// Copyright (c) 2013, Pantor Engineering AB
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
// are met:
//  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
//    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
//    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
//    disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
//    with the distribution.
//  * Neither the name of Pantor Engineering AB nor the names of its
//    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
//    from this software without specific prior written permission.

package com.pantor.blink;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

public final class DynClass
   private static interface Flag { int getVal (); }
   public static enum ClassFlag implements Flag
      Public (0x0001),
      Final (0x0010),
      Super (0x0020),
      Interface (0x0200),
      Abstract (0x0400),
      Synthetic (0x1000),
      Annotation (0x2000),
      Enum (0x4000);

      ClassFlag (int val) { this.val = val; }
      @Override public int getVal () { return val; }
      private int val;

   public static enum MtodFlag implements Flag
      Public (0x0001),
      Private (0x0002),
      Protected (0x0004),
      Static (0x0008),
      Final (0x0010),
      Synchronized (0x0020),
      Bridge (0x0040),
      Varargs (0x0080),
      Native (0x0100),
      Abstract (0x0400),
      Strict (0x0800),
      Synthetic (0x1000);

      MtodFlag (int val) { this.val = val; }
      @Override public int getVal () { return val; }
      private int val;

   public static enum FieldFlag implements Flag
      Public (0x0001),
      Private (0x0002),
      Protected (0x0004),
      Static (0x0008),
      Final (0x0010),
      Volatile (0x0040),
      Transient (0x0080),
      Synthetic (0x1000),
      Enum (0x4000);
      FieldFlag (int val) { this.val = val; }
      @Override public int getVal () { return val; }
      private int val;

   public static enum Type
      Boolean (4),
      Char (5),
      Float (6),
      Double (7),
      Byte (8),
      Short (9),
      Int (10),
      Long (11);

      Type (int val) { this.val = val; }
      public byte getVal () { return (byte)val; }
      private int val;

   public DynClass (String name)
      this (name, DefaultMajorVer, DefaultMinorVer);

   public DynClass (String name, int majorVer)
      this (name, DefaultMajorVer, 0);

   public DynClass (String name, int majorVer, int minorVer)
      this.name = name;
      this.minorVer = minorVer;
      this.majorVer = majorVer;

   public DynClass addInterface (String... ifaces)
      interfaces.addAll (Arrays.asList (ifaces));
      return this;

   public DynClass setSuper (String superName)
      this.superName = superName;
      return this;

   public DynClass startMethod (String name, String sig, MtodFlag... flags)
      if (curMtod != null)
         endMethod ();
      curMtod = new Method (name, sig, mergeFlags (flags));
      methods.add (curMtod);
      return this;

   public DynClass addField (String name, String type, FieldFlag... flags)
      fields.add (new Field (name, type, mergeFlags (flags)));
      return this;

   public DynClass startPublicMethod (String name, String sig,
                                      MtodFlag... flags)
      MtodFlag [] extended = new MtodFlag [flags.length + 1];
      System.arraycopy (flags, 0, extended, 0, flags.length);
      extended [flags.length] = MtodFlag.Public;
      startMethod (name, sig, extended);
      return this;

   public DynClass startPublicStaticMethod (String name, String sig)
      startPublicMethod (name, sig, MtodFlag.Static);
      return this;

   public DynClass endMethod ()
      curMtod = null;
      return this;

   public DynClass addDefaultConstructor ()
      startPublicMethod ("<init>", "()V")
         .aload0 ().invokeSpecial ("java.lang.Object", "<init>", "()V")
         .return_ ().setMaxStack (1).endMethod ();
      return this;
   public String getName ()
      return name;

   public void setFlags (ClassFlag... flags)
      this.flags |= mergeFlags (flags);

   public void resetFlags ()
      flags = ClassFlag.Super.getVal ();
   public byte [] render ()
         nextConst = 1;
         utf8ConstPool.clear ();
         classConstPool.clear ();
         constPoolBs = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
         constPoolOs = new DataOutputStream (constPoolBs);
         ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
         DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream (bs);
         byte [] body = renderBody ();
         os.writeInt (Cookie);
         os.writeShort (minorVer);
         os.writeShort (majorVer);
         os.writeShort (nextConst);
         constPoolOs.flush ();
         os.write (constPoolBs.toByteArray ());
         os.write (body);
         os.flush ();
         return bs.toByteArray ();
      catch (IOException e)
         throw new RuntimeException (e);

   public int declareLabel ()
      return nextLabel ++;

   public int declareLabel (String sym)
      int l = nextLabel ++;
      labelBySym.put (sym, l);
      return l;
   // Instructions

   public DynClass aaload ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x32);
      return this;

   public DynClass aastore ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x53);
      return this;

   public DynClass aconstNull ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x01);
      return this;

   public DynClass aload (int index)
      if (index >= 0 && index < 4)
         curMtod.addIns (0x2a + index);
         curMtod.setMaxLocal (index);
         return this;
         return addPossiblyWideIns (0x19, index);

   public DynClass aload0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x2a);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (0);
      return this;

   public DynClass aload1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x2b);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (1);
      return this;

   public DynClass aload2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x2c);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (2);
      return this;

   public DynClass aload3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x2d);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (3);
      return this;

   public DynClass anewArray (String className)
      curMtod.addInsClassOp (0xbd, className);
      return this;

