 * Copyright (C) 2013 Oldterns
 * This file may be modified and distributed under the terms
 * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
package com.oldterns.vilebot.db;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;

public class UserlistDB
    extends RedisDB
    private static final String keyOfUserlistSetsPrefix = "userlist-";

     * Get the nicks in a userlist.
     * @param noun The name of the list
     * @return The set of nicks for the list
    public static Set<String> getUsersIn( String listName )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            return jedis.smembers( keyOfUserlistSetsPrefix + listName );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );

     * Add the given nicks to a userlist.
     * @param noun The name of the list param The set of nicks for the list
     * @param nicks The nicks to add
    public static void addUsersTo( String listName, Collection<String> nicks )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            String[] nicksArray = new String[nicks.size()];
            nicks.toArray( nicksArray );
            jedis.sadd( keyOfUserlistSetsPrefix + listName, nicksArray );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );

     * Remove the given nicks from a userlist.
     * @param noun The name of the list param The set of nicks for the list
     * @param nicks The nicks to remove
    public static void removeUsersFrom( String listName, Collection<String> nicks )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            String[] nicksArray = new String[nicks.size()];
            nicks.toArray( nicksArray );
            jedis.srem( keyOfUserlistSetsPrefix + listName, nicksArray );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );

     * Get the set of the available userlists.
     * @return The set of userlists
    public static Set<String> getLists()
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            // KEYS is O(n) operation, so it won't scale propery for large numbers of database keys.
            // We're going to use it here however, as the number of keys in our database should never get large enough
            // for this to matter, and the alternative of maintaining a set of userlists has the potential to be buggy.
            Set<String> rawlists = jedis.keys( keyOfUserlistSetsPrefix + "*" );

            Set<String> lists = new HashSet<String>();

            // Strip the prefix from each of the keys to isolate the list name
            int cut = keyOfUserlistSetsPrefix.length();
            for ( String rawlist : rawlists )
                String list = rawlist.substring( cut );
                lists.add( list );

            return lists;
            pool.returnResource( jedis );