 * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.badlogic.gdx.vr;

import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Camera;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.Ray;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.Viewport;

 * This viewport can be used to split up the screen into different regions which
 * can be rendered each on their own. It actually consists of several other
 * viewports. It has one "root" viewport which is used to define the area that
 * can be used by the "sub" viewports. The "sub" viewports will split this area
 * into several areas. <br />
 * To render in a certain "sub" viewport, this viewport needs to be activated
 * first. This will result in a layouting of this viewport and its
 * {@link Viewport#update(int, int, boolean)} method being called to setup the
 * camera and the OpenGL viewport (glViewport) correctly.
 * @author Daniel Holderbaum
public class SplitViewport extends Viewport {

	/** @author Daniel Holderbaum */
	public static class SizeInformation {
		/** Determines, how the size should be interpreted. */
		public SizeType sizeType;

		 * The size to be used. Is ignored in case {@link SizeType} REST is
		 * used.
		public float size;

		public SizeInformation(SizeType sizeType, float size) {
			this.sizeType = sizeType;
			this.size = size;

	 * An enum which determines how a size should be interpreted.
	 * @author Daniel Holderbaum
	public enum SizeType {
		 * The size will be fixed and will have exactly the given size all the
		 * time.

		 * The given size needs to be in [0, 1]. It is relative to the "root"
		 * viewport.

		 * If this type is chosen, the given size will be ignored. Instead all
		 * cells with this type will share the rest amount of the "root"
		 * viewport that is still left after all other parts have been
		 * subtracted.

	 * A sub view for one cell of the {@link SplitViewport}.
	 * @author Daniel Holderbaum
	public static class SubView {
		/** The size information for this sub view. */
		public SizeInformation sizeInformation;

		/** The {@link Viewport} for this sub view. */
		public Viewport viewport;

		public SubView(SizeInformation sizeInformation, Viewport viewport) {
			this.sizeInformation = sizeInformation;
			this.viewport = viewport;


	private Viewport rootViewport;
	private Viewport activeViewport;

	private Array<SubView> rowSizeInformations = new Array<SubView>();
	private Array<Array<SubView>> subViews = new Array<Array<SubView>>();

	 * Initializes the split viewport.
	 * @param rootViewport
	 *            The viewport to be used to determine the area which the sub
	 *            viewports can use
	public SplitViewport(Viewport rootViewport) {
		this.rootViewport = rootViewport;

	 * Adds another row to the split viewport. This has to be called at least
	 * once prior to {@link #add(SubView)}.
	 * @param sizeInformation
	 *            The size information for the row.
	public void row(SizeInformation sizeInformation) {
		if (sizeInformation.sizeType == SizeType.RELATIVE) {

		// for rows we don't need a SubView with a viewport, but to not
		// duplicate some calculation methods, we just create a new
		// SubView
		rowSizeInformations.add(new SubView(sizeInformation, null));
		subViews.add(new Array<SubView>());

	 * Adds another sub view to the last added row.
	 * @param subView
	 *            The {@link SubView} with size and viewport. It can be changed
	 *            externally. Those changes will be used as soon as the viewport
	 *            is activated next time.
	public void add(SubView subView) {
		if (subViews.size == 0) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("A row has to be added first.");
		if (subView.sizeInformation.sizeType == SizeType.RELATIVE) {

		Array<SubView> rowViewports = subViews.peek();

	private final Rectangle subViewportArea = new Rectangle();

	 * Updates the viewport at (row, column) and sets it as the currently active
	 * one. The top left sub viewport is (0, 0).
	 * @param row
	 *            The index of the row with the viewport to be activated. Starts
	 *            at 0.
	 * @param column
	 *            The index of the column with the viewport to be activated.
	 *            Starts at 0.
	 * @param centerCamera
	 *            Whether the subView should center the camera or not.
	public void activateSubViewport(int row, int column, boolean centerCamera) {
		validateCoordinates(row, column);

		Array<SubView> rowMap = subViews.get(row);
		Viewport viewport = rowMap.get(column).viewport;

		// update the viewport simulating a smaller sub view
		calculateSubViewportArea(row, column, subViewportArea);
		viewport.update((int) subViewportArea.width, (int) subViewportArea.height, centerCamera);

		// store the current world size so we can restore it in case it gets
		// changed now
		float originalWorldWidth = viewport.getWorldWidth();
		float originalWorldHeight = viewport.getWorldHeight();

		// some scaling strategies will scale the viewport bigger than the
		// allowed sub view, so we need to limit it
		if (viewport.getScreenWidth() > subViewportArea.width) {
			float offcutWidth = viewport.getScreenWidth() - subViewportArea.width;
			viewport.setScreenWidth((int) subViewportArea.width);
			viewport.setWorldWidth(viewport.getWorldWidth() - offcutWidth);
			viewport.setScreenX((int) (viewport.getScreenX() + offcutWidth / 2));
		if (viewport.getScreenHeight() > subViewportArea.height) {
			float offcutHeight = viewport.getScreenHeight() - subViewportArea.height;
			viewport.setScreenHeight((int) subViewportArea.height);
			viewport.setWorldHeight(viewport.getWorldHeight() - offcutHeight);
			viewport.setScreenY((int) (viewport.getScreenY() + offcutHeight / 2));

		// now shift it to the correct place
		viewport.setScreenX((int) (viewport.getScreenX() + subViewportArea.x));
		viewport.setScreenY((int) (viewport.getScreenY() + subViewportArea.y));

		// we changed the viewport parameters, now we need to update once more
		// to correct the glViewport

		// restore the original world width after the glViewport has been set

		activeViewport = viewport;

	public Viewport getRootViewport() {
		return rootViewport;

	public void setRootViewport(Viewport rootViewport) {
		this.rootViewport = rootViewport;

	// ############################################################
	// The following methods all just delegate to the root viewport
	// ############################################################

	public void update(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, boolean centerCamera) {
		rootViewport.update(screenWidth, screenHeight, centerCamera);

	public Vector2 unproject(Vector2 screenCoords) {
		return rootViewport.unproject(screenCoords);

	public Vector2 project(Vector2 worldCoords) {
		return rootViewport.project(worldCoords);

	public Vector3 unproject(Vector3 screenCoords) {
		return rootViewport.unproject(screenCoords);

	public Vector3 project(Vector3 worldCoords) {
		return rootViewport.project(worldCoords);

	public Ray getPickRay(float screenX, float screenY) {
		return rootViewport.getPickRay(screenX, screenY);

	public void calculateScissors(Matrix4 batchTransform, Rectangle area, Rectangle scissor) {
		rootViewport.calculateScissors(batchTransform, area, scissor);

	public Vector2 toScreenCoordinates(Vector2 worldCoords, Matrix4 transformMatrix) {
		return rootViewport.toScreenCoordinates(worldCoords, transformMatrix);

	public Camera getCamera() {
		return rootViewport.getCamera();

	public void setCamera(Camera camera) {

	public void setWorldSize(float worldWidth, float worldHeight) {
		rootViewport.setWorldSize(worldWidth, worldHeight);

	public float getWorldWidth() {
		return rootViewport.getWorldWidth();

	public void setWorldWidth(float worldWidth) {

	public float getWorldHeight() {
		return rootViewport.getWorldHeight();

	public void setWorldHeight(float worldHeight) {

	public int getScreenX() {
		return rootViewport.getScreenX();

	public int getScreenY() {
		return rootViewport.getScreenY();

	public int getScreenWidth() {
		return rootViewport.getScreenWidth();

	public int getScreenHeight() {
		return rootViewport.getScreenHeight();

	public int getLeftGutterWidth() {
		return rootViewport.getLeftGutterWidth();

	public int getRightGutterX() {
		return rootViewport.getRightGutterX();

	public int getRightGutterWidth() {
		return rootViewport.getRightGutterWidth();

	public int getBottomGutterHeight() {
		return rootViewport.getBottomGutterHeight();

	public int getTopGutterY() {
		return rootViewport.getTopGutterY();

	public int getTopGutterHeight() {
		return rootViewport.getTopGutterHeight();

	// #################################################################
	// Private utility methods to help with calculations and validations
	// #################################################################

	private Rectangle calculateSubViewportArea(int row, int col, Rectangle subViewportArea) {
		subViewportArea.x = calculateWidthOffset(subViews.get(row), col);
		subViewportArea.y = calculateHeightOffset(rowSizeInformations, row);
		subViewportArea.width = calculateSize(subViews.get(row), col, getScreenWidth());
		subViewportArea.height = calculateSize(rowSizeInformations, row, getScreenHeight());

		return subViewportArea;

	private float calculateHeightOffset(Array<SubView> subViews, int index) {
		// the glViewport offset is y-up, but the first row is the top most one
		// that's why we start at the top and subtract the row heights
		float heightOffset = getScreenHeight();
		for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
			heightOffset -= calculateSize(subViews, i, getScreenHeight());

		// add the root offset
		heightOffset += getScreenY();

		return heightOffset;

	private float calculateWidthOffset(Array<SubView> sizeInformations, int index) {
		float widthOffset = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
			widthOffset += calculateSize(sizeInformations, i, getScreenWidth());

		// add the root offset
		widthOffset += getScreenX();

		return widthOffset;

	 * Used to calculate either the width or height.
	 * @param subViews
	 *            The row informations or column informations of a certain row.
	 * @param index
	 *            The index of the element to be calculated.
	 * @param totalSize
	 *            The total size, either the viewport width or height.
	private float calculateSize(Array<SubView> subViews, int index, float totalSize) {
		SubView subView = subViews.get(index);
		switch (subView.sizeInformation.sizeType) {
		case ABSOLUTE:
			return subView.sizeInformation.size;
		case RELATIVE:
			return subView.sizeInformation.size * totalSize;
		case REST:
			int rests = countRest(subViews);
			float usedSize = calculateUsedSize(subViews, totalSize);
			return (totalSize - usedSize) / rests;
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(subView.sizeInformation.sizeType + " could not be handled.");

	private float calculateUsedSize(Array<SubView> subViews, float totalSize) {
		float usedSize = 0;

		for (SubView subView : subViews) {
			switch (subView.sizeInformation.sizeType) {
			case ABSOLUTE:
				usedSize += subView.sizeInformation.size;
			case RELATIVE:
				usedSize += subView.sizeInformation.size * totalSize;

		return usedSize;

	private int countRest(Array<SubView> subViews) {
		int rests = 0;

		for (SubView subView : subViews) {
			if (subView.sizeInformation.sizeType == SizeType.REST) {

		return rests;

	private void validateCoordinates(int row, int col) {
		if (row >= subViews.size) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no row with ID " + row);

		Array<SubView> rowSubViews = subViews.get(row);
		if (col >= rowSubViews.size) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no column with ID " + col);

	private void validateRelativeSize(float size) {
		if (size < 0 || size > 1) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(size + " does not fulfill the constraint of 0 <= size <= 1.");