   public DynClass anewArray (Class<?> c)
      curMtod.addInsClassOp (0xbd, c.getName ());
      return this;

   public DynClass areturn ()
      curMtod.addIns (0xb0);
      return this;

   public DynClass arrayLength ()
      curMtod.addIns (0xbe);
      return this;

   public DynClass astore (int index)
      return addPossiblyWideIns (0x3a, index);

   public DynClass astore0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x4b);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (0);
      return this;

   public DynClass astore1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x4c);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (1);
      return this;

   public DynClass astore2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x4d);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (2);
      return this;

   public DynClass astore3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x4e);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (3);
      return this;

   public DynClass athrow ()
      curMtod.addIns (0xbf);
      return this;

   public DynClass baload ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x33);
      return this;

   public DynClass bastore ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x54);
      return this;

   public DynClass bipush (int b)
      curMtod.addIns (0x10, (byte)b);
      return this;

   public DynClass caload ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x34);
      return this;

   public DynClass castore ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x55);
      return this;

   public DynClass checkCast (String className)
      curMtod.addInsClassOp (0xc0, className);
      return this;

   public DynClass checkCast (Class<?> c)
      curMtod.addInsClassOp (0xc0, c.getName ());
      return this;

   public DynClass d2f ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x90);
      return this;

   public DynClass d2i ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x8e);
      return this;

   public DynClass d2l ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x8f);
      return this;

   public DynClass dadd ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x63);
      return this;

   public DynClass daload ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x31);
      return this;

   public DynClass dastore ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x52);
      return this;

   public DynClass dcmpg ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x98);
      return this;

   public DynClass dcmpl ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x97);
      return this;

   public DynClass dconst0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x0e);
      return this;

   public DynClass dconst1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x0f);
      return this;

   public DynClass ddiv ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x6f);
      return this;

   public DynClass dload (int index)
      if (index >= 0 && index < 4)
         curMtod.addIns (0x26 + index);
         curMtod.setMaxLocal (index + 1);
         return this;
         return addPossiblyWideIns (0x18, index, 2);

   public DynClass dload0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x26);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (1);
      return this;

   public DynClass dload1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x27);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (2);
      return this;

   public DynClass dload2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x28);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (3);
      return this;

   public DynClass dload3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x29);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (4);
      return this;

   public DynClass dmul ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x6b);
      return this;

   public DynClass dneg ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x77);
      return this;

   public DynClass drem ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x73);
      return this;

   public DynClass dreturn ()
      curMtod.addIns (0xaf);
      return this;

   public DynClass dstore (int index)
      return addPossiblyWideIns (0x39, index, 2);

   public DynClass dstore0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x47);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (1);
      return this;

   public DynClass dstore1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x48);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (2);
      return this;

   public DynClass dstore2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x49);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (3);
      return this;

   public DynClass dstore3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x4a);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (4);
      return this;

   public DynClass dsub ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x67);
      return this;

   public DynClass dup ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x59);
      return this;

   public DynClass dupX1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x5a);
      return this;

   public DynClass dupX2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x5b);
      return this;

   public DynClass dup2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x5c);
      return this;

   public DynClass dup2X1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x5d);
      return this;

   public DynClass dup2X2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x5e);
      return this;

   public DynClass f2d ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x8d);
      return this;

   public DynClass f2i ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x8b);
      return this;

   public DynClass f2l ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x8c);
      return this;

   public DynClass fadd ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x62);
      return this;

   public DynClass faload ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x30);
      return this;

   public DynClass fastore ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x51);
      return this;

   public DynClass fcmpg ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x96);
      return this;

   public DynClass fcmpl ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x95);
      return this;

   public DynClass fconst0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x0b);
      return this;

   public DynClass fconst1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x0c);
      return this;

   public DynClass fconst2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x0d);
      return this;

   public DynClass fdiv ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x6e);
      return this;

   public DynClass fload (int index)
      if (index >= 0 && index < 4)
         curMtod.addIns (0x22 + index);
         curMtod.setMaxLocal (index);
         return this;
         return addPossiblyWideIns (0x17, index);

   public DynClass fload0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x22);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (0);
      return this;

   public DynClass fload1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x23);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (1);
      return this;

   public DynClass fload2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x24);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (2);
      return this;

   public DynClass fload3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x25);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (3);
      return this;

   public DynClass fmul ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x6a);
      return this;

   public DynClass fneg ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x76);
      return this;

   public DynClass frem ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x72);
      return this;

   public DynClass freturn ()
      curMtod.addIns (0xae);
      return this;

   public DynClass fstore (int index)
      return addPossiblyWideIns (0x38, index);

   public DynClass fstore0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x43);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (0);
      return this;

   public DynClass fstore1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x44);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (1);
      return this;

   public DynClass fstore2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x45);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (2);
      return this;

   public DynClass fstore3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x46);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (3);
      return this;

   public DynClass fsub ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x66);
      return this;

   public DynClass getField (String className, String field, String type)
      curMtod.addInsFieldOp (0xb4, className, field, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass getField (Class<?> c, String field, String type)
      curMtod.addInsFieldOp (0xb4, c.getName (), field, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass getStatic (String className, String field, String type)
      curMtod.addInsFieldOp (0xb2, className, field, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass getStatic (Class<?> c, String field, String type)
      curMtod.addInsFieldOp (0xb2, c.getName (), field, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass goto_ (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0xa7, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass goto_ (String label)
      return goto_ (toLabel (label));
   public DynClass i2b ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x91);
      return this;

