/* Copyright 2013 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  All rights reserved. */
package abra;

import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions;
import java.security.CodeSource;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.UUID;

import abra.JunctionUtils.JunctionComparator;
import abra.JunctionUtils.JunctionSequence;
import abra.JunctionUtils.TooManyJunctionPermutationsException;
import abra.ReadEvaluator.Alignment;
import abra.SAMRecordUtils.ReadBlock;
import abra.ContigAligner.ContigAlignerResult;
import abra.SimpleMapper.Orientation;
import abra.cadabra.SpliceJunctionCounter;
import htsjdk.samtools.Cigar;
import htsjdk.samtools.CigarElement;
import htsjdk.samtools.CigarOperator;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMProgramRecord;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceRecord;
import htsjdk.samtools.SamReader;
import htsjdk.samtools.TextCigarCodec;

 * ABRA's main entry point
 * @author Lisle E. Mose (lmose at unc dot edu)
public class ReAligner {
	public static int MAX_REGION_LENGTH = 400;
	private static int MIN_REGION_REMAINDER = 200;
	public static int REGION_OVERLAP = 200;
	// Minimum sequence length recommended for use with bwa mem
	private static final int MIN_CONTIG_LENGTH = 70;
	// Cannot be larger than buffer in assembler.c
	private static final int MAX_KMER_SIZE = 199;
	// These must match constants in C code (Aligner matrix dimensions)
	static final int MAX_CONTIG_LEN = 2000-1;
	static final int MAX_REF_REGION_LEN = 5000-1;
	private SAMFileHeader[] samHeaders;
	private List<Feature> regions;

	private String regionsBed;

	private String reference;

	private AssemblerSettings assemblerSettings;
	private int numThreads;
	private String[] inputSams;
	private int readLength = -1;
	private int maxMapq = -1;
	private int minInsertLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	private int maxInsertLength = -1;
	private boolean isPairedEnd = false;
	private BufferedWriter contigWriter = null;
	public static CompareToReference2 c2r;
	private ThreadManager threadManager;
	private int minMappingQuality;
	private double maxMismatchRate;
	private boolean isDebug;
	private boolean isSkipAssembly;
	private boolean isSkipUnmappedTrigger;
	private boolean useSoftClippedReads;
	private boolean useObservedIndels;
	private boolean useConsensusSeq;
	private boolean isKeepTmp;
	private boolean shouldSort;
	private String tmpDir;
	private int finalCompressionLevel;
	private int maxRealignDist;
	private int maxAssembledContigs;
	// If true, the input target file specifies kmer values
	private boolean hasPresetKmers = false;
	private String contigFile = null;
	// RNA specific
	private String junctionFile;
	private String gtfJunctionFile;
	private Set<Feature> junctions = new HashSet<Feature>();
	private Set<Feature> variantJunctions = new HashSet<Feature>();
	private ReverseComplementor rc = new ReverseComplementor();
	private String version = "unknown";
	private String cl = "unknown";
	private int[] swScoring;
	private int[] softClipParams;
	private int maxCachedReads = 0;
	private int maxReadsInRegion;
	private int minAnchorLen;
	private int maxAnchorMismatches;
	private SortedSAMWriter writer;
	private ChromosomeChunker chromosomeChunker;
	private String chromosomesToSkipRegex;
	private ChromosomeRegex chromosomeSkipRegex;
	private boolean shouldUnsetDuplicates;
	private String inputVcf;
	private Map<String, List<Variant>> knownVariants = new HashMap<String, List<Variant>>();
	private boolean shouldCreateIndex;
	private boolean shouldUseGkl;
	private int ambiguousMapq;
	private double maxReadNoise;
	private int maxReadsInRamForSort;
	private boolean shouldFilterNDN;
	private boolean isGappedContigsOnly;
	private boolean shouldUseJunctionsAsContigs;
	private boolean disallowComplexIndelsAtReadEdge;
	public void reAlign(String[] inputFiles, String[] outputFiles) throws Exception {
		this.inputSams = inputFiles;
		String tempDir = init();
		c2r = new CompareToReference2();
		chromosomeChunker = new ChromosomeChunker(c2r);

		Logger.info("Reading Input SAM Header and identifying read length");
		Logger.info("Read length: " + readLength);
		Logger.info("Loading target regions");
		Clock clock = new Clock("Realignment");
		if (contigFile != null) {
			contigWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(contigFile, false));
		for (int i=0; i<inputSams.length; i++) {
			SAMProgramRecord pg = samHeaders[i].getProgramRecord("ABRA2");
			if (pg == null) {
				pg = new SAMProgramRecord("ABRA2");
			} else {
				// Append counter to allow multiple ABRA2 PG entries
				int cnt = 2;
				String pgId = null;
				while (pg != null) {
					pgId = "ABRA2-" + cnt;
					pg = samHeaders[i].getProgramRecord(pgId);
					cnt += 1;
				pg = new SAMProgramRecord(pgId);
		writer = new SortedSAMWriter(outputFiles, tempDir.toString(), samHeaders, isKeepTmp, chromosomeChunker,
				finalCompressionLevel, shouldSort, maxRealignDist, shouldUnsetDuplicates, shouldCreateIndex, shouldUseGkl, maxReadsInRamForSort);

