 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * <p/>
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * <p/>
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ClusterStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix.Statistics.ClusterStats;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix.Statistics.JobStats;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobID;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;
import org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStory;
import org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobStoryProducer;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

public class StressJobFactory extends JobFactory<Statistics.ClusterStats> {
  public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(StressJobFactory.class);

  private final LoadStatus loadStatus = new LoadStatus();
   * The minimum ratio between pending+running map tasks (aka. incomplete map
   * tasks) and cluster map slot capacity for us to consider the cluster is
   * overloaded. For running maps, we only count them partially. Namely, a 40%
   * completed map is counted as 0.6 map tasks in our calculation.
  private static final float OVERLOAD_MAPTASK_MAPSLOT_RATIO = 2.0f;
  public static final String CONF_OVERLOAD_MAPTASK_MAPSLOT_RATIO=
  final float overloadMapTaskMapSlotRatio;

   * The minimum ratio between pending+running reduce tasks (aka. incomplete
   * reduce tasks) and cluster reduce slot capacity for us to consider the
   * cluster is overloaded. For running reduces, we only count them partially.
   * Namely, a 40% completed reduce is counted as 0.6 reduce tasks in our
   * calculation.
  private static final float OVERLOAD_REDUCETASK_REDUCESLOT_RATIO = 2.5f;
  final float overloadReduceTaskReduceSlotRatio;

   * The maximum share of the cluster's mapslot capacity that can be counted
   * toward a job's incomplete map tasks in overload calculation.
  private static final float MAX_MAPSLOT_SHARE_PER_JOB=0.1f;
  public static final String CONF_MAX_MAPSLOT_SHARE_PER_JOB=
  final float maxMapSlotSharePerJob;
   * The maximum share of the cluster's reduceslot capacity that can be counted
   * toward a job's incomplete reduce tasks in overload calculation.
  private static final float MAX_REDUCESLOT_SHARE_PER_JOB=0.1f;
  public static final String CONF_MAX_REDUCESLOT_SHARE_PER_JOB=
  final float maxReduceSlotSharePerJob;

   * The ratio of the maximum number of pending+running jobs over the number of
   * task trackers.
  private static final float MAX_JOB_TRACKER_RATIO=1.0f;
  public static final String CONF_MAX_JOB_TRACKER_RATIO=
  final float maxJobTrackerRatio;

   * Represents a list of blacklisted jobs. Jobs are blacklisted when either 
   * they are complete or their status cannot be obtained. Stress mode will 
   * ignore blacklisted jobs from its overload computation.
  private Set<JobID> blacklistedJobs = new HashSet<JobID>();
   * Creating a new instance does not start the thread.
   * @param submitter   Component to which deserialized jobs are passed
   * @param jobProducer Stream of job traces with which to construct a
   *                    {@link org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.ZombieJobProducer}
   * @param scratch     Directory into which to write output from simulated jobs
   * @param conf        Config passed to all jobs to be submitted
   * @param startFlag   Latch released from main to start pipeline
   * @throws java.io.IOException
  public StressJobFactory(
    JobSubmitter submitter, JobStoryProducer jobProducer, Path scratch,
    Configuration conf, CountDownLatch startFlag, UserResolver resolver)
    throws IOException {
      submitter, jobProducer, scratch, conf, startFlag, resolver);
    overloadMapTaskMapSlotRatio = conf.getFloat(
    overloadReduceTaskReduceSlotRatio = conf.getFloat(
    maxMapSlotSharePerJob = conf.getFloat(
    maxReduceSlotSharePerJob = conf.getFloat(
    maxJobTrackerRatio = conf.getFloat(

  public Thread createReaderThread() {
    return new StressReaderThread("StressJobFactory");

  * Worker thread responsible for reading descriptions, assigning sequence
  * numbers, and normalizing time.
  private class StressReaderThread extends Thread {

    public StressReaderThread(String name) {

     * STRESS: Submits the job in STRESS mode.
     * while(JT is overloaded) {
     * wait();
     * }
     * If not overloaded , get number of slots available.
     * Keep submitting the jobs till ,total jobs  is sufficient to
     * load the JT.
     * That is submit  (Sigma(no of maps/Job)) > (2 * no of slots available)
    public void run() {
      try {
        if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
          LOG.warn("[STRESS] Interrupted before start!. Exiting..");
        LOG.info("START STRESS @ " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
          try {
            while (loadStatus.overloaded()) {
              // update the overload status
              if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Updating the overload status.");
              try {
              } catch (IOException ioe) {
                LOG.warn("[STRESS] Check failed!", ioe);
              // if the cluster is still overloaded, then sleep
              if (loadStatus.overloaded()) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                  LOG.debug("[STRESS] Cluster overloaded in run! Sleeping...");