   public DynClass i2c ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x92);
      return this;

   public DynClass i2d ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x87);
      return this;

   public DynClass i2f ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x86);
      return this;

   public DynClass i2l ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x85);
      return this;

   public DynClass i2s ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x93);
      return this;

   public DynClass iadd ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x60);
      return this;

   public DynClass iaload ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x2e);
      return this;

   public DynClass iand ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x7e);
      return this;

   public DynClass iastore ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x4f);
      return this;

   public DynClass iconstM1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x02);
      return this;

   public DynClass iconst0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x03);
      return this;

   public DynClass iconst1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x04);
      return this;

   public DynClass iconst2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x05);
      return this;

   public DynClass iconst3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x06);
      return this;

   public DynClass iconst4 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x07);
      return this;

   public DynClass iconst5 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x08);
      return this;

   public DynClass idiv ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x6c);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifAcmpEq (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0xa5, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifAcmpEq (String label)
      return ifAcmpEq (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifAcmpNe (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0xa6, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifAcmpNe (String label)
      return ifAcmpNe (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifIcmpEq (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0x9f, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifIcmpEq (String label)
      return ifIcmpEq (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifIcmpNe (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0xa0, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifIcmpNe (String label)
      return ifIcmpNe (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifIcmpLt (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0xa1, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifIcmpLt (String label)
      return ifIcmpLt (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifIcmpGe (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0xa2, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifIcmpGe (String label)
      return ifIcmpGe (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifIcmpGt (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0xa3, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifIcmpGt (String label)
      return ifIcmpGt (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifIcmpLe (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0xa4, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifIcmpLe (String label)
      return ifIcmpLe (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifEq (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0x99, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifEq (String label)
      return ifEq (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifNe (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0x9a, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifNe (String label)
      return ifNe (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifLt (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0x9b, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifLt (String label)
      return ifLt (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifGe (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0x9c, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifGe (String label)
      return ifGe (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifGt (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0x9d, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifGt (String label)
      return ifGt (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifLe (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0x9e, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifLe (String label)
      return ifLe (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifNonNull (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0xc7, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifNonNull (String label)
      return ifNonNull (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass ifNull (int label)
      curMtod.addJmpIns (0xc6, label);
      return this;

   public DynClass ifNull (String label)
      return ifNull (toLabel (label));

   public DynClass iinc (int index, int amt)
      if (index > 0xff || amt > 0xff)
         curMtod.addIns (0xc4, 0x84, index, amt);
         curMtod.addIns (0x84, (byte)index, (byte)amt);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (index);
      return this;

   public DynClass iload (int index)
      if (index >= 0 && index < 4)
         curMtod.addIns (0x1a + index);
         curMtod.setMaxLocal (index);
         return this;
         return addPossiblyWideIns (0x15, index);

   public DynClass iload0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x1a);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (0);
      return this;

   public DynClass iload1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x1b);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (1);
      return this;

   public DynClass iload2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x1c);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (2);
      return this;

   public DynClass iload3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x1d);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (3);
      return this;

   public DynClass imul ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x68);
      return this;

   public DynClass ineg ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x74);
      return this;

   public DynClass instanceOf (String name)
      curMtod.addInsClassOp (0xc1, name);
      return this;
   public DynClass invokeInterface (String className, String method,
                                    String type)
      curMtod.addIns (new IfaceIns (0xb9, className, method, type));
      return this;

   public DynClass invokeInterface (Class<?> c, String method, String type)
      curMtod.addIns (new IfaceIns (0xb9, c.getName (), method, type));
      return this;

   public DynClass invokeDynamic ()
      // FIXME: implement at some point for completeness
      throw new RuntimeException ("DynClass: invokeDynamic not " +
                                  "implemented yet");

   public DynClass invokeSpecial (String className, String method,
                                  String type)
      curMtod.addInsMethodOp (0xb7, className, method, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass invokeSpecial (Class<?> c, String method,
                                  String type)
      curMtod.addInsMethodOp (0xb7, c.getName (), method, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass invokeStatic (String className, String method,
                                 String type)
      curMtod.addInsMethodOp (0xb8, className, method, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass invokeStatic (Class<?> c, String method, String type)
      curMtod.addInsMethodOp (0xb8, c.getName (), method, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass invokeVirtual (String className, String method,
                                  String type)
      curMtod.addInsMethodOp (0xb6, className, method, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass invokeVirtual (Class<?> c, String method, String type)
      curMtod.addInsMethodOp (0xb6, c.getName (), method, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass invoke (java.lang.reflect.Method m)
      Class<?> c = m.getDeclaringClass ();
      if (Modifier.isStatic (m.getModifiers ()))
         return invokeStatic (c, m.getName (),  getDescriptor (m));
      else if (c.isInterface ())
         return invokeInterface (c, m.getName (), getDescriptor (m));
         return invokeVirtual (c, m.getName (), getDescriptor (m));

   public DynClass ior ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x80);
      return this;

   public DynClass irem ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x70);
      return this;