		// Spawn thread for each chromosome
		// TODO: Validate identical sequence dictionary for each input file
		for (int i=0; i<this.chromosomeChunker.getChunks().size(); i++) {
		Logger.info("Waiting for processing threads to complete");
		if (contigWriter != null) {
		clock = new Clock("Sort and cleanup");
		// Cut num threads in half to allow for async writer thread
		threadManager = new ThreadManager(Math.max(numThreads / 2, 1));
		for (int i=0; i<outputFiles.length; i++) {
			SortedSAMWriterRunnable thread = new SortedSAMWriterRunnable(threadManager, writer, i, inputSams[i]);
		Logger.info("Waiting for writer threads to complete");
	void processChromosomeChunk(int chromosomeChunkIdx) throws Exception {
		Feature chromosomeChunk = chromosomeChunker.getChunks().get(chromosomeChunkIdx);
		String chromosome = chromosomeChunk.getSeqname();
		Logger.info("Processing chromosome chunk: " + chromosomeChunk);
		Clock clock = new Clock("Chromosome: " + chromosomeChunk);
		MultiSamReader reader = new MultiSamReader(this.inputSams, this.minMappingQuality, this.isPairedEnd, chromosomeChunk);
		List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> currReads = new ArrayList<List<SAMRecordWrapper>>();
		for (int i=0; i<this.inputSams.length; i++) {
			currReads.add(new ArrayList<SAMRecordWrapper>());
		List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> outOfRegionReads = new ArrayList<List<SAMRecordWrapper>>();
		for (int i=0; i<this.inputSams.length; i++) {
			outOfRegionReads.add(new ArrayList<SAMRecordWrapper>());
		Map<Feature, Map<SimpleMapper, ContigAlignerResult>> regionContigs = new HashMap<Feature, Map<SimpleMapper, ContigAlignerResult>>();
		int readCount = 0;
		// Identify regions overlapping the current chromosome chunk
		List<Feature> chromosomeRegions = new ArrayList<Feature>();
		for (Feature region : regions) {			
			if (region.getSeqname().equals(chromosome)) {
				if (region.getStart() > chromosomeChunk.getStart()-MAX_REGION_LENGTH && region.getEnd() < chromosomeChunk.getEnd()+MAX_REGION_LENGTH) {
		List<Feature> chromosomeJunctions = new ArrayList<Feature>();
		for (Feature junction : junctions) {
			if (junction.getSeqname().equals(chromosome)) {
		List<Variant> knownVariants = getKnownVariants(chromosome);
		Map<Feature, List<Feature>> regionJunctions = JunctionUtils.getRegionJunctions(chromosomeRegions, chromosomeJunctions, readLength, MAX_REGION_LENGTH);
		Map<Feature, List<Variant>> regionVariants = Variant.groupByRegion(chromosomeRegions, knownVariants);
		Set<Integer> regionsToProcess = new TreeSet<Integer>();
		int searchStartRegionIdx = 0;
		for (SAMRecordWrapper record : reader) {
			// If this is an unmapped read anchored by its mate, check rc flag
			SAMRecord read1 = record.getSamRecord();
			if (read1.getReadUnmappedFlag() && !read1.getMateUnmappedFlag()) {
				if (!read1.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() && !read1.getMateNegativeStrandFlag()) {
					// Both ends in forward orientation.  Reverse the unmapped read
				} else if (read1.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() && read1.getMateNegativeStrandFlag()) {
					// Both ends in reverse orientation.  Reverse the unmapped read
			List<Integer> overlappingRegions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
			if (chromosomeRegions.size() > 0) {
				// Advance currRegion to current locus @ record start - 1000000
				// TODO: Use move dist instead of 1000000 ?
				Feature searchStartRegion = chromosomeRegions.get(searchStartRegionIdx);
				while (searchStartRegion != null && searchStartRegionIdx < chromosomeRegions.size()-1 && searchStartRegion.getEnd() < record.getAdjustedAlignmentStart() - 1000000) {
					searchStartRegionIdx += 1;
					searchStartRegion = chromosomeRegions.get(searchStartRegionIdx);
				overlappingRegions = Feature.findAllOverlappingRegions(reader.getSAMFileHeader(), record, chromosomeRegions, searchStartRegionIdx);
//			int regionIdx = Feature.findFirstOverlappingRegion(reader.getSAMFileHeader(), record, chromosomeRegions, currRegionIdx);
			// Identify next region that is a candidate for processing
			// Note: Splicing can cause reads to go in and out of a region
//			if (regionIdx >= 0) {
			if (!overlappingRegions.isEmpty()) {
			// Cache read for processing at end of region
			Iterator<Integer> regionIter = regionsToProcess.iterator();
			while (regionIter.hasNext()) {
				int regionToProcessIdx = regionIter.next();
				// If start position for current read is beyond current region, trigger assembly
				Feature currRegion = chromosomeRegions.get(regionToProcessIdx);
				if (record.getAdjustedAlignmentStart() > currRegion.getEnd() + this.readLength*2) {
					Logger.debug("Processing region: %s", currRegion);
					Map<SimpleMapper, ContigAlignerResult> mappedContigs = processRegion(currRegion, currReads, regionJunctions.get(currRegion), regionVariants.get(currRegion));
					Logger.debug("Region: %s assembled: %d contigs", currRegion, mappedContigs.keySet().size());
					regionContigs.put(currRegion, mappedContigs);
					// Remove curr region from list of regions to process
			// TODO: Consider dropping this...  Reads are out of scope when we've moved beyond them via standard processing?
			if (overlappingRegions.isEmpty()) {
				// Process out of region read and output if ready.
				List<SAMRecordWrapper> outOfRegionReadsForSample = outOfRegionReads.get(record.getSampleIdx());
				if (outOfRegionReads.get(record.getSampleIdx()).size() > 2500) {

					for (SAMRecordWrapper outOfRegionRead : outOfRegionReadsForSample) {
						this.writer.addAlignment(record.getSampleIdx(), outOfRegionRead.getSamRecord());
			int MAX_READ_RANGE = 1000 + this.readLength;
			// Check for out of scope reads every 2500 reads (TODO: is 2500 the best number?)
			if (readCount % 2500 == 0) {
				// Remap / output / clear out of scope reads
				List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> readsToRemap = new ArrayList<List<SAMRecordWrapper>>();
				// Initialize per sample lists
				for (List<SAMRecordWrapper> origSample : currReads) {
					List<SAMRecordWrapper> sampleReadsToRemap = new ArrayList<SAMRecordWrapper>();
					Iterator<SAMRecordWrapper> iter = origSample.iterator();
					while (iter.hasNext()) {
						SAMRecordWrapper read = iter.next();
						// record == most recent read.  read = cached read
						if (record.getSamRecord().getAlignmentStart() - read.getSamRecord().getAlignmentStart() > MAX_READ_RANGE) {

							// Only output reads with start pos within current chromosomeChunk
							if (read.getSamRecord().getAlignmentStart() >= chromosomeChunk.getStart() &&
								read.getSamRecord().getAlignmentStart() <= chromosomeChunk.getEnd()) {

				// Remap out of scope reads
				long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
				int totalReads = remapReads(regionContigs, readsToRemap, chromosomeChunkIdx);
				long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
//				Logger.debug("REMAP_READS_MSECS:\t%d\t%d\t%s:%d", (stop-start), totalReads, record.getSamRecord().getReferenceName(), record.getSamRecord().getAlignmentStart());
				// Remove out of scope region assemblies
				List<Feature> regionsToRemove = new ArrayList<Feature>();
				for (Feature region : regionContigs.keySet()) {
					if (getFirstStartPos(currReads)-region.getStart() > MAX_READ_RANGE) {
				for (Feature region : regionsToRemove) {
					Logger.debug("Removing contigs for region: %s", region.toString());

				String logPrefix = record.getSamRecord().getReferenceName() + ":" + record.getSamRecord().getAlignmentStart() + " : ";
				if (regionContigs.size() > 10) {
					Logger.debug("%s\tregionContigs size: %d", logPrefix, regionContigs.size());
				//TODO: Revisit this.  Is it still necessary?
				int currReadsCount = 0;
				int idx = 0;
				boolean shouldClear = false;
				for (List<SAMRecordWrapper> reads : currReads) {
					currReadsCount += reads.size();
					if (reads.size() >= this.maxCachedReads) {
						shouldClear = true;
						Logger.warn(logPrefix + " Too many reads for sample: " + idx + " num_reads: " + reads.size() + ", clearing.");
					idx += 1;
				if (shouldClear) {
					for (int i=0; i<currReads.size(); i++) {
						List<SAMRecordWrapper> reads = currReads.get(i);

						for (SAMRecordWrapper read : reads) {
							this.writer.addAlignment(i, read, chromosomeChunkIdx);

				if (currReadsCount > 250000) {
					Logger.info(logPrefix + "\tCurr reads size: " + currReadsCount);
				int outOfRegionCount = 0;
				for (List<SAMRecordWrapper> reads : outOfRegionReads) {
					outOfRegionCount += reads.size();

