 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package io.codetail.animation;

import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.util.AndroidRuntimeException;
import android.view.View;

import java.util.ArrayList;

 * This class is the base class of physics-based animations. It manages the animation's
 * lifecycle such as {@link #start()} and {@link #cancel()}. This base class also handles the common
 * setup for all the subclass animations. For example, DynamicAnimation supports adding
 * {@link OnAnimationEndListener} and {@link OnAnimationUpdateListener} so that the important
 * animation events can be observed through the callbacks. The start conditions for any subclass of
 * DynamicAnimation can be set using {@link #setStartValue(float)} and
 * {@link #setStartVelocity(float)}.
 * @param <T> subclass of DynamicAnimation
abstract class DynamicAnimation<T extends DynamicAnimation<T>>
    implements AnimationHandler.AnimationFrameCallback {

   * ViewProperty holds the access of a property of a {@link View}. When an animation is
   * created with a {@link ViewProperty} instance, the corresponding property value of the view
   * will be updated through this ViewProperty instance.
  public abstract static class Property<T> {
    private final String mPropertyName;

    public Property(String name) {
      mPropertyName = name;

    public abstract void setValue(T view, float value);

    public abstract float getValue(T view);

  public abstract static class ViewProperty extends Property<View> {
    public ViewProperty(String name) {

   * View's translationX property.
  public static final ViewProperty TRANSLATION_X = new ViewProperty("translationX") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getTranslationX();

   * View's translationY property.
  public static final ViewProperty TRANSLATION_Y = new ViewProperty("translationY") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getTranslationY();

   * View's translationZ property.
  public static final ViewProperty TRANSLATION_Z = new ViewProperty("translationZ") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {
      if (isZSupported()) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      if (isZSupported()) {
        return view.getTranslationZ();
      } else {
        return 0;

   * View's scaleX property.
  public static final ViewProperty SCALE_X = new ViewProperty("scaleX") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getScaleX();

   * View's scaleY property.
  public static final ViewProperty SCALE_Y = new ViewProperty("scaleY") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getScaleY();

   * View's rotation property.
  public static final ViewProperty ROTATION = new ViewProperty("rotation") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getRotation();

   * View's rotationX property.
  public static final ViewProperty ROTATION_X = new ViewProperty("rotationX") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getRotationX();

   * View's rotationY property.
  public static final ViewProperty ROTATION_Y = new ViewProperty("rotationY") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getRotationY();

   * View's x property.
  public static final ViewProperty X = new ViewProperty("x") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getX();

   * View's y property.
  public static final ViewProperty Y = new ViewProperty("y") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getY();

   * View's z property.
  public static final ViewProperty Z = new ViewProperty("z") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {
      if (isZSupported()) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      if (isZSupported()) {
        return view.getZ();
      } else {
        return 0;

   * View's alpha property.
  public static final ViewProperty ALPHA = new ViewProperty("alpha") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getAlpha();

  // Properties below are not RenderThread compatible
   * View's scrollX property.
  public static final ViewProperty SCROLL_X = new ViewProperty("scrollX") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {
      view.setScrollX((int) value);

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getScrollX();

   * View's scrollY property.
  public static final ViewProperty SCROLL_Y = new ViewProperty("scrollY") {
    public void setValue(View view, float value) {
      view.setScrollY((int) value);

    public float getValue(View view) {
      return view.getScrollY();

  // Use the max value of float to indicate an unset state.
  private static final float UNSET = Float.MAX_VALUE;

  // Internal tracking for velocity.
  float mVelocity = 0;

  // Internal tracking for value.
  float mValue = UNSET;

  // Tracks whether start value is set. If not, the animation will obtain the value at the time
  // of starting through the getter and use that as the starting value of the animation.
  boolean mStartValueIsSet = false;

  // View target to be animated.
  final Object mTarget;

  // View property id.
  final Property mViewProperty;

  // Package private tracking of animation lifecycle state. Visible to subclass animations.
  boolean mRunning = false;

  // Min and max values that defines the range of the animation values.
  float mMaxValue = Float.MAX_VALUE;
  float mMinValue = -mMaxValue;

  // Last frame time. Always gets reset to -1  at the end of the animation.
  private long mLastFrameTime = 0;

  // List of end listeners
  private final ArrayList<OnAnimationEndListener> mEndListeners = new ArrayList<>();

  // List of update listeners
  private final ArrayList<OnAnimationUpdateListener> mUpdateListeners = new ArrayList<>();

   * Creates a dynamic animation to animate the given property for the given {@link View}
   * @param view the View whose property is to be animated
   * @param property the property to be animated
  <T> DynamicAnimation(T view, Property<T> property) {
    mTarget = view;
    mViewProperty = property;