   public DynClass ireturn ()
      curMtod.addIns (0xac);
      return this;

   public DynClass ishl ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x78);
      return this;

   public DynClass ishr ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x7a);
      return this;

   public DynClass istore (int index)
      return addPossiblyWideIns (0x36, index);

   public DynClass istore0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x3b);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (0);
      return this;

   public DynClass istore1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x3c);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (1);
      return this;

   public DynClass istore2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x3d);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (2);
      return this;

   public DynClass istore3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x3e);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (3);
      return this;

   public DynClass isub ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x64);
      return this;

   public DynClass iushr ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x7c);
      return this;

   public DynClass ixor ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x82);
      return this;

   public DynClass l2d ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x8a);
      return this;

   public DynClass l2f ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x89);
      return this;

   public DynClass l2i ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x88);
      return this;

   public DynClass ladd ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x61);
      return this;

   public DynClass laload ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x2f);
      return this;

   public DynClass land ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x7f);
      return this;

   public DynClass lastore ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x50);
      return this;

   public DynClass lcmp ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x94);
      return this;

   public DynClass lconst0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x09);
      return this;

   public DynClass lconst1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x0a);
      return this;
   public DynClass ldc (int val)
      curMtod.addIns (new LdcIntIns (val));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldc (float val)
      curMtod.addIns (new LdcFloatIns (val));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldc (long val)
      curMtod.addIns (new LdcLongIns (val));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldc (double val)
      curMtod.addIns (new LdcDoubleIns (val));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldc (String name)
      curMtod.addIns (new LdcStrIns (name));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldcClass (String name)
      curMtod.addIns (new LdcClassIns (name));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldcClass (Class<?> c)
      curMtod.addIns (new LdcClassIns (c.getName ()));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldc (int pos, int val)
      curMtod.setIns (pos, new LdcIntIns (val));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldc (int pos, float val)
      curMtod.setIns (pos, new LdcFloatIns (val));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldc (int pos, long val)
      curMtod.setIns (pos, new LdcLongIns (val));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldc (int pos, double val)
      curMtod.setIns (pos, new LdcDoubleIns (val));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldc (int pos, String name)
      curMtod.setIns (pos, new LdcStrIns (name));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldcClass (int pos, String name)
      curMtod.setIns (pos, new LdcClassIns (name));
      return this;

   public DynClass ldcClass (int pos, Class<?> c)
      curMtod.setIns (pos, new LdcClassIns (c.getName ()));
      return this;

   public int reserveIns ()
      int pos = curMtod.instructions.size ();
      curMtod.addIns (null);
      return pos;
   public DynClass ldiv ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x6d);
      return this;

   public DynClass lload (int index)
      if (index >= 0 && index < 4)
         curMtod.addIns (0x1e + index);
         curMtod.setMaxLocal (index + 1);
         return this;
         return addPossiblyWideIns (0x16, index, 2);

   public DynClass lload0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x1e);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (1);
      return this;

   public DynClass lload1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x1f);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (2);
      return this;

   public DynClass lload2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x20);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (3);
      return this;

   public DynClass lload3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x21);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (4);
      return this;

   public DynClass lmul ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x69);
      return this;

   public DynClass lneg ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x75);
      return this;

   public DynClass lookupswitch ()
      // FIXME: implement at some point for completeness
      throw new RuntimeException ("DynClass: lookupswitch not implemented yet");

   public DynClass lor ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x81);
      return this;

   public DynClass lrem ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x71);
      return this;

   public DynClass lreturn ()
      curMtod.addIns (0xad);
      return this;

   public DynClass lshl ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x79);
      return this;

   public DynClass lshr ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x7b);
      return this;

   public DynClass lstore (int index)
      return addPossiblyWideIns (0x37, index, 2);

   public DynClass lstore0 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x3f);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (1);
      return this;

   public DynClass lstore1 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x40);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (2);
      return this;

   public DynClass lstore2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x41);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (3);
      return this;

   public DynClass lstore3 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x42);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (4);
      return this;

   public DynClass lsub ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x65);
      return this;

   public DynClass lushr ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x7d);
      return this;

   public DynClass lxor ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x83);
      return this;

   public DynClass monitorEnter ()
      curMtod.addIns (0xc2);
      return this;

   public DynClass monitorExit ()
      curMtod.addIns (0xc3);
      return this;

   public DynClass multiAnewArray (String className)
      curMtod.addInsClassOp (0xc5, className);
      return this;

   public DynClass new_ (String className)
      curMtod.addInsClassOp (0xbb, className);
      return this;

   public DynClass new_ (Class<?> c)
      curMtod.addInsClassOp (0xbb, c.getName ());
      return this;

   public DynClass newArray (Type t)
      curMtod.addIns (0xbc, t.getVal ());
      return this;

   public DynClass nop ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x00);
      return this;

   public DynClass pop ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x57);
      return this;

   public DynClass pop2 ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x58);
      return this;

   public DynClass putField (String className, String field, String type)
      curMtod.addInsFieldOp (0xb5, className, field, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass putStatic (String className, String field, String type)
      curMtod.addInsFieldOp (0xb3, className, field, type);
      return this;

   public DynClass return_ ()
      curMtod.addIns (0xb1);
      return this;

   public DynClass saload ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x35);
      return this;

   public DynClass sastore ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x56);
      return this;