				if (outOfRegionCount > 10000) {
					Logger.info(logPrefix + "\tOut of region reads size: " + outOfRegionCount);
			readCount += 1;
		// Attempt to process last region if applicable
		Iterator<Integer> regionIter = regionsToProcess.iterator();
		while (regionIter.hasNext()) {
			int regionToProcessIdx = regionIter.next();
			// We've moved beyond the current region
			// Assemble reads
			Feature region = chromosomeRegions.get(regionToProcessIdx);
			Logger.debug("Processing region: %s", region);
			Map<SimpleMapper, ContigAlignerResult> mappedContigs = processRegion(region, currReads, regionJunctions.get(region), regionVariants.get(region));
			Logger.debug("Region: %s assembled: %d contigs", region, mappedContigs.keySet().size());
			regionContigs.put(region, mappedContigs);
		// Remap remaining reads
		remapReads(regionContigs, currReads, chromosomeChunkIdx);
		// Output remaining out of region reads
		for (int i=0; i<outOfRegionReads.size(); i++) {
			List<SAMRecordWrapper> outOfRegionReadsForSample = outOfRegionReads.get(i);
			for (SAMRecordWrapper outOfRegionRead : outOfRegionReadsForSample) {
				this.writer.addAlignment(i, outOfRegionRead, chromosomeChunkIdx);
	private int getFirstStartPos(List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> readsList) {
		int minPos = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		for (List<SAMRecordWrapper> reads : readsList) {
			if (reads.size() > 0 && reads.get(0).getSamRecord().getAlignmentStart() < minPos) {
				minPos = reads.get(0).getSamRecord().getAlignmentStart(); 
		return minPos;
	private void logStartupInfo(String[] outputFiles) throws IOException {
		Logger.info("ABRA version: " + this.version);
		int ctr = 0;
		for (String input : inputSams) {
			Logger.info("input" + ctr + ": " + input);

		ctr = 0;
		for (String output : outputFiles) {
			Logger.info("output" + ctr + ": " + output);
		Logger.info("regions: " + regionsBed);
		Logger.info("reference: " + reference);
		Logger.info("num threads: " + numThreads);
		Logger.info("paired end: " + isPairedEnd);
		Logger.info("isSkipAssembly: " + isSkipAssembly);
		Logger.info("useSoftClippedReads: " + useSoftClippedReads);
		Logger.info("SW scoring: " + Arrays.toString(swScoring));
		Logger.info("Soft clip params: " + Arrays.toString(softClipParams));
		String javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version");
		Logger.info("Java version: " + javaVersion);
		if (javaVersion.startsWith("1.6") || javaVersion.startsWith("1.5") || javaVersion.startsWith("1.4")) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Please upgrade to Java 7 or later to run ABRA.");
		try {
			InetAddress localhost = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost();
			String hostname = localhost.getHostName();
			Logger.info("hostname: " + hostname);
		} catch (Throwable t) {
			Logger.error("Error getting hostname: " + t.getMessage());
	private void spawnChromosomeThread(int chromosomeChunkIdx) throws InterruptedException {
		ReAlignerRunnable thread = new ReAlignerRunnable(threadManager, this, chromosomeChunkIdx);
		Logger.debug("Queuing thread for chromosome: " + chromosomeChunkIdx);
	private synchronized void appendContigs(String contigs) throws IOException {
		if (contigWriter != null) {
	private void remapRead(ReadEvaluator readEvaluator, SAMRecord read, int origEditDist) {
		Alignment alignment = readEvaluator.getImprovedAlignment(origEditDist, read, c2r);
		if (alignment != null) {
			if (alignment == Alignment.AMBIGUOUS) {
				// Read maps equally well to reference and multiple differing contigs.  Flag with mapq of 1.
				if (ambiguousMapq >= 0 && read.getMappingQuality() > ambiguousMapq) {
			} else if (origEditDist == alignment.numMismatches && (read.getAlignmentStart() != alignment.pos || !read.getCigarString().equals(alignment.cigar))) {
				// Read maps ambiguously.  Downgrade mapping quality
				if (ambiguousMapq >= 0 && read.getMappingQuality() > ambiguousMapq) {
			} else if (Math.abs(read.getAlignmentStart() - alignment.pos) > maxRealignDist) {
				Logger.trace("Not moving read: " + read.getReadName() + " from: " + read.getAlignmentStart() + " to: " + alignment.pos);
			} else if (shouldFilterNDN && CigarUtils.hasNDN(alignment.cigar)) {
				Logger.trace("Not remapping read: %s to NDM cigar: %s", read, alignment.cigar);
			} else if (disallowComplexIndelsAtReadEdge && CigarUtils.startsOrEndsWithComplexIndel(alignment.cigar)) {
				Logger.trace("Not remapping read: %s to edge complex indel cigar: %s", read, alignment.cigar);
			} else if (origEditDist > alignment.numMismatches) {
				SAMRecord orig = read.deepCopy();
				int readPos = alignment.pos;
				// Set contig alignment info for all reads that map to contigs (even if read is unchanged)
				String ya = alignment.chromosome + ":" + alignment.contigPos + ":" + alignment.contigCigar;
				// If no change to alignment, just record the YA tag
				if (!read.getReadUnmappedFlag() && read.getAlignmentStart() == readPos && read.getCigarString().equals(alignment.cigar)) {
					read.setAttribute("YA", ya);
				// If the read has actually moved to an improved alignment, update
				if (read.getReadUnmappedFlag() || read.getAlignmentStart() != readPos || !read.getCigarString().equals(alignment.cigar)) {
					read.setAttribute("YA", ya);
					// Original alignment info
					String yo;
					if (!read.getReadUnmappedFlag()) {
						String origOrientation = read.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() ? "-" : "+";
						yo = read.getReferenceName() + ":" + read.getAlignmentStart() + ":" + origOrientation + ":" + read.getCigarString();
					} else {
						// Original alignment start info used in sort phase
						yo = "N/A:" + read.getAlignmentStart();
					read.setAttribute("YO", yo);
					// Update alignment position and cigar and orientation
					// If this is true, the read was already reverse complemented in the original alignment
					if (read.getReadNegativeStrandFlag()) {
						read.setReadNegativeStrandFlag(alignment.orientation == Orientation.FORWARD ? true : false);
					} else {
						read.setReadNegativeStrandFlag(alignment.orientation == Orientation.FORWARD ? false : true);
					// Number of mismatches to contig
					read.setAttribute("YM", alignment.numMismatches);
					// Original edit distance
					read.setAttribute("YX",  origEditDist);
					String distTag = "NM";
					if (orig.getAttribute("NM") == null && orig.getAttribute("nM") != null) {
						distTag = "nM";
					// Updated edit distance
					read.setAttribute(distTag, SAMRecordUtils.getEditDistance(read, c2r, false));
					//TODO: Compute mapq intelligently???
					read.setMappingQuality(Math.min(read.getMappingQuality()+10, this.maxMapq));
					// Check for realignments that are too noisy
					int numMismatches = c2r.numHighQualityMismatches(read, 20, false); 
					int numIndels = SAMRecordUtils.getNumIndels(read);
					int noise = numMismatches + (numIndels * 2);
					int maxNoise = (int) (SAMRecordUtils.getUnclippedLength(read) * maxReadNoise);
					if (noise > maxNoise || 
						read.getAlignmentEnd() >= c2r.getChromosomeLength(read.getReferenceName())-1) {
						// Read is too noisy or read maps off end of chromosome, revert
						read.setAttribute("YA", null);
						read.setAttribute("YO", null);
						read.setAttribute("YM", null);
						read.setAttribute("YX", null);
						read.setAttribute(distTag, orig.getAttribute(distTag));
	private boolean containsIndelOrSplice(Map<Feature, Map<SimpleMapper, ContigAlignerResult>> mappedContigs) {
		boolean hasGap = false;
		for (Map<SimpleMapper, ContigAlignerResult> contigResults : mappedContigs.values()) {
			for (ContigAlignerResult result : contigResults.values()) {
				if (result.getCigar().contains("D") || result.getCigar().contains("I") || result.getCigar().contains("N")) {
					hasGap = true;
		return hasGap;
	private boolean containsVariantJunction(SAMRecord read) {
		boolean containsVariantJunction = false;
		if (read.getCigarString().contains("N")) {
			List<ReadBlock> blocks = SAMRecordUtils.getReadBlocks(read.getCigar(), read.getAlignmentStart());
			for (ReadBlock block : blocks) {
				if (block.getCigarElement().getOperator() == CigarOperator.N) {
					Feature junction = new Feature(read.getReferenceName(), block.getRefPos(), block.getRefPos()+block.getLength()-1);
					if (this.variantJunctions.contains(junction)) {
						containsVariantJunction = true;
		return containsVariantJunction;
	private int remapReads(Map<Feature, Map<SimpleMapper, ContigAlignerResult>> mappedContigs,
			List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> readsList, int chromosomeChunkIdx) throws Exception {
		int totalReads = 0;
		// Skip remapping if no gap in the contigs
		ReadEvaluator readEvaluator = new ReadEvaluator(mappedContigs);
		int sampleIdx = 0;
		boolean shouldRemap = !isGappedContigsOnly || containsIndelOrSplice(mappedContigs);
		// For each sample.
		for (List<SAMRecordWrapper> reads : readsList) {
			// For each read.
			for (SAMRecordWrapper readWrapper : reads) {
				totalReads += 1;
				SAMRecord read = readWrapper.getSamRecord();
				if (shouldRemap) {
					if ((read.getMappingQuality() >= this.minMappingQuality || read.getReadUnmappedFlag()) && read.getReadLength() > 0) {
						// Don't remap reads with distant mate
						// Always allow single end to pass this check
						if (!read.getReadPairedFlag() ||
							(Math.abs(read.getAlignmentStart() - read.getMateAlignmentStart()) < maxRealignDist &&
									read.getReferenceName().equals(read.getMateReferenceName()))) {
							// TODO: Use NM tag if available (need to handle soft clipping though!)
							int origEditDist = SAMRecordUtils.getEditDistance(read, c2r, true);
							if (containsVariantJunction(read)) {
								// Allow reads containing potentially miscategorized splices to be realigned.
								origEditDist += 1;
			//				int origEditDist = c2r.numMismatches(read);
							remapRead(readEvaluator, read, origEditDist);

