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package umcg.genetica.text;

import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectOpenHashMap;

import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * @author harmjan
public class Strings {

    public static final Pattern tab = Pattern.compile("\t");
    public static final Pattern whitespace = Pattern.compile("\\s");
    public static final Pattern comma = Pattern.compile(",");
    public static final Pattern semicolon = Pattern.compile(";");
    public static final Pattern colon = Pattern.compile(":");
    public static final Pattern pipe = Pattern.compile("\\|");
    public static final Pattern forwardslash = Pattern.compile("/");
    public static final Pattern backwardslash = Pattern.compile("\\\\");
    public static final Pattern dot = Pattern.compile("\\.");
    public static final Pattern space = Pattern.compile(" ");
    public static final Pattern dash = Pattern.compile("-");
    public static final Pattern equalssign = Pattern.compile("=");

    public static String concat(String[] s, Pattern t) {
        String sepstr = t.toString();
        int len = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            if (s[i] != null) {
                len += s[i].length();
            } else {
                len += 4;
        len += ((s.length - 1) * sepstr.length());

        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(len);
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            if (i == 0) {
            } else {
        return output.toString();

    public static String concat(Object[] s, Pattern t) {
        String sepstr = t.toString();
        int len = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            if (s[i] != null) {
                len += s[i].toString().length();
            } else {
                len += 4;
        len += ((s.length - 1) * t.toString().length());

        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(len);
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            if (i == 0) {
            } else {
        return output.toString();

    public static String concat(double[] s, Pattern t) {
        String[] str = new String[s.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            str[i] = "" + s[i];
        return concat(str, t);

    public static String concat(double[] s, DecimalFormat f, Pattern t) {
        String[] str = new String[s.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            if (Double.isNaN(s[i])) {
                str[i] = "" + Double.NaN;
            } else {
                str[i] = "" + f.format(s[i]);

        return concat(str, t);

    public static String concat(float[] s, DecimalFormat f, Pattern t) {
        String[] str = new String[s.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            str[i] = "" + f.format(s[i]);
        return concat(str, t);

    public static String concat(int[] s, Pattern t) {
        String[] str = new String[s.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            str[i] = "" + s[i];
        return concat(str, t);

    public static String concat(List<String> s, Pattern t) {
        String[] data = s.toArray(new String[0]);
        return concat(data, t);

    public static String concat(String[] s, Pattern t, int start, int end) {
        String[] data = new String[end - start];
        for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
            data[i - start] = s[i];
        return concat(data, t);

    public static String[] split(String in) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int len = in.length();
        int i = 0;
        char c;
        while (i < len) {
            c = in.charAt(i);
            if (c == '\t' || i == len) {
                sb.delete(0, len - 1);
            } else {

        return list.toArray(new String[0]);

    public static String reverse(String str) {
        return new StringBuffer(str).reverse().toString();

    // split a string, and match against a certain other string
    public static int[] countOccurrences(String ln, Pattern tab, String match) {
        int totalElems = 0;
        int matchingElems = 0;
        Matcher m = tab.matcher(ln);
        int prevsta = 0;
        while (m.find()) {
            String substr = ln.substring(prevsta, m.start());
            if (match.equals(substr)) {
            prevsta = m.end();
        String substr = ln.substring(prevsta, ln.length());
        if (match.equals(substr)) {

        return new int[]{totalElems, matchingElems};

    public static String[] subsplit(String ln, Pattern pattern, boolean[] colsToInclude) {
        return subsplit(ln, pattern, 0, colsToInclude);

    public static String[] subsplit(String ln, Pattern pattern, int offset, boolean[] colsToInclude) {
        int nrCols = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < colsToInclude.length; c++) {
            if (colsToInclude[c]) {
        return subsplit(ln, pattern, offset, colsToInclude, nrCols);

