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 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
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 * The Original Code is part of dcm4che, an implementation of DICOM(TM) in
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 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
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 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2017
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package org.dcm4che3.tool.findscu;

import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Templates;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;

import org.dcm4che3.data.Attributes;
import org.dcm4che3.data.Sequence;
import org.dcm4che3.data.Tag;
import org.dcm4che3.data.UID;
import org.dcm4che3.data.VR;
import org.dcm4che3.io.DicomInputStream;
import org.dcm4che3.io.DicomOutputStream;
import org.dcm4che3.io.SAXReader;
import org.dcm4che3.io.SAXWriter;
import org.dcm4che3.net.ApplicationEntity;
import org.dcm4che3.net.Association;
import org.dcm4che3.net.Connection;
import org.dcm4che3.net.Device;
import org.dcm4che3.net.DimseRSPHandler;
import org.dcm4che3.net.IncompatibleConnectionException;
import org.dcm4che3.net.QueryOption;
import org.dcm4che3.net.Status;
import org.dcm4che3.net.pdu.AAssociateRQ;
import org.dcm4che3.net.pdu.ExtendedNegotiation;
import org.dcm4che3.net.pdu.PresentationContext;
import org.dcm4che3.util.SafeClose;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.weasis.dicom.param.DicomProgress;
import org.weasis.dicom.param.DicomState;

 * The findscu application implements a Service Class User (SCU) for the Query/Retrieve, the Modality Worklist
 * Management, the Unified Worklist and Procedure Step, the Hanging Protocol Query/Retrieve and the Color Palette
 * Query/Retrieve Service Class. findscu only supports query functionality using the C-FIND message. It sends query keys
 * to an Service Class Provider (SCP) and waits for responses.
 * @author Gunter Zeilinger <[email protected]>
public class FindSCU implements AutoCloseable {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FindSCU.class);

    public enum InformationModel {
        PatientRoot(UID.PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND, "STUDY"),
        StudyRoot(UID.StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND, "STUDY"),
        PatientStudyOnly(UID.PatientStudyOnlyQueryRetrieveInformationModelFINDRetired, "STUDY"),
        MWL(UID.ModalityWorklistInformationModelFIND, null), UPSPull(UID.UnifiedProcedureStepPullSOPClass, null),
        UPSWatch(UID.UnifiedProcedureStepWatchSOPClass, null),
        HangingProtocol(UID.HangingProtocolInformationModelFIND, null),
        ColorPalette(UID.ColorPaletteQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND, null);

        final String cuid;
        final String level;

        InformationModel(String cuid, String level) {
            this.cuid = cuid;
            this.level = level;

        public void adjustQueryOptions(EnumSet<QueryOption> queryOptions) {
            if (level == null) {

        public String getCuid() {
            return cuid;

    private SAXTransformerFactory saxtf;

    private final Device device = new Device("findscu");
    private final ApplicationEntity ae = new ApplicationEntity("FINDSCU");
    private final Connection conn = new Connection();
    private final Connection remote = new Connection();
    private final AAssociateRQ rq = new AAssociateRQ();
    private int priority;
    private int cancelAfter;
    private InformationModel model;

    private File outDir;
    private DecimalFormat outFileFormat;
    private int[] inFilter;
    private final Attributes keys = new Attributes();

    private boolean catOut = false;
    private boolean xml = false;
    private boolean xmlIndent = false;
    private boolean xmlIncludeKeyword = true;
    private boolean xmlIncludeNamespaceDeclaration = false;
    private File xsltFile;
    private Templates xsltTpls;
    private OutputStream out;

    private Association as;
    private final AtomicInteger totNumMatches = new AtomicInteger();

    private final DicomState state;

    public FindSCU() throws IOException {
        state = new DicomState(new DicomProgress());

    public final void setPriority(int priority) {
        this.priority = priority;

    public final void setInformationModel(InformationModel model, String[] tss, EnumSet<QueryOption> queryOptions) {
        this.model = model;
        rq.addPresentationContext(new PresentationContext(1, model.cuid, tss));
        if (!queryOptions.isEmpty()) {
                new ExtendedNegotiation(model.cuid, QueryOption.toExtendedNegotiationInformation(queryOptions)));
        if (model.level != null) {

    public void addLevel(String s) {
        keys.setString(Tag.QueryRetrieveLevel, VR.CS, s);

    public final void setCancelAfter(int cancelAfter) {
        this.cancelAfter = cancelAfter;

    public final void setOutputDirectory(File outDir) {
        this.outDir = outDir;

    public final void setOutputFileFormat(String outFileFormat) {
        this.outFileFormat = new DecimalFormat(outFileFormat);

    public final void setXSLT(File xsltFile) {
        this.xsltFile = xsltFile;

    public final void setXML(boolean xml) {
        this.xml = xml;

    public final void setXMLIndent(boolean indent) {
        this.xmlIndent = indent;