			// Output all reads for this sample
			for (SAMRecordWrapper read : reads) {
				this.writer.addAlignment(sampleIdx, read, chromosomeChunkIdx);
			sampleIdx += 1;
		return totalReads;
	private List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> subsetReads(Feature region, List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> readsList) {
		List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> subset = new ArrayList<List<SAMRecordWrapper>>();
		// Initialize per sample lists
		for (List<SAMRecordWrapper> origSample : readsList) {
			// Track read pair ends
			Map<String, SAMRecordWrapper> firstReads = new HashMap<String, SAMRecordWrapper>();
			Map<String, SAMRecordWrapper> secondReads = new HashMap<String, SAMRecordWrapper>();
			List<SAMRecordWrapper> subsetSample = new ArrayList<SAMRecordWrapper>();
			for (SAMRecordWrapper read : origSample) {
				if (region.overlapsRead(read.getSamRecord())) {
					if (read.getSamRecord().getReadPairedFlag()) {
						if (read.getSamRecord().getFirstOfPairFlag() && SAMRecordUtils.isPrimary(read.getSamRecord())) {
							firstReads.put(read.getSamRecord().getReadName() + "_" + read.getSamRecord().getAlignmentStart(), read);
						} else if (read.getSamRecord().getSecondOfPairFlag() && SAMRecordUtils.isPrimary(read.getSamRecord())) {
							secondReads.put(read.getSamRecord().getReadName() + "_" + read.getSamRecord().getAlignmentStart(), read);
			for (SAMRecordWrapper read : subsetSample) {
				if (SAMRecordUtils.hasPossibleAdapterReadThrough(read.getSamRecord(), firstReads, secondReads)) {
				// If reads overlap, attempt to generate merged sequence
				if (!read.hasMergedSeq()) {
					SAMRecordUtils.mergeReadPair(read, firstReads, secondReads);
		return subset;
	private List<Feature> getExtraJunctions(ContigAlignerResult result, List<Feature> junctions, List<Feature> junctions2) {
		// Look for junctions with adjacent deletions.
		// Treat these as putative novel junctions.
		Set<Feature> junctionSet = new HashSet<Feature>(junctions);
		List<Feature> extraJunctions = new ArrayList<Feature>();
		Cigar cigar = TextCigarCodec.decode(result.getCigar());
		boolean isInGap = false;
		int gapStart = -1;
		int gapLength = -1;
		int numElems = -1;
		int refOffset = 0;
		for (CigarElement elem : cigar.getCigarElements()) {
			if (elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.D || elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.N) {
				if (!isInGap) {
					isInGap = true;
					gapStart = refOffset;
					gapLength = elem.getLength();
					numElems = 1;
				} else {
					gapLength += elem.getLength();
					numElems += 1;
			} else {
				if (isInGap) {
					if (numElems > 1) {
						long start = result.getGenomicPos() + gapStart;
						long end = start + gapLength;
						Feature junc = new Feature(result.getChromosome(), start, end-1);
						if (!junctionSet.contains(junc)) {
							Logger.info("Extra junction idenfified: %s", junc);
					isInGap = false;
					gapStart = -1;
					gapLength = -1;
					numElems = -1;
			if (elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.M || 
				elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.D || 
				elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.N ||
				elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.X ||
				elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.EQ) {
				refOffset += elem.getLength();
		return extraJunctions;
	private List<Feature> getExonSkippingJunctions(ContigAlignerResult result, List<Feature> junctions) {

		// Handles special case where an exon skipping junction causes large gaps with a tiny (~1)
		// number of bases mapped somewhere in the gap
		Set<Feature> junctionSet = new HashSet<Feature>(junctions);
		List<Feature> extraJunctions = new ArrayList<Feature>();
		Cigar cigar = TextCigarCodec.decode(result.getCigar());
		boolean isInGap = false;
		int gapStart = -1;
		int gapLength = -1;
		int numElems = -1;
		int refOffset = 0;
		int maxBasesInMiddle = 5;
		int middleBases = -1;
		CigarOperator prev = CigarOperator.M;
		for (CigarElement elem : cigar.getCigarElements()) {
			if (elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.D || elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.N) {
				if (!isInGap) {
					isInGap = true;
					gapStart = refOffset;
					gapLength = elem.getLength();
					numElems = 1;
					middleBases = 0;
				} else {
					gapLength += elem.getLength();
					numElems += 1;
			} else {
				if (isInGap) {
					if (elem.getLength() + middleBases < maxBasesInMiddle) {
						middleBases += elem.getLength();
					} else {
						if (numElems > 1 && middleBases > 0 && (prev == CigarOperator.D || prev == CigarOperator.N)) {
							long start = result.getGenomicPos() + gapStart;
							long end = start + gapLength;
							// Find junction start / end points closest to gap start / end point
							long closestStart = junctions.get(0).getStart();
							long closestEnd = junctions.get(0).getEnd();
							for (Feature junction : junctions) {
								if (Math.abs(junction.getStart()-start) < Math.abs(closestStart-start)) {
									closestStart = junction.getStart();

