// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.chrome.browser.webapps;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;

import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.blink_public.platform.WebDisplayMode;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ShortcutHelper;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.util.IntentUtils;
import org.chromium.content_public.common.ScreenOrientationValues;
import org.chromium.webapk.lib.common.WebApkConstants;
import org.chromium.webapk.lib.common.WebApkMetaDataKeys;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * Stores info for WebAPK.
public class WebApkInfo extends WebappInfo {
    private static final String TAG = "WebApkInfo";

    private boolean mForceNavigation;
    private String mWebApkPackageName;
    private int mShellApkVersion;
    private String mManifestUrl;
    private String mManifestStartUrl;
    private Map<String, String> mIconUrlToMurmur2HashMap;

    public static WebApkInfo createEmpty() {
        return new WebApkInfo();

     * Constructs a WebApkInfo from the passed in Intent and <meta-data> in the WebAPK's Android
     * manifest.
     * @param intent Intent containing info about the app.
    public static WebApkInfo create(Intent intent) {
        String webApkPackageName =
                IntentUtils.safeGetStringExtra(intent, WebApkConstants.EXTRA_WEBAPK_PACKAGE_NAME);
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(webApkPackageName)) {
            return null;

        String url = urlFromIntent(intent);
        int source = sourceFromIntent(intent);

        // Force navigation if the extra is not specified to avoid breaking deep linking for old
        // WebAPKs which don't specify the {@link WebApkConstants#EXTRA_WEBAPK_FORCE_NAVIGATION}
        // intent extra.
        boolean forceNavigation = IntentUtils.safeGetBooleanExtra(
                intent, WebApkConstants.EXTRA_WEBAPK_FORCE_NAVIGATION, true);

        return create(webApkPackageName, url, source, forceNavigation);

     * Constructs a WebApkInfo from the passed in parameters and <meta-data> in the WebAPK's Android
     * manifest.
     * @param webApkPackageName The package name of the WebAPK.
     * @param url Url that the WebAPK should navigate to when launched.
     * @param source Source that the WebAPK was launched from.
     * @param forceNavigation Whether the WebAPK should navigate to {@link url} if it is already
     *     running.
    public static WebApkInfo create(
            String webApkPackageName, String url, int source, boolean forceNavigation) {
        // Unlike non-WebAPK web apps, WebAPK ids are predictable. A malicious actor may send an
        // intent with a valid start URL and arbitrary other data. Only use the start URL, the
        // package name and the ShortcutSource from the launch intent and extract the remaining data
        // from the <meta-data> in the WebAPK's Android manifest.

        Bundle bundle = extractWebApkMetaData(webApkPackageName);
        if (bundle == null) {
            return null;

        String name = IntentUtils.safeGetString(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.NAME);
        String shortName = IntentUtils.safeGetString(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.SHORT_NAME);
        String scope = IntentUtils.safeGetString(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.SCOPE);

        int displayMode = displayModeFromString(
                IntentUtils.safeGetString(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.DISPLAY_MODE));
        int orientation = orientationFromString(
                IntentUtils.safeGetString(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.ORIENTATION));
        long themeColor = getLongFromMetaData(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.THEME_COLOR,
        long backgroundColor = getLongFromMetaData(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.BACKGROUND_COLOR,

        int shellApkVersion =
                IntentUtils.safeGetInt(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.SHELL_APK_VERSION, 0);

        String manifestUrl = IntentUtils.safeGetString(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.WEB_MANIFEST_URL);
        String manifestStartUrl = IntentUtils.safeGetString(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.START_URL);
        Map<String, String> iconUrlToMurmur2HashMap = getIconUrlAndIconMurmur2HashMap(bundle);

        int iconId = IntentUtils.safeGetInt(bundle, WebApkMetaDataKeys.ICON_ID, 0);
        Bitmap icon = decodeImageResource(webApkPackageName, iconId);

        return create(WebApkConstants.WEBAPK_ID_PREFIX + webApkPackageName, url, forceNavigation,
                scope, new Icon(icon), name, shortName, displayMode, orientation, source,
                themeColor, backgroundColor, webApkPackageName, shellApkVersion, manifestUrl,
                manifestStartUrl, iconUrlToMurmur2HashMap);

