 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer;

import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.StorageType.DEFAULT;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.StorageType.RAM_DISK;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.StorageType;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSTestUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.NameNodeProxies;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants.DatanodeReportType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.Balancer.Cli;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.Balancer.Parameters;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.balancer.Balancer.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.SimulatedFSDataset;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.GenericTestUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Time;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.junit.Test;

 * This class tests if a balancer schedules tasks correctly.
public class TestBalancer {
  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestBalancer.class);

  static {

  final static long CAPACITY = 5000L;
  final static String RACK0 = "/rack0";
  final static String RACK1 = "/rack1";
  final static String RACK2 = "/rack2";
  final private static String fileName = "/tmp.txt";
  final static Path filePath = new Path(fileName);
  private MiniDFSCluster cluster;

  ClientProtocol client;

  static final long TIMEOUT = 40000L; //msec
  static final double CAPACITY_ALLOWED_VARIANCE = 0.005;  // 0.5%
  static final double BALANCE_ALLOWED_VARIANCE = 0.11;    // 10%+delta
  static final int DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 100;
  static final int DEFAULT_RAM_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
  private static final Random r = new Random();

  static {

  public static void initTestSetup() {
    Dispatcher.setBlockMoveWaitTime(1000L) ;

    // do not create id file since it occupies the disk space

  static void initConf(Configuration conf) {
    conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_KEY, 1L);
    conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BALANCER_MOVEDWINWIDTH_KEY, 2000L);

  static void initConfWithRamDisk(Configuration conf) {
    conf.setLong(DFS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_KEY, 1);

  /* create a file with a length of <code>fileLen</code> */
  static void createFile(MiniDFSCluster cluster, Path filePath, long fileLen,
      short replicationFactor, int nnIndex)
  throws IOException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem(nnIndex);
    DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, filePath, fileLen, 
        replicationFactor, r.nextLong());
    DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, filePath, replicationFactor);

  /* fill up a cluster with <code>numNodes</code> datanodes 
   * whose used space to be <code>size</code>
  private ExtendedBlock[] generateBlocks(Configuration conf, long size,
      short numNodes) throws IOException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numNodes).build();
    try {
      client = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(conf, cluster.getFileSystem(0).getUri(),

      short replicationFactor = (short)(numNodes-1);
      long fileLen = size/replicationFactor;
      createFile(cluster , filePath, fileLen, replicationFactor, 0);

      List<LocatedBlock> locatedBlocks = client.
      getBlockLocations(fileName, 0, fileLen).getLocatedBlocks();

      int numOfBlocks = locatedBlocks.size();
      ExtendedBlock[] blocks = new ExtendedBlock[numOfBlocks];
      for(int i=0; i<numOfBlocks; i++) {
        ExtendedBlock b = locatedBlocks.get(i).getBlock();
        blocks[i] = new ExtendedBlock(b.getBlockPoolId(), b.getBlockId(), b
            .getNumBytes(), b.getGenerationStamp());

      return blocks;
    } finally {

  /* Distribute all blocks according to the given distribution */
  static Block[][] distributeBlocks(ExtendedBlock[] blocks,
      short replicationFactor, final long[] distribution) {
    // make a copy
    long[] usedSpace = new long[distribution.length];
    System.arraycopy(distribution, 0, usedSpace, 0, distribution.length);

    List<List<Block>> blockReports = 
      new ArrayList<List<Block>>(usedSpace.length);
    Block[][] results = new Block[usedSpace.length][];
    for(int i=0; i<usedSpace.length; i++) {
      blockReports.add(new ArrayList<Block>());
    for(int i=0; i<blocks.length; i++) {
      for(int j=0; j<replicationFactor; j++) {
        boolean notChosen = true;
        while(notChosen) {
          int chosenIndex = r.nextInt(usedSpace.length);
          if( usedSpace[chosenIndex]>0 ) {
            notChosen = false;
            usedSpace[chosenIndex] -= blocks[i].getNumBytes();
    for(int i=0; i<usedSpace.length; i++) {
      List<Block> nodeBlockList = blockReports.get(i);
      results[i] = nodeBlockList.toArray(new Block[nodeBlockList.size()]);
    return results;

  static long sum(long[] x) {
    long s = 0L;
    for(long a : x) {
      s += a;
    return s;

  /* we first start a cluster and fill the cluster up to a certain size.
   * then redistribute blocks according the required distribution.
   * Afterwards a balancer is running to balance the cluster.
  private void testUnevenDistribution(Configuration conf,
      long distribution[], long capacities[], String[] racks) throws Exception {
    int numDatanodes = distribution.length;
    if (capacities.length != numDatanodes || racks.length != numDatanodes) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array length is not the same");

    // calculate total space that need to be filled
    final long totalUsedSpace = sum(distribution);

    // fill the cluster
    ExtendedBlock[] blocks = generateBlocks(conf, totalUsedSpace,
        (short) numDatanodes);