								if (Math.abs(junction.getEnd()-end) < Math.abs(closestEnd-end)) {
									closestEnd = junction.getEnd();
							if (closestEnd > closestStart+1) {
								Feature junc = new Feature(result.getChromosome(), closestStart, closestEnd);
								if (!junctionSet.contains(junc)) {
									Logger.info("Potential exon skipping junction idenfified: %s", junc);
						isInGap = false;
						gapStart = -1;
						gapLength = -1;
						numElems = -1;
						middleBases = -1;
			if (elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.M || 
				elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.D || 
				elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.N ||
				elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.X ||
				elem.getOperator() == CigarOperator.EQ) {
				refOffset += elem.getLength();
			prev = elem.getOperator();
		return extraJunctions;

	private ContigAlignerResult alignContig(Feature region, String contig, ContigAligner ssw, List<ContigAligner> sswJunctions, List<Feature> allJunctions,
			int chromosomeLength) {
		ContigAlignerResult bestResult = null;
		if (contig.length() > MAX_CONTIG_LEN) {
			Logger.warn(String.format("In Region: %s, contig too long: [%s]", region, contig));
		} else {

			int bestScore = -1;
			ContigAlignerResult sswResult;
			for (ContigAligner sswJunc : sswJunctions) {
				sswResult = sswJunc.align(contig);
				if (sswResult != null && sswResult.getScore() > bestScore) {
					bestScore = sswResult.getScore();
					bestResult = sswResult;
			sswResult = ssw.align(contig);
			if (sswResult != null && sswResult.getScore() > bestScore) {
				bestScore = sswResult.getScore();
				bestResult = sswResult;
			if (bestResult != null && bestResult != ContigAlignerResult.INDEL_NEAR_END) {
				if (!allJunctions.isEmpty()) {
					// Check for additional potential exon skipping junctions masked by a base or 2 interrupting the gap
					// Using annotated exons here
					List<Feature> extraJunctions = getExonSkippingJunctions(bestResult, allJunctions);
					if (!extraJunctions.isEmpty()) {
						List<Feature> combinedJunctions = new ArrayList<Feature>(allJunctions);
						Collections.sort(combinedJunctions, new JunctionComparator());
						List<List<Feature>> junctionPermutations = new ArrayList<List<Feature>>();
						try {
							junctionPermutations = JunctionUtils.combineJunctions(region, combinedJunctions, new HashSet<Feature>(extraJunctions), MAX_REGION_LENGTH, this.readLength);
						} catch (TooManyJunctionPermutationsException e) {
							Logger.warn("TOO_MANY_POTENTIAL_JUNCTION_PERMUTATIONS: " + region.getDescriptor());
						for (List<Feature> permutation : junctionPermutations) {
							boolean hasExtra = false;
							for (Feature junc : permutation) {
								if (extraJunctions.contains(junc)) {
									hasExtra = true;
							if (hasExtra) {
								ContigAligner aligner = getContigAlignerForJunctionPermutation(permutation, region, chromosomeLength);
								if (aligner != null) {
									sswResult = aligner.align(contig);
									if (sswResult != null && sswResult.getScore() > bestScore) {
										bestScore = sswResult.getScore();
										bestResult = sswResult;
					// Check for deletion adjacent to intron (i.e. skipped exon or unannotated splice)
					// Not relying on annotated exons here.
					extraJunctions = getExtraJunctions(bestResult, allJunctions, extraJunctions);
					if (!extraJunctions.isEmpty()) {
						List<Feature> combinedJunctions = new ArrayList<Feature>(allJunctions);
						Collections.sort(combinedJunctions, new JunctionComparator());
						List<List<Feature>> junctionPermutations = new ArrayList<List<Feature>>();
						try {
							junctionPermutations = JunctionUtils.combineJunctions(region, combinedJunctions, new HashSet<Feature>(extraJunctions), MAX_REGION_LENGTH, this.readLength);
						} catch (TooManyJunctionPermutationsException e) {
							Logger.warn("TOO_MANY_POTENTIAL_JUNCTION_PERMUTATIONS: " + region.getDescriptor());
						for (List<Feature> permutation : junctionPermutations) {
							boolean hasExtra = false;
							for (Feature junc : permutation) {
								if (extraJunctions.contains(junc)) {
									hasExtra = true;
							if (hasExtra) {
								ContigAligner aligner = getContigAlignerForJunctionPermutation(permutation, region, chromosomeLength);
								if (aligner != null) {
									sswResult = aligner.align(contig);
									if (sswResult != null && sswResult.getScore() > bestScore) {
										bestScore = sswResult.getScore();
										bestResult = sswResult;
				Logger.debug("BEST_SSW: %d : %s : %d: %d : %s",
						bestResult.getGenomicPos(), bestResult.getCigar(), bestResult.getRefPos(), bestResult.getScore(), bestResult.getSequence());
			} else {
				Logger.debug("NO_SSW: %s", contig);
			//TODO: Check for tie scores with different final alignment
		return bestResult;
	private boolean assemble(List<ContigAlignerResult> results, Feature region, 
			String refSeq, List<String> bams, List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> readsList, ContigAligner contigAligner,
			List<ContigAligner> junctionAligners, int mnf, int mbq, double mer, List<Feature> junctions,
			int chromosomeLength, int maxNumContigs) throws IOException {
		boolean shouldRetry = false;
		NativeAssembler assem = (NativeAssembler) newAssembler(region);
		List<Feature> regions = new ArrayList<Feature>();
		StringBuffer readBuffer = new StringBuffer();
		String contigs = assem.assembleContigs(bams, regions, region.getDescriptor(), true, this, c2r, readsList, mnf, mbq, mer, readBuffer);
		if (!contigs.equals("<ERROR>") && !contigs.equals("<REPEAT>") && !contigs.isEmpty()) {
			List<ScoredContig> scoredContigs;
			scoredContigs = ScoredContig.convertAndFilter(contigs, maxNumContigs, readBuffer);
			if (contigWriter != null) {
			// Map contigs to reference
			for (ScoredContig contig : scoredContigs) {
				// Filter contigs that match the reference
				if (!refSeq.contains(contig.getContig())) {
					ContigAlignerResult sswResult = alignContig(region, contig.getContig(), contigAligner, junctionAligners, junctions, chromosomeLength);
					if (sswResult == ContigAlignerResult.INDEL_NEAR_END) {
						shouldRetry = true;
					} else if (sswResult != null) {
						// TODO: In multi-region processing, check to ensure identical contigs have identical mappings
		return shouldRetry;
	private ContigAligner getContigAlignerForJunctionPermutation(List<Feature> junctionPerm, Feature region, int chromosomeLength) {
		int basesToPad = (int) region.getLength() + this.readLength*2;
		JunctionSequence juncSeq = JunctionUtils.getSequenceForJunctions(junctionPerm, c2r, basesToPad, region.getLength());
		ContigAligner contigAligner = null;
		if (juncSeq != null) {
			int refStart = Math.max((int) junctionPerm.get(0).getStart() - (int) region.getLength() - this.readLength*2, 1);
			contigAligner = new ContigAligner(juncSeq.seq, region.getSeqname(), refStart, this.readLength, minAnchorLen, maxAnchorMismatches, juncSeq.junctionPos, juncSeq.junctionLengths);