   public DynClass sipush (int b)
      curMtod.addIns (0x11, (short)b);
      return this;

   public DynClass swap ()
      curMtod.addIns (0x5f);
      return this;

   public DynClass tableswitch ()
      // FIXME: implement at some point for completeness
      throw new RuntimeException ("DynClass: tableswitch not implemented yet");

   public DynClass label (int tgt)
      curMtod.addLabel (tgt);
      return this;

   public DynClass label (String sym)
      return label (toLabel (sym));

   public DynClass setMaxStack (int i)
      curMtod.setMaxStack (i);
      return this;

   public static String toInternal (String name)
      return name.replace (".", "/");

   public static String toInternal (Class<?> c)
      return toInternal (c.getName ());

   private final static HashMap<String, String> typeMap =
      new HashMap <String, String> ();
      typeMap.put ("byte", "B");
      typeMap.put ("short", "S");
      typeMap.put ("int", "I");
      typeMap.put ("long", "J");
      typeMap.put ("float", "F");
      typeMap.put ("double", "D");
      typeMap.put ("boolean", "Z");
      typeMap.put ("void", "V");

   public static String getDescriptor (java.lang.reflect.Method m)
      StringBuilder descr = new StringBuilder ();
      descr.append ('(');
      for (Class<?> prm : m.getParameterTypes ())
         descr.append (getDescriptor (prm));
      descr.append (')');
      descr.append (getDescriptor (m.getReturnType ()));
      return descr.toString (); 
   public static String getDescriptor (Class<?> type)
      String name = type.getName ();
      String descr = typeMap.get (name);
      if (descr != null)
         return descr;
      else if (name.charAt (0) == '[')
         return DynClass.toInternal (name);
         return "L" + DynClass.toInternal (name) + ";";

   public static Class<?> getArrayClass (Class<?> comp)
         return Class.forName ("[" + getDescriptor (comp).replace ("/", "."));
      catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
         throw new RuntimeException (e);

   private static <T extends Flag> int mergeFlags (T [] flags)
      int merged = 0;
      for (T f : flags)
         merged |= f.getVal ();
      return merged;
   private int toLabel (String sym)
      Integer lbl = labelBySym.get (sym);
      if (lbl != null)
         return lbl.intValue ();
         throw new RuntimeException ("DynClass: no such label" + sym);

   private byte [] renderBody () throws IOException
      ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
      DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream (bs);
      os.writeShort ((short)flags);

      // this

      os.writeShort ((short)getConstClass (toInternal (name)));

      // super

      if (superName == null || superName.equals (""))
         superName = "java.lang.Object";
      os.writeShort ((short)getConstClass (toInternal (superName)));

      writeInterfaces (os);

      // fields

      os.writeShort ((short)fields.size ());
      for (Field f : fields)
         writeField (f, os);

      // methods

      os.writeShort ((short)methods.size ());
      for (Method m : methods)
         writeMethod (m, os);

      // attributes

      os.writeShort (0); // FIXME: no attributes for now
      os.flush ();

      return bs.toByteArray ();

   private int getConstClass (String val) throws IOException
      Integer i = classConstPool.get (val);
      if (i != null)
         return (short)i.intValue ();
         int strRef = getConstUtf8 (val);
         int ref = nextConst ++;
         classConstPool.put (val, ref);
         constPoolOs.write (Const.Class.getVal ());
         constPoolOs.writeShort ((short)strRef);
         return ref;

   private int getConstStr (String val) throws IOException
      Integer i = strConstPool.get (val);
      if (i != null)
         return (short)i.intValue ();
         int strRef = getConstUtf8 (val);
         int ref = nextConst ++;
         strConstPool.put (val, ref);
         constPoolOs.write (Const.String.getVal ());
         constPoolOs.writeShort ((short)strRef);
         return ref;

   private int getConstInt (int val) throws IOException
      Integer i = intConstPool.get (val);
      if (i != null)
         return i.intValue ();
         int ref = nextConst ++;
         intConstPool.put (val, ref);
         constPoolOs.write (Const.Integer.getVal ());
         constPoolOs.writeInt (val);
         return ref;

   private int getConstUtf8 (String val) throws IOException
      Integer i = utf8ConstPool.get (val);
      if (i != null)
         return i.intValue ();
         int ref = nextConst ++;
         utf8ConstPool.put (val, ref);
         constPoolOs.write (Const.Utf8.getVal ());
         constPoolOs.writeUTF (val);
         return ref;

   private int getConstIfaceMethod (String className, String name, String type)
      throws IOException
      String key = className + ";" + name + ";" + type;
      Integer i = ifaceConstPool.get (key);
      if (i != null)
         return i.intValue ();
         int classRef = getConstClass (className);
         int nameAndTypeRef = getConstNameAndType (name, type);
         int ref = nextConst ++;
         ifaceConstPool.put (key, ref);
         constPoolOs.write (Const.InterfaceMethodRef.getVal ());
         constPoolOs.writeShort ((short)classRef);
         constPoolOs.writeShort ((short)nameAndTypeRef);
         return ref;

