package hamburg.schwartau;

import org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSession;
import org.keycloak.models.ProtocolMapperModel;
import org.keycloak.models.UserSessionModel;
import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.AbstractOIDCProtocolMapper;
import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.OIDCAccessTokenMapper;
import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.OIDCAttributeMapperHelper;
import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.OIDCIDTokenMapper;
import org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.mappers.UserInfoTokenMapper;
import org.keycloak.provider.ProviderConfigProperty;
import org.keycloak.representations.IDToken;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Our own example protocol mapper.
public class HelloWorldMapper extends AbstractOIDCProtocolMapper implements OIDCAccessTokenMapper, OIDCIDTokenMapper, UserInfoTokenMapper {

     * A config which keycloak uses to display a generic dialog to configure the token.
    private static final List<ProviderConfigProperty> configProperties = new ArrayList<>();

     * The ID of the token mapper. Is public, because we need this id in our data-setup project to
     * configure the protocol mapper in keycloak.
    public static final String PROVIDER_ID = "oidc-hello-world-mapper";

    static {
        // The builtin protocol mapper let the user define under which claim name (key)
        // the protocol mapper writes its value. To display this option in the generic dialog
        // in keycloak, execute the following method.
        // The builtin protocol mapper let the user define for which tokens the protocol mapper
        // is executed (access token, id token, user info). To add the config options for the different types
        // to the dialog execute the following method. Note that the following method uses the interfaces
        // this token mapper implements to decide which options to add to the config. So if this token
        // mapper should never be available for some sort of options, e.g. like the id token, just don't
        // implement the corresponding interface.
        OIDCAttributeMapperHelper.addIncludeInTokensConfig(configProperties, HelloWorldMapper.class);

    public String getDisplayCategory() {
        return "Token mapper";

    public String getDisplayType() {
        return "Hello World Mapper";

    public String getHelpText() {
        return "Adds a hello world text to the claim";

    public List<ProviderConfigProperty> getConfigProperties() {
        return configProperties;

    public String getId() {
        return PROVIDER_ID;

    protected void setClaim(final IDToken token, final ProtocolMapperModel mappingModel, final UserSessionModel userSession, final KeycloakSession keycloakSession) {
        // adds our data to the token. Uses the parameters like the claim name which were set by the user
        // when this protocol mapper was configured in keycloak. Note that the parameters which can
        // be configured in keycloak for this protocol mapper were set in the static intializer of this class.
        // Sets a static "Hello world" string, but we could write a dynamic value like a group attribute here too.
        OIDCAttributeMapperHelper.mapClaim(token, mappingModel, "hello world");
