package org.osmdroid.views.overlay;

import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.util.TypedValue;

import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.BitmapPool;
import org.osmdroid.util.BoundingBox;
import org.osmdroid.util.GeoPoint;
import org.osmdroid.util.RectL;
import org.osmdroid.views.MapView;
import org.osmdroid.views.MapViewRepository;
import org.osmdroid.views.Projection;
import org.osmdroid.views.overlay.infowindow.MarkerInfoWindow;

 * A marker is an icon placed at a particular point on the map's surface that can have a popup-{@link org.osmdroid.views.overlay.infowindow.InfoWindow} (a bubble)
 * Mimics the Marker class from Google Maps Android API v2 as much as possible. Main differences:<br>
 * - Doesn't support Z-Index: as other osmdroid overlays, Marker is drawn in the order of appearance. <br>
 * - The icon can be any standard Android Drawable, instead of the BitmapDescriptor introduced in Google Maps API v2. <br>
 * - The icon can be changed at any time. <br>
 * - The InfoWindow hosts a standard Android View. It can handle Android widgets like buttons and so on. <br>
 * - Supports a "sub-description", to be displayed in the InfoWindow, under the snippet, in a smaller text font. <br>
 * - Supports an image, to be displayed in the InfoWindow. <br>
 * - Supports "panning to view" on/off option (when touching a marker, center the map on marker position). <br>
 * - Opening a Marker InfoWindow automatically close others only if it's the same InfoWindow shared between Markers. <br>
 * - Events listeners are set per marker, not per map. <br>
 * <img alt="Class diagram around Marker class" width="686" height="413" src='src='./doc-files/marker-infowindow-classes.png' />
 * @see MarkerInfoWindow
 * see also <a href="">Google Maps Marker</a>
 * @author M.Kergall
public class Marker extends OverlayWithIW {

	/* attributes for text labels, used for osmdroid gridlines */
	protected int mTextLabelBackgroundColor =Color.WHITE;
	protected int mTextLabelForegroundColor = Color.BLACK;
	protected int mTextLabelFontSize =24;

	/*attributes for standard features:*/
	protected Drawable mIcon;
	protected GeoPoint mPosition;
	protected float mBearing;
	protected float mAnchorU, mAnchorV;
	protected float mIWAnchorU, mIWAnchorV;
	protected float mAlpha;
	protected boolean mDraggable, mIsDragged;
	protected boolean mFlat;
	protected OnMarkerClickListener mOnMarkerClickListener;
	protected OnMarkerDragListener mOnMarkerDragListener;

	/*attributes for non-standard features:*/
	protected Drawable mImage;
	protected boolean mPanToView;
	protected float mDragOffsetY;

	protected Point mPositionPixels;
	protected Resources mResources;

	 * @since 6.0.3
	private MapViewRepository mMapViewRepository;

	/** Usual values in the (U,V) coordinates system of the icon image */
	public static final float ANCHOR_CENTER=0.5f, ANCHOR_LEFT=0.0f, ANCHOR_TOP=0.0f, ANCHOR_RIGHT=1.0f, ANCHOR_BOTTOM=1.0f;

	 * @since 6.0.3
	private boolean mDisplayed;
	private final Rect mRect = new Rect();
	private final Rect mOrientedMarkerRect = new Rect();
	private Paint mPaint;

	public Marker(MapView mapView) {
		this(mapView, (mapView.getContext()));

	public Marker(MapView mapView, final Context resourceProxy) {
		mMapViewRepository = mapView.getRepository();
		mResources = mapView.getContext().getResources();
		mBearing = 0.0f;
		mAlpha = 1.0f; //opaque
		mPosition = new GeoPoint(0.0, 0.0);
		mIWAnchorV = ANCHOR_TOP;
		mDraggable = false;
		mIsDragged = false;
		mPositionPixels = new Point();
		mPanToView = true;
		mDragOffsetY = 0.0f;
		mFlat = false; //billboard
		mOnMarkerClickListener = null;
		mOnMarkerDragListener = null;