   private int getConstMethod (String className, String name, String type)
      throws IOException
      String key = className + ";" + name + ";" + type;
      Integer i = methodConstPool.get (key);
      if (i != null)
         return i.intValue ();
         int classRef = getConstClass (className);
         int nameAndTypeRef = getConstNameAndType (name, type);
         int ref = nextConst ++;
         methodConstPool.put (key, ref);
         constPoolOs.write (Const.MethodRef.getVal ());
         constPoolOs.writeShort ((short)classRef);
         constPoolOs.writeShort ((short)nameAndTypeRef);
         return ref;

   private int getConstField (String className, String name, String type)
      throws IOException
      String key = className + ";" + name + ";" + type;
      Integer i = fieldConstPool.get (key);
      if (i != null)
         return i.intValue ();
         int classRef = getConstClass (className);
         int nameAndTypeRef = getConstNameAndType (name, type);
         int ref = nextConst ++;
         fieldConstPool.put (key, ref);
         constPoolOs.write (Const.FieldRef.getVal ());
         constPoolOs.writeShort ((short)classRef);
         constPoolOs.writeShort ((short)nameAndTypeRef);
         return ref;

   private int getConstNameAndType (String name, String type)
      throws IOException
      String key = name + ";" + type;
      Integer i = nameAndTypeConstPool.get (key);
      if (i != null)
         return i.intValue ();
         int nameRef = getConstUtf8 (name);
         int typeRef = getConstUtf8 (type);
         int ref = nextConst ++;
         nameAndTypeConstPool.put (key, ref);
         constPoolOs.write (Const.NameAndType.getVal ());
         constPoolOs.writeShort ((short)nameRef);
         constPoolOs.writeShort ((short)typeRef);
         return ref;
   private void writeInterfaces (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
      os.writeShort ((short)interfaces.size ());
      for (String i : interfaces)
         os.writeShort (getConstClass (toInternal (i)));

   private void writeField (Field f, DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
      os.writeShort (f.flags);
      os.writeShort (getConstUtf8 (f.name));
      os.writeShort (getConstUtf8 (f.type));
      os.writeShort (0);

   private void writeMethod (Method m, DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
      os.writeShort (m.flags);
      os.writeShort (getConstUtf8 (m.name));
      os.writeShort (getConstUtf8 (m.type));
      os.writeShort (1); // Code
      os.writeShort (getConstUtf8 ("Code")); // Attr name

      ByteArrayOutputStream mbs = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
      DataOutputStream mos = new DataOutputStream (mbs);

      writeMethodBody (m, mos);
      mos.flush ();
      byte [] body = mbs.toByteArray ();
      os.writeInt (body.length); // Attr len
      os.write (body);

   private void writeMethodBody (Method m, DataOutputStream os)
      throws IOException
      os.writeShort (m.maxStack);
      os.writeShort (m.maxLocals);

      ByteArrayOutputStream cbs = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
      DataOutputStream cos = new DataOutputStream (cbs);

      writeMethodCode (m, cos);
      cos.flush ();
      byte [] code = cbs.toByteArray ();
      os.writeInt (code.length); // Code len
      os.write (code); // Code
      os.writeShort (0); // No exceptions
      os.writeShort (0); // No attributes

   private void writeMethodCode (Method m, DataOutputStream os)
      throws IOException
      // Resolve constants

      for (Ins i : m.instructions)
         i.resolveConst (this);

      // Resolve jumps

      HashMap<Integer, Integer> jmpMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer> ();

      int addr = 0;
      for (Ins i : m.instructions)
         i.resolveLabel (addr, jmpMap);
         addr += i.getSize ();

      addr = 0;
      for (Ins i : m.instructions)
         i.resolveJmp (addr, jmpMap);
         addr += i.getSize ();
      // Write result
      for (Ins i : m.instructions)
         i.write (os);
   private static enum Const
      Class (7),
      FieldRef (9),
      MethodRef (10),
      InterfaceMethodRef (11),
      String (8),
      Integer (3),
      Float (4),
      Long (5),
      Double (6),
      NameAndType (12),
      Utf8 (1),
      MethodHandle (15),
      MethodType (16),
      InvokeDynamic (18);

      Const (int val) { this.val = val; }
      public byte getVal () { return (byte)val; }
      private int val;
   private static final int Cookie = 0xcafebabe;
   private static final short DefaultMinorVer = 0;
   // Stay on 1.5 to avoid stack map frames for now
   private static final short DefaultMajorVer = 49;

   private static class Ins
      void resolveConst (DynClass self) throws IOException { }
      void resolveLabel (int addr, HashMap<Integer, Integer> jmpMap) { }
      void resolveJmp (int addr, HashMap<Integer, Integer> jmpMap) { }
      int getSize () { return 0; }
      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException { }

   private static class Ins1 extends Ins
      Ins1 (int opc) { this.opc = (byte)opc; }
      int getSize () { return 1; }
      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (opc);
      final byte opc;

   private static class Ins2 extends Ins
      Ins2 (int opc, byte op) { this.opc = (byte)opc; this.op = op; }
      int getSize () { return 2; }
      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (opc);
         os.write (op);
      final byte opc;
      final byte op;
   private static class Ins3 extends Ins
      Ins3 (int opc, byte op1, byte op2)
         this.opc = (byte)opc;
         this.op1 = op1;
         this.op2 = op2;

      int getSize () { return 3; }
      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (opc);
         os.write (op1);
         os.write (op2);
      final byte opc;
      final byte op1;
      final byte op2;
   private static class Ins4 extends Ins
      Ins4 (int opc, byte op1, byte op2, byte op3)
         this.opc = (byte)opc;
         this.op1 = op1;
         this.op2 = op2;
         this.op3 = op3;