                // sleep 
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                  LOG.warn("[STRESS] Interrupted while sleeping! Exiting.", ie);

            while (!loadStatus.overloaded()) {
              if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("[STRESS] Cluster underloaded in run! Stressing...");
              try {
                //TODO This in-line read can block submission for large jobs.
                final JobStory job = getNextJobFiltered();
                if (null == job) {
                  LOG.warn("[STRESS] Finished consuming the input trace. " 
                           + "Exiting..");
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                  LOG.debug("Job Selected: " + job.getJobID());
                UserGroupInformation ugi = 
                UserGroupInformation tgtUgi = userResolver.getTargetUgi(ugi);
                GridmixJob tJob = 
                  jobCreator.createGridmixJob(conf, 0L, job, scratch, 
                               tgtUgi, sequence.getAndIncrement());
                // submit the job
                // TODO: We need to take care of scenario when one map/reduce
                // takes more than 1 slot.
                // Lock the loadjob as we are making updates
                int incompleteMapTasks = (int) calcEffectiveIncompleteMapTasks(
                                                 job.getNumberMaps(), 0.0f);
                int incompleteReduceTasks = 
                  (int) calcEffectiveIncompleteReduceTasks(
                          job.getNumberReduces(), 0.0f);
              } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("[STRESS] Error while submitting the job ", e);
                error = e;

          } finally {
            // do nothing
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        LOG.error("[STRESS] Interrupted in the main block!", e);
      } finally {
        IOUtils.cleanup(null, jobProducer);

   * STRESS Once you get the notification from StatsCollector.Collect the
   * clustermetrics. Update current loadStatus with new load status of JT.
   * @param item
  public void update(Statistics.ClusterStats item) {
    ClusterStatus clusterStatus = item.getStatus();
    try {
      // update the max cluster map/reduce task capacity
      int numTrackers = clusterStatus.getTaskTrackers();
      int jobLoad = 
        (int) (maxJobTrackerRatio * numTrackers) - item.getNumRunningJob();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Couldn't get the new Status",e);

  float calcEffectiveIncompleteMapTasks(int mapSlotCapacity,
      int numMaps, float mapProgress) {
    float maxEffIncompleteMapTasks = Math.max(1.0f, mapSlotCapacity
        * maxMapSlotSharePerJob);
    float mapProgressAdjusted = Math.max(Math.min(mapProgress, 1.0f), 0.0f);
    return Math.min(maxEffIncompleteMapTasks, 
                    numMaps * (1.0f - mapProgressAdjusted));

  float calcEffectiveIncompleteReduceTasks(int reduceSlotCapacity,
      int numReduces, float reduceProgress) {
    float maxEffIncompleteReduceTasks = Math.max(1.0f, reduceSlotCapacity
        * maxReduceSlotSharePerJob);
    float reduceProgressAdjusted = 
      Math.max(Math.min(reduceProgress, 1.0f), 0.0f);
    return Math.min(maxEffIncompleteReduceTasks, 
                    numReduces * (1.0f - reduceProgressAdjusted));

   * We try to use some light-weight mechanism to determine cluster load.
   * @throws java.io.IOException
  protected void checkLoadAndGetSlotsToBackfill() 
  throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (loadStatus.getJobLoad() <= 0) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug(System.currentTimeMillis() + " [JobLoad] Overloaded is "
                  + Boolean.TRUE.toString() + " NumJobsBackfill is "
                  + loadStatus.getJobLoad());
      return; // stop calculation because we know it is overloaded.