		return contigAligner;
	public Map<SimpleMapper, ContigAlignerResult> processRegion(Feature region, List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> reads, List<Feature> junctions, List<Variant> knownVariants) throws Exception {
		long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
		if (isDebug) {
			Logger.info("Processing region: " + region.getDescriptor());
		if (region.getLength() > 10000) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Region too big: [" + region + "]");
		Map<SimpleMapper, ContigAlignerResult> mappedContigs = new HashMap<SimpleMapper, ContigAlignerResult>();
		List<List<SAMRecordWrapper>> readsList = subsetReads(region, reads);
		boolean isRegionOk = true;
		for (List<SAMRecordWrapper> sampleReads : readsList) {
			//TODO: Don't allow these reads to remap to neighboring regions.
			if (maxReadsInRegion < 0 || sampleReads.size() > this.maxReadsInRegion) {
				Logger.info("Too many reads in %s: %d", region, sampleReads.size());
				isRegionOk = false;
		int assembledContigCount = 0;
		int nonAssembledContigCount = 0;
		int juncPermCount = 0;
		if (isRegionOk) {
			List<String> bams = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(this.inputSams));
			// Get reference sequence matching current region (pad by 2 read lengths on each side)
			int chromosomeLength = c2r.getReferenceLength(region.getSeqname());
			int refSeqStart = Math.max((int) region.getStart() - this.readLength*2, 1);
			int refSeqLength = Math.min((int) region.getLength() + this.readLength*4, chromosomeLength-1);
			String refSeq = c2r.getSequence(region.getSeqname(), refSeqStart, refSeqLength);
			ContigAligner ssw = new ContigAligner(refSeq, region.getSeqname(), refSeqStart, this.readLength, minAnchorLen, maxAnchorMismatches);
			List<ContigAligner> junctionAligners = new ArrayList<ContigAligner>();
//			List<List<Feature>> junctionPermutations = JunctionUtils.combineJunctions(junctions, this.readLength);
			List<List<Feature>> junctionPermutations = new ArrayList<List<Feature>>();
			try {
				junctionPermutations = JunctionUtils.combineJunctions(region, junctions, new HashSet<Feature>(), MAX_REGION_LENGTH, this.readLength);
			} catch (TooManyJunctionPermutationsException e) {
				Logger.warn("TOO_MANY_POTENTIAL_JUNCTION_PERMUTATIONS: " + region.getDescriptor());
			Logger.debug("NUM_JUNCTION_PERMUTATIONS:\t%d\t%s", junctionPermutations.size(), region);
			if (junctionPermutations.size() > JunctionUtils.MAX_JUNCTION_PERMUTATIONS) {
				Logger.warn("TOO_MANY_JUNCTION_PERMUTATIONS: " + region.getDescriptor() + "\t" + junctionPermutations.size());
			} else {
				juncPermCount = junctionPermutations.size();
				for (List<Feature> junctionPerm : junctionPermutations) {
					ContigAligner aligner = getContigAlignerForJunctionPermutation(junctionPerm, region, chromosomeLength);
					if (aligner != null) {
						Logger.debug("JUNC_REF_SEQ:\t%s\t%d", region.getDescriptor(), aligner.ref.length());
						if (shouldUseJunctionsAsContigs) {
							// Add putative transcript sequence as baseline to mapped contigs
							String cigar = String.valueOf(aligner.ref.length()) + "M";
							cigar = CigarUtils.injectSplices(cigar, aligner.getJunctionPositions(), aligner.getJunctionLengths());
							ContigAlignerResult junctionAlignment = new ContigAlignerResult(aligner.getRefContextStart(), 
									cigar, region.getSeqname(), 0, aligner.ref, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
							mappedContigs.put(new SimpleMapper(junctionAlignment.getSequence(), maxMismatchRate), junctionAlignment);
				// Assemble contigs
				if (this.isSkipAssembly || region.getKmer() > this.readLength-15) {
					Logger.debug("Skipping assembly of region: " + region.getDescriptor() + " - " + region.getKmer());
				} else {
					// Restrict # of contigs if junction count grows high.
					// TODO: Paramaterize
					int maxCombos = 1024;
					int maxNumContigs = junctionPermutations.size() == 0 ? maxAssembledContigs : Math.min(maxAssembledContigs, maxCombos/junctionPermutations.size());
					if (maxNumContigs != maxAssembledContigs) {
						Logger.info("MAX_ASSEM_CONTIG\t%s\t%d", region, maxNumContigs);
					List<ContigAlignerResult> results = new ArrayList<ContigAlignerResult>();
					boolean shouldRetry = assemble(results, region, refSeq, bams, readsList, ssw, junctionAligners,
							assemblerSettings.getMinNodeFrequncy(), assemblerSettings.getMinBaseQuality(),
							assemblerSettings.getMinEdgeRatio(), junctions, chromosomeLength, maxNumContigs);
					if (shouldRetry) {
						Logger.debug("RETRY_ASSEMBLY: %s", region);
						// Indel near edge of contig indicates that we may have a low coverage indel encountered.
						// Try to reassemble using less stringent pruning to see if we can get greater coverage.
						assemble(results, region, refSeq, bams, readsList, ssw, junctionAligners,
								assemblerSettings.getMinNodeFrequncy()/2, assemblerSettings.getMinBaseQuality()/2,
								assemblerSettings.getMinEdgeRatio()/2.0, junctions, chromosomeLength, maxNumContigs);
					for (ContigAlignerResult sswResult : results) {
						mappedContigs.put(new SimpleMapper(sswResult.getSequence(), maxMismatchRate), sswResult);
					assembledContigCount = mappedContigs.size();
				if (useSoftClippedReads || useObservedIndels || (knownVariants != null && knownVariants.size() > 0)) {
					Logger.debug("Processing non-assembled contigs for region: [" + region + "]");
					// Go through artificial contig generation using indels observed in the original reads
					AltContigGenerator altContigGenerator = new AltContigGenerator(softClipParams[0], softClipParams[1], softClipParams[2], softClipParams[3],
							useObservedIndels, useSoftClippedReads, useConsensusSeq, minMappingQuality);
					Collection<String> altContigs = altContigGenerator.getAltContigs(readsList, c2r, readLength, junctionPermutations.size(), region, knownVariants, junctions);
					nonAssembledContigCount = altContigs.size();
					for (String contig : altContigs) {
						// TODO: Check to see if this contig is already in the map before aligning
						ContigAlignerResult sswResult = alignContig(region, contig, ssw, junctionAligners, junctions, chromosomeLength);
						if (sswResult != null && sswResult != ContigAlignerResult.INDEL_NEAR_END) {
							// Set as secondary for remap prioritization
							// Store for read mapping
							mappedContigs.put(new SimpleMapper(sswResult.getSequence(), maxMismatchRate), sswResult);
		long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
		synchronized(this.getClass()) {
			Logger.info("PROCESS_REGION_MSECS:\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d", region.getDescriptor(), (stop-start), 
					assembledContigCount, nonAssembledContigCount, juncPermCount);
		return mappedContigs;
	// Pair up junctions that could be spanned by a single read
	protected List<Pair<Feature, Feature>> pairJunctions(List<Feature> junctions, int maxDist) {
		List<Pair<Feature, Feature>> junctionPairs = new ArrayList<Pair<Feature, Feature>>();
		for (Feature junc1 : junctions) {
			for (Feature junc2 : junctions) {
				if (junc1.getEnd() < junc2.getStart() && junc1.getEnd() + maxDist >= junc2.getStart()) {
					junctionPairs.add(new Pair<Feature, Feature>(junc1, junc2));
		return junctionPairs;
	static List<Feature> getRegions(String regionsBed, int readLength, boolean hasPresetKmers) throws IOException {
		RegionLoader loader = new RegionLoader();
		List<Feature> regions = loader.load(regionsBed, hasPresetKmers);
		if (regions.size() > 0 && (regions.get(0).getKmer() == 0)) {
			regions = RegionLoader.collapseRegions(regions, readLength);
			regions = splitRegions(regions);

