package com.oldterns.vilebot.db;

import java.util.Set;

import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;

 * This class is effectively a duplicate of KarmaDB, used for church related karma
public class ChurchDB
    extends RedisDB
    private static final String keyOfChurchDonorSortedSet = "church-donor-karma";

    private static final String keyOfChurchSortedSet = "church-karma";

    private static final String keyOfChurchDonorTitleSortedSet = "church-title-";

    public static boolean isTopDonor( String noun )
        return getDonorRank( noun ) != null && getDonorRank( noun ) <= 4;

     * Change the karma of a noun by an integer.
     * @param noun The noun to change the karma of
     * @param mod The amount to change the karma by, may be negative.
    public static void modDonorKarma( String noun, int mod )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            jedis.zincrby( keyOfChurchDonorSortedSet, mod, noun );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );

     * Change the karma not affiliated with a donor
    public static void modNonDonorKarma( int mod )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            jedis.zincrby( keyOfChurchSortedSet, mod, keyOfChurchSortedSet );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );

     * Change the title of noun to a string.
     * @param noun The noun to change the karma of
     * @param newTitle The string to change the title to
    public static void modDonorTitle( String noun, String newTitle )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
        Long titleCount = jedis.scard( keyOfChurchDonorTitleSortedSet + noun );
            for ( Long i = 0L; i < titleCount; i++ )
                jedis.spop( keyOfChurchDonorTitleSortedSet + noun );
            jedis.sadd( keyOfChurchDonorTitleSortedSet + noun, newTitle );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );

     * Get the karma of a noun.
     * @param noun The noun to query to karma of
     * @return Integer iff the noun has a defined value, else null
    public static Integer getDonorKarma( String noun )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
        Double karma;
            karma = jedis.zscore( keyOfChurchDonorSortedSet, noun );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );
        if ( karma == null )
            return null;

        return Long.valueOf( Math.round( karma ) ).intValue();

     * Get the rank of a noun based on its karma.
     * @param noun The noun to query the rank of
     * @return Integer iff the noun has a defined value, else null
    public static Integer getDonorRank( String noun )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
        Long rank;
            rank = jedis.zrevrank( keyOfChurchDonorSortedSet, noun );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );
        if ( rank == null )
            return null;

        return rank.intValue() + 1;

     * Get the title of a noun.
     * @param noun The noun to query the rank of
     * @return String iff the noun has a defined value, else null
    public static String getDonorTitle( String noun )
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            return jedis.srandmember( keyOfChurchDonorTitleSortedSet + noun );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );

     * Get nouns from karma ranks.
     * @param lower The lower rank to get the nouns of.
     * @param upper The upper rank to get the nouns of.
     * @return String The noun iff the rank exists, else null.
    public static Set<String> getDonorsByRanks( long lower, long upper )
        Set<String> nouns;
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            nouns = jedis.zrevrange( keyOfChurchDonorSortedSet, lower, upper );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );
        if ( nouns == null || nouns.size() == 0 )
            return null;

        return nouns;

    public static boolean removeDonor( String noun )
        Long existed;
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
            existed = jedis.zrem( keyOfChurchDonorSortedSet, noun );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );
        if ( existed == null || existed != 1 )
            return false;

        return true;

    public static long getTotalDonations()
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
        long totalKarma;
            Set<String> members = jedis.zrange( keyOfChurchDonorSortedSet, 0, -1 );
            totalKarma = sum( keyOfChurchDonorSortedSet, members, jedis );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );
        return totalKarma;

    public static long getTotalNonDonations()
        Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
        long totalKarma;
            Set<String> members = jedis.zrange( keyOfChurchSortedSet, 0, -1 );
            totalKarma = sum( keyOfChurchSortedSet, members, jedis );
            pool.returnResource( jedis );
        return totalKarma;

    private static long sum( String set, Set<String> members, Jedis jedis )
        long sum = 0;
        for ( String member : members )
            sum += jedis.zscore( set, member );
        return sum;