     * Construct a {@link WebApkInfo} instance.
     * @param id                      ID for the WebAPK.
     * @param url                     URL that the WebAPK should navigate to when launched.
     * @param forceNavigation         Whether the WebAPK should navigate to {@link url} if the
     *                                WebAPK is already open.
     * @param scope                   Scope for the WebAPK.
     * @param icon                    Icon to show for the WebAPK.
     * @param name                    Name of the WebAPK.
     * @param shortName               The short name of the WebAPK.
     * @param displayMode             Display mode of the WebAPK.
     * @param orientation             Orientation of the WebAPK.
     * @param source                  Source that the WebAPK was launched from.
     * @param themeColor              The theme color of the WebAPK.
     * @param backgroundColor         The background color of the WebAPK.
     * @param webApkPackageName       The package of the WebAPK.
     * @param shellApkVersion         Version of the code in //chrome/android/webapk/shell_apk.
     * @param manifestUrl             URL of the Web Manifest.
     * @param manifestStartUrl        URL that the WebAPK should navigate to when launched from the
     *                                homescreen. Different from the {@link url} parameter if the
     *                                WebAPK is launched from a deep link.
     * @param iconUrlToMurmur2HashMap Map of the WebAPK's icon URLs to Murmur2 hashes of the
     *                                icon untransformed bytes.
    public static WebApkInfo create(String id, String url, boolean forceNavigation, String scope,
            Icon icon, String name, String shortName, int displayMode, int orientation, int source,
            long themeColor, long backgroundColor, String webApkPackageName, int shellApkVersion,
            String manifestUrl, String manifestStartUrl,
            Map<String, String> iconUrlToMurmur2HashMap) {
        if (id == null || url == null || manifestStartUrl == null || webApkPackageName == null) {
                    "Incomplete data provided: " + id + ", " + url + ", " + manifestStartUrl + ", "
                            + webApkPackageName);
            return null;

        // The default scope should be computed from the Web Manifest start URL. If the WebAPK was
        // launched from a deep link {@link startUrl} may be different from the Web Manifest start
        // URL.
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(scope)) {
            scope = ShortcutHelper.getScopeFromUrl(manifestStartUrl);

        return new WebApkInfo(id, url, forceNavigation, scope, icon, name, shortName, displayMode,
                orientation, source, themeColor, backgroundColor, webApkPackageName,
                shellApkVersion, manifestUrl, manifestStartUrl, iconUrlToMurmur2HashMap);

    protected WebApkInfo(String id, String url, boolean forceNavigation, String scope, Icon icon,
            String name, String shortName, int displayMode, int orientation, int source,
            long themeColor, long backgroundColor, String webApkPackageName, int shellApkVersion,
            String manifestUrl, String manifestStartUrl,
            Map<String, String> iconUrlToMurmur2HashMap) {
        super(id, url, scope, icon, name, shortName, displayMode, orientation, source, themeColor,
                backgroundColor, false);
        mForceNavigation = forceNavigation;
        mWebApkPackageName = webApkPackageName;
        mShellApkVersion = shellApkVersion;
        mManifestUrl = manifestUrl;
        mManifestStartUrl = manifestStartUrl;
        mIconUrlToMurmur2HashMap = iconUrlToMurmur2HashMap;

    protected WebApkInfo() {}

    public boolean shouldForceNavigation() {
        return mForceNavigation;

    public String webApkPackageName() {
        return mWebApkPackageName;

    public int shellApkVersion() {
        return mShellApkVersion;

    public String manifestUrl() {
        return mManifestUrl;

    public String manifestStartUrl() {
        return mManifestStartUrl;

    public Map<String, String> iconUrlToMurmur2HashMap() {
        return mIconUrlToMurmur2HashMap;

    public void setWebappIntentExtras(Intent intent) {
        // For launching a {@link WebApkActivity}.
        intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_URL, uri().toString());
        intent.putExtra(ShortcutHelper.EXTRA_SOURCE, source());
        intent.putExtra(WebApkConstants.EXTRA_WEBAPK_PACKAGE_NAME, webApkPackageName());
        intent.putExtra(WebApkConstants.EXTRA_WEBAPK_FORCE_NAVIGATION, mForceNavigation);

     * Extracts meta data from a WebAPK's Android Manifest.
     * @param webApkPackageName WebAPK's package name.
     * @return Bundle with the extracted meta data.
    private static Bundle extractWebApkMetaData(String webApkPackageName) {
        PackageManager packageManager = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext().getPackageManager();
        try {
            ApplicationInfo appInfo = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(
                    webApkPackageName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
            return appInfo.metaData;
        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
            return null;

    /** Decodes bitmap from WebAPK's resources. */
    private static Bitmap decodeImageResource(String webApkPackageName, int resourceId) {
        PackageManager packageManager = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext().getPackageManager();
        try {
            Resources resources = packageManager.getResourcesForApplication(webApkPackageName);
            return BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, resourceId);
        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
            return null;

     * Extracts long value from the WebAPK's meta data.
     * @param metaData WebAPK meta data to extract the long from.
     * @param name Name of the <meta-data> tag to extract the value from.
     * @param defaultValue Value to return if long value could not be extracted.
     * @return long value.
    private static long getLongFromMetaData(Bundle metaData, String name, long defaultValue) {
        String value = metaData.getString(name);

        // The value should be terminated with 'L' to force the value to be a string. According to
        // https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element.html numeric
        // meta data values can only be retrieved via {@link Bundle#getInt()} and
        // {@link Bundle#getFloat()}. We cannot use {@link Bundle#getFloat()} due to loss of
        // precision.
        if (value == null || !value.endsWith("L")) {
            return defaultValue;
        try {
            return Long.parseLong(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        return defaultValue;

