package opendota;

import skadistats.clarity.decoder.Util;
import skadistats.clarity.model.Entity;
import skadistats.clarity.model.FieldPath;
import skadistats.clarity.model.StringTable;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.entities.Entities;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.entities.OnEntityEntered;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.entities.OnEntityLeft;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.entities.UsesEntities;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.gameevents.OnCombatLogEntry;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.reader.OnMessage;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.reader.OnTickStart;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.runner.Context;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.runner.SimpleRunner;
import skadistats.clarity.model.CombatLogEntry;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.stringtables.StringTables;
import skadistats.clarity.processor.stringtables.UsesStringTable;
import skadistats.clarity.source.InputStreamSource;
import skadistats.clarity.wire.common.proto.Demo.CDemoFileInfo;
import skadistats.clarity.wire.common.proto.DotaUserMessages;
import skadistats.clarity.wire.common.proto.DotaUserMessages.CDOTAUserMsg_ChatEvent;
import skadistats.clarity.wire.common.proto.DotaUserMessages.CDOTAUserMsg_ChatWheel;
import skadistats.clarity.wire.common.proto.DotaUserMessages.CDOTAUserMsg_LocationPing;
import skadistats.clarity.wire.common.proto.DotaUserMessages.CDOTAUserMsg_SpectatorPlayerUnitOrders;
import skadistats.clarity.wire.common.proto.DotaUserMessages.DOTA_COMBATLOG_TYPES;
import skadistats.clarity.wire.s1.proto.S1UserMessages.CUserMsg_SayText2;
import skadistats.clarity.wire.s2.proto.S2UserMessages.CUserMessageSayText2;
import skadistats.clarity.wire.s2.proto.S2DotaGcCommon.CMsgDOTAMatch;

import java.util.*;

import opendota.combatlogvisitors.TrackVisitor;
import opendota.combatlogvisitors.GreevilsGreedVisitor;
import opendota.combatlogvisitors.TrackVisitor.TrackStatus;
import opendota.processors.warding.OnWardExpired;
import opendota.processors.warding.OnWardKilled;
import opendota.processors.warding.OnWardPlaced;

public class Parse {

	public class Entry {
		public Integer time = 0;
		public String type;
		public Integer team;
		public String unit;
		public String key;
		public Integer value;
		public Integer slot;
		public Integer player_slot;
		//chat event fields
		public Integer player1;
		public Integer player2;
		//combat log fields
		public String attackername;
		public String targetname;
		public String sourcename;
		public String targetsourcename;
		public Boolean attackerhero;
		public Boolean targethero;
		public Boolean attackerillusion;
		public Boolean targetillusion;
		public String inflictor;
		public Integer gold_reason;
		public Integer xp_reason;
		public String valuename;
		//public Float stun_duration;
		//public Float slow_duration;
		//entity fields
		public Integer gold;
		public Integer lh;
		public Integer xp;
		public Integer x;
		public Integer y;
		public Integer z;
		public Float stuns;
		public Integer hero_id;
		public transient List<Item> hero_inventory;
		public Integer life_state;
		public Integer level;
		public Integer kills;
		public Integer deaths;
		public Integer assists;
		public Integer denies;
		public Boolean entityleft;
		public Integer ehandle;
		public Integer obs_placed;
		public Integer sen_placed;
		public Integer creeps_stacked;
		public Integer camps_stacked;
		public Integer rune_pickups;
		public Boolean repicked;
		public Boolean randomed;
		public Boolean pred_vict;
		public Float stun_duration;
		public Float slow_duration;
		public Boolean tracked_death;
		public Integer greevils_greed_stack;
		public String tracked_sourcename;
		public Integer firstblood_claimed;
		public Float teamfight_participation;
		public Integer towers_killed;
		public Integer roshans_killed;
		public Integer observers_placed;
        public Integer draft_order;
        public Boolean pick;
        public Integer draft_active_team;
        public Integer draft_extime0;
        public Integer draft_extime1;

		public Entry() {
		public Entry(Integer time) {
			this.time = time;

    private class Item {
        String id;
        //Charges can be used to determine how many items are stacked together on stackable items
        Integer num_charges;
        //item_ward_dispenser uses num_changes for observer wards
        //and num_secondary_changes for sentry wards count
        //and is considered not stackable
        Integer num_secondary_charges;

