package com.nulabinc.zxcvbn;

import com.nulabinc.zxcvbn.guesses.*;
import com.nulabinc.zxcvbn.matchers.Match;
import com.nulabinc.zxcvbn.matchers.MatchFactory;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.runners.Enclosed;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

public class ScoringTest {

    public static class NckTest {
        private int n;
        private int k;
        private int expected;

        public NckTest(int n, int k, int expected) {
            this.n = n;
            this.k = k;
            this.expected = expected;

        public void testNck() throws Exception {
            BaseGuess obj = new BaseGuess() {
                public double exec(Match match) {
                    return 0;
            Method method = BaseGuess.class.getDeclaredMethod("nCk", int.class, int.class);

            String msg = String.format("nCk(%s, %s) == %s", n, k, expected);
            assertEquals(msg, expected, method.invoke(obj, n, k));

        public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
            return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
                    {0, 0, 1},
                    {1, 0, 1},
                    {5, 0, 1},
                    {0, 1, 0},
                    {0, 5, 0},
                    {2, 1, 2},
                    {4, 2, 6},
                    {33, 7, 4272048}

    public static class RepeatGuessesTest {
        private String token;
        private String baseToken;
        private int repeatCount;

        public RepeatGuessesTest(String token, String baseToken, int repeatCount) {
            this.token = token;
            this.baseToken = baseToken;
            this.repeatCount = repeatCount;

        public void testRepeatGuesses() throws Exception {
            double baseGuesses = Scoring.mostGuessableMatchSequence(
                    baseToken, new Matching().omnimatch(baseToken)).getGuesses();
            Match match = new Match.Builder(Pattern.Repeat, 0, 0, token)
            double expectedGuesses = baseGuesses * repeatCount;
            String msg = String.format("the repeat pattern '%s' has guesses of %s", token, expectedGuesses);
            assertEquals(msg, expectedGuesses, new RepeatGuess().exec(match), 0.0);

        @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}")
        public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
            return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
                    {"aa", "a", 2},
                    {"999", "9", 3},
                    {"$$$$", "$", 4},
                    {"abab", "ab", 2},
                    {"batterystaplebatterystaplebatterystaple", "batterystaple", 3}

    public static class SequenceGuessesTest {
        private String token;
        private boolean ascending;
        private int expectedGuesses;

        public SequenceGuessesTest(String token, boolean ascending, int expectedGuesses) {
            this.token = token;
            this.ascending = ascending;
            this.expectedGuesses = expectedGuesses;

        public void testSequenceGuesses() throws Exception {
            Match match = new Match.Builder(Pattern.Sequence, 0, 0, token).ascending(ascending).build();
            String msg = String.format("the sequence pattern '%s' has guesses of %s", token, expectedGuesses);
            assertEquals(msg, expectedGuesses, new SequenceGuess().exec(match), 0.0);

        @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}")
        public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
            return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
                    {"ab", true, 4 * 2},
                    {"XYZ", true, 26 * 3},
                    {"4567", true, 10 * 4},
                    {"7654", false, 10 * 4 * 2},
                    {"ZYX", false, 4 * 3 * 2}

    public static class DictionaryGuessesTest {

        public void testDictionaryGuessesSameWithRank() throws Exception {
            Match match = new Match.Builder(Pattern.Dictionary, 0, 0, "aaaa").rank(32).build();
            String msg = "base guesses == the rank";
            assertEquals(msg, 32, new DictionaryGuess().exec(match), 0.0);

        public void testDictionaryGuessesCapitalization() throws Exception {
            Match match = new Match.Builder(Pattern.Dictionary, 0, 0, "AAAaaa").rank(32).build();
            String msg = "extra guesses are added for capitalization";
            assertEquals(msg, 32 * new DictionaryGuess().uppercaseVariations(match), new DictionaryGuess().exec(match), 0.0);

        public void testDictionaryGuessesReverse() throws Exception {
            Match match = new Match.Builder(Pattern.Dictionary, 0, 0, "aaa").reversed(true).rank(32).build();
            String msg = "guesses are doubled when word is reversed";
            assertEquals(msg, 32 * 2, new DictionaryGuess().exec(match), 0.0);

        public void testDictionaryGuesses133t() throws Exception {
            Map<Character, Character> sub = new HashMap<>();
            sub.put('@', 'a');
            Match match = new Match.Builder(Pattern.Dictionary, 0, 0, "aaa@@@").sub(sub).l33t(true).rank(32).build();
            String msg = "extra guesses are added for common l33t substitutions";
            assertEquals(msg, 32 * new DictionaryGuess().l33tVariations(match), new DictionaryGuess().exec(match), 0.0);

