 * Copyright (C) 2013 Oldterns
 * This file may be modified and distributed under the terms
 * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
package com.oldterns.vilebot.db;

import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;

public class GroupDB
    extends RedisDB
    private static final String keyOfGroupSetsPrefix = "groups-";

    private static final String opGroupName = "ops";

    private static final String adminGroupName = "admins";

     * Checks if the the Admin group is empty.
     * @return true iff the Admin group has no members.
    public static boolean noAdmins()
        return groupSize( adminGroupName ) == 0;

     * Checks if the given nick is in the Admins group.
     * @param nick The nick to check
     * @return true iff the nick is in the Admin group
    public static boolean isAdmin( String nick )
        return isInGroup( adminGroupName, nick );

     * Checks if the given nick is in the Operators group.
     * @param nick The nick to check
     * @return true iff the nick is in the Op group
    public static boolean isOp( String nick )
        return isInGroup( opGroupName, nick );

     * Checks if the given nick is in the given group.
     * @param group The group name to check
     * @param nick The nick to check
     * @return true iff the nick is in the Op group
    private static boolean isInGroup( String group, String nick )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            return nick != null && jedis.sismember( keyOfGroupSetsPrefix + group, nick );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );

    private static long groupSize( String group )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            return jedis.scard( keyOfGroupSetsPrefix + group );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );

     * Adds the given nick to the Admins group.
     * @param nick The nick to add
     * @return true iff the nick was not already there
    public static boolean addAdmin( String nick )
        return addToGroup( adminGroupName, nick );

     * Adds the given nick to the Operators group.
     * @param nick The nick to add
     * @return true iff the nick was not already there
    public static boolean addOp( String nick )
        return addToGroup( opGroupName, nick );

     * Adds the given nick to the given group. Makes a new group if it doesn't exist.
     * @param group The group name to use
     * @param nick The nick to add
     * @return true iff a new element was inserted
    private static boolean addToGroup( String group, String nick )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            long reply = jedis.sadd( keyOfGroupSetsPrefix + group, nick );
            return reply == 1;
            pool.returnResource( jedis );

     * Removes the given nick from the Admins group.
     * @param nick The nick to remove
     * @return true iff the nick existed
    public static boolean remAdmin( String nick )
        return remFromGroup( adminGroupName, nick );

     * Removes the given nick from the Operators group.
     * @param nick The nick to remove
     * @return true iff the nick existed
    public static boolean remOp( String nick )
        return remFromGroup( opGroupName, nick );

     * Removes the given nick to the given group.
     * @param group The group name to use
     * @param nick The nick to remove
     * @return true iff an element was removed
    private static boolean remFromGroup( String group, String nick )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            long reply = jedis.srem( keyOfGroupSetsPrefix + group, nick );
            return reply == 1;
            pool.returnResource( jedis );