package com.mozilla.telemetry.aet;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode;
import com.mozilla.telemetry.ingestion.core.Constant.Attribute;
import com.mozilla.telemetry.ingestion.core.Constant.FieldName;
import com.mozilla.telemetry.ingestion.core.schema.JSONSchemaStore;
import com.mozilla.telemetry.transforms.FailureMessage;
import com.mozilla.telemetry.transforms.PubsubConstraints;
import com.mozilla.telemetry.util.Json;
import com.mozilla.telemetry.util.JsonValidator;
import com.mozilla.telemetry.util.KeyStore;
import com.mozilla.telemetry.util.KeyStore.KeyNotFoundException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.Counter;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.metrics.Metrics;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.ValueProvider;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.MapElements;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.PTransform;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ProcessFunction;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.WithFailures;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.WithFailures.Result;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollection;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.TypeDescriptor;
import org.everit.json.schema.Schema;
import org.everit.json.schema.ValidationException;
import org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption;
import org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure;
import org.jose4j.lang.JoseException;

 * Provides pipeline support for Account Ecosystem Telemetry, decrypting ecosystem_anon_id
 * values to ecosystem_user_id values.
 * <p>Durable AET data stored in BigQuery and available for analysis should contain only
 * ecosystem_user_id values. Conversely, FxA servers should only ever store and see the encrypted
 * ecosystem_anon_id values. This way, someone with access to both BigQuery and FxA servers would
 * still not be able to correlate AET activity with a particular FxA user.
 * <p>This differs from many encryption scenarios in that the encrypted values (ecosystem_anon_id)
 * are themselves sensitive and we must take care not to allow them to flow to BigQuery. The
 * only places where an ecosystem_user_id value and the associated ecosystem_anon_id value can be
 * known together is on the original client device and in this transform in the pipeline.
 * Once we decrypt the value here, we must immediately throw away the ecosystem_anon_id value
 * that was sent to the pipeline.
 * <p>See
public class DecryptAetIdentifiers extends
    PTransform<PCollection<PubsubMessage>, Result<PCollection<PubsubMessage>, PubsubMessage>> {

  private final ValueProvider<String> metadataLocation;
  private final ValueProvider<Boolean> kmsEnabled;
  private transient KeyStore keyStore;
  private transient JsonValidator validator;
  private transient Schema telemetryAetSchema;
  private transient Schema structuredAetSchema;

  private static final Pattern TELEMETRY_URI_PATTERN = Pattern
  private static final Pattern STRUCTURED_URI_PATTERN = Pattern

  private final Counter unparsableAetPayload = Metrics.counter(DecryptAetIdentifiers.class,
  private final Counter illegalAetUri = Metrics.counter(DecryptAetIdentifiers.class,
  private final Counter illegalAetPayload = Metrics.counter(DecryptAetIdentifiers.class,
  private final Counter successTelemetry = Metrics.counter(DecryptAetIdentifiers.class,
  private final Counter successGlean = Metrics.counter(DecryptAetIdentifiers.class,
  private final Counter successStructured = Metrics.counter(DecryptAetIdentifiers.class,

  public static DecryptAetIdentifiers of(ValueProvider<String> metadataLocation,
      ValueProvider<Boolean> kmsEnabled) {
    return new DecryptAetIdentifiers(metadataLocation, kmsEnabled);

  private DecryptAetIdentifiers(ValueProvider<String> metadataLocation,
      ValueProvider<Boolean> kmsEnabled) {
    this.metadataLocation = metadataLocation;
    this.kmsEnabled = kmsEnabled;

   * Base class for all exceptions thrown by this class.
  abstract static class DecryptAetPayloadException extends RuntimeException {

    private DecryptAetPayloadException() {

    private DecryptAetPayloadException(Throwable cause) {

  public static class UnparsableAetPayloadException extends DecryptAetPayloadException {

    public UnparsableAetPayloadException(Exception cause) {

  public static class IllegalAetUriException extends DecryptAetPayloadException {

    public IllegalAetUriException() {

  public static class IllegalAetPayloadException extends DecryptAetPayloadException {

    public IllegalAetPayloadException(Exception cause) {

   * Return a redacted value if the given node represents a long string.
   * <p>Strings longer than 32 characters might be ecosystem_anon_id values, so we want to make
   * sure they are not propagated to error output.
  private static JsonNode redactedNode(JsonNode node) {
    String value = node.textValue();
    if (value != null && value.length() > 32) {
      return TextNode.valueOf(
          String.format("%s<%d characters redacted>", value.substring(0, 4), value.length() - 4));
    } else {
      return node;

   * Recursively walk a JSON tree, redacting long string values.
  static void sanitizeJsonNode(JsonNode node) {
    if (node.isObject()) {
      List<Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = Lists.newArrayList(node.fields());
      for (Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry : fields) {
        String fieldName = entry.getKey();
        JsonNode value = entry.getValue();
        ((ObjectNode) node).set(fieldName, redactedNode(value));
    if (node.isArray()) {
      List<JsonNode> elements = Lists.newArrayList(node.elements());
      for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
        JsonNode value = elements.get(i);
        if (value.isTextual() && value.asText().length() > 32) {
          ((ArrayNode) node).set(i, redactedNode(value));