		return regions;
	private List<Feature> getRegionsNoBed(int readLength, SAMFileHeader header) throws IOException {
		List<Feature> regions = new ArrayList<Feature>();
		List<SAMSequenceRecord> refSeq = header.getSequenceDictionary().getSequences();
		for (SAMSequenceRecord seq : refSeq) {
			if (!chromosomeSkipRegex.matches(seq.getSequenceName())) {
				Feature region = new Feature(seq.getSequenceName(), 1, seq.getSequenceLength());
		regions = RegionLoader.collapseRegions(regions, readLength);
		regions = splitRegions(regions);
		return regions;
	private void loadRegions() throws IOException {
		if (regionsBed != null) {
			Logger.info("Loading target regions from : " + regionsBed);
			this.regions = getRegions(regionsBed, readLength, hasPresetKmers);
		} else {
			Logger.info("No target bed file specified.  Gathering regions using SAM header");
			this.regions = getRegionsNoBed(readLength, this.samHeaders[0]);
		Logger.info("Num regions: " + regions.size());
		if (Logger.LEVEL == Logger.Level.TRACE) {
			for (Feature region : regions) {
				Logger.trace("%s\t%d\t%d\t%d", region.getSeqname(), region.getStart(), region.getEnd(), region.getKmer());
	private List<Feature> loadJunctionsFromBam() {
		SpliceJunctionCounter sjc = new SpliceJunctionCounter();
		List<Feature> bamJunctions = sjc.getJunctions(this.inputSams);
		return bamJunctions;
	private void loadJunctions() throws IOException {
		if (this.gtfJunctionFile != null) {
			this.junctions = JunctionUtils.loadJunctionsFromGtf(gtfJunctionFile);
			Logger.info("Loaded %d annotated junctions", junctions.size());
		if (this.junctionFile != null) {
			List<Feature> observedJunctions;
			if (junctionFile.equals("bam")) {
				Logger.info("Loading observed junctions from BAM file");
				observedJunctions = loadJunctionsFromBam();
			} else {
				Logger.info("Loading observed junctions from %s", junctionFile);
				RegionLoader loader = new RegionLoader();
				observedJunctions = loader.load(junctionFile, false);
			Logger.info("Loaded " + observedJunctions.size() + " observed junctions");

			// Using known deletions, identify miscategorized splice sites.  These may be converted
			// to deletions during realignment.
			variantJunctions = filterVariantJunctions(observedJunctions, junctions);
		Logger.info("Total junctions input: " + junctions.size());
		Logger.info("Final Junctions: %d, Variant Junctions: %d", junctions.size(), variantJunctions.size());
	private Set<Feature> filterVariantJunctions(Collection<Feature> junctions, Set<Feature> annotatedJunctions) {
		Set<Feature> variantJunctions = new HashSet<Feature>();
		Map<String, Variant> posVariantMap = new HashMap<String, Variant>();
		for (List<Variant> regionVariants : this.knownVariants.values()) {
			for (Variant variant : regionVariants) {
				posVariantMap.put(variant.getChr() + ":" + variant.getPosition(), variant);
		Iterator<Feature> iter = junctions.iterator();
		while (iter.hasNext()) {
			Feature junction = iter.next();
			if (!annotatedJunctions.contains(junction)) {
				for (int i=-5; i<=5; i++) { // Allow junction to shift up to 5 bases
					Variant variant = posVariantMap.get(junction.getSeqname() + ":" + ((junction.getStart()-1)+i));
					if (variant != null && JunctionUtils.isSimilar(variant, junction)) {
		return variantJunctions;

	public void setRegionsBed(String bedFile) {
		this.regionsBed = bedFile;

	private void getSamHeaderAndReadLength() throws IOException {
		Logger.info("Identifying header and determining read length");
		this.samHeaders = new SAMFileHeader[this.inputSams.length];
		for (int i=0; i<this.inputSams.length; i++) {
			SamReader reader = SAMRecordUtils.getSamReader(inputSams[i]);
			try {
				samHeaders[i] = reader.getFileHeader();
				Iterator<SAMRecord> iter = reader.iterator();
				int cnt = 0;
				while ((iter.hasNext()) && (cnt < 1000000)) {
					SAMRecord read = iter.next();
					this.readLength = Math.max(this.readLength, read.getReadLength());
					this.maxMapq = Math.max(this.maxMapq, read.getMappingQuality());
					// Assumes aligner sets proper pair flag correctly
					if ((isPairedEnd) && (read.getReadPairedFlag()) && (read.getProperPairFlag())) {
						this.minInsertLength = Math.min(this.minInsertLength, Math.abs(read.getInferredInsertSize()));
						this.maxInsertLength = Math.max(this.maxInsertLength, Math.abs(read.getInferredInsertSize()));
					cnt += 1;
				// Allow some fudge in insert length
				minInsertLength = Math.max(minInsertLength - 2*readLength, 0);
				maxInsertLength = maxInsertLength + 2*readLength;
			} finally {
		Logger.info("Min insert length: " + minInsertLength);
		Logger.info("Max insert length: " + maxInsertLength);
		Logger.info("Max read length is: " + readLength);
		if (assemblerSettings.getMinContigLength() < 1) {
			assemblerSettings.setMinContigLength(Math.max(readLength+1, MIN_CONTIG_LENGTH));
		Logger.info("Min contig length: " + assemblerSettings.getMinContigLength());
	static List<Feature> splitRegions(List<Feature> regions, 
			int maxRegionLength, int minRegionRemainder, int regionOverlap) {
		List<Feature> splitRegions = new ArrayList<Feature>();
		for (Feature region : regions) {
			if (region.getLength() <= maxRegionLength + minRegionRemainder) {
			} else {
				splitRegions.addAll(splitWithOverlap(region, maxRegionLength, minRegionRemainder, regionOverlap));
		return splitRegions;
	 *  If any of the input list of features is greater than maxSize, split them into multiple features. 
	public static List<Feature> splitRegions(List<Feature> regions) {
	public static List<Feature> splitWithOverlap(Feature region) {
	static List<Feature> splitWithOverlap(Feature region, int maxRegionLength,
			int minRegionRemainder, int regionOverlap) {
		List<Feature> regions = new ArrayList<Feature>();
		long pos = region.getStart();
		long end = pos-1;
		while (end < region.getEnd()) {
			long start = pos;
			end = pos + maxRegionLength;
			long marker = end;
			// If we're at or near the end of the region, stop at region end.
			if (end > (region.getEnd() - minRegionRemainder)) {
				end = region.getEnd();
			pos = marker - regionOverlap;
			regions.add(new Feature(region.getSeqname(), start, end));
		return regions;
	int[] getKmers(Feature region) {
		int[] kmerSizes = null;
		int kmerSize = region.getKmer();
		if (kmerSize > 0) {
			kmerSizes = toKmerArray(kmerSize, readLength);
		} else {
			kmerSizes = assemblerSettings.getKmerSize();
		return kmerSizes;
	int[] toKmerArray(int kmerSize, int readLength) {
		int[] kmerSizes = null;
		int maxKmerSize = readLength-5; 
		if (maxKmerSize > MAX_KMER_SIZE) {
			maxKmerSize = MAX_KMER_SIZE;
		List<Integer> kmers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		while (kmerSize < maxKmerSize) {
			kmerSize += 2;
		kmerSizes = new int[kmers.size()];
		int i=0;
		for (int kmer : kmers) {
			kmerSizes[i++] = kmer;

		return kmerSizes;
	private NativeAssembler newAssembler(Feature region) {
		NativeAssembler assem = new NativeAssembler();


		return assem;
	private void deleteOnExit(File file) {
		if (!isKeepTmp) {

	private String init() throws IOException {
		if (tmpDir == null) {
			tmpDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
		} else {
			System.setProperty("java.io.tmpdir", tmpDir);
		this.chromosomeSkipRegex = new ChromosomeRegex(chromosomesToSkipRegex);
		Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = new HashSet<PosixFilePermission>();