      int getSize () { return 4; }
      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (opc);
         os.write (op1);
         os.write (op2);
         os.write (op3);

      final byte opc;
      final byte op1;
      final byte op2;
      final byte op3;

   private static class Ins6 extends Ins
      Ins6 (int opc, byte op1, byte op2, byte op3, byte op4, byte op5)
         this.opc = (byte)opc;
         this.op1 = op1;
         this.op2 = op2;
         this.op3 = op3;
         this.op4 = op4;
         this.op5 = op5;

      int getSize () { return 6; }
      final byte opc;
      final byte op1;
      final byte op2;
      final byte op3;
      final byte op4;
      final byte op5;

      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (opc);
         os.write (op1);
         os.write (op2);
         os.write (op3);
         os.write (op4);
         os.write (op5);
   private static class IfaceIns extends Ins
      IfaceIns (int opc, String className, String mtod, String type)
         this.opc = (byte)opc;
         this.className = toInternal (className);
         this.mtod = mtod;
         this.type = type;

      int getSize () { return 5; }

      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (opc);
         os.writeShort ((short)ref);
         os.write ((byte)countArgs (type));
         os.write (0);

      void resolveConst (DynClass self) throws IOException
         ref = self.getConstIfaceMethod (className, mtod, type);

      final byte opc;
      final String className;
      final String mtod;
      final String type;
      int ref;
   private static class ClassIns extends Ins
      ClassIns (int opc, String className)
         this.opc = (byte)opc;
         this.className = toInternal (className);

      void resolveConst (DynClass self) throws IOException
         ref = self.getConstClass (className);

      int getSize () { return 3; }

      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (opc);
         os.writeShort ((short)ref);

      final byte opc;
      final String className;
      int ref;
   private static class FieldIns extends Ins
      FieldIns (int opc, String className, String field, String type)
         this.opc = (byte)opc;
         this.className = toInternal (className);
         this.field = field;
         this.type = type;

      void resolveConst (DynClass self) throws IOException
         ref = self.getConstField (className, field, type);

      int getSize () { return 3; }

      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (opc);
         os.writeShort ((short)ref);

      final byte opc;
      final String className;
      final String field;
      final String type;
      int ref;

   private static class MethodIns extends Ins
      MethodIns (int opc, String className, String mtod, String type)
         this.opc = (byte)opc;
         this.className = toInternal (className);
         this.mtod = mtod;
         this.type = type;

      void resolveConst (DynClass self) throws IOException
         ref = self.getConstMethod (className, mtod, type);

      int getSize () { return 3; }

      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (opc);
         os.writeShort ((short)ref);
      final byte opc;
      final String className;
      final String mtod;
      final String type;
      int ref;

   private static class LdcBase extends Ins
      int getSize ()
         if (ref <= 255)
            return 2;
            return 3;

      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         if (getSize () == 2)
            os.write (0x12); // ldc
            os.write ((byte)ref);
            os.write (0x13); // ldc_w
            os.writeShort ((short)ref);
      int ref;

   private static class Ldc2Base extends Ins
      int getSize () { return 3; }

      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (0x14); // ldc2_w
         os.writeShort ((short)ref);
      int ref;
   private static class LdcIntIns extends LdcBase
      LdcIntIns (int val) { this.val = val; }
      void resolveConst (DynClass self) throws IOException
         ref = self.getConstInt (val);
      final int val;
   private static class LdcFloatIns extends  LdcBase
      LdcFloatIns (float val) { this.val = val; }
      // FIXME: resolveConst
      final float val;
   private static class LdcLongIns extends Ldc2Base
      LdcLongIns (long val) { this.val = val; }
      // FIXME: resolveConst
      final long val;

   private static class LdcDoubleIns extends Ldc2Base
      LdcDoubleIns (double val) { this.val = val; }
      // FIXME: resolveConst
      final double val;

   private static class LdcClassIns extends  LdcBase
      LdcClassIns (String name) { this.name = toInternal (name); }
      void resolveConst (DynClass self) throws IOException
         ref = self.getConstClass (name);
      final String name;
   private static class LdcStrIns extends  LdcBase
      LdcStrIns (String val) { this.val = val; }

      void resolveConst (DynClass self) throws IOException
         ref = self.getConstStr (val);

      final String val;

   private static class LabelIns extends Ins
      LabelIns (int label) { this.label = label; }
      void resolveLabel (int addr, HashMap<Integer, Integer> jmpMap)
         jmpMap.put (label, addr);
      final int label;

   private static class JmpIns extends Ins
      JmpIns (int opc, int label)
         this.opc = (byte)opc;
         this.label = label;

      void resolveJmp (int addr, HashMap<Integer, Integer> jmpMap)
         Integer a = jmpMap.get (label);
         if (a == null)
            throw new RuntimeException ("DynClass: Dangling label: " + label);
         this.addr = a.intValue ();
         this.addr -= addr; // Relative
         if (this.addr > 0xFFFF)
            throw new RuntimeException ("DynClass: Far jumps not " +
                                        "implemented yet");

      int getSize () { return 3; }

      void write (DataOutputStream os) throws IOException
         os.write (opc);
         os.writeShort ((short)addr);