    // redistribute blocks
    Block[][] blocksDN = distributeBlocks(
        blocks, (short)(numDatanodes-1), distribution);

    // restart the cluster: do NOT format the cluster
    cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numDatanodes)
    client = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(conf, cluster.getFileSystem(0).getUri(),

    for(int i = 0; i < blocksDN.length; i++)
      cluster.injectBlocks(i, Arrays.asList(blocksDN[i]), null);

    final long totalCapacity = sum(capacities);
    runBalancer(conf, totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity);

   * Wait until heartbeat gives expected results, within CAPACITY_ALLOWED_VARIANCE, 
   * summed over all nodes.  Times out after TIMEOUT msec.
   * @param expectedUsedSpace
   * @param expectedTotalSpace
   * @throws IOException - if getStats() fails
   * @throws TimeoutException
  static void waitForHeartBeat(long expectedUsedSpace,
      long expectedTotalSpace, ClientProtocol client, MiniDFSCluster cluster)
  throws IOException, TimeoutException {
    long timeout = TIMEOUT;
    long failtime = (timeout <= 0L) ? Long.MAX_VALUE
             : Time.monotonicNow() + timeout;
    while (true) {
      long[] status = client.getStats();
      double totalSpaceVariance = Math.abs((double)status[0] - expectedTotalSpace) 
          / expectedTotalSpace;
      double usedSpaceVariance = Math.abs((double)status[1] - expectedUsedSpace) 
          / expectedUsedSpace;
      if (totalSpaceVariance < CAPACITY_ALLOWED_VARIANCE 
          && usedSpaceVariance < CAPACITY_ALLOWED_VARIANCE)
        break; //done

      if (Time.monotonicNow() > failtime) {
        throw new TimeoutException("Cluster failed to reached expected values of "
            + "totalSpace (current: " + status[0] 
            + ", expected: " + expectedTotalSpace 
            + "), or usedSpace (current: " + status[1] 
            + ", expected: " + expectedUsedSpace
            + "), in more than " + timeout + " msec.");
      try {
      } catch(InterruptedException ignored) {

   * Wait until balanced: each datanode gives utilization within
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws TimeoutException
  static void waitForBalancer(long totalUsedSpace, long totalCapacity,
      ClientProtocol client, MiniDFSCluster cluster, Balancer.Parameters p)
  throws IOException, TimeoutException {
    waitForBalancer(totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, client, cluster, p, 0);
   * Make sure that balancer can't move pinned blocks.
   * If specified favoredNodes when create file, blocks will be pinned use 
   * sticky bit.
   * @throws Exception
  public void testBalancerWithPinnedBlocks() throws Exception {
    // This test assumes stick-bit based block pin mechanism available only
    // in Linux/Unix. It can be unblocked on Windows when HDFS-7759 is ready to
    // provide a different mechanism for Windows.

    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    conf.setBoolean(DFS_DATANODE_BLOCK_PINNING_ENABLED, true);
    long[] capacities =  new long[] { CAPACITY, CAPACITY };
    String[] racks = { RACK0, RACK1 };
    int numOfDatanodes = capacities.length;

    cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(capacities.length)
      .hosts(new String[]{"localhost", "localhost"})

    try {
      client = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(conf,
          cluster.getFileSystem(0).getUri(), ClientProtocol.class).getProxy();
      // fill up the cluster to be 80% full
      long totalCapacity = sum(capacities);
      long totalUsedSpace = totalCapacity * 8 / 10;
      InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes = new InetSocketAddress[numOfDatanodes];
      for (int i = 0; i < favoredNodes.length; i++) {
        favoredNodes[i] = cluster.getDataNodes().get(i).getXferAddress();

      DFSTestUtil.createFile(cluster.getFileSystem(0), filePath, false, 1024,
          totalUsedSpace / numOfDatanodes, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE,
          (short) numOfDatanodes, 0, false, favoredNodes);
      // start up an empty node with the same capacity
      cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 1, true, null, new String[] { RACK2 },
          new long[] { CAPACITY });
      totalCapacity += CAPACITY;
      // run balancer and validate results
      waitForHeartBeat(totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, client, cluster);