    // split a string, but only return a part of the output
    public static String[] subsplit(String ln, Pattern pattern, int offset, boolean[] colsToInclude, int nrCols) {
        String[] output = new String[nrCols];
        Matcher m = pattern.matcher(ln);

        int ctr1 = 0;
        int ctr2 = 0;
        int prevsta = 0;

        while (m.find()) {
//			System.out.println(m.group() + "\t" + m.start() + "\t" + m.end() + "\t" + ln.substring(prevsta, m.start()));
            if (ctr1 >= offset && (ctr1 - offset) < colsToInclude.length && colsToInclude[ctr1 - offset]) {
                String substr = new String(ln.substring(prevsta, m.start()));
                output[ctr2] = substr;
//				System.out.println(ctr2 + "\t" + substr);


//			System.out.println(ctr1);
            prevsta = m.end();

//		System.out.println(ctr1 + "total");
        if (ctr1 >= offset && (ctr1 - offset) < colsToInclude.length && colsToInclude[ctr1 - offset] && prevsta < ln.length()) {
            // last element
            String substr = ln.substring(prevsta, ln.length());
            output[ctr2] = substr;
//			System.out.println("outer loop " + ctr2 + "\t" + substr);
//			output[output.length - 1] = new String(substr);
//		System.out.println("end ctr2: " + ctr2);
//		System.out.println(upperBound);
//		System.out.println("enc ctr1: " + ctr1);
        if (ctr2 == 0) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return output;


    // split a string, but only return a part of the output
    public static String[] subsplit(String ln, Pattern tab, int lowerBound, int upperBound) {

        String[] output = new String[upperBound - lowerBound];
        Matcher m = tab.matcher(ln);

        int ctr1 = 0;
        int ctr2 = 0;

        int prevsta = 0;

        while (m.find()) {
//			System.out.println(m.group() + "\t" + m.start() + "\t" + m.end() + "\t" + ln.substring(prevsta, m.start()));

            if (ctr1 >= lowerBound && ctr1 != upperBound) {
                String substr = ln.substring(prevsta, m.start());
//				System.out.println("inner loop " + ctr2 + "\t" + substr);
                output[ctr2] = substr;
            if (ctr1 >= upperBound) {
//				System.out.println("breaking");
//			System.out.println(ctr1);
            prevsta = m.end();

        if (ctr1 < upperBound && prevsta < ln.length()) {
            // last element
            String substr = ln.substring(prevsta, ln.length());
//			System.out.println("outer loop " + ctr2 + "\t" + substr);
            output[ctr2] = substr;
//		System.out.println("end ctr2: " + ctr2);
//		System.out.println(upperBound);
//		System.out.println("enc ctr1: " + ctr1);
        if (ctr2 == 0) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return output;


    public static int countSeparatorOccurrences(String permln, Pattern tab) {
        Matcher m = tab.matcher(permln);
        int ctr = 0;
        while (m.find()) {
        return ctr;

    private static Map<String, String> cache;

    public synchronized static String cache(String s) {
        if (cache == null) {
            cache = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(1000000);
        String output = cache.get(s);
        if (output == null) {

            cache.put(s, s);
            return s;

        } else {
            return output;

    public static String concat(float[] s, Pattern t) {
        String[] str = new String[s.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            str[i] = "" + s[i];
        return concat(str, t);


    public static String concat(String[] elems, boolean[] includeelem, Pattern tab) {

        return concat(elems, tab, includeelem, null);
    public static String concat(String[] s, Pattern t, boolean[] includeElem, String replaceNull) {

        if (s == null) {
            return null;
        } else if (s.length == 0) {
            return "";

        int approximateFinalStrLen = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            if (includeElem != null && includeElem[i]) {
                approximateFinalStrLen += s[i].length();
        approximateFinalStrLen += s.length;

        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(approximateFinalStrLen);
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            if (includeElem == null || includeElem[i]) {
                if (s[i] == null) {
                    s[i] = replaceNull;
                if (i == 0) {
                } else {
        return output.toString();