      final byte opc;
      final int label;
      int addr;

   private static boolean isStatic (int flags)
      return (flags & MtodFlag.Static.getVal ()) != 0;

   private static int countArgs (String type)
      int count = 0;
      for (int i = 0, len = type.length (); i < len;)
         switch (type.charAt (i))
         case '(':
            ++ i;
         case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'F': case 'I': case 'J': case 'S':
         case 'Z':
            ++ count;
            ++ i;
         case 'L':
            ++ count;
            i = type.indexOf (';', i);
            if (i != -1)
               ++ i;
               break Loop;
         case '[':
            ++ count;
            i = skipFieldType (type, i + 1);
         case ')':
            return count + 1 /* this */;
            break Loop;
      throw new RuntimeException ("DynClass: Bad method specifier syntax: " +

   private static int skipFieldType (String type, int i)
      switch (type.charAt (i))
       case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'F': case 'I': case 'J': case 'S':
       case 'Z':
          return i + 1;

       case 'L':
          i = type.indexOf (';', i);
          if (i != -1)
             return i + 1;
      case '[':
         return skipFieldType (type, i + 1);

      throw new RuntimeException ("DynClass: Bad method specifier syntax: " +
   private static class Method
      Method (String name, String type, int flags)
         this.name = name;
         this.type = type;
         this.flags = (short)flags;
         maxLocals = countArgs (type) + (isStatic (flags) ? 0 : 1);

      void addIns (int opc)
         addIns (new Ins1 (opc));

      void addIns (int opc, byte op)
         addIns (new Ins2 (opc, op));

      void addIns (int opc, short op)
         addIns (new Ins3 (opc, (byte)(op >> 8), (byte)(op & 0xff)));

      void addIns (int opc, byte op1, byte op2)
         addIns (new Ins3 (opc, op1, op2));

      void addIns (int opc1, int opc2, int op)
         addIns (new Ins4 (opc1, (byte)opc2, (byte)(op >> 8),
                           (byte)(op & 0xff)));

      void addIns (int opc1, int opc2, int op1, int op2)
         addIns (new Ins6 (opc1, (byte)opc2, (byte)(op1 >> 8),
                           (byte)(op1 & 0xff),
                           (byte)(op2 >> 8), (byte)(op2 & 0xff)));

      void addInsClassOp (int opc, String name)
         addIns (new ClassIns (opc, name));
      void addInsFieldOp (int opc, String className, String field, String type)
         addIns (new FieldIns (opc, className, field, type));
      void addInsMethodOp (int opc, String className, String mtod, String type)
         addIns (new MethodIns (opc, className, mtod, type));

      void addJmpIns (int opc, int label)
         addIns (new JmpIns (opc, label));

      void addIns (Ins ins)
         instructions.add (ins);
      void addLabel (int label)
         addIns (new LabelIns (label));

      void setMaxLocal (int index)
         maxLocals = Math.max (maxLocals, index + 1);

      void setMaxStack (int depth)
         maxStack = Math.max (maxStack, depth);

      void setIns (int pos, Ins ins)
         instructions.set (pos, ins);

      final String name;
      final String type;
      final short flags;
      final ArrayList<Ins> instructions = new ArrayList<Ins> ();
      int maxLocals = 0;
      int maxStack = 0;

   private static class Field
      Field (String name, String type, int flags)
         this.name = name;
         this.type = type;
         this.flags = (short)flags;

      final String name;
      final String type;
      final short flags;
   private DynClass addPossiblyWideIns (int opc, int index, int localSize)
      if (index > 0xff)
         curMtod.addIns (0xc4, opc, index);
         curMtod.addIns (opc, (byte)index);
      curMtod.setMaxLocal (index + localSize - 1);
      return this;

   private DynClass addPossiblyWideIns (int opc, int index)
      return addPossiblyWideIns (opc, index, 1);
   private final String name;
   private final int majorVer;
   private final int minorVer;
   private final ArrayList<String> interfaces = new ArrayList<String> ();
   private String superClass;
   private final ArrayList<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field> ();
   private final ArrayList<Method> methods = new ArrayList<Method> ();
   private Method curMtod;
   private int flags = ClassFlag.Public.getVal () | ClassFlag.Super.getVal ();
   private String superName;
   private int nextConst = 1;
   private final HashMap<String, Integer> utf8ConstPool =
      new HashMap<String, Integer> ();
   private final HashMap<Integer, Integer> intConstPool =
      new HashMap<Integer, Integer> ();
   private final HashMap<String, Integer> classConstPool =
      new HashMap<String, Integer> ();
   private final HashMap<String, Integer> strConstPool =
      new HashMap<String, Integer> ();
   private final HashMap<String, Integer> ifaceConstPool =
      new HashMap<String, Integer> ();
   private final HashMap<String, Integer> nameAndTypeConstPool =
      new HashMap<String, Integer> ();
   private final HashMap<String, Integer> methodConstPool =
      new HashMap<String, Integer> ();
   private final HashMap<String, Integer> fieldConstPool =
      new HashMap<String, Integer> ();
   private final HashMap<String, Integer> labelBySym =
      new HashMap<String, Integer> ();
   private ByteArrayOutputStream constPoolBs;
   private DataOutputStream constPoolOs;
   private int nextLabel = 0;