      // start rebalancing
      Collection<URI> namenodes = DFSUtil.getNsServiceRpcUris(conf);
      int r = Balancer.run(namenodes, Balancer.Parameters.DEFAULT, conf);
      assertEquals(ExitStatus.NO_MOVE_PROGRESS.getExitCode(), r);
    } finally {
   * Wait until balanced: each datanode gives utilization within 
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws TimeoutException
  static void waitForBalancer(long totalUsedSpace, long totalCapacity,
      ClientProtocol client, MiniDFSCluster cluster, Balancer.Parameters p,
      int expectedExcludedNodes) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
    long timeout = TIMEOUT;
    long failtime = (timeout <= 0L) ? Long.MAX_VALUE
        : Time.monotonicNow() + timeout;
    if (!p.nodesToBeIncluded.isEmpty()) {
      totalCapacity = p.nodesToBeIncluded.size() * CAPACITY;
    if (!p.nodesToBeExcluded.isEmpty()) {
        totalCapacity -= p.nodesToBeExcluded.size() * CAPACITY;
    final double avgUtilization = ((double)totalUsedSpace) / totalCapacity;
    boolean balanced;
    do {
      DatanodeInfo[] datanodeReport = 
      assertEquals(datanodeReport.length, cluster.getDataNodes().size());
      balanced = true;
      int actualExcludedNodeCount = 0;
      for (DatanodeInfo datanode : datanodeReport) {
        double nodeUtilization = ((double)datanode.getDfsUsed())
            / datanode.getCapacity();
        if (Dispatcher.Util.isExcluded(p.nodesToBeExcluded, datanode)) {
          assertTrue(nodeUtilization == 0);
        if (!Dispatcher.Util.isIncluded(p.nodesToBeIncluded, datanode)) {
          assertTrue(nodeUtilization == 0);
        if (Math.abs(avgUtilization - nodeUtilization) > BALANCE_ALLOWED_VARIANCE) {
          balanced = false;
          if (Time.monotonicNow() > failtime) {
            throw new TimeoutException(
                "Rebalancing expected avg utilization to become "
                + avgUtilization + ", but on datanode " + datanode
                + " it remains at " + nodeUtilization
                + " after more than " + TIMEOUT + " msec.");
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
    } while (!balanced);

  String long2String(long[] array) {
    if (array.length == 0) {
      return "<empty>";
    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("[").append(array[0]);
    for(int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
      b.append(", ").append(array[i]);
    return b.append("]").toString();
   * Class which contains information about the
   * new nodes to be added to the cluster for balancing.
  static abstract class NewNodeInfo {

    Set<String> nodesToBeExcluded = new HashSet<String>();
    Set<String> nodesToBeIncluded = new HashSet<String>();

     abstract String[] getNames();
     abstract int getNumberofNewNodes();
     abstract int getNumberofIncludeNodes();
     abstract int getNumberofExcludeNodes();

     public Set<String> getNodesToBeIncluded() {
       return nodesToBeIncluded;
     public Set<String> getNodesToBeExcluded() {
       return nodesToBeExcluded;

   * The host names of new nodes are specified
  static class HostNameBasedNodes extends NewNodeInfo {
    String[] hostnames;

    public HostNameBasedNodes(String[] hostnames,
        Set<String> nodesToBeExcluded, Set<String> nodesToBeIncluded) {
      this.hostnames = hostnames;
      this.nodesToBeExcluded = nodesToBeExcluded;
      this.nodesToBeIncluded = nodesToBeIncluded;

    String[] getNames() {
      return hostnames;
    int getNumberofNewNodes() {
      return hostnames.length;
    int getNumberofIncludeNodes() {
      return nodesToBeIncluded.size();
    int getNumberofExcludeNodes() {
      return nodesToBeExcluded.size();

   * The number of data nodes to be started are specified.
   * The data nodes will have same host name, but different port numbers.
  static class PortNumberBasedNodes extends NewNodeInfo {
    int newNodes;
    int excludeNodes;
    int includeNodes;

    public PortNumberBasedNodes(int newNodes, int excludeNodes, int includeNodes) {
      this.newNodes = newNodes;
      this.excludeNodes = excludeNodes;
      this.includeNodes = includeNodes;

    String[] getNames() {
      return null;
    int getNumberofNewNodes() {
      return newNodes;
    int getNumberofIncludeNodes() {
      return includeNodes;
    int getNumberofExcludeNodes() {
      return excludeNodes;

  private void doTest(Configuration conf, long[] capacities, String[] racks,
      long newCapacity, String newRack, boolean useTool) throws Exception {
    doTest(conf, capacities, racks, newCapacity, newRack, null, useTool, false);

  /** This test start a cluster with specified number of nodes,
   * and fills it to be 30% full (with a single file replicated identically
   * to all datanodes);
   * It then adds one new empty node and starts balancing.
   * @param conf - configuration
   * @param capacities - array of capacities of original nodes in cluster
   * @param racks - array of racks for original nodes in cluster
   * @param newCapacity - new node's capacity
   * @param newRack - new node's rack
   * @param nodes - information about new nodes to be started.
   * @param useTool - if true run test via Cli with command-line argument 
   *   parsing, etc.   Otherwise invoke balancer API directly.
   * @param useFile - if true, the hosts to included or excluded will be stored in a
   *   file and then later read from the file.
   * @throws Exception
  private void doTest(Configuration conf, long[] capacities,
      String[] racks, long newCapacity, String newRack, NewNodeInfo nodes,
      boolean useTool, boolean useFile) throws Exception {
    LOG.info("capacities = " +  long2String(capacities)); 
    LOG.info("racks      = " +  Arrays.asList(racks)); 
    LOG.info("newCapacity= " +  newCapacity); 
    LOG.info("newRack    = " +  newRack); 
    LOG.info("useTool    = " +  useTool);
    assertEquals(capacities.length, racks.length);
    int numOfDatanodes = capacities.length;
    cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf)
    try {
      client = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(conf, cluster.getFileSystem(0).getUri(),