    int mapCapacity = loadStatus.getMapCapacity();
    int reduceCapacity = loadStatus.getReduceCapacity();
    // return if the cluster status is not set
    if (mapCapacity < 0 || reduceCapacity < 0) {
      // note that, by default, the overload status is true
      // missing cluster status will result into blocking of job submission
    // Determine the max permissible map & reduce task load
    int maxMapLoad = (int) (overloadMapTaskMapSlotRatio * mapCapacity);
    int maxReduceLoad = 
      (int) (overloadReduceTaskReduceSlotRatio * reduceCapacity);
    // compute the total number of map & reduce tasks submitted
    int totalMapTasks = ClusterStats.getSubmittedMapTasks();
    int totalReduceTasks = ClusterStats.getSubmittedReduceTasks();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Total submitted map tasks: " + totalMapTasks);
      LOG.debug("Total submitted reduce tasks: " + totalReduceTasks);
      LOG.debug("Max map load: " + maxMapLoad);
      LOG.debug("Max reduce load: " + maxReduceLoad);
    // generate a pessimistic bound on the max running+pending map tasks
    // this check is to avoid the heavy-duty actual map load calculation
    int mapSlotsBackFill = (int) (maxMapLoad - totalMapTasks);
    // generate a pessimistic bound on the max running+pending reduce tasks
    // this check is to avoid the heavy-duty actual reduce load calculation
    int reduceSlotsBackFill = (int) (maxReduceLoad - totalReduceTasks);
    // maintain a list of seen job ids
    Set<JobID> seenJobIDs = new HashSet<JobID>();
    // check if the total number of submitted map/reduce tasks exceeds the 
    // permissible limit
    if (totalMapTasks > maxMapLoad || totalReduceTasks > maxReduceLoad) {
      // if yes, calculate the real load
      float incompleteMapTasks = 0; // include pending & running map tasks.
      float incompleteReduceTasks = 0; // include pending & running reduce tasks
      for (JobStats job : ClusterStats.getRunningJobStats()) {
        JobID id = job.getJob().getJobID();
        // Note that this is a hack! Ideally, ClusterStats.getRunningJobStats()
        // should be smart enough to take care of completed jobs.
        if (blacklistedJobs.contains(id)) {
          LOG.warn("Ignoring blacklisted job: " + id);
        int noOfMaps = job.getNoOfMaps();
        int noOfReduces = job.getNoOfReds();
        // consider polling for jobs where maps>0 and reds>0
        // TODO: What about setup/cleanup tasks for cases where m=0 and r=0
        //       What otherwise?
        if (noOfMaps > 0 || noOfReduces > 0) {
          // get the job's status
          JobStatus status = job.getJobStatus();
          // blacklist completed jobs and continue
          if (status != null && status.isJobComplete()) {
            LOG.warn("Blacklisting completed job: " + id);
          // get the map and reduce tasks' progress
          float mapProgress = 0f;
          float reduceProgress = 0f;
          // check if the status is missing (this can happen for unpolled jobs)
          if (status != null) {
            mapProgress = status.getMapProgress();
            reduceProgress = status.getReduceProgress();
          incompleteMapTasks += 
            calcEffectiveIncompleteMapTasks(mapCapacity, noOfMaps, mapProgress);

          // bail out early
          int currentMapSlotsBackFill = (int) (maxMapLoad - incompleteMapTasks);
          if (currentMapSlotsBackFill <= 0) {
            // reset the reduce task load since we are bailing out
            incompleteReduceTasks = totalReduceTasks;
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Terminating overload check due to high map load.");

          // compute the real reduce load
          if (noOfReduces > 0) {
            incompleteReduceTasks += 
              calcEffectiveIncompleteReduceTasks(reduceCapacity, noOfReduces, 

          // bail out early
          int currentReduceSlotsBackFill = 
            (int) (maxReduceLoad - incompleteReduceTasks);
          if (currentReduceSlotsBackFill <= 0) {
            // reset the map task load since we are bailing out
            incompleteMapTasks = totalMapTasks;
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Terminating overload check due to high reduce load.");
        } else {
          LOG.warn("Blacklisting empty job: " + id);