	/** Sets the icon for the marker. Can be changed at any time.
	 * This is used on the map view.
	 * The anchor will be left unchanged; you may need to call {@link #setAnchor(float, float)}
     * Two exceptions:
     * - for text icons, the anchor is set to (center, center)
     * - for the default icon, the anchor is set to the corresponding position (the tip of the teardrop)
     * Related methods: {@link #setTextIcon(String)}, {@link #setDefaultIcon()} and {@link #setAnchor(float, float)}
	 * @param icon if null, the default osmdroid marker is used.
	public void setIcon(final Drawable icon){
		if (icon!=null) {
		} else {

	 * @since 6.0.3
	public void setDefaultIcon() {
		mIcon = mMapViewRepository.getDefaultMarkerIcon();

	 * @since 6.0.3
	public void setTextIcon(final String pText) {
		final Paint background = new Paint();
		final Paint p = new Paint();
		final int width = (int) (p.measureText(pText) + 0.5f);
		final float baseline = (int) (-p.ascent() + 0.5f);
		final int height = (int) (baseline + p.descent() + 0.5f);
		final Bitmap image = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
		final Canvas c = new Canvas(image);
		c.drawText(pText, 0, baseline, p);
		mIcon = new BitmapDrawable(mResources, image);

	 * @since 6.0.0?
	 * @return
	public Drawable getIcon(){
		return mIcon;
	public GeoPoint getPosition(){
		return mPosition;

	 * sets the location on the planet where the icon is rendered
	 * @param position
	public void setPosition(GeoPoint position){
		mPosition = position.clone();
		if (isInfoWindowShown()) {
		mBounds=new BoundingBox(position.getLatitude(),position.getLongitude(),position.getLatitude(),position.getLongitude());

	public float getRotation(){
		return mBearing;

	 * rotates the icon in relation to the map
	 * @param rotation
	public void setRotation(float rotation){
		mBearing = rotation;

	 * @param anchorU WIDTH 0.0-1.0 precentage of the icon that offsets the logical center from the actual pixel center point
	 * @param anchorV HEIGHT 0.0-1.0 precentage of the icon that offsets the logical center from the actual pixel center point
	public void setAnchor(float anchorU, float anchorV){
		mAnchorU = anchorU;
		mAnchorV= anchorV;
	public void setInfoWindowAnchor(float anchorU, float anchorV){
		mIWAnchorU = anchorU;
		mIWAnchorV= anchorV;
	public void setAlpha(float alpha){
		mAlpha = alpha;
	public float getAlpha(){
		return mAlpha;
	public void setDraggable(boolean draggable){
		mDraggable = draggable;
	public boolean isDraggable(){
		return mDraggable;

	public void setFlat(boolean flat){
		mFlat = flat;
	public boolean isFlat(){
		return mFlat;
	 * Removes this Marker from the MapView. 
	 * Note that this method will operate only if the Marker is in the MapView overlays 
	 * (it should not be included in a container like a FolderOverlay). 
	 * @param mapView
	public void remove(MapView mapView){

	public void setOnMarkerClickListener(OnMarkerClickListener listener){
		mOnMarkerClickListener = listener;

	public void setOnMarkerDragListener(OnMarkerDragListener listener){
		mOnMarkerDragListener = listener;
	/** set an image to be shown in the InfoWindow  - this is not the marker icon */
	public void setImage(Drawable image){
		mImage = image;

	/** get the image to be shown in the InfoWindow - this is not the marker icon */
	public Drawable getImage(){
		return mImage;

	/** set the offset in millimeters that the marker is moved up while dragging */
	public void setDragOffset(float mmUp){
		mDragOffsetY = mmUp;

	/** get the offset in millimeters that the marker is moved up while dragging */
	public float getDragOffset(){
		return mDragOffsetY;