    private class UnknownItemFoundException extends RuntimeException {
        public UnknownItemFoundException(String message) {

    float INTERVAL = 1;
    float nextInterval = 0;
    Integer time = 0;
    int numPlayers = 10;
    int[] validIndices = new int[numPlayers];
    boolean init = false;
    int gameStartTime = 0;
    boolean postGame = false; // true when ancient destroyed
    private Gson g = new Gson();
    HashMap<String, Integer> name_to_slot = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> slot_to_playerslot = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    HashMap<Long, Integer> steamid_to_playerslot = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
	HashMap<Integer, Integer> cosmeticsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> dotaplusxpMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); // playerslot, xp
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> ward_ehandle_to_slot = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    InputStream is = null;
    OutputStream os = null;
    private GreevilsGreedVisitor greevilsGreedVisitor;
    private TrackVisitor trackVisitor;
    private ArrayList<Boolean> isPlayerStartingItemsWritten;
    int pingCount = 0;
    private ArrayList<Entry> logBuffer = new ArrayList<Entry>();

    //Draft stage variable
    boolean[] draftOrderProcessed = new boolean[22];
    int order = 1;
    boolean isDraftStartTimeProcessed = false; //flag to know if draft start time is already handled

    boolean isDotaPlusProcessed = false;

    public Parse(InputStream input, OutputStream output) throws IOException
      greevilsGreedVisitor = new GreevilsGreedVisitor(name_to_slot);
      trackVisitor = new TrackVisitor();
      is = input;
      os = output;
      isPlayerStartingItemsWritten = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new Boolean[numPlayers]));
      Collections.fill(isPlayerStartingItemsWritten, Boolean.FALSE);
      long tStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
      new SimpleRunner(new InputStreamSource(is)).runWith(this);
      long tMatch = System.currentTimeMillis() - tStart;
      System.err.format("total time taken: %s\n", (tMatch) / 1000.0);
    public void output(Entry e) {
        try {
            if (gameStartTime == 0) {
            } else {
                e.time -= gameStartTime;
                this.os.write((g.toJson(e) + "\n").getBytes());
        catch (IOException ex)

    public void flushLogBuffer() {
        for (Entry e : logBuffer) {
        logBuffer = null;
    public void onMessage(Context ctx, GeneratedMessage message) {

    public void onSpectatorPlayerClick(Context ctx, DotaUserMessages.CDOTAUserMsg_SpectatorPlayerClick message){
        Entry entry = new Entry(time);
        entry.type = "clicks";
        //need to get the entity by index
        entry.key = String.valueOf(message.getOrderType());

        Entity e = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByIndex(message.getEntindex());
        entry.x = getEntityProperty(e, "m_iCursor.0000", null);
        entry.y = getEntityProperty(e, "m_iCursor.0001", null);
        entry.slot = getEntityProperty(e, "m_iPlayerID", null);
        //theres also target_index
    } */

    public void onDotaMatch(Context ctx, CMsgDOTAMatch message)
        //TODO could use this for match overview data for uploads

    public void onSpectatorPlayerUnitOrders(Context ctx, CDOTAUserMsg_SpectatorPlayerUnitOrders message) {
        Entry entry = new Entry(time);
        entry.type = "actions";
        //the entindex points to a CDOTAPlayer.  This is probably the player that gave the order.
        Entity e = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByIndex(message.getEntindex());
        entry.slot = getEntityProperty(e, "m_iPlayerID", null);
        //Integer handle = (Integer)getEntityProperty(e, "m_hAssignedHero", null);
        //Entity h = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByHandle(handle);
        //break actions into types?
        entry.key = String.valueOf(message.getOrderType());

    public void onPlayerPing(Context ctx, CDOTAUserMsg_LocationPing message) {
        pingCount += 1;
        if (pingCount > 10000) {

