package co.nyzo.verifier;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

public class BalanceListManager {

    private static BalanceList genesisList = null;
    private static final int numberOfRecentLists = 4;
    private static BalanceList[] recentLists = new BalanceList[numberOfRecentLists];

    private static Set<ByteBuffer> accountsInSystem = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();

    private static final long maximumMapSize = 6;

    // This is a map from balance list hash to balance list.
    private static final Map<ByteBuffer, BalanceList> balanceListMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public static BalanceList recentBalanceListForHeight(long blockHeight) {

        // This method is not synchronized. So, store references to the list to avoid the situation where a
        // particular list is checked and then the array slot is reassigned before the reference is assigned to
        // the result variable.
        BalanceList[] recentLists = new BalanceList[numberOfRecentLists];
        System.arraycopy(BalanceListManager.recentLists, 0, recentLists, 0, numberOfRecentLists);

        // We only need check the height, as these are frozen blocks.
        BalanceList result = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRecentLists && result == null; i++) {
            if (recentLists[i] != null && recentLists[i].getBlockHeight() == blockHeight) {
                result = recentLists[i];

        return result;

    public static BalanceList balanceListForBlock(Block block) {

        BalanceList balanceList = null;
        if (block != null) {

            // Get a local reference to the list at the frozen edge. The array is ordered by decreasing block height.
            BalanceList frozenEdgeList = recentLists[0];

            BalanceList recentList = recentBalanceListForHeight(block.getBlockHeight());
            if (block.getBlockHeight() == 0) {
                if (genesisList == null) {
                    genesisList = Block.balanceListForNextBlock(null, null, block.getTransactions(),
                            block.getVerifierIdentifier(), block.getBlockchainVersion());
                balanceList = genesisList;
            } else if (recentList != null) {
                balanceList = recentList;
            } else if (frozenEdgeList == null || block.getBlockHeight() == frozenEdgeList.getBlockHeight() + 1) {

                // First, try to get the balance list from the map.
                balanceList = balanceListMap.get(ByteBuffer.wrap(block.getBalanceListHash()));

                // If the balance list was not in the map, try to derive it.
                if (balanceList == null) {

                    // Step back to previous blocks until we are able to find a balance list that we have.
                    Block startBlock = block;
                    List<Block> blocks = new ArrayList<>(Collections.singletonList(startBlock));
                    BalanceList startBalanceList = null;
                    while (startBlock != null && startBalanceList == null) {
                        startBlock = startBlock.getPreviousBlock();
                        if (startBlock != null) {
                            blocks.add(0, startBlock);
                            startBalanceList = balanceListMap.get(ByteBuffer.wrap(startBlock.getBalanceListHash()));

                    // If a suitable start balance list was found, derive the desired list.
                    if (startBalanceList != null) {
                        balanceList = startBalanceList;
                        for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size() - 1; i++) {
                            balanceList = Block.balanceListForNextBlock(blocks.get(i), balanceList,
                                    blocks.get(i + 1).getTransactions(), blocks.get(i + 1).getVerifierIdentifier(),
                                    blocks.get(i + 1).getBlockchainVersion());


        return balanceList;

    public static void registerBalanceList(BalanceList balanceList) {

        if (balanceList != null && balanceListMap.size() < maximumMapSize) {
            balanceListMap.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(balanceList.getHash()), balanceList);

    public static BalanceList getFrozenEdgeList() {

        return recentLists[0];

    public static boolean accountIsInSystem(byte[] identifier) {

        return accountsInSystem.contains(ByteBuffer.wrap(identifier));

    public static void updateFrozenEdge(BalanceList frozenEdgeList) {

        if (frozenEdgeList != null) {
            for (int i = numberOfRecentLists - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                recentLists[i] = recentLists[i - 1];
            recentLists[0] = frozenEdgeList;

            Set<ByteBuffer> accountsInSystem = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
            for (BalanceListItem item : frozenEdgeList.getItems()) {

            BalanceListManager.accountsInSystem = accountsInSystem;

            balanceListMap.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(frozenEdgeList.getHash()), frozenEdgeList);