis) {

        SelectionDetail closest = null;
        float distance = Float.MAX_VALUE;

        for (int i = 0; i < valsAtIndex.size(); i++) {

            SelectionDetail sel = valsAtIndex.get(i);

            if (axis == null || sel.dataSet.getAxisDependency() == axis) {

                float cdistance = Math.abs(sel.y - y);
                if (cdistance < distance) {
                    closest = sel;
                    distance = cdistance;

        return closest;

     * Returns the minimum distance from a touch-y-value (in pixels) to the
     * closest y-value (in pixels) that is displayed in the chart.
     * @param valsAtIndex
     * @param y
     * @param axis
     * @return
    public static float getMinimumDistance(List<SelectionDetail> valsAtIndex,
                                           float y,
                                           AxisDependency axis) {

        float distance = Float.MAX_VALUE;

        for (int i = 0; i < valsAtIndex.size(); i++) {

            SelectionDetail sel = valsAtIndex.get(i);

            if (sel.dataSet.getAxisDependency() == axis) {

                float cdistance = Math.abs(sel.y - y);
                if (cdistance < distance) {
                    distance = cdistance;

        return distance;

     * If this component has no ValueFormatter or is only equipped with the
     * default one (no custom set), return true.
     * @return
    public static boolean needsDefaultFormatter(ValueFormatter formatter) {
        if (formatter == null)
            return true;
        if (formatter instanceof DefaultValueFormatter)
            return true;

        return false;

     * Calculates the position around a center point, depending on the distance
     * from the center, and the angle of the position around the center.
     * @param center
     * @param dist
     * @param angle  in degrees, converted to radians internally
     * @return
    public static PointF getPosition(PointF center, float dist, float angle) {

        PointF p = new PointF((float) (center.x + dist * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle))),
                (float) (center.y + dist * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle))));
        return p;

    public static void velocityTrackerPointerUpCleanUpIfNecessary(MotionEvent ev,
                                                                  VelocityTracker tracker) {

        // Check the dot product of current velocities.
        // If the pointer that left was opposing another velocity vector, clear.
        tracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000, mMaximumFlingVelocity);
        final int upIndex = ev.getActionIndex();
        final int id1 = ev.getPointerId(upIndex);
        final float x1 = tracker.getXVelocity(id1);
        final float y1 = tracker.getYVelocity(id1);
        for (int i = 0, count = ev.getPointerCount(); i < count; i++) {
            if (i == upIndex)

            final int id2 = ev.getPointerId(i);
            final float x = x1 * tracker.getXVelocity(id2);
            final float y = y1 * tracker.getYVelocity(id2);

            final float dot = x + y;
            if (dot < 0) {

     * Original method view.postInvalidateOnAnimation() only supportd in API >=
     * 16, This is a replica of the code from ViewCompat.
     * @param view
    public static void postInvalidateOnAnimation(View view) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16)

    public static int getMinimumFlingVelocity() {
        return mMinimumFlingVelocity;

    public static int getMaximumFlingVelocity() {
        return mMaximumFlingVelocity;

     * returns an angle between 0.f < 360.f (not less than zero, less than 360)
    public static float getNormalizedAngle(float angle) {
        while (angle < 0.f)
            angle += 360.f;

        return angle % 360.f;

    private static Rect mDrawTextRectBuffer = new Rect();
    private static Paint.FontMetrics mFontMetricsBuffer = new Paint.FontMetrics();

    public static void drawXAxisValue(Canvas c, String text, float x, float y,
                                      Paint paint,
                                      PointF anchor, float angleDegrees) {

        float drawOffsetX = 0.f;
        float drawOffsetY = 0.f;

        final float lineHeight = paint.getFontMetrics(mFontMetricsBuffer);
        paint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), mDrawTextRectBuffer);

        // Android sometimes has pre-padding
        drawOffsetX -= mDrawTextRectBuffer.left;

        // Android does not snap the bounds to line boundaries,
        //  and draws from bottom to top.
        // And we want to normalize it.
        drawOffsetY += -mFontMetricsBuffer.ascent;

        // To have a consistent point of reference, we always draw left-aligned
        Paint.Align originalTextAlign = paint.getTextAlign();

        if (angleDegrees != 0.f) {

            // Move the text drawing rect in a way that it always rotates around its center
            drawOffsetX -= mDrawTextRectBuffer.width() * 0.5f;
            drawOffsetY -= lineHeight * 0.5f;

            float translateX = x;
            float translateY = y;

            // Move the "outer" rect relative to the anchor, assuming its centered
            if (anchor.x != 0.5f || anchor.y != 0.5f) {
                final FSize rotatedSize = getSizeOfRotatedRectangleByDegrees(

                translateX -= rotatedSize.width * (anchor.x - 0.5f);
                translateY -= rotatedSize.height * (anchor.y - 0.5f);

            c.translate(translateX, translateY);

            c.drawText(text, drawOffsetX, drawOffsetY, paint);