        Entry entry = new Entry(time);
        entry.type = "pings";
        entry.slot = message.getPlayerId();
        player_id: 7
        location_ping {
          x: 5871
          y: 6508
          target: -1
          direct_ping: false
          type: 0
        //we could get the ping coordinates/type if we cared
        //entry.key = String.valueOf(message.getOrderType());

    public void onChatEvent(Context ctx, CDOTAUserMsg_ChatEvent message) {
        Integer player1 = message.getPlayerid1();
        Integer player2 = message.getPlayerid2();
        Integer value = message.getValue();
        String type = String.valueOf(message.getType());
        Entry entry = new Entry(time);
        entry.type = type;
        entry.player1 = player1;
        entry.player2 = player2;
        entry.value = value;
    public void onChatWheel(Context ctx, CDOTAUserMsg_ChatWheel message) {
    	Entry entry = new Entry(time);
    	entry.type = "chatwheel";
    	entry.slot = message.getPlayerId();
    	entry.key = String.valueOf(message.getChatMessageId());

    public void onAllChatS1(Context ctx, CUserMsg_SayText2 message) {
        Entry entry = new Entry(time);
        entry.unit =  String.valueOf(message.getPrefix());
        entry.key =  String.valueOf(message.getText());
        entry.type = "chat";

    public void onAllChatS2(Context ctx, CUserMessageSayText2 message) {
        Entry entry = new Entry(time);
        entry.unit = String.valueOf(message.getParam1());
        entry.key = String.valueOf(message.getParam2());
        Entity e = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByIndex(message.getEntityindex());
        entry.slot = getEntityProperty(e, "m_iPlayerID", null);
        entry.type = "chat";

    public void onFileInfo(Context ctx, CDemoFileInfo message) {
        //beware of 4.2b limit!  we don't currently do anything with this, so we might be able to just remove this
        //we can't use the value field since it takes Integers
        //Entry matchIdEntry = new Entry();
        //matchIdEntry.type = "match_id";
        //matchIdEntry.value = message.getGameInfo().getDota().getMatchId();
        // Extracted cosmetics data from CDOTAWearableItem entities
    	Entry cosmeticsEntry = new Entry();
    	cosmeticsEntry.type = "cosmetics";
    	cosmeticsEntry.key = new Gson().toJson(cosmeticsMap);

        // Dota plus hero levels
        Entry dotaPlusEntry = new Entry();
        dotaPlusEntry.type = "dotaplus";
        dotaPlusEntry.key = new Gson().toJson(dotaplusxpMap);

        //emit epilogue event to mark finish
        Entry epilogueEntry = new Entry();
        epilogueEntry.type = "epilogue";
        epilogueEntry.key = new Gson().toJson(message);
    public void onCombatLogEntry(Context ctx, CombatLogEntry cle) {
            time = Math.round(cle.getTimestamp());
            //create a new entry
            Entry combatLogEntry = new Entry(time);
            combatLogEntry.type = cle.getType().name();
            //translate the fields using string tables if necessary (get*Name methods)
            combatLogEntry.attackername = cle.getAttackerName();
            combatLogEntry.targetname = cle.getTargetName();
            combatLogEntry.sourcename = cle.getDamageSourceName();
            combatLogEntry.targetsourcename = cle.getTargetSourceName();
            combatLogEntry.inflictor = cle.getInflictorName();
            combatLogEntry.attackerhero = cle.isAttackerHero();
            combatLogEntry.targethero = cle.isTargetHero();
            combatLogEntry.attackerillusion = cle.isAttackerIllusion();
            combatLogEntry.targetillusion = cle.isTargetIllusion();
            combatLogEntry.value = cle.getValue();
            float stunDuration = cle.getStunDuration();
            if (stunDuration > 0) {
            	combatLogEntry.stun_duration = stunDuration;
            float slowDuration = cle.getSlowDuration();
            if (slowDuration > 0) {
            	combatLogEntry.slow_duration = slowDuration;
            //value may be out of bounds in string table, we can only get valuename if a purchase (type 11)
            if (cle.getType() == DOTA_COMBATLOG_TYPES.DOTA_COMBATLOG_PURCHASE) {
                combatLogEntry.valuename = cle.getValueName();
            else if (cle.getType() == DOTA_COMBATLOG_TYPES.DOTA_COMBATLOG_GOLD) {
                combatLogEntry.gold_reason = cle.getGoldReason();
            else if (cle.getType() == DOTA_COMBATLOG_TYPES.DOTA_COMBATLOG_XP) {
                combatLogEntry.xp_reason = cle.getXpReason();
            combatLogEntry.greevils_greed_stack = greevilsGreedVisitor.visit(time, cle);
            TrackStatus trackStatus = trackVisitor.visit(time, cle);
            if (trackStatus != null) {
            	combatLogEntry.tracked_death = trackStatus.tracked;
            	combatLogEntry.tracked_sourcename = trackStatus.inflictor;
            if (combatLogEntry.type.equals("DOTA_COMBATLOG_GAME_STATE") && combatLogEntry.value == 6) {
                postGame = true;
            if (combatLogEntry.type.equals("DOTA_COMBATLOG_GAME_STATE") && combatLogEntry.value == 5) {
                //alternate to combat log for getting game zero time (looks like this is set at the same time as the game start, so it's not any better for streaming)
                // int currGameStartTime = Math.round( (float) grp.getProperty("m_pGameRules.m_flGameStartTime"));
                if (gameStartTime == 0) {
                    gameStartTime = combatLogEntry.time;
            if (cle.getType().ordinal() <= 19) {	
        catch(Exception e)