   * Sets the start value of the animation. If start value is not set, the animation will get
   * the current value for the view's property, and use that as the start value.
   * @param startValue start value for the animation
   * @return the Animation whose start value is being set
  public T setStartValue(float startValue) {
    mValue = startValue;
    mStartValueIsSet = true;
    return (T) this;

   * Start velocity of the animation. Default velocity is 0. Unit: pixel/second
   * <p>Note when using a fixed value as the start velocity (as opposed to getting the velocity
   * through touch events), it is recommended to define such a value in dp/second and convert it
   * to pixel/second based on the density of the screen to achieve a consistent look across
   * different screens.
   * @param startVelocity start velocity of the animation in pixel/second
   * @return the Animation whose start velocity is being set
  public T setStartVelocity(float startVelocity) {
    mVelocity = startVelocity;
    return (T) this;

   * Sets the max value of the animation. Animations will not animate beyond their max value.
   * Whether or not animation will come to an end when max value is reached is dependent on the
   * child animation's implementation.
   * @param max maximum value of the property to be animated
   * @return the Animation whose max value is being set
  public T setMaxValue(float max) {
    // This max value should be checked and handled in the subclass animations, instead of
    // assuming the end of the animations when the max/min value is hit in the base class.
    // The reason is that hitting max/min value may just be a transient state, such as during
    // the spring oscillation.
    mMaxValue = max;
    return (T) this;

   * Sets the min value of the animation. Animations will not animate beyond their min value.
   * Whether or not animation will come to an end when min value is reached is dependent on the
   * child animation's implementation.
   * @param min minimum value of the property to be animated
   * @return the Animation whose min value is being set
  public T setMinValue(float min) {
    mMinValue = min;
    return (T) this;

   * Adds an end listener to the animation for receiving onAnimationEnd callbacks. If the listener
   * is {@code null} or has already been added to the list of listeners for the animation, no op.
   * @param listener the listener to be added
   * @return the animation to which the listener is added
  public T addEndListener(OnAnimationEndListener listener) {
    if (!mEndListeners.contains(listener)) {
    return (T) this;

   * Removes the end listener from the animation, so as to stop receiving animation end callbacks.
   * @param listener the listener to be removed
  public void removeEndListener(OnAnimationEndListener listener) {
    removeEntry(mEndListeners, listener);

   * Adds an update listener to the animation for receiving per-frame animation update callbacks.
   * If the listener is {@code null} or has already been added to the list of listeners for the
   * animation, no op.
   * <p>Note that update listener should only be added before the start of the animation.
   * @param listener the listener to be added
   * @return the animation to which the listener is added
   * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the update listener is added after the animation has
   * started
  public T addUpdateListener(OnAnimationUpdateListener listener) {
    if (isRunning()) {
      // Require update listener to be added before the animation, such as when we start
      // the animation, we know whether the animation is RenderThread compatible.
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Error: Update listeners must be added before"
          + "the animation.");
    if (!mUpdateListeners.contains(listener)) {
    return (T) this;

   * Removes the update listener from the animation, so as to stop receiving animation update
   * callbacks.
   * @param listener the listener to be removed
  public void removeUpdateListener(OnAnimationUpdateListener listener) {
    removeEntry(mUpdateListeners, listener);

   * Remove {@code null} entries from the list.
  private static <T> void removeNullEntries(ArrayList<T> list) {
    // Clean up null entries
    for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (list.get(i) == null) {

   * Remove an entry from the list by marking it {@code null} and clean up later.
  private static <T> void removeEntry(ArrayList<T> list, T entry) {
    int id = list.indexOf(entry);
    if (id >= 0) {
      list.set(id, null);

  /****************Animation Lifecycle Management***************/

   * Starts an animation. If the animation has already been started, no op. Note that calling
   * {@link #start()} will not immediately set the property value to start value of the animation.
   * The property values will be changed at each animation pulse, which happens before the draw
   * pass. As a result, the changes will be reflected in the next frame, the same as if the values
   * were set immediately. This method should only be called on main thread.
   * @throws AndroidRuntimeException if this method is not called on the main thread
  public void start() {
    if (Looper.myLooper() != Looper.getMainLooper()) {
      throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Animations may only be started on the main thread");
    if (!mRunning) {

   * Cancels the on-going animation. If the animation hasn't started, no op. Note that this method
   * should only be called on main thread.
   * @throws AndroidRuntimeException if this method is not called on the main thread
  public void cancel() {
    if (Looper.myLooper() != Looper.getMainLooper()) {
      throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Animations may only be canceled on the main thread");
    if (mRunning) {

   * Returns whether the animation is currently running.
   * @return {@code true} if the animation is currently running, {@code false} otherwise
  public boolean isRunning() {
    return mRunning;