      long totalCapacity = sum(capacities);
      // fill up the cluster to be 30% full
      long totalUsedSpace = totalCapacity*3/10;
      createFile(cluster, filePath, totalUsedSpace / numOfDatanodes,
          (short) numOfDatanodes, 0);

      if (nodes == null) { // there is no specification of new nodes.
        // start up an empty node with the same capacity and on the same rack
        cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 1, true, null,
            new String[]{newRack}, null,new long[]{newCapacity});
        totalCapacity += newCapacity;
      } else {
        //if running a test with "include list", include original nodes as well
        if (nodes.getNumberofIncludeNodes()>0) {
          for (DataNode dn: cluster.getDataNodes())
        String[] newRacks = new String[nodes.getNumberofNewNodes()];
        long[] newCapacities = new long[nodes.getNumberofNewNodes()];
        for (int i=0; i < nodes.getNumberofNewNodes(); i++) {
          newRacks[i] = newRack;
          newCapacities[i] = newCapacity;
        // if host names are specified for the new nodes to be created.
        if (nodes.getNames() != null) {
          cluster.startDataNodes(conf, nodes.getNumberofNewNodes(), true, null,
              newRacks, nodes.getNames(), newCapacities);
          totalCapacity += newCapacity*nodes.getNumberofNewNodes();
        } else {  // host names are not specified
          cluster.startDataNodes(conf, nodes.getNumberofNewNodes(), true, null,
              newRacks, null, newCapacities);
          totalCapacity += newCapacity*nodes.getNumberofNewNodes();
          //populate the include nodes
          if (nodes.getNumberofIncludeNodes() > 0) {
            int totalNodes = cluster.getDataNodes().size();
            for (int i=0; i < nodes.getNumberofIncludeNodes(); i++) {
              nodes.getNodesToBeIncluded().add (cluster.getDataNodes().get(
          //polulate the exclude nodes
          if (nodes.getNumberofExcludeNodes() > 0) {
            int totalNodes = cluster.getDataNodes().size();
            for (int i=0; i < nodes.getNumberofExcludeNodes(); i++) {
              nodes.getNodesToBeExcluded().add (cluster.getDataNodes().get(
      // run balancer and validate results
      Balancer.Parameters p = Balancer.Parameters.DEFAULT;
      if (nodes != null) {
        p = new Balancer.Parameters(
            nodes.getNodesToBeExcluded(), nodes.getNodesToBeIncluded());

      int expectedExcludedNodes = 0;
      if (nodes != null) {
        if (!nodes.getNodesToBeExcluded().isEmpty()) {
          expectedExcludedNodes = nodes.getNodesToBeExcluded().size();
        } else if (!nodes.getNodesToBeIncluded().isEmpty()) {
          expectedExcludedNodes =
              cluster.getDataNodes().size() - nodes.getNodesToBeIncluded().size();

      // run balancer and validate results
      if (useTool) {
        runBalancerCli(conf, totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, p, useFile, expectedExcludedNodes);
      } else {
        runBalancer(conf, totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, p, expectedExcludedNodes);
    } finally {

  private void runBalancer(Configuration conf,
      long totalUsedSpace, long totalCapacity) throws Exception {
    runBalancer(conf, totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, Balancer.Parameters.DEFAULT, 0);

  private void runBalancer(Configuration conf,
     long totalUsedSpace, long totalCapacity, Balancer.Parameters p,
     int excludedNodes) throws Exception {
    waitForHeartBeat(totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, client, cluster);

    // start rebalancing
    Collection<URI> namenodes = DFSUtil.getNsServiceRpcUris(conf);
    final int r = runBalancer(namenodes, p, conf);
      assertEquals(ExitStatus.NO_MOVE_PROGRESS.getExitCode(), r);
    } else {
      assertEquals(ExitStatus.SUCCESS.getExitCode(), r);
    waitForHeartBeat(totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, client, cluster);
    LOG.info("  .");
    waitForBalancer(totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, client, cluster, p, excludedNodes);

  private static int runBalancer(Collection<URI> namenodes, final Parameters p,
      Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    final long sleeptime =
            DFSConfigKeys.DFS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT) * 2000 +
    LOG.info("namenodes  = " + namenodes);
    LOG.info("parameters = " + p);
    LOG.info("Print stack trace", new Throwable());

    System.out.println("Time Stamp               Iteration#  Bytes Already Moved  Bytes Left To Move  Bytes Being Moved");