    public void onEntityEntered(Context ctx, Entity e) {
        if (e.getDtClass().getDtName().equals("CDOTAWearableItem")) {
        	Integer accountId = getEntityProperty(e, "m_iAccountID", null);
        	Integer itemDefinitionIndex = getEntityProperty(e, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex", null);
        	Integer ownerHandle = getEntityProperty(e, "m_hOwnerEntity", null);
            Entity owner = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByHandle(ownerHandle);
        	//System.err.format("%s,%s\n", accountId, itemDefinitionIndex);
        	if (accountId > 0)
            	// Get the owner (a hero entity)
            	Integer playerId = getEntityProperty(owner, "m_iPlayerID", null);
        	    Long accountId64 = 76561197960265728L + accountId;
        	    Integer playerSlot = steamid_to_playerslot.get(accountId64);
        		cosmeticsMap.put(itemDefinitionIndex, playerSlot);

    public void onTickStart(Context ctx, boolean synthetic) {
        Iterator<Entity> cosmetics = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getAllByDtName("CDOTAWearableItem");
        while ( cosmetics.hasNext() )
            Entity e =;
            Integer accountId = getEntityProperty(e, "m_iAccountID", null);
        	Integer itemDefinitionIndex = getEntityProperty(e, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex", null);
            if (itemDefinitionIndex == 7559)
                System.err.format("%s,%s\n", accountId, itemDefinitionIndex);
        //TODO check engine to decide whether to use s1 or s2 entities

        //s1 DT_DOTAGameRulesProxy
        Entity grp = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByDtName("CDOTAGamerulesProxy");
        Entity pr = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByDtName("CDOTA_PlayerResource");
        Entity dData = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByDtName("CDOTA_DataDire");
        Entity rData = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByDtName("CDOTA_DataRadiant");

        // Create draftStage variable
        Integer draftStage = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_nGameState", null);

        if (grp != null) 
            //dota_gamerules_data.m_iGameMode = 22
            //dota_gamerules_data.m_unMatchID64 = 1193091757
            time = Math.round((float) getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_fGameTime", null));
            //draft timings
            if(draftStage == 2) {

                //determine the time the draftings start
                if(!isDraftStartTimeProcessed) {
                    Long iPlayerIDsInControl = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_iPlayerIDsInControl", null);
                    boolean isDraftStarted = iPlayerIDsInControl.compareTo(Long.valueOf(0)) != 0;
                    if(isDraftStarted) {
                        Entry draftStartEntry = new Entry(time);
                        draftStartEntry.type = "draft_start";
                        isDraftStartTimeProcessed = true;