        } else {
            if (anchor.x != 0.f || anchor.y != 0.f) {

                drawOffsetX -= mDrawTextRectBuffer.width() * anchor.x;
                drawOffsetY -= lineHeight * anchor.y;

            drawOffsetX += x;
            drawOffsetY += y;

            c.drawText(text, drawOffsetX, drawOffsetY, paint);


    public static void drawMultilineText(Canvas c, StaticLayout textLayout,
                                         float x, float y,
                                         TextPaint paint,
                                         PointF anchor, float angleDegrees) {

        float drawOffsetX = 0.f;
        float drawOffsetY = 0.f;
        float drawWidth;
        float drawHeight;

        final float lineHeight = paint.getFontMetrics(mFontMetricsBuffer);

        drawWidth = textLayout.getWidth();
        drawHeight = textLayout.getLineCount() * lineHeight;

        // Android sometimes has pre-padding
        drawOffsetX -= mDrawTextRectBuffer.left;

        // Android does not snap the bounds to line boundaries,
        //  and draws from bottom to top.
        // And we want to normalize it.
        drawOffsetY += drawHeight;

        // To have a consistent point of reference, we always draw left-aligned
        Paint.Align originalTextAlign = paint.getTextAlign();

        if (angleDegrees != 0.f) {

            // Move the text drawing rect in a way that it always rotates around its center
            drawOffsetX -= drawWidth * 0.5f;
            drawOffsetY -= drawHeight * 0.5f;

            float translateX = x;
            float translateY = y;

            // Move the "outer" rect relative to the anchor, assuming its centered
            if (anchor.x != 0.5f || anchor.y != 0.5f) {
                final FSize rotatedSize = getSizeOfRotatedRectangleByDegrees(

                translateX -= rotatedSize.width * (anchor.x - 0.5f);
                translateY -= rotatedSize.height * (anchor.y - 0.5f);

            c.translate(translateX, translateY);

            c.translate(drawOffsetX, drawOffsetY);

        } else {
            if (anchor.x != 0.f || anchor.y != 0.f) {

                drawOffsetX -= drawWidth * anchor.x;
                drawOffsetY -= drawHeight * anchor.y;

            drawOffsetX += x;
            drawOffsetY += y;


            c.translate(drawOffsetX, drawOffsetY);



    public static void drawMultilineText(Canvas c, String text,
                                         float x, float y,
                                         TextPaint paint,
                                         FSize constrainedToSize,
                                         PointF anchor, float angleDegrees) {

        StaticLayout textLayout = new StaticLayout(
                text, 0, text.length(),
                (int) Math.max(Math.ceil(constrainedToSize.width), 1.f),
                Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.f, 0.f, false);

        drawMultilineText(c, textLayout, x, y, paint, anchor, angleDegrees);

    public static FSize getSizeOfRotatedRectangleByDegrees(FSize rectangleSize, float degrees) {
        final float radians = degrees * FDEG2RAD;
        return getSizeOfRotatedRectangleByRadians(rectangleSize.width, rectangleSize.height,

    public static FSize getSizeOfRotatedRectangleByRadians(FSize rectangleSize, float radians) {
        return getSizeOfRotatedRectangleByRadians(rectangleSize.width, rectangleSize.height,

    public static FSize getSizeOfRotatedRectangleByDegrees(float rectangleWidth, float
            rectangleHeight, float degrees) {
        final float radians = degrees * FDEG2RAD;
        return getSizeOfRotatedRectangleByRadians(rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight, radians);

    public static FSize getSizeOfRotatedRectangleByRadians(float rectangleWidth, float
            rectangleHeight, float radians) {
        return new FSize(
                Math.abs(rectangleWidth * (float) Math.cos(radians)) + Math.abs(rectangleHeight *
                        (float) Math.sin(radians)),
                Math.abs(rectangleWidth * (float) Math.sin(radians)) + Math.abs(rectangleHeight *
                        (float) Math.cos(radians))

    public static int getSDKInt() {
        return android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;

     * Calculates the granularity (minimum axis interval) based on axis range and labelcount.
     * Default granularity is 1/10th of interval.
     * @param range
     * @param labelCount
     * @return
    public static double granularity(float range, int labelCount) {

        // Find out how much spacing (in y value space) between axis values
        double rawInterval = range / labelCount;
        double interval = Utils.roundToNextSignificant(rawInterval);

        // Normalize interval
        double intervalMagnitude = Utils.roundToNextSignificant(Math.pow(10, (int) Math.log10
        int intervalSigDigit = (int) (interval / intervalMagnitude);

        if (intervalSigDigit > 5) {
            interval = Math.floor(10 * intervalMagnitude);

        return interval * 0.1; // granularity is 1/10th of interval