        public void testDictionaryGuessesMixed() throws Exception {
            Map<Character, Character> sub = new HashMap<>();
            sub.put('@', 'a');
            Match match = new Match.Builder(Pattern.Dictionary, 0, 0, "AaA@@@").sub(sub).l33t(true).rank(32).build();
            String msg = "extra guesses are added for both capitalization and common l33t substitutions";
            int expected = 32 * new DictionaryGuess().l33tVariations(match) * new DictionaryGuess().uppercaseVariations(match);
            assertEquals(msg, expected, new DictionaryGuess().exec(match), 0.0);


    public static class UppercaseVariantsTest {
        private String word;
        private int variants;

        public UppercaseVariantsTest(String word, int variants) {
            this.word = word;
            this.variants = variants;

        public void testUppercaseVariants() throws Exception {
            DictionaryGuess dictionaryGuess = new DictionaryGuess();
            Method uppercaseVariationsMethod = DictionaryGuess.class.getDeclaredMethod("uppercaseVariations", Match.class);

            Match match = new Match.Builder(Pattern.Dictionary, 0, 0, word).sub(new HashMap<Character, Character>()).l33t(true).build();
            String msg = String.format("guess multiplier of %s is %s", word, variants);
            assertEquals(msg, variants, uppercaseVariationsMethod.invoke(dictionaryGuess, match));

        @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}")
        public static Collection<Object[]> data() throws Exception {
            BaseGuess baseGuess = new BaseGuess() {
                public double exec(Match match) {
                    return 0;
            Method method = BaseGuess.class.getDeclaredMethod("nCk", int.class, int.class);
            return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
                    {"", 1},
                    {"a", 1},
                    {"A", 2},
                    {"abcdef", 1},
                    {"Abcdef", 2},
                    {"abcdeF", 2},
                    {"ABCDEF", 2},
                    {"aBcdef", method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 1)},
                    {"aBcDef", (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 1) + (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 2)},
                    {"ABCDEf", method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 1)},
                    {"aBCDEf", (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 1) + (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 2)},
                    {"ABCdef", (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 1) + (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 2) + (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 3)},

    public static class L33tVariantsTest {
        private String word;
        private int variants;
        private Map<Character, Character> sub;

        public L33tVariantsTest(String word, int variants, Map<Character, Character> sub) {
            this.word = word;
            this.variants = variants;
            this.sub = sub;

        public void testL33tVariants() throws Exception {
            Match match = new Match.Builder(Pattern.Dictionary, 0, 0, word).sub(sub).l33t(!sub.isEmpty()).build();
            String msg = String.format("extra l33t guesses of %s is %s", word, variants);
            assertEquals(msg, variants, new DictionaryGuess().l33tVariations(match));

        @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}")
        public static Collection<Object[]> data() throws Exception {
            BaseGuess baseGuess = new BaseGuess() {
                public double exec(Match match) {
                    return 0;
            Method method = BaseGuess.class.getDeclaredMethod("nCk", int.class, int.class);

            return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
                    {"", 1, Collections.emptyMap()},
                    {"a", 1, Collections.emptyMap()},
                    {"4", 2, Collections.singletonMap('4', 'a')},
                    {"4pple", 2, Collections.singletonMap('4', 'a')},
                    {"abcet", 1, Collections.emptyMap()},
                    {"4bcet", 2, Collections.singletonMap('4', 'a')},
                    {"a8cet", 2, Collections.singletonMap('8', 'b')},
                    {"abce+", 2, Collections.singletonMap('+', 't')},
                    {"48cet", 4, new HashMap<Character, Character>() {{
                        put('4', 'a');
                        put('8', 'b');
                    {"a4a4aa", (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 2) + (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 1), Collections.singletonMap('4', 'a')},
                    {"4a4a44", (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 2) + (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 1), Collections.singletonMap('4', 'a')},
                    {"a44att+", ((int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 4, 2) + (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 4, 1)) * (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 3, 1),
                            new HashMap<Character, Character>() {{
                                put('4', 'a');
                                put('+', 't');
                    {"Aa44aA", (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 2) + (int) method.invoke(baseGuess, 6, 1), Collections.singletonMap('4', 'a')}

    public static class RestScoringTest {
        public void testCalcGuessesPassword() throws Exception {
            Match match = new Match.Builder(Pattern.Dictionary, 0, 8, "password").guesses(1.0).build();
            String msg = "estimate_guesses returns cached guesses when available";
            assertEquals(msg, 1, new EstimateGuess("password").exec(match), 0.0);

        public void testCalcGuessesYear() throws Exception {
            Match match = MatchFactory.createDateMatch(0, 0, "1977", "/", 1977, 7, 14);
            String msg = "estimate_guesses delegates based on pattern";
            assertEquals(msg, new EstimateGuess("1977").exec(match), new DateGuess().exec(match), 0.0);

        public void testL33tVariants() throws Exception {
            Match match = MatchFactory.createDictionaryMatch(0, 0, "", "", 0, "");
            assertEquals("1 variant for non-l33t matches", 1.0, new DictionaryGuess().l33tVariations(match), 0.0);