                //Picks and ban are not in order due to draft change rules changes between patches
                // Need to listen for the picks and ban to change
                int[] draftHeroes = new int[22];
                draftHeroes[0] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0000", null);
                draftHeroes[1] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0001", null);
                draftHeroes[2] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0002", null);
                draftHeroes[3] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0003", null);
                draftHeroes[4] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0004", null);
                draftHeroes[5] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0005", null);
                draftHeroes[6] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0006", null);
                draftHeroes[7] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0007", null);
                draftHeroes[8] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0008", null);
                draftHeroes[9] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0009", null);
                // Apparently Drafts go to 6 bans now, but have returns of null
                draftHeroes[10] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0010", null) == null ? 0 : getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0010", null);
                draftHeroes[11] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0011", null) == null ? 0 : getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_BannedHeroes.0011", null);
                draftHeroes[12] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_SelectedHeroes.0000", null);
                draftHeroes[13] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_SelectedHeroes.0001", null);
                draftHeroes[14] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_SelectedHeroes.0002", null);
                draftHeroes[15] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_SelectedHeroes.0003", null);
                draftHeroes[16] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_SelectedHeroes.0004", null);
                draftHeroes[17] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_SelectedHeroes.0005", null);
                draftHeroes[18] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_SelectedHeroes.0006", null);
                draftHeroes[19] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_SelectedHeroes.0007", null);
                draftHeroes[20] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_SelectedHeroes.0008", null);
                draftHeroes[21] = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_SelectedHeroes.0009", null);
                //Once a pick or ban happens grab the time and extra time remaining for both teams
                for(int i = 0; i < draftHeroes.length; i++) {
                    if(draftHeroes[i] > 0 && draftOrderProcessed[i] ==  false) {
                        // used to check for new bans and picks
                        draftOrderProcessed[i] = true;
                        Entry draftTimingsEntry = new Entry(time);
                        draftTimingsEntry.type = "draft_timings";
                        draftTimingsEntry.draft_order = order;
                        order = order + 1;
                        draftTimingsEntry.pick = i < 12 ? false : true;
                        draftTimingsEntry.hero_id = draftHeroes[i];
                        draftTimingsEntry.draft_active_team = getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_iActiveTeam", null);
                        draftTimingsEntry.draft_extime0 = Math.round((float) getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_fExtraTimeRemaining.0000", null));
                        draftTimingsEntry.draft_extime1 = Math.round((float) getEntityProperty(grp, "m_pGameRules.m_fExtraTimeRemaining.0001", null));
            //initialize nextInterval value
            if (nextInterval == 0)
                nextInterval = time;
        if (pr != null) 
            //Radiant coach shows up in vecPlayerTeamData as position 5
            //all the remaining dire entities are offset by 1 and so we miss reading the last one and don't get data for the first dire player
            //coaches appear to be on team 1, radiant is 2 and dire is 3?
            //construct an array of valid indices to get vecPlayerTeamData from
            if (!init) 
                int added = 0;
                int i = 0;
                //according to @Decoud Valve seems to have fixed this issue and players should be in first 10 slots again
                //sanity check of i to prevent infinite loop when <10 players?
                while (added < numPlayers && i < 100) {
                        //check each m_vecPlayerData to ensure the player's team is radiant or dire
                        int playerTeam = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerData.%i.m_iPlayerTeam", i);
                        int teamSlot = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_iTeamSlot", i);
                        Long steamid = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerData.%i.m_iPlayerSteamID", i);
                        //System.err.format("%s %s %s: %s\n", i, playerTeam, teamSlot, steamid);
                        if (playerTeam == 2 || playerTeam == 3) {
                            //output the player_slot based on team and teamslot
                            Entry entry = new Entry(time);
                            entry.type = "player_slot";
                            entry.key = String.valueOf(added);
                            entry.value = (playerTeam == 2 ? 0 : 128) + teamSlot;
                            //add it to validIndices, add 1 to added
                            validIndices[added] = i;
                            added += 1;
                            slot_to_playerslot.put(added, entry.value);
                            steamid_to_playerslot.put(steamid, entry.value);
                    catch(Exception e) 
                        //swallow the exception when an unexpected number of players (!=10)

                    i += 1;
                init = true;

            if (!postGame && time >= nextInterval)
                for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) 
                    Integer hero = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_nSelectedHeroID", validIndices[i]);
                    int handle = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_hSelectedHero", validIndices[i]);
                    int playerTeam = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerData.%i.m_iPlayerTeam", validIndices[i]);
                    int teamSlot = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_iTeamSlot", validIndices[i]);

                    //2 is radiant, 3 is dire, 1 is other?
                    Entity dataTeam = playerTeam == 2 ? rData : dData;