	/** Set the InfoWindow to be used. 
	 * Default is a MarkerInfoWindow, with the layout named "bonuspack_bubble". 
	 * You can use this method either to use your own layout, or to use your own sub-class of InfoWindow. 
	 * Note that this InfoWindow will receive the Marker object as an input, so it MUST be able to handle Marker attributes. 
	 * If you don't want any InfoWindow to open, you can set it to null. */
	public void setInfoWindow(MarkerInfoWindow infoWindow){
		mInfoWindow = infoWindow;

	/** If set to true, when clicking the marker, the map will be centered on the marker position. 
	 * Default is true. */
	public void setPanToView(boolean panToView){
		mPanToView = panToView;

	 * shows the info window, if it's open, this will close and reopen it
	public void showInfoWindow(){
		if (mInfoWindow == null)
		final int markerWidth = mIcon.getIntrinsicWidth();
		final int markerHeight = mIcon.getIntrinsicHeight();
		final int offsetX = (int)(markerWidth * (mIWAnchorU - mAnchorU));
		final int offsetY = (int)(markerHeight * (mIWAnchorV - mAnchorV));
		if (mBearing == 0) {, mPosition, offsetX, offsetY);
		final int centerX = 0;
		final int centerY = 0;
		final double radians = -mBearing * Math.PI / 180.;
		final double cos = Math.cos(radians);
		final double sin = Math.sin(radians);
		final int rotatedX = (int)RectL.getRotatedX(offsetX, offsetY, centerX, centerY, cos, sin);
		final int rotatedY = (int)RectL.getRotatedY(offsetX, offsetY, centerX, centerY, cos, sin);, mPosition, rotatedX, rotatedY);
	public boolean isInfoWindowShown(){
		if (mInfoWindow instanceof MarkerInfoWindow){
			MarkerInfoWindow iw = (MarkerInfoWindow)mInfoWindow;
			return (iw != null) && iw.isOpen() && (iw.getMarkerReference()==this);
		} else
			return super.isInfoWindowOpen();
	@Override public void draw(Canvas canvas, Projection pj) {
		if (mIcon == null)
		if (!isEnabled())

		pj.toPixels(mPosition, mPositionPixels);

		float rotationOnScreen = (mFlat ? -mBearing : -pj.getOrientation()-mBearing);
		drawAt(canvas, mPositionPixels.x, mPositionPixels.y, rotationOnScreen);
		if (isInfoWindowShown()) {

    /** Null out the static references when the MapView is detached to prevent memory leaks. */
	public void onDetach(MapView mapView) {
		if (isInfoWindowShown())
		//	//if we're using the shared info window, this will cause all instances to close

		mMapViewRepository = null;


	 * Prevent memory leaks and call this when you're done with the map
	 * reference
	public static void cleanDefaults(){

	public boolean hitTest(final MotionEvent event, final MapView mapView){
		return mIcon != null && mDisplayed && mOrientedMarkerRect.contains((int)event.getX(), (int)event.getY()); // "!=null": fix for #1078
	@Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(final MotionEvent event, final MapView mapView){
		boolean touched = hitTest(event, mapView);
		if (touched){
			if (mOnMarkerClickListener == null){
				return onMarkerClickDefault(this, mapView);
			} else {
				return mOnMarkerClickListener.onMarkerClick(this, mapView);
		} else
			return touched;

	public void moveToEventPosition(final MotionEvent event, final MapView mapView){
	    float offsetY = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MM, mDragOffsetY, mapView.getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
		final Projection pj = mapView.getProjection();
		setPosition((GeoPoint) pj.fromPixels((int)event.getX(), (int)(event.getY()-offsetY)));
	@Override public boolean onLongPress(final MotionEvent event, final MapView mapView) {
		boolean touched = hitTest(event, mapView);
		if (touched){
			if (mDraggable){
				//starts dragging mode:
				mIsDragged = true;
				if (mOnMarkerDragListener != null)
				moveToEventPosition(event, mapView);
		return touched;
	@Override public boolean onTouchEvent(final MotionEvent event, final MapView mapView) {
		if (mDraggable && mIsDragged){
			if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
				mIsDragged = false;
				if (mOnMarkerDragListener != null)
				return true;
			} else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE){
				moveToEventPosition(event, mapView);
				if (mOnMarkerDragListener != null)
				return true;
			} else 
				return false;
		} else 
			return false;

	public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
		if (visible)
		else setAlpha(0f);