     * Extract the icon URLs and icon hashes from the WebAPK's meta data, and returns a map of these
     * {URL, hash} pairs. The icon URLs/icon hashes are stored in a single meta data tag in the
     * WebAPK's AndroidManifest.xml as following:
     * "URL1 hash1 URL2 hash2 URL3 hash3..."
    private static Map<String, String> getIconUrlAndIconMurmur2HashMap(Bundle metaData) {
        Map<String, String> iconUrlAndIconMurmur2HashMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        String iconUrlsAndIconMurmur2Hashes = metaData.getString(
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(iconUrlsAndIconMurmur2Hashes)) {
            // Open old WebAPKs which support single icon only.
            // TODO(hanxi): crbug.com/665549. Clean up the following code after all the old WebAPKs
            // are updated.
            String iconUrl = metaData.getString(WebApkMetaDataKeys.ICON_URL);
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(iconUrl)) {
                return iconUrlAndIconMurmur2HashMap;
            iconUrlAndIconMurmur2HashMap.put(iconUrl, getIconMurmur2HashFromMetaData(metaData));
            return iconUrlAndIconMurmur2HashMap;

        // Parse the metadata tag which contains "URL1 hash1 URL2 hash2 URL3 hash3..." pairs and
        // create a hash map.
        // TODO(hanxi): crbug.com/666349. Add a test to verify that the icon URLs in WebAPKs'
        // AndroidManifest.xml don't contain space.
        String[] urlsAndHashes = iconUrlsAndIconMurmur2Hashes.split("[ ]+");
        if (urlsAndHashes.length % 2 != 0) {
            Log.e(TAG, "The icon URLs and icon murmur2 hashes don't come in pairs.");
            return iconUrlAndIconMurmur2HashMap;
        for (int i = 0; i < urlsAndHashes.length; i += 2) {
            iconUrlAndIconMurmur2HashMap.put(urlsAndHashes[i], urlsAndHashes[i + 1]);
        return iconUrlAndIconMurmur2HashMap;

     * Extracts icon murmur2 hash from the WebAPK's meta data. Return value is a string because the
     * hash can take values up to 2^64-1 which is greater than {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}.
     * Note: keep this function for supporting old WebAPKs which have single icon only.
     * @param metaData WebAPK meta data to extract the hash from.
     * @return The hash. An empty string if the hash could not be extracted.
    private static String getIconMurmur2HashFromMetaData(Bundle metaData) {
        String value = metaData.getString(WebApkMetaDataKeys.ICON_MURMUR2_HASH);

        // The value should be terminated with 'L' to force the value to be a string.
        if (value == null || !value.endsWith("L")) {
            return "";
        return value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);

     * Returns the WebDisplayMode which matches {@link displayMode}.
     * @param displayMode One of https://www.w3.org/TR/appmanifest/#dfn-display-modes-values
     * @return The matching WebDisplayMode. {@link WebDisplayMode#Undefined} if there is no match.
    private static int displayModeFromString(String displayMode) {
        if (displayMode == null) {
            return WebDisplayMode.UNDEFINED;

        if (displayMode.equals("fullscreen")) {
            return WebDisplayMode.FULLSCREEN;
        } else if (displayMode.equals("standalone")) {
            return WebDisplayMode.STANDALONE;
        } else if (displayMode.equals("minimal-ui")) {
            return WebDisplayMode.MINIMAL_UI;
        } else if (displayMode.equals("browser")) {
            return WebDisplayMode.BROWSER;
        } else {
            return WebDisplayMode.UNDEFINED;

     * Returns the ScreenOrientationValue which matches {@link orientation}.
     * @param orientation One of https://w3c.github.io/screen-orientation/#orientationlocktype-enum
     * @return The matching ScreenOrientationValue. {@link ScreenOrientationValues#DEFAULT} if there
     * is no match.
    private static int orientationFromString(String orientation) {
        if (orientation == null) {
            return ScreenOrientationValues.DEFAULT;

        if (orientation.equals("any")) {
            return ScreenOrientationValues.ANY;
        } else if (orientation.equals("natural")) {
            return ScreenOrientationValues.NATURAL;
        } else if (orientation.equals("landscape")) {
            return ScreenOrientationValues.LANDSCAPE;
        } else if (orientation.equals("landscape-primary")) {
            return ScreenOrientationValues.LANDSCAPE_PRIMARY;
        } else if (orientation.equals("landscape-secondary")) {
            return ScreenOrientationValues.LANDSCAPE_SECONDARY;
        } else if (orientation.equals("portrait")) {
            return ScreenOrientationValues.PORTRAIT;
        } else if (orientation.equals("portrait-primary")) {
            return ScreenOrientationValues.PORTRAIT_PRIMARY;
        } else if (orientation.equals("portrait-secondary")) {
            return ScreenOrientationValues.PORTRAIT_SECONDARY;
        } else {
            return ScreenOrientationValues.DEFAULT;