                    Entry entry = new Entry(time);
                    entry.type = "interval";
                    entry.slot = i;
                    entry.repicked = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_bHasRepicked", validIndices[i]);
                    entry.randomed = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_bHasRandomed", validIndices[i]);
                    entry.pred_vict = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_bHasPredictedVictory", validIndices[i]);
                    entry.firstblood_claimed = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_iFirstBloodClaimed", validIndices[i]);
                    entry.teamfight_participation = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_flTeamFightParticipation", validIndices[i]);;
                    entry.level = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_iLevel", validIndices[i]);
                    entry.kills = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_iKills", validIndices[i]);
                    entry.deaths = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_iDeaths", validIndices[i]);
                    entry.assists = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_iAssists", validIndices[i]);
                    entry.denies = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iDenyCount", teamSlot);
                    entry.obs_placed = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iObserverWardsPlaced", teamSlot);
                    entry.sen_placed = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iSentryWardsPlaced", teamSlot);
                    entry.creeps_stacked = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iCreepsStacked", teamSlot);
                    entry.camps_stacked = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iCampsStacked", teamSlot);
                    entry.rune_pickups = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iRunePickups", teamSlot);
                    entry.towers_killed = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iTowerKills", teamSlot);
                    entry.roshans_killed = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iRoshanKills", teamSlot);
                    entry.observers_placed = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iObserverWardsPlaced", teamSlot);
                    if (teamSlot >= 0) 
               = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iTotalEarnedGold", teamSlot);
                        entry.lh = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iLastHitCount", teamSlot);
                        entry.xp = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_iTotalEarnedXP", teamSlot);
                        entry.stuns = getEntityProperty(dataTeam, "m_vecDataTeam.%i.m_fStuns", teamSlot);
                    //TODO: gem, rapier time?
                    //need to dump inventory items for each player and possibly keep track of item entity handles
                    //get the player's hero entity
                    Entity e = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByHandle(handle);
                    //get the hero's coordinates
                    if (e != null) 
                        entry.x = getEntityProperty(e, "CBodyComponent.m_cellX", null);
                        entry.y = getEntityProperty(e, "CBodyComponent.m_cellY", null);
                        //System.err.format("%s, %s\n", entry.x, entry.y);
                        //get the hero's entity name, ex: CDOTA_Hero_Zuus
                        entry.unit = e.getDtClass().getDtName();
                        entry.hero_id = hero;
                        entry.life_state = getEntityProperty(e, "m_lifeState", null);
                        //check if hero has been assigned to entity
                        if (hero > 0) 
                            //get the hero's entity name, ex: CDOTA_Hero_Zuus
                            String unit = e.getDtClass().getDtName();
                            //grab the end of the name, lowercase it
                            String ending = unit.substring("CDOTA_Unit_Hero_".length());
                            //valve is bad at consistency and the combat log name could involve replacing camelCase with _ or not!
                            //double map it so we can look up both cases
                            String combatLogName = "npc_dota_hero_" + ending.toLowerCase();
                            //don't include final underscore here since the first letter is always capitalized and will be converted to underscore
                            String combatLogName2 = "npc_dota_hero" + ending.replaceAll("([A-Z])", "_$1").toLowerCase();
                            //System.err.format("%s, %s, %s\n", unit, combatLogName, combatLogName2);
                            //populate for combat log mapping
                            name_to_slot.put(combatLogName, entry.slot);
                            name_to_slot.put(combatLogName2, entry.slot);

                            entry.hero_inventory = getHeroInventory(ctx, e);
                            if (!isPlayerStartingItemsWritten.get(entry.slot) && entry.hero_inventory != null) {
                                // Making something similar to DOTA_COMBATLOG_PURCHASE for each item in the beginning of the game
                                isPlayerStartingItemsWritten.set(entry.slot, true);
                                for (Item item : entry.hero_inventory) {
                                    Entry startingItemsEntry = new Entry(time);
                                    startingItemsEntry.type = "DOTA_COMBATLOG_PURCHASE";
                                    startingItemsEntry.slot = entry.slot;
                                    startingItemsEntry.value = (entry.slot < 5 ? 0 : 123) + entry.slot;
                                    startingItemsEntry.valuename =;
                                    startingItemsEntry.targetname = combatLogName;
                nextInterval += INTERVAL;