    public final void setXMLIncludeKeyword(boolean includeKeyword) {
        this.xmlIncludeKeyword = includeKeyword;

    public final void setXMLIncludeNamespaceDeclaration(boolean includeNamespaceDeclaration) {
        this.xmlIncludeNamespaceDeclaration = includeNamespaceDeclaration;

    public final void setConcatenateOutputFiles(boolean catOut) {
        this.catOut = catOut;

    public final void setInputFilter(int[] inFilter) {
        this.inFilter = inFilter;

    public ApplicationEntity getApplicationEntity() {
        return ae;

    public Connection getRemoteConnection() {
        return remote;

    public AAssociateRQ getAAssociateRQ() {
        return rq;

    public Association getAssociation() {
        return as;

    public Device getDevice() {
        return device;

    public Attributes getKeys() {
        return keys;

    public void open()
        throws IOException, InterruptedException, IncompatibleConnectionException, GeneralSecurityException {
        as = ae.connect(conn, remote, rq);

    public void close() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        if (as != null && as.isReadyForDataTransfer()) {
        out = null;

    public void query(File f) throws Exception {
        Attributes attrs;
        String filePath = f.getPath();
        String fileExt = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();

        if (fileExt.equals("xml")) {
            attrs = SAXReader.parse(filePath);
        } else {
            try (DicomInputStream dis = new DicomInputStream(f)) {
                attrs = dis.readDataset(-1, -1);
        if (inFilter != null) {
            attrs = new Attributes(inFilter.length + 1);
            attrs.addSelected(attrs, inFilter);
        mergeKeys(attrs, keys);

    private static class MergeNested implements Attributes.Visitor {
        private final Attributes keys;

        MergeNested(Attributes keys) {
            this.keys = keys;

        public boolean visit(Attributes attrs, int tag, VR vr, Object val) {
            if (isNotEmptySequence(val)) {
                Object o = keys.remove(tag);
                if (isNotEmptySequence(o))
                    ((Sequence) val).get(0).addAll(((Sequence) o).get(0));
            return true;

        private static boolean isNotEmptySequence(Object val) {
            return val instanceof Sequence && !((Sequence) val).isEmpty();

    static void mergeKeys(Attributes attrs, Attributes keys) {
        try {
            attrs.accept(new MergeNested(keys), false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    public void query() throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    private void query(Attributes keys) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        DimseRSPHandler rspHandler = new DimseRSPHandler(as.nextMessageID()) {

            int cancelAfter = FindSCU.this.cancelAfter;
            int numMatches;

            public void onDimseRSP(Association as, Attributes cmd, Attributes data) {
                super.onDimseRSP(as, cmd, data);
                int status = cmd.getInt(Tag.Status, -1);
                if (Status.isPending(status)) {
                    if (cancelAfter != 0 && numMatches >= cancelAfter) {
                        try {
                            cancelAfter = 0;
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            LOGGER.error("Building response", e);
                } else {

        query(keys, rspHandler);

    public void query(DimseRSPHandler rspHandler) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        query(keys, rspHandler);

    private void query(Attributes keys, DimseRSPHandler rspHandler) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        as.cfind(model.cuid, priority, keys, null, rspHandler);

    private void onResult(Attributes data) {
        int numMatches = totNumMatches.incrementAndGet();
        if (outDir == null) {

        try {
            if (out == null) {
                File f = new File(outDir, fname(numMatches));
                out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
            if (xml) {
                writeAsXML(data, out);
            } else {
                // Do not close DicomOutputStream until catOut is false. Only "out" needs to be closed
                DicomOutputStream dos = new DicomOutputStream(out, UID.ImplicitVRLittleEndian);  //NOSONAR
                dos.writeDataset(null, data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Building response", e);
            out = null;
        } finally {
            if (!catOut) {
                out = null;

    private String fname(int i) {
        synchronized (outFileFormat) {
            return outFileFormat.format(i);

    private void writeAsXML(Attributes attrs, OutputStream out) throws Exception {
        TransformerHandler th = getTransformerHandler();
        th.getTransformer().setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, xmlIndent ? "yes" : "no");
        th.setResult(new StreamResult(out));
        SAXWriter saxWriter = new SAXWriter(th);

    private TransformerHandler getTransformerHandler() throws Exception {
        SAXTransformerFactory tf = saxtf;
        if (tf == null) {
            saxtf = tf = (SAXTransformerFactory) TransformerFactory.newInstance();
            tf.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, true);
        if (xsltFile == null) {
            return tf.newTransformerHandler();

        Templates tpls = xsltTpls;
        if (tpls == null) {
            xsltTpls = tpls = tf.newTemplates(new StreamSource(xsltFile));

        return tf.newTransformerHandler(tpls);

    public Connection getConnection() {
        return conn;

    public DicomState getState() {
        return state;