// -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; -*-
// Copyright 2009-2011 Google, All Rights reserved
// Copyright 2011-2017 MIT, All rights reserved
// Released under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

package com.google.appinventor.client.editor.simple.components;

import com.google.appinventor.client.editor.simple.SimpleEditor;
import com.google.appinventor.client.editor.simple.palette.SimplePaletteItem;
import com.google.appinventor.client.widgets.dnd.DragSource;
import com.google.appinventor.client.widgets.dnd.DropTarget;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.ImageResource;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.AbsolutePanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.TreeItem;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Abstract superclass for all container mock components.
 * @author [email protected] (Liz Looney)
public abstract class MockContainer extends MockVisibleComponent implements DropTarget {

  protected final MockLayout layout;

  // List of components within the container
  protected final List<MockComponent> children;

   * Directly contains the widgets corresponding to children MockComponents.
   * <p>
   * This should not be modified directly by implementations;
   * use {@link #addComponent} and {@link #removeComponent} to make
   * modifications.
   * <p>
   * This is a GWT absolute panel so that the {@link MockLayout} associated
   * with this container can freely position and size children widgets as desired.
  protected final AbsolutePanel rootPanel;

   * Creates a new component container.
   * <p>
   * Implementations are responsible for constructing their own visual appearance
   * and calling {@link #initWidget(com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget)}.
   * This appearance should include {@link #rootPanel} so that children
   * components are displayed correctly.
   * @param editor  editor of source file the component belongs to
  MockContainer(SimpleEditor editor, String type, ImageResource icon,
      MockLayout layout) {
    super(editor, type, icon);

    this.layout = layout;

    children = new ArrayList<MockComponent>();
    rootPanel = new AbsolutePanel();

  public List<MockComponent> getChildren() {
    return children;

  public int getPreferredWidth() {
    return layout.getLayoutWidth();

  public int getPreferredHeight() {
    return layout.getLayoutHeight();

   * Returns the layout used by this container to position its components.
  public final MockLayout getLayout() {
    return layout;

  protected TreeItem buildTree() {
    TreeItem itemNode = super.buildTree();

    // Recursively build the tree for child components
    for (MockComponent child : children) {


    return itemNode;

  public void collectTypesAndIcons(Map<String, String> typesAndIcons) {
    for (MockComponent child : children) {

   * Adds a new component to the end of this container.
   * @param component  component to be added
  public final void addComponent(MockComponent component) {
    addComponent(component, -1);

   * Adds a new visible component to the container at the specified visible-index.
   * @param component  visible component to be added
   * @param beforeVisibleIndex  visible-index at which the inserted component will appear,
   *                            or {@code -1} to insert the component at the end
  public final void addVisibleComponent(MockComponent component, int beforeVisibleIndex) {
    List<MockComponent> visibleChildren = getShowingVisibleChildren();

    int beforeActualIndex;
    if ((beforeVisibleIndex == -1) || (beforeVisibleIndex == visibleChildren.size())) {
      // Insert after last visible component
      if (visibleChildren.size() == 0) {
        beforeActualIndex = 0;
      } else {
        beforeActualIndex = getChildren().indexOf(
            /* lastVisibleChild */ visibleChildren.get(visibleChildren.size() - 1)) + 1;
    } else {
      // Insert before the specified visible component
      beforeActualIndex = getChildren().indexOf(visibleChildren.get(beforeVisibleIndex));

    addComponent(component, beforeActualIndex);

   * Adds a new component to the container at the specified index.
   * @param component  component to be added
   * @param beforeIndex  index at which the inserted component will reside in the children,
   *                     or {@code -1} to insert the component at the end
  private void addComponent(MockComponent component, int beforeIndex) {
    // Set the container to be the parent of the component

    // Add the component as a child component of the container
    if (beforeIndex == -1) {
    } else {
      children.add(beforeIndex, component);

    // Components with a visible representation require a re-layout of the container
    // (note that non-visible components will only be added to the editor's non-visible components
    // panel)
    if (component.isVisibleComponent()) {
      // NOTE: The order of widgets in the root panel does not necessarily
      //       match the order of their associated children of this container


   * Removes a component from the container (assumes that component is a child
   * component of the container).  If the component itself contains other
   * components, we first ask for confirmation.
   * @param component  component to be removed
   * @param permanentlyDeleted true if the component is being permanently
   *        deleted, false if the component is being moved from one container
   *        to another container
  public void removeComponent(MockComponent component, boolean permanentlyDeleted) {
    // Remove the component from the list of child components

    // Removal of components with a visible representation requires a re-layout of the container
    if (component.isVisibleComponent()) {
      if (permanentlyDeleted) {
    } else {

    getForm().fireComponentRemoved(component, permanentlyDeleted);

   * Returns the GWT root panel that displays the children of this container.
   * <p>
   * This method should only be called by layout managers.
  final AbsolutePanel getRootPanel() {
    return rootPanel;

   * Sets the size and position of the child component within the container.
   * Sizes and positions are given in pixels.
   * <p>
   * This method should only be called by layout managers.
   * @param child  component to be sized and positioned
   * @param childLayoutInfo the layout info for the child
   * @param x  new relative x coordinate for the component
   * @param y  new relative y coordinate for the component
  final void setChildSizeAndPosition(MockComponent child, LayoutInfo childLayoutInfo,
      int x, int y) {
    child.setPixelSize(childLayoutInfo.width, childLayoutInfo.height);
    // Note that the actual size of the child will be larger than childLayoutInfo.width X
    // childLayoutInfo.height because the actual size will include the CSS border.
    rootPanel.setWidgetPosition(child, x, y);

  // DropTarget implementation

  public final Widget getDropTargetWidget() {
    return getRootPanel();

   * Indicates whether a component from the given source can be placed in
   * this container.
   * @param source
   * @return true if the component is acceptable, false otherwise
  protected boolean acceptableSource(DragSource source) {
    MockComponent component = null;
    if (source instanceof MockComponent) {
      component = (MockComponent) source;
    } else if (source instanceof SimplePaletteItem) {
      component = (MockComponent) source.getDragWidget();
    if (component instanceof MockVisibleComponent) {
      // Sprites are only allowed on Canvas, not other containers.
      // Map features are only allowed on Map, not other containers.
      if (!(component instanceof MockSprite) && !(component instanceof MockMapFeature)) {
        return true;
    return false;

  // TODO(user): Draw a colored border around the edges of the container
  //                    area while an eligible component is hovering over it.
  public final boolean onDragEnter(DragSource source, int x, int y) {
    boolean accept = acceptableSource(source);
    if (accept) {
      layout.onDragEnter(x, y);
    return accept;

  public final void onDragContinue(DragSource source, int x, int y) {
    layout.onDragContinue(x, y);

  public final void onDragLeave(DragSource source) {

  public final void onDrop(DragSource source, int x, int y, int offsetX, int offsetY) {

    MockComponent sourceComponent;
    if (source instanceof MockComponent) {
      // preexisting component already elsewhere in the form
      sourceComponent = (MockComponent) source;
    } else if (source instanceof SimplePaletteItem) {
      // new component generated by a palette item
      sourceComponent = ((SimplePaletteItem) source).createMockComponent();
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    if (layout.onDrop(sourceComponent, x, y, offsetX, offsetY)) {

  public List<DropTarget> getDropTargetsWithin() {
    ArrayList<DropTarget> targets = new ArrayList<DropTarget>();
    for (MockComponent child : children) {
      if (child instanceof MockContainer) {
        targets.addAll(((MockContainer) child).getDropTargetsWithin());
    return targets;

  public void delete() {
    // Traverse list backwards to make removal easier
    for (int i = children.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
      MockComponent child = children.get(i);

      // Manually delete child component to ensure that it is
      // completely removed from the Designer.


  LayoutInfo createLayoutInfo(Map<MockComponent, LayoutInfo> layoutInfoMap) {
    return layout.createContainerLayoutInfo(layoutInfoMap);