	//-- Marker events listener interfaces ------------------------------------
	public interface OnMarkerClickListener{
		abstract boolean onMarkerClick(Marker marker, MapView mapView); 
	public interface OnMarkerDragListener{
		abstract void onMarkerDrag(Marker marker);
		abstract void onMarkerDragEnd(Marker marker);
		abstract void onMarkerDragStart(Marker marker);
	/** default behaviour when no click listener is set */
	protected boolean onMarkerClickDefault(Marker marker, MapView mapView) {
		if (marker.mPanToView)
		return true;

	 * used for when the icon is explicitly set to null and the title is not, this will
	 * style the rendered text label
	 * @return
	public int getTextLabelBackgroundColor() {
		return mTextLabelBackgroundColor;
	 * used for when the icon is explicitly set to null and the title is not, this will
	 * style the rendered text label
	 * @return
	public void setTextLabelBackgroundColor(int mTextLabelBackgroundColor) {
		this.mTextLabelBackgroundColor = mTextLabelBackgroundColor;
	 * used for when the icon is explicitly set to null and the title is not, this will
	 * style the rendered text label
	 * @return
	public int getTextLabelForegroundColor() {
		return mTextLabelForegroundColor;
	 * used for when the icon is explicitly set to null and the title is not, this will
	 * style the rendered text label
	 * @return
	public void setTextLabelForegroundColor(int mTextLabelForegroundColor) {
		this.mTextLabelForegroundColor = mTextLabelForegroundColor;
	 * used for when the icon is explicitly set to null and the title is not, this will
	 * style the rendered text label
	 * @return
	public int getTextLabelFontSize() {
		return mTextLabelFontSize;
	 * used for when the icon is explicitly set to null and the title is not, this will
	 * style the rendered text label
	 * @return
	public void setTextLabelFontSize(int mTextLabelFontSize) {
		this.mTextLabelFontSize = mTextLabelFontSize;

	 * @since 6.0.3
	public boolean isDisplayed() {
		return mDisplayed;

	 * Optimized drawing
	 * @since 6.0.3
	protected void drawAt(final Canvas pCanvas, final int pX, final int pY, final float pOrientation) {
		final int markerWidth = mIcon.getIntrinsicWidth();
		final int markerHeight = mIcon.getIntrinsicHeight();
		final int offsetX = pX - Math.round(markerWidth * mAnchorU);
		final int offsetY = pY - Math.round(markerHeight * mAnchorV);
		mRect.set(offsetX, offsetY, offsetX + markerWidth, offsetY + markerHeight);
		RectL.getBounds(mRect, pX, pY, pOrientation, mOrientedMarkerRect);
		mDisplayed = Rect.intersects(mOrientedMarkerRect, pCanvas.getClipBounds());
		if (!mDisplayed) { // optimization 1: (much faster, depending on the proportions) don't try to display if the Marker is not visible
		if (mAlpha == 0) {
		if (pOrientation != 0) { // optimization 2: don't manipulate the Canvas if not needed (about 25% faster) - step 1/2;
			pCanvas.rotate(pOrientation, pX, pY);
		if (mIcon instanceof BitmapDrawable) { // optimization 3: (about 15% faster)
			final Paint paint;
			if (mAlpha == 1) {
				paint = null;
			} else {
				if (mPaint == null) {
					mPaint = new Paint();
				mPaint.setAlpha((int)(mAlpha * 255));
				paint = mPaint;
			pCanvas.drawBitmap(((BitmapDrawable) mIcon).getBitmap(), offsetX, offsetY, paint);
		} else {
		if (pOrientation != 0) { // optimization 2: step 2/2