  /************************** Private APIs below ********************************/

  // This gets called when the animation is started, to finish the setup of the animation
  // before the animation pulsing starts.
  private void startAnimationInternal() {
    if (!mRunning) {
      mRunning = true;
      if (!mStartValueIsSet) {
        mValue = getPropertyValue();
      // Sanity check:
      if (mValue > mMaxValue || mValue < mMinValue) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Starting value need to be in between min"
            + " value and max value");
      AnimationHandler.getInstance().addAnimationFrameCallback(this, 0);

   * This gets call on each frame of the animation. Animation value and velocity are updated
   * in this method based on the new frame time. The property value of the view being animated
   * is then updated. The animation's ending conditions are also checked in this method. Once
   * the animation reaches equilibrium, the animation will come to its end, and end listeners
   * will be notified, if any.
   * @hide
  public boolean doAnimationFrame(long frameTime) {
    if (mLastFrameTime == 0) {
      // First frame.
      mLastFrameTime = frameTime;
      if (mStartValueIsSet) {
      return false;
    long deltaT = frameTime - mLastFrameTime;
    mLastFrameTime = frameTime;
    boolean finished = updateValueAndVelocity(deltaT);
    // Clamp value & velocity.
    mValue = Math.min(mValue, mMaxValue);
    mValue = Math.max(mValue, mMinValue);


    if (finished) {
    return finished;

   * Updates the animation state (i.e. value and velocity). This method is package private, so
   * subclasses can override this method to calculate the new value and velocity in their custom
   * way.
   * @param deltaT time elapsed in millisecond since last frame
   * @return whether the animation has finished
  boolean updateValueAndVelocity(long deltaT) {
    if (deltaT < 0) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot play animation backwards");
    if (deltaT == 0) {
      return false;

    // Break down the deltaT into 4ms intervals.
    long increment = Math.min(4, deltaT);

    int totalT = (int) deltaT;
    int i = 0;
    float velocity = mVelocity;
    float value = mValue;
    for (i = 0; i <= totalT; i += increment) {
      float acceleration = getAcceleration(value, velocity);
      float newVelocity = acceleration * increment / 1000 + velocity;
      value += (velocity + newVelocity) / 2 * increment / 1000;
      velocity = newVelocity;
      if (i == totalT) {
      } else if (i + increment > deltaT) {
        increment = totalT - i;

    mVelocity = velocity;
    mValue = value;

    // TODO: need to update values to end value if true, otherwise there'll be precision loss.
    return isAtEquilibrium(mValue, mVelocity);

   * Internal method to reset the animation states when animation is finished/canceled.
  private void endAnimationInternal(boolean canceled) {
    mRunning = false;
    mLastFrameTime = 0;
    mStartValueIsSet = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < mEndListeners.size(); i++) {
      if (mEndListeners.get(i) != null) {
        mEndListeners.get(i).onAnimationEnd(this, canceled, mValue, mVelocity);

   * Returns whether z and translationZ are supported on the current build version.
  private static boolean isZSupported() {
    return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21;

   * Updates the property value through the corresponding setter.
  void setPropertyValue(float value) {
    mViewProperty.setValue(mTarget, value);
    for (int i = 0; i < mUpdateListeners.size(); i++) {
      if (mUpdateListeners.get(i) != null) {
        mUpdateListeners.get(i).onAnimationUpdate(this, mValue, mVelocity);

   * Obtain the property value through the corresponding getter.
  private float getPropertyValue() {
    return mViewProperty.getValue(mTarget);

  /****************Sub class animations**************/
   * Returns the acceleration at the given value with the given velocity.
  abstract float getAcceleration(float value, float velocity);

   * Returns whether the animation has reached equilibrium.
  abstract boolean isAtEquilibrium(float value, float velocity);

   * An animation listener that receives end notifications from an animation.
  public interface OnAnimationEndListener {
     * Notifies the end of an animation. Note that this callback will be invoked not only when
     * an animation reach equilibrium, but also when the animation is canceled.
     * @param animation animation that has ended or was canceled
     * @param canceled whether the animation has been canceled
     * @param value the final value when the animation stopped
     * @param velocity the final velocity when the animation stopped
    void onAnimationEnd(DynamicAnimation animation, boolean canceled, float value,
        float velocity);

   * Implementors of this interface can add themselves as update listeners
   * to an <code>DynamicAnimation</code> instance to receive callbacks on every animation
   * frame, after the current frame's values have been calculated for that
   * <code>DynamicAnimation</code>.
  public interface OnAnimationUpdateListener {

     * Notifies the occurrence of another frame of the animation.
     * @param animation animation that the update listener is added to
     * @param value the current value of the animation
     * @param velocity the current velocity of the animation
    void onAnimationUpdate(DynamicAnimation animation, float value, float velocity);