package tudo.streamingrec.algorithms;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2DoubleOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import tudo.streamingrec.util.Util;

 * Counts the co-occurrences for two item clicks in one session.
 * @author Mozhgan
public class FastSessionCoOccurrence extends Algorithm {
	//a map of co-occurrences between item ids. the key type is string to be more general
	protected Map<String, Object2IntOpenHashMap<String>> coOcurrenceMap = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
	//should the whole current sessions be considered or just the current item
	protected boolean wholeSession = false;
	//should we only count co-occurrences in the last N clicks?
	protected boolean buffer = false;
	//how large should the click buffer be?
	protected int bufferSize = 10000;
	//the buffer of co-occurrences from the last N clicks
	protected LinkedList<AbstractMap.Entry<String, String>> ringBuffer = new LinkedList<>();

	protected void trainInternal(List<Item> items, List<ClickData> clickData) {
		// for all transactions, update the co-occurrence map
		for (ClickData c : clickData) {

	public LongArrayList recommendInternal(ClickData clickData) {
		//create a list of scores for each item, which is the sum of all co-occurrence counts
		Map<String, Double> combineWeights = new Object2DoubleOpenHashMap<String>();
		//depending on if we are supposed to use the whole session or not,
		//this for loop only does one iteration on the last element or it iterates over
		//all click in the current user sesssion
		for (int i = wholeSession?0:(clickData.session.size() - 1); i < clickData.session.size(); i++) {
			Transaction click = clickData.session.get(i);
			// if the inner map is empty, we cannot recommend anything
			if (!coOcurrenceMap.containsKey(getCoOccurrenceKey(click))) {
			// get the inner map of items that this item has co-occurred with
			Map<String, Integer> m = coOcurrenceMap.get(getCoOccurrenceKey(click));
			for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : m.entrySet()) {
				// sum up the co-occurrence weights for each item
				Double currVal = combineWeights.get(entry.getKey());
				if(currVal == null){
					currVal = 0d;
				combineWeights.put(entry.getKey(), currVal + entry.getValue());

		// sort the weighted sums
		Map<String, Double> sortedKeys = Util.sortByValue(combineWeights, false);
		return generateResultList(sortedKeys, clickData);		

	 * Generate a result list from a map of summed up co-occurence counts.
	 * In this case, we are just parsing the string back to a long (item id).
	 * In future implementations, this method can be overridden and do more intersting stuff.
	 * @param sortedKeys -
	 * @param clickData -
	 * @return a sorted recommendation list
	protected LongArrayList generateResultList(Map<String, Double> sortedKeys, ClickData clickData) {
		// remap all item ids back to the actual Item objects
		LongArrayList sortedItems = new LongArrayList();
		for (String itemId : sortedKeys.keySet()) {
		return sortedItems;

	 * Updates the co-occurrence map based on the current click of the user
	 * @param session  -
	protected void updateMap(List<Transaction> session) {
		for (int i = 0; i < session.size() - 1; i++) {
			if (getCoOccurrenceKey(session.get(i)) == getCoOccurrenceKey(session.get(session.size()-1))) {
				// ignore co-occurrences of items with themselves
			// we add one entry to the map with the "correct" order (time-based)
			addTuple(session.get(i), session.get(session.size()-1));
			// map with opposite order
			addTuple(session.get(session.size()-1), session.get(i));
		//if we are supposed to only look at the last N clicks,
		//this part of the method checks the buffer and cleans out old clicks.
				//adjust map
				Entry<String, String> first = ringBuffer.poll();
				Object2IntOpenHashMap<String> map = coOcurrenceMap.get(first.getKey());
				map.addTo(first.getValue(), -1);
				map.remove(first.getValue(), 0);//remove if 0

	 * Adds one co-occurrence tuple to the map
	 * @param a A transaction
	 * @param b Another transaction that the first one occurred with in one session
	private void addTuple(Transaction a, Transaction b) {
		String keyA = getCoOccurrenceKey(a);
		String keyB = getCoOccurrenceKey(b);
			ringBuffer.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>(keyA, keyB));
		// check if the inner map exists
		if (!coOcurrenceMap.containsKey(keyA)) {
			coOcurrenceMap.put(keyA, new Object2IntOpenHashMap<String>());
		Object2IntOpenHashMap<String> map = coOcurrenceMap.get(keyA);
		// check if the item in the inner map exists
		map.addTo(keyB, 1);
	protected String getCoOccurrenceKey(Transaction t) {
		return "" +;

	 * Consider the whole current session or just the current click
	 * @param wholeSession -
	public void setWholeSession(boolean wholeSession) {
		this.wholeSession = wholeSession;

	 * Should we only look at the N most recent co-occurrences?
	 * @param buffer -
	void setBuffer(boolean buffer) {
		this.buffer = buffer;

	 * Should we only look at the N most recent co-occurrences?
	 * If so, this method sets how many.
	 * @param bufferSize -
	void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
		this.bufferSize = bufferSize;