    // Recursively sanitize objects and arrays.
    if (node.isContainerNode()) {

  public Result<PCollection<PubsubMessage>, PubsubMessage> expand(
      PCollection<PubsubMessage> messages) {
    return messages.apply(MapElements.into(TypeDescriptor.of(PubsubMessage.class)) //
        .via(new Fn()) //
        .exceptionsInto(TypeDescriptor.of(PubsubMessage.class)) //
        .exceptionsVia((WithFailures.ExceptionElement<PubsubMessage> ee) -> {
          byte[] sanitizedPayload;
          try {
            throw ee.exception();
          } catch (UnparsableAetPayloadException e) {
            sanitizedPayload = null;
          } catch (IllegalAetPayloadException e) {
            try {
              ObjectNode json = Json.readObjectNode(ee.element().getPayload());
              sanitizedPayload = Json.asBytes(json);
            } catch (IOException ignore) {
              sanitizedPayload = null;
          return FailureMessage.of(DecryptAetPayloadException.class.getSimpleName(),
              new PubsubMessage(sanitizedPayload, ee.element().getAttributeMap()), ee.exception());

   * Decrypt a payload encoded in a compact serialization of JSON Web Encryption (JWE).
   * <p>The payload may be either a single JWE string or an array of values.
   * <p>Assumes that the payload contains a "kid" parameter that can be used to look up a matching
   * private key.
  public static JsonNode decrypt(KeyStore keyStore, JsonNode anonIdNode)
      throws JoseException, KeyNotFoundException {
    if (anonIdNode.isTextual()) {
      String anonId = anonIdNode.textValue();
      JsonWebStructure fromCompact = JsonWebEncryption.fromCompactSerialization(anonId);
      String keyId = fromCompact.getKeyIdHeaderValue();
      PrivateKey key = keyStore.getKeyOrThrow(keyId);
      JsonWebEncryption jwe = new JsonWebEncryption();
      return TextNode.valueOf(jwe.getPlaintextString());
    } else if (anonIdNode.isArray()) {
      ArrayNode userIds = Json.createArrayNode();
      for (JsonNode node : anonIdNode) {
        userIds.add(decrypt(keyStore, node));
      return userIds;
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Argument to decrypt must be a TextNode or ArrayNode, but got " + anonIdNode);

  private class Fn implements ProcessFunction<PubsubMessage, PubsubMessage> {

    private void processDesktopTelemetryPayload(ObjectNode json) throws IOException, JoseException {
      validator.validate(telemetryAetSchema, json);
      ObjectNode payload = (ObjectNode) json.path(FieldName.PAYLOAD);
      JsonNode anonIdNode = payload.remove("ecosystemAnonId");
      if (anonIdNode != null) {
        payload.set("ecosystemUserId", decrypt(keyStore, anonIdNode));
      ArrayNode prevAnonIdsNode = (ArrayNode) payload.remove("previousEcosystemAnonIds");
      if (prevAnonIdsNode != null) {
        payload.set("previousEcosystemUserIds", decrypt(keyStore, prevAnonIdsNode));

    private void processStructuredIngestionPayload(ObjectNode json)
        throws IOException, JoseException {
      validator.validate(structuredAetSchema, json);
      JsonNode anonIdNode = json.remove("ecosystem_anon_id");
      if (anonIdNode != null) {
        json.set("ecosystem_user_id", decrypt(keyStore, anonIdNode));
      ArrayNode prevAnonIdsNode = (ArrayNode) json.remove("previous_ecosystem_anon_ids");
      if (prevAnonIdsNode != null) {
        json.set("previous_ecosystem_user_ids", decrypt(keyStore, prevAnonIdsNode));

    public PubsubMessage apply(PubsubMessage message) {
      message = PubsubConstraints.ensureNonNull(message);
      String uri = Strings.nullToEmpty(message.getAttribute(Attribute.URI));
      String[] uriParts = uri.split("/");

      if (keyStore == null) {
        // If configured resources aren't available, this throws UncheckedIOException;
        // this is unretryable so we allow it to bubble up and kill the worker and eventually fail
        // the pipeline.
        keyStore = KeyStore.of(metadataLocation.get(), kmsEnabled.get());

      if (validator == null) {
        validator = new JsonValidator();
        try {
          telemetryAetSchema = JSONSchemaStore.readSchema(Resources
          structuredAetSchema = JSONSchemaStore.readSchema(Resources
        } catch (IOException e) {
          // We let this problem bubble up and kill the worker.
          throw new UncheckedIOException("Unable to load AET JSON schemas", e);

      ObjectNode json;
      try {
        json = Json.readObjectNode(message.getPayload());
      } catch (IOException e) {;
        throw new UnparsableAetPayloadException(e);

      // This transform comes early in the Decoder job before ParseUri, so we must work with
      // the raw URI rather than parsed namespace and doctype.
      // In particular, ParseUri is the first transform that can send messages to error output;
      // we risk spilling sensitive information if AET payloads get sent to an output before anon_id
      // values are removed, so we must have this transform come before an error step so that we
      // can handle sanitizing/dropping the payload before emitting errors.
      byte[] normalizedPayload;
      try {
        if (TELEMETRY_URI_PATTERN.matcher(uri).matches()) {
        } else if (false) {
          // Placeholder condition for handling AET payloads coming from Glean-enabled applications;
          // design is evolving in
        } else if (STRUCTURED_URI_PATTERN.matcher(uri).matches()) {
        } else {
          throw new IllegalAetUriException();
        normalizedPayload = Json.asBytes(json);
      } catch (IOException | JoseException | ValidationException | KeyNotFoundException e) {;
        throw new IllegalAetPayloadException(e);

      return new PubsubMessage(normalizedPayload, message.getAttributeMap());