		Path tempDir = Files.createTempDirectory("abra2_" + UUID.randomUUID(), PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(perms));
		Logger.info("Using temp directory: " + tempDir.toString());
		new NativeLibraryLoader().load(tempDir.toString(), NativeLibraryLoader.ABRA, false);
//		new NativeLibraryLoader().load(tempDir.toString(), NativeLibraryLoader.SSW, false);
//		new NativeLibraryLoader().load(tempDir.toString(), NativeLibraryLoader.SSW_JNI, false);
		new NativeLibraryLoader().load(tempDir.toString(), NativeLibraryLoader.DEFLATOR, true);
		threadManager = new ThreadManager(numThreads);
		if (inputVcf != null) {
			this.knownVariants = Variant.loadFromFile(inputVcf);
		return tempDir.toString();
	public List<Variant> getKnownVariants(String chromosome) {
		List<Variant> variants = null;
		if (knownVariants != null) {
			variants = knownVariants.get(chromosome);
		if (variants == null) {
			variants = Collections.emptyList();
		return variants;
	public void setReference(String reference) {
		this.reference = reference;

	public void setAssemblerSettings(AssemblerSettings settings) {
		this.assemblerSettings = settings;
	public void setNumThreads(int numThreads) {
		this.numThreads = numThreads;
	public CompareToReference2 getC2r() {
		return this.c2r;
	public int getMinMappingQuality() {
		return this.minMappingQuality;
	public int getMaxInsertLength() {
		return this.maxInsertLength;
	public int getMinInsertLength() {
		return this.minInsertLength;
	public void setMaxInsertLength(int maxInsertLen) {
		this.maxInsertLength = maxInsertLen;
	public void setMinInsertLength(int minInsertLen) {
		this.minInsertLength = minInsertLen;
	boolean isFiltered(SAMRecord read) {
		return SAMRecordUtils.isFiltered(isPairedEnd, read);
	private static String getVersion() {
		String version = "unknown";
		String metaFile = "/META-INF/maven/abra2/abra2/pom.properties";
		Properties prop = new Properties();
		try {
			URL url = NativeLibraryLoader.class.getResource(metaFile);
			InputStream input = url.openStream();
			version = prop.getProperty("version");
		} catch (Exception e) {
			Logger.error("Error reading version from pom.properties");
		return version;
	private static String getCommandLine(String[] args) {
		String jar = "";
		CodeSource cs = Abra.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
		if (cs != null) {
			jar = cs.getLocation().toString();
			if (jar.startsWith("file:")) {
				jar = jar.replaceFirst("file:", "");
		StringBuffer cl = new StringBuffer();
		for (String arg : args) {
			cl.append(' ');
		return cl.toString();

	public static void run(String[] args) throws Exception {
		String version = getVersion();
		Logger.info("Abra version: " + version);
		String cl = getCommandLine(args);
		Logger.info("Abra params: [" + cl + "]");
		ReAlignerOptions options = new ReAlignerOptions();

		if (options.isValid()) {

			AssemblerSettings assemblerSettings = new AssemblerSettings();


			ReAligner realigner = new ReAligner();
			realigner.isPairedEnd = options.isPairedEnd();
			realigner.minMappingQuality = options.getMinimumMappingQuality();
			realigner.maxMismatchRate = options.getMaxMismatchRate();
			realigner.maxReadsInRegion = options.getMaxReadsInRegion();
			realigner.hasPresetKmers = options.hasPresetKmers();
			realigner.isSkipAssembly = options.isSkipAssembly();
			realigner.isSkipUnmappedTrigger = options.isSkipUnmappedAssemblyTrigger();
			realigner.useObservedIndels = options.useObservedIndels();
			realigner.shouldSort = options.shouldSort();
			realigner.maxRealignDist = options.getMaxRealignDist();
			realigner.maxAssembledContigs = options.getMaxAssembledContigs();
			realigner.useConsensusSeq = options.useConsensusSequence();
			realigner.isKeepTmp = options.isKeepTmp();
			realigner.tmpDir = options.getTmpDir();
			realigner.useSoftClippedReads = options.useSoftClippedReads();
			realigner.junctionFile = options.getJunctionFile();
			realigner.gtfJunctionFile = options.getGtfJunctionFile();
			realigner.contigFile = options.getContigFile();
			realigner.swScoring = options.getSmithWatermanScoring();
			realigner.softClipParams = options.getSoftClipParams();
			realigner.maxCachedReads = options.getMaxCachedReads();
			realigner.finalCompressionLevel = options.getCompressionLevel();
			realigner.minAnchorLen = options.getContigAnchor()[0];
			realigner.maxAnchorMismatches = options.getContigAnchor()[1];
			realigner.chromosomesToSkipRegex = options.getChromosomesToSkipRegex();
			realigner.shouldUnsetDuplicates = options.shouldUnsetDuplicates();
			realigner.inputVcf = options.getInputVcf();
			realigner.shouldCreateIndex = options.shouldCreateIndex();
			realigner.shouldUseGkl = options.shouldUseGkl();
			realigner.ambiguousMapq = options.getAmbiguousMapq();
			realigner.maxReadNoise = options.getMaxReadNoise();
			realigner.maxReadsInRamForSort = options.getMaxReadsInRamForSort();
			realigner.shouldFilterNDN = options.isNoNDN();
			realigner.isGappedContigsOnly = options.isGappedContigsOnly();
			realigner.shouldUseJunctionsAsContigs = options.shouldUseJunctionsAsContigs();
			realigner.disallowComplexIndelsAtReadEdge = options.disallowComplexIndelsAtReadEdge();
			MAX_REGION_LENGTH = options.getWindowSize();
			MIN_REGION_REMAINDER = options.getWindowOverlap();
			REGION_OVERLAP = options.getWindowOverlap();
			realigner.cl = cl.toString();
			realigner.version = version;
			long s = System.currentTimeMillis();
			realigner.reAlign(options.getInputFiles(), options.getOutputFiles());

			long e = System.currentTimeMillis();

			Logger.info("Elapsed seconds: " + (e - s) / 1000);
		} else {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//		String inp = "--in /home/lmose/dev/ayc/opt/mem/test_tumor.bam --kmer 43 --mc-mapq 25 --mcl 101 --mcr -1.0 --mnf 2 --umnf 2 --mpc 50000 --out /home/lmose/dev/ayc/opt/mem/test_tumor.abra.bam --ref /home/lmose/reference/test/test.fa --targets /home/lmose/dev/ayc/opt/mem/test.gtf --threads 2 --working /home/lmose/dev/ayc/opt/mem/work1 --mur 50000000 --no-unalign --mbq 20 --rcf .02";
		String inp = "--in /home/lmose/dev/ayc/opt/mem/test_tumor.bam --kmer 43 --out /home/lmose/dev/ayc/opt/mem/test_tumor.abra3.bam --ref /home/lmose/reference/test/test.fa --targets /home/lmose/dev/ayc/opt/mem/test2.bed --threads 2 --working /home/lmose/dev/ayc/opt/mem/work3";