      // calculate the real map load on the cluster
      mapSlotsBackFill = (int) (maxMapLoad - incompleteMapTasks);
      // calculate the real reduce load on the cluster
      reduceSlotsBackFill = (int)(maxReduceLoad - incompleteReduceTasks);
      // clean up the backlisted set to keep the memory footprint minimal
      // retain only the jobs that are seen in this cycle
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && blacklistedJobs.size() > 0) {
        LOG.debug("Blacklisted jobs count: " + blacklistedJobs.size());
    // update
    if (loadStatus.getMapLoad() <= 0) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug(System.currentTimeMillis() + " [MAP-LOAD] Overloaded is "
                  + Boolean.TRUE.toString() + " MapSlotsBackfill is "
                  + loadStatus.getMapLoad());
      return; // stop calculation because we know it is overloaded.
    if (loadStatus.getReduceLoad() <= 0) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug(System.currentTimeMillis() + " [REDUCE-LOAD] Overloaded is "
                  + Boolean.TRUE.toString() + " ReduceSlotsBackfill is "
                  + loadStatus.getReduceLoad());
      return; // stop calculation because we know it is overloaded.

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug(System.currentTimeMillis() + " [OVERALL] Overloaded is "
                + Boolean.FALSE.toString() + "Current load Status is " 
                + loadStatus);

  static class LoadStatus {
     * Additional number of map slots that can be requested before
     * declaring (by Gridmix STRESS mode) the cluster as overloaded. 
    private volatile int mapSlotsBackfill;
     * Determines the total map slot capacity of the cluster.
    private volatile int mapSlotCapacity;
     * Additional number of reduce slots that can be requested before
     * declaring (by Gridmix STRESS mode) the cluster as overloaded.
    private volatile int reduceSlotsBackfill;
     * Determines the total reduce slot capacity of the cluster.
    private volatile int reduceSlotCapacity;

     * Determines the max count of running jobs in the cluster.
    private volatile int numJobsBackfill;
    // set the default to true
    private AtomicBoolean overloaded = new AtomicBoolean(true);

     * Construct the LoadStatus in an unknown state - assuming the cluster is
     * overloaded by setting numSlotsBackfill=0.
    LoadStatus() {
      mapSlotsBackfill = 0;
      reduceSlotsBackfill = 0;
      numJobsBackfill = 0;
      mapSlotCapacity = -1;
      reduceSlotCapacity = -1;
    public synchronized int getMapLoad() {
      return mapSlotsBackfill;
    public synchronized int getMapCapacity() {
      return mapSlotCapacity;
    public synchronized int getReduceLoad() {
      return reduceSlotsBackfill;
    public synchronized int getReduceCapacity() {
      return reduceSlotCapacity;
    public synchronized int getJobLoad() {
      return numJobsBackfill;
    public synchronized void decrementMapLoad(int mapSlotsConsumed) {
      this.mapSlotsBackfill -= mapSlotsConsumed;
    public synchronized void decrementReduceLoad(int reduceSlotsConsumed) {
      this.reduceSlotsBackfill -= reduceSlotsConsumed;

    public synchronized void decrementJobLoad(int numJobsConsumed) {
      this.numJobsBackfill -= numJobsConsumed;
    public synchronized void updateMapCapacity(int mapSlotsCapacity) {
      this.mapSlotCapacity = mapSlotsCapacity;
    public synchronized void updateReduceCapacity(int reduceSlotsCapacity) {
      this.reduceSlotCapacity = reduceSlotsCapacity;
    public synchronized void updateMapLoad(int mapSlotsBackfill) {
      this.mapSlotsBackfill = mapSlotsBackfill;
    public synchronized void updateReduceLoad(int reduceSlotsBackfill) {
      this.reduceSlotsBackfill = reduceSlotsBackfill;
    public synchronized void updateJobLoad(int numJobsBackfill) {
      this.numJobsBackfill = numJobsBackfill;
    private synchronized void updateOverloadStatus() {
      overloaded.set((mapSlotsBackfill <= 0) || (reduceSlotsBackfill <= 0)
                     || (numJobsBackfill <= 0));
    public boolean overloaded() {
      return overloaded.get();
    public synchronized String toString() {
    // TODO Use StringBuilder instead
      return " Overloaded = " + overloaded()
             + ", MapSlotBackfill = " + mapSlotsBackfill 
             + ", MapSlotCapacity = " + mapSlotCapacity
             + ", ReduceSlotBackfill = " + reduceSlotsBackfill 
             + ", ReduceSlotCapacity = " + reduceSlotCapacity
             + ", NumJobsBackfill = " + numJobsBackfill;

   * Start the reader thread, wait for latch if necessary.
  public void start() {
    LOG.info(" Starting Stress submission ");
