package io.dropwizard.grpc.server.testing.junit;

import static io.dropwizard.testing.ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;


import io.dropwizard.cli.CheckCommand;
import io.dropwizard.cli.Command;
import io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap;
import io.dropwizard.testing.DropwizardTestSupport;
import io.dropwizard.util.Duration;
import io.grpc.ManagedChannel;
import io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder;
import io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts;
import io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext;
import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Namespace;

 * Utility class with convenience methods for testing.
public final class Utils {
     * Creates a <code>ManagedChannel</code> connecting to the <b>plaintext</b> gRPC server in
     * <code>TestApplication</code> in <code>testSupport</code>.
     * @param testSupport the already initialised (started) <code>DropwizardTestSupport</code> instance
     * @return the channel connecting to the server (to be used in a client)
    public static ManagedChannel createPlaintextChannel(final DropwizardTestSupport<TestConfiguration> testSupport) {
        final TestApplication application = testSupport.getApplication();
        return ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", application.getServer().getPort()).usePlaintext()

     * Creates a <code>ManagedChannel</code> connecting to an <b>encrypted</b> gRPC server in
     * <code>TestApplication</code> in <code>testSupport</code>. The certificate is taken from the
     * <code>GrpcServerFactory</code> in the configuration.
     * @param testSupport the already initialised (started) <code>DropwizardTestSupport</code> instance
     * @return the channel connecting to the server (to be used in a client)
    public static ManagedChannel createClientChannelForEncryptedServer(
            final DropwizardTestSupport<TestConfiguration> testSupport) throws SSLException {
        final SslContext sslContext = GrpcSslContexts.forClient()
        final TestApplication application = testSupport.getApplication();
        return NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", application.getServer().getPort()).sslContext(sslContext)

     * Shuts down the given channel if not <code>null</code>, waiting for up to 1 second.
     * @param channel the channel to shut down
    public static void shutdownChannel(final ManagedChannel channel) {
        if (channel != null) {
            try {
                channel.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
                // silently swallow exception

     * Converts the given resource path string to a valid URI string.
     * @param resourceClassPathLocation the path to the resource that is on the classpath
     * @return a valid <code>file://</code> URI string to the given resource path
    public static String getURIForResource(final String resourceClassPathLocation) {
        return "file:///" + resourceFilePath(resourceClassPathLocation).replaceAll("\\\\", "/");

     * Runs the check command for the {@link TestApplication} with the given yaml configuration.
     * @param yamlConfig a <code>String</code> containing the yaml configuration
     * @return the TestApplication if successful
     * @throws Exception if the command failed
    public static TestApplication runCheckCommandUsingConfig(final String yamlConfig) throws Exception {
        return runDropwizardCommandUsingConfig(yamlConfig, CheckCommand::new);

     * Runs a command for the {@link TestApplication} with the given yaml configuration.
     * @param yamlConfig a <code>String</code> containing the yaml configuration
     * @return the TestApplication if successful
     * @throws Exception if the command failed
    public static TestApplication runDropwizardCommandUsingConfig(final String yamlConfig,
            final Function<TestApplication, Command> commandInstantiator) throws Exception {
        final TestApplication application = new TestApplication();
        final Bootstrap<TestConfiguration> bootstrap = new Bootstrap<>(application);
        bootstrap.setConfigurationSourceProvider(new StringConfigurationSourceProvider());
        final Command command = commandInstantiator.apply(application);, new Namespace(Collections.singletonMap("file", yamlConfig)));
        return application;

     * Adds the given durations together. The implementation is not performant, use only for testing.
     * @return a Duration that is the sum of <code>a</code> and <code>b</code>. If the unit of the 2 Durations is the
     *         same, it will be used, otherwise they're converted to nanoseconds before summing
    public static Duration add(final Duration a, final Duration b) {
        return a.getUnit() == b.getUnit()
                ? Duration.parse(
                    String.valueOf(a.getQuantity() + b.getQuantity()) + " " + a.getUnit().toString().toLowerCase())
                : Duration.nanoseconds(a.toNanoseconds() + b.toNanoseconds());

     * Comparison is done in milliseconds.
     * @param expected expected value
     * @param actual the value to check against <code>expected</code>
     * @param tolerance delta the maximum tolerance between <code>expected</code> and <code>actual</code> for which both
     *            durations are still considered equal.
    public static void assertEqualsWithTolerance(final Duration expected, final Duration actual,
            final Duration tolerance) {
        assertEquals((double) expected.toMilliseconds(), actual.toMilliseconds(), tolerance.toMilliseconds());

    private Utils() {
        // private constructor to prevent instantiation