            // When the game is over, get dota plus levels
            if (postGame && !isDotaPlusProcessed) {
                for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) {
                    int xp = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_unSelectedHeroBadgeXP", i) == null ? 0 : getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerTeamData.%i.m_unSelectedHeroBadgeXP", i);
                    Long steamid = getEntityProperty(pr, "m_vecPlayerData.%i.m_iPlayerSteamID", i);
                    int playerslot = steamid_to_playerslot.get(steamid);
                    dotaplusxpMap.put(playerslot, xp);
                isDotaPlusProcessed = true;

    private List<Item> getHeroInventory(Context ctx, Entity eHero) {
        List<Item> inventoryList = new ArrayList<>(6);

        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            try {
                Item item = getHeroItem(ctx, eHero, i);
                if(item != null) {
            catch (Exception e) {

        return inventoryList;

     * Uses "EntityNames" string table and Entities processor
     * @param ctx Context
     * @param eHero Hero entity
     * @param idx 0-5 - inventory, 6-8 - backpack, 9-16 - stash
     * @return {@code null} - empty slot. Throws @{@link UnknownItemFoundException} if item information can't be extracted
    private Item getHeroItem(Context ctx, Entity eHero, int idx) throws UnknownItemFoundException {
        StringTable stEntityNames = ctx.getProcessor(StringTables.class).forName("EntityNames");
        Entities entities = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class);

        Integer hItem = eHero.getProperty("m_hItems." + Util.arrayIdxToString(idx));
        if (hItem == 0xFFFFFF) {
            return null;
        Entity eItem = entities.getByHandle(hItem);
        if(eItem == null) {
            throw new UnknownItemFoundException(String.format("Can't find item by its handle (%d)", hItem));
        String itemName = stEntityNames.getNameByIndex(eItem.getProperty("m_pEntity.m_nameStringableIndex"));
        if(itemName == null) {
            throw new UnknownItemFoundException("Can't get item name from EntityName string table");

        Item item = new Item(); = itemName;
        int numCharges = eItem.getProperty("m_iCurrentCharges");
        if(numCharges != 0) {
            item.num_charges = numCharges;
        int numSecondaryCharges = eItem.getProperty("m_iSecondaryCharges");
        if(numSecondaryCharges != 0) {
            item.num_secondary_charges = numSecondaryCharges;

        return item;

    public <T> T getEntityProperty(Entity e, String property, Integer idx) {
    	try {
	        if (e == null) {
	            return null;
	        if (idx != null) {
	            property = property.replace("%i", Util.arrayIdxToString(idx));
	        FieldPath fp = e.getDtClass().getFieldPathForName(property);
	        return e.getPropertyForFieldPath(fp);
    	catch (Exception ex) {
    		return null;
    public void onWardKilled(Context ctx, Entity e, String killerHeroName) { 
        Entry wardEntry = buildWardEntry(ctx, e); 
        wardEntry.attackername = killerHeroName; 
    public void onWardExistenceChanged(Context ctx, Entity e) { 
        output(buildWardEntry(ctx, e)); 
    private Entry buildWardEntry(Context ctx, Entity e) { 
        Entry entry = new Entry(time); 
            boolean isObserver = !e.getDtClass().getDtName().contains("TrueSight"); 
        Integer x = getEntityProperty(e, "CBodyComponent.m_cellX", null); 
        Integer y = getEntityProperty(e, "CBodyComponent.m_cellY", null); 
        Integer z = getEntityProperty(e, "CBodyComponent.m_cellZ", null); 
        Integer life_state = getEntityProperty(e, "m_lifeState", null); 
        Integer[] pos = {x, y}; 
        entry.x = x; 
        entry.y = y; 
        entry.z = z; 
        entry.type = isObserver ? "obs" : "sen"; 
        entry.entityleft = life_state == 1; 
        entry.key = Arrays.toString(pos); 
        entry.ehandle = e.getHandle(); 
        if (entry.entityleft) { 
            entry.type += "_left"; 
        Integer owner = getEntityProperty(e, "m_hOwnerEntity", null); 
        Entity ownerEntity = ctx.getProcessor(Entities.class).getByHandle(owner); 
        entry.slot = ownerEntity != null ? (Integer) getEntityProperty(ownerEntity, "m_iPlayerID", null) : null; 
        return entry; 