    List<NameNodeConnector> connectors = Collections.emptyList();
    try {
      connectors = NameNodeConnector.newNameNodeConnectors(namenodes, 
          Balancer.class.getSimpleName(), Balancer.BALANCER_ID_PATH, conf,
      boolean done = false;
      for(int iteration = 0; !done; iteration++) {
        done = true;
        for(NameNodeConnector nnc : connectors) {
          final Balancer b = new Balancer(nnc, p, conf);
          final Result r = b.runOneIteration();
          r.print(iteration, System.out);

          // clean all lists
          if (r.exitStatus == ExitStatus.IN_PROGRESS) {
            done = false;
          } else if (r.exitStatus != ExitStatus.SUCCESS) {
            //must be an error statue, return.
            return r.exitStatus.getExitCode();
          } else {
            if (iteration > 0) {
              assertTrue(r.bytesAlreadyMoved > 0);

        if (!done) {
    } finally {
      for(NameNodeConnector nnc : connectors) {
        IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, nnc);
    return ExitStatus.SUCCESS.getExitCode();

  private void runBalancerCli(Configuration conf,
      long totalUsedSpace, long totalCapacity,
      Balancer.Parameters p, boolean useFile, int expectedExcludedNodes) throws Exception {
    waitForHeartBeat(totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, client, cluster);
    List <String> args = new ArrayList<String>();

    File excludeHostsFile = null;
    if (!p.nodesToBeExcluded.isEmpty()) {
      if (useFile) {
        excludeHostsFile = new File ("exclude-hosts-file");
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(excludeHostsFile);
        for (String host: p.nodesToBeExcluded) {
          pw.write( host + "\n");
      } else {
        args.add(StringUtils.join(p.nodesToBeExcluded, ','));

    File includeHostsFile = null;
    if (!p.nodesToBeIncluded.isEmpty()) {
      if (useFile) {
        includeHostsFile = new File ("include-hosts-file");
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(includeHostsFile);
        for (String host: p.nodesToBeIncluded){
          pw.write( host + "\n");
      } else {
        args.add(StringUtils.join(p.nodesToBeIncluded, ','));

    final Tool tool = new Cli();    
    final int r = tool.run(args.toArray(new String[0])); // start rebalancing
    assertEquals("Tools should exit 0 on success", 0, r);
    waitForHeartBeat(totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, client, cluster);
    LOG.info("Rebalancing with default ctor.");
    waitForBalancer(totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity, client, cluster, p, expectedExcludedNodes);

    if (excludeHostsFile != null && excludeHostsFile.exists()) {
    if (includeHostsFile != null && includeHostsFile.exists()) {
  /** one-node cluster test*/
  private void oneNodeTest(Configuration conf, boolean useTool) throws Exception {
    // add an empty node with half of the CAPACITY & the same rack
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0}, CAPACITY/2, 
            RACK0, useTool);
  /** two-node cluster test */
  private void twoNodeTest(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1},
        CAPACITY, RACK2, false);
  /** test using a user-supplied conf */
  public void integrationTest(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    oneNodeTest(conf, false);
  /* we first start a cluster and fill the cluster up to a certain size.
   * then redistribute blocks according the required distribution.
   * Then we start an empty datanode.
   * Afterwards a balancer is run to balance the cluster.
   * A partially filled datanode is excluded during balancing.
   * This triggers a situation where one of the block's location is unknown.
  public void testUnknownDatanode() throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    long distribution[] = new long[] {50*CAPACITY/100, 70*CAPACITY/100, 0*CAPACITY/100};
    long capacities[] = new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY, CAPACITY};
    String racks[] = new String[] {RACK0, RACK1, RACK1};

    int numDatanodes = distribution.length;
    if (capacities.length != numDatanodes || racks.length != numDatanodes) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array length is not the same");

    // calculate total space that need to be filled
    final long totalUsedSpace = sum(distribution);

    // fill the cluster
    ExtendedBlock[] blocks = generateBlocks(conf, totalUsedSpace,
        (short) numDatanodes);

    // redistribute blocks
    Block[][] blocksDN = distributeBlocks(
        blocks, (short)(numDatanodes-1), distribution);

    // restart the cluster: do NOT format the cluster
    cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numDatanodes)
    try {
      client = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(conf, cluster.getFileSystem(0).getUri(),

      for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        cluster.injectBlocks(i, Arrays.asList(blocksDN[i]), null);

      cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 1, true, null,
          new String[]{RACK0}, null,new long[]{CAPACITY});

      Collection<URI> namenodes = DFSUtil.getNsServiceRpcUris(conf);
      Set<String>  datanodes = new HashSet<String>();
      Balancer.Parameters p = new Balancer.Parameters(
          datanodes, Balancer.Parameters.DEFAULT.nodesToBeIncluded);
      final int r = Balancer.run(namenodes, p, conf);
      assertEquals(ExitStatus.SUCCESS.getExitCode(), r);
    } finally {

   * Test parse method in Balancer#Cli class with threshold value out of
   * boundaries.
  public void testBalancerCliParseWithThresholdOutOfBoundaries() {
    String parameters[] = new String[] { "-threshold", "0" };
    String reason = "IllegalArgumentException is expected when threshold value"
        + " is out of boundary.";
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      assertEquals("Number out of range: threshold = 0.0", e.getMessage());
    parameters = new String[] { "-threshold", "101" };
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      assertEquals("Number out of range: threshold = 101.0", e.getMessage());
  /** Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then a new empty node is added to the cluster*/
  public void testBalancer0() throws Exception {
    testBalancer0Internal(new HdfsConfiguration());
  void testBalancer0Internal(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    oneNodeTest(conf, false);

  /** Test unevenly distributed cluster */
  public void testBalancer1() throws Exception {
    testBalancer1Internal(new HdfsConfiguration());
  void testBalancer1Internal(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
        new long[] {50*CAPACITY/100, 10*CAPACITY/100},
        new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY},
        new String[] {RACK0, RACK1});
  public void testBalancerWithZeroThreadsForMove() throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    testBalancer1Internal (conf);

  public void testBalancerWithNonZeroThreadsForMove() throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    testBalancer1Internal (conf);
  public void testBalancer2() throws Exception {
    testBalancer2Internal(new HdfsConfiguration());
  void testBalancer2Internal(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    testBalancerDefaultConstructor(conf, new long[] { CAPACITY, CAPACITY },
        new String[] { RACK0, RACK1 }, CAPACITY, RACK2);

  private void testBalancerDefaultConstructor(Configuration conf,
      long[] capacities, String[] racks, long newCapacity, String newRack)
      throws Exception {
    int numOfDatanodes = capacities.length;
    assertEquals(numOfDatanodes, racks.length);
    cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf)
    try {
      client = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(conf, cluster.getFileSystem(0).getUri(),

      long totalCapacity = sum(capacities);

      // fill up the cluster to be 30% full
      long totalUsedSpace = totalCapacity * 3 / 10;
      createFile(cluster, filePath, totalUsedSpace / numOfDatanodes,
          (short) numOfDatanodes, 0);
      // start up an empty node with the same capacity and on the same rack
      cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 1, true, null, new String[] { newRack },
          new long[] { newCapacity });

      totalCapacity += newCapacity;

      // run balancer and validate results
      runBalancer(conf, totalUsedSpace, totalCapacity);
    } finally {

   * Verify balancer exits 0 on success.
  public void testExitZeroOnSuccess() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    oneNodeTest(conf, true);
   * Test parse method in Balancer#Cli class with wrong number of params

  public void testBalancerCliParseWithWrongParams() {
    String parameters[] = new String[] { "-threshold" };
    String reason =
        "IllegalArgumentException is expected when value is not specified";
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

    parameters = new String[] { "-policy" };
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

    parameters = new String[] {"-threshold", "1", "-policy"};
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

    parameters = new String[] {"-threshold", "1", "-include"};
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

    parameters = new String[] {"-threshold", "1", "-exclude"};
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

    parameters = new String[] {"-include",  "-f"};
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

    parameters = new String[] {"-exclude",  "-f"};
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {


    parameters = new String[] {"-include",  "testnode1", "-exclude", "testnode2"};
    try {
      fail("IllegalArgumentException is expected when both -exclude and -include are specified");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {


   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the exclude list
  public void testBalancerWithExcludeList() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    Set<String> excludeHosts = new HashSet<String>();
    excludeHosts.add( "datanodeY");
    excludeHosts.add( "datanodeZ");
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1}, CAPACITY, RACK2,
        new HostNameBasedNodes(new String[] {"datanodeX", "datanodeY", "datanodeZ"},
        excludeHosts, Parameters.DEFAULT.nodesToBeIncluded), false, false);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the exclude list
  public void testBalancerWithExcludeListWithPorts() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1},
        CAPACITY, RACK2, new PortNumberBasedNodes(3, 2, 0), false, false);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the exclude list
  public void testBalancerCliWithExcludeList() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    Set<String> excludeHosts = new HashSet<String>();
    excludeHosts.add( "datanodeY");
    excludeHosts.add( "datanodeZ");
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1}, CAPACITY, RACK2,
      new HostNameBasedNodes(new String[] {"datanodeX", "datanodeY", "datanodeZ"}, excludeHosts,
      Parameters.DEFAULT.nodesToBeIncluded), true, false);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the exclude list
  public void testBalancerCliWithExcludeListWithPorts() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1},
        CAPACITY, RACK2, new PortNumberBasedNodes(3, 2, 0), true, false);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the exclude list in a file
  public void testBalancerCliWithExcludeListInAFile() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    Set<String> excludeHosts = new HashSet<String>();
    excludeHosts.add( "datanodeY");
    excludeHosts.add( "datanodeZ");
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1}, CAPACITY, RACK2,
        new HostNameBasedNodes(new String[] {"datanodeX", "datanodeY", "datanodeZ"},
        excludeHosts, Parameters.DEFAULT.nodesToBeIncluded), true, true);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,G
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the exclude list
  public void testBalancerCliWithExcludeListWithPortsInAFile() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1},
        CAPACITY, RACK2, new PortNumberBasedNodes(3, 2, 0), true, true);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the include list
  public void testBalancerWithIncludeList() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    Set<String> includeHosts = new HashSet<String>();
    includeHosts.add( "datanodeY");
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1}, CAPACITY, RACK2,
        new HostNameBasedNodes(new String[] {"datanodeX", "datanodeY", "datanodeZ"},
        Parameters.DEFAULT.nodesToBeExcluded, includeHosts), false, false);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the include list
  public void testBalancerWithIncludeListWithPorts() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1},
        CAPACITY, RACK2, new PortNumberBasedNodes(3, 0, 1), false, false);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the include list
  public void testBalancerCliWithIncludeList() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    Set<String> includeHosts = new HashSet<String>();
    includeHosts.add( "datanodeY");
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1}, CAPACITY, RACK2,
        new HostNameBasedNodes(new String[] {"datanodeX", "datanodeY", "datanodeZ"},
        Parameters.DEFAULT.nodesToBeExcluded, includeHosts), true, false);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the include list
  public void testBalancerCliWithIncludeListWithPorts() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1},
        CAPACITY, RACK2, new PortNumberBasedNodes(3, 0, 1), true, false);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the include list
  public void testBalancerCliWithIncludeListInAFile() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    Set<String> includeHosts = new HashSet<String>();
    includeHosts.add( "datanodeY");
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1}, CAPACITY, RACK2,
        new HostNameBasedNodes(new String[] {"datanodeX", "datanodeY", "datanodeZ"},
        Parameters.DEFAULT.nodesToBeExcluded, includeHosts), true, true);

   * Test a cluster with even distribution,
   * then three nodes are added to the cluster,
   * runs balancer with two of the nodes in the include list
  public void testBalancerCliWithIncludeListWithPortsInAFile() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    doTest(conf, new long[]{CAPACITY, CAPACITY}, new String[]{RACK0, RACK1},
        CAPACITY, RACK2, new PortNumberBasedNodes(3, 0, 1), true, true);

   * Test Balancer with Ram_Disk configured
   * One DN has two files on RAM_DISK, other DN has no files on RAM_DISK.
   * Then verify that the balancer does not migrate files on RAM_DISK across DN.
  public void testBalancerWithRamDisk() throws Exception {
    final int SEED = 0xFADED;
    final short REPL_FACT = 1;
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();

    final int defaultRamDiskCapacity = 10;
    final long ramDiskStorageLimit =
      ((long) defaultRamDiskCapacity * DEFAULT_RAM_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE) +
    final long diskStorageLimit =
      ((long) defaultRamDiskCapacity * DEFAULT_RAM_DISK_BLOCK_SIZE) +

    cluster = new MiniDFSCluster
      .storageCapacities(new long[] { ramDiskStorageLimit, diskStorageLimit })
      .storageTypes(new StorageType[] { RAM_DISK, DEFAULT })

    try {
      // Create few files on RAM_DISK
      final String METHOD_NAME = GenericTestUtils.getMethodName();
      final Path path1 = new Path("/" + METHOD_NAME + ".01.dat");
      final Path path2 = new Path("/" + METHOD_NAME + ".02.dat");

      DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
      DFSClient client = fs.getClient();
      DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, path1, true,
      DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, path2, true,

      // Sleep for a short time to allow the lazy writer thread to do its job
      Thread.sleep(6 * 1000);

      // Add another fresh DN with the same type/capacity without files on RAM_DISK
      StorageType[][] storageTypes = new StorageType[][] {{RAM_DISK, DEFAULT}};
      long[][] storageCapacities = new long[][]{{ramDiskStorageLimit, diskStorageLimit}};
      cluster.startDataNodes(conf, REPL_FACT, storageTypes, true, null,
        null, null, storageCapacities, null, false, false, false, null);

      Collection<URI> namenodes = DFSUtil.getNsServiceRpcUris(conf);

      // Run Balancer
      Balancer.Parameters p = new Balancer.Parameters(
      final int r = Balancer.run(namenodes, p, conf);

      // Validate no RAM_DISK block should be moved
      assertEquals(ExitStatus.NO_MOVE_PROGRESS.getExitCode(), r);

      // Verify files are still on RAM_DISK
      DFSTestUtil.verifyFileReplicasOnStorageType(fs, client, path1, RAM_DISK);
      DFSTestUtil.verifyFileReplicasOnStorageType(fs, client, path2, RAM_DISK);
    } finally {

   * Test special case. Two replicas belong to same block should not in same node.
   * We have 2 nodes.
   * We have a block in (DN0,SSD) and (DN1,DISK).
   * Replica in (DN0,SSD) should not be moved to (DN1,SSD).
   * Otherwise DN1 has 2 replicas.
  public void testTwoReplicaShouldNotInSameDN() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();

    int blockSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024 ;
    conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, blockSize);
    conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_KEY, 1L);

    int numOfDatanodes =2;
    final MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf)
        .racks(new String[]{"/default/rack0", "/default/rack0"})
        .storageTypes(new StorageType[][]{
            {StorageType.SSD, StorageType.DISK},
            {StorageType.SSD, StorageType.DISK}})
        .storageCapacities(new long[][]{
            {100 * blockSize, 20 * blockSize},
            {20 * blockSize, 100 * blockSize}})

    try {

      //set "/bar" directory with ONE_SSD storage policy.
      DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
      Path barDir = new Path("/bar");
      fs.mkdir(barDir,new FsPermission((short)777));
      fs.setStoragePolicy(barDir, HdfsConstants.ONESSD_STORAGE_POLICY_NAME);

      // Insert 30 blocks. So (DN0,SSD) and (DN1,DISK) are about half full,
      // and (DN0,SSD) and (DN1,DISK) are about 15% full.
      long fileLen  = 30 * blockSize;
      // fooFile has ONE_SSD policy. So
      // (DN0,SSD) and (DN1,DISK) have 2 replicas belong to same block.
      // (DN0,DISK) and (DN1,SSD) have 2 replicas belong to same block.
      Path fooFile = new Path(barDir, "foo");
      createFile(cluster, fooFile, fileLen, (short) numOfDatanodes, 0);
      // update space info

      Balancer.Parameters p = Balancer.Parameters.DEFAULT;
      Collection<URI> namenodes = DFSUtil.getNsServiceRpcUris(conf);
      final int r = Balancer.run(namenodes, p, conf);

      // Replica in (DN0,SSD) was not moved to (DN1,SSD), because (DN1,DISK)
      // already has one. Otherwise DN1 will have 2 replicas.
      // For same reason, no replicas were moved.
      assertEquals(ExitStatus.NO_MOVE_PROGRESS.getExitCode(), r);

    } finally {

   * Test running many balancer simultaneously.
   * Case-1: First balancer is running. Now, running second one should get
   * "Another balancer is running. Exiting.." IOException and fail immediately
   * Case-2: When running second balancer 'balancer.id' file exists but the
   * lease doesn't exists. Now, the second balancer should run successfully.
  @Test(timeout = 100000)
  public void testManyBalancerSimultaneously() throws Exception {
    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    // add an empty node with half of the capacities(4 * CAPACITY) & the same
    // rack
    long[] capacities = new long[] { 4 * CAPACITY };
    String[] racks = new String[] { RACK0 };
    long newCapacity = 2 * CAPACITY;
    String newRack = RACK0;
    LOG.info("capacities = " + long2String(capacities));
    LOG.info("racks      = " + Arrays.asList(racks));
    LOG.info("newCapacity= " + newCapacity);
    LOG.info("newRack    = " + newRack);
    LOG.info("useTool    = " + false);
    assertEquals(capacities.length, racks.length);
    int numOfDatanodes = capacities.length;
    cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(capacities.length)
    try {
      client = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(conf,
          cluster.getFileSystem(0).getUri(), ClientProtocol.class).getProxy();

      long totalCapacity = sum(capacities);

      // fill up the cluster to be 30% full
      final long totalUsedSpace = totalCapacity * 3 / 10;
      createFile(cluster, filePath, totalUsedSpace / numOfDatanodes,
          (short) numOfDatanodes, 0);
      // start up an empty node with the same capacity and on the same rack
      cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 1, true, null, new String[] { newRack },
          new long[] { newCapacity });

      // Case1: Simulate first balancer by creating 'balancer.id' file. It
      // will keep this file until the balancing operation is completed.
      FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem(0);
      final FSDataOutputStream out = fs
          .create(Balancer.BALANCER_ID_PATH, false);
      assertTrue("'balancer.id' file doesn't exist!",

      // start second balancer
      final String[] args = { "-policy", "datanode" };
      final Tool tool = new Cli();
      int exitCode = tool.run(args); // start balancing
      assertEquals("Exit status code mismatches",
          ExitStatus.IO_EXCEPTION.getExitCode(), exitCode);

      // Case2: Release lease so that another balancer would be able to
      // perform balancing.
      assertTrue("'balancer.id' file doesn't exist!",
      exitCode = tool.run(args); // start balancing
      assertEquals("Exit status code mismatches",
          ExitStatus.SUCCESS.getExitCode(), exitCode);
    } finally {

   * @param args
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    TestBalancer balancerTest = new TestBalancer();