 * This software is released as part of the Pumpernickel project.
 * All com.pump resources in the Pumpernickel project are distributed under the
 * MIT License:
 * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mickleness/pumpernickel/master/License.txt
 * More information about the Pumpernickel project is available here:
 * https://mickleness.github.io/pumpernickel/
package com.pump.plaf;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JSpinner;
import javax.swing.SpinnerModel;
import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputListener;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSpinnerUI;

 * This is the abstract parent class for JSpinners intended to navigate a
 * collection of objects/properties.
 * <p>
 * The following code will automatically format your panel to include a label
 * that reads "Page 5 of 10" or "Image 1 of 2", etc:
 * <pre>
 * mySpinner.putClientProperty(NavigationPanelUI.PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR,
 * 		new NumberSpinnerDescriptor(mySpinner, &quot;Page&quot;));
 * </pre>
public abstract class NavigationPanelUI extends BasicSpinnerUI {

	 * This maps to a Callable&lt;String&gt; used to describe this spinner in a
	 * label.
	public static final String PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR = "NavigationPanelUI.descriptor";

	 * This maps to a Boolean indicating whether the user should be able to drag
	 * this spinner around.
	public static final String PROPERTY_DRAGGABLE = "NavigationPanelUI.draggable";

	protected static final String PROPERTY_LABEL_CHANGE_LISTENER = "NavigationPanelUI.labelChangeListener";
	protected static final String EDITOR_NAME = "Spinner.editor";
	protected static final String LABEL_NAME = "Spinner.label";
	protected static final String NEXT_BUTTON_NAME = "Spinner.nextButton";
	protected static final String PREV_BUTTON_NAME = "Spinner.previousButton";

	 * Translate a panel with the mouse drag.
	MouseInputListener dragListener = new MouseInputAdapter() {
		Point lastPoint;

		public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
			if (isDraggable(spinner))
				lastPoint = e.getPoint();

		public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
			lastPoint = null;

		public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
			if (lastPoint != null) {
				Point currentPoint = e.getPoint();
				Rectangle r = spinner.getBounds();
				int dx = currentPoint.x - lastPoint.x;
				int dy = currentPoint.y - lastPoint.y;
				r.x += dx;
				r.y += dy;

				lastPoint = currentPoint;
				lastPoint.x -= dx;
				lastPoint.y -= dy;


	protected static class UpdateLabelListener implements ChangeListener,
			PropertyChangeListener {
		protected JSpinner spinner;
		protected JLabel label;

		UpdateLabelListener(JSpinner spinner, JLabel label) {
			this.spinner = spinner;
			this.label = label;

		public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {

		void refreshLabel() {
			if (spinner.getUI() instanceof NavigationPanelUI) {
				((NavigationPanelUI) spinner.getUI()).refreshLabel(spinner,
			} else {
				refreshLabelDefault(spinner, label);

		public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
			if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("model")) {

	 * This is used to describe a spinner's value.
	 * <p>
	 * This default implementation just converts a spinner's value to a String
	 * (or converts a null value to an empty String).
	public static class SpinnerDescriptor implements Callable<String> {
		private JSpinner spinner;
		private SpinnerModel model;

		 * Create a new SpinnerDescriptor.
		 * @param spinner
		 *            the spinner this applies to.
		public SpinnerDescriptor(JSpinner spinner) {
			if (spinner == null)
				throw new NullPointerException();
			this.spinner = spinner;

		 * Create a new DefaultDescriptor.
		 * @param model
		 *            the model to consult.
		public SpinnerDescriptor(SpinnerModel model) {
			if (model == null)
				throw new NullPointerException();
			this.model = model;

		protected SpinnerModel getModel() {
			if (model != null) {
				return model;
			return spinner.getModel();

		public String call() {
			Object value = getModel().getValue();
			return value == null ? "" : value.toString();

	 * This describes SpinnerNumberModels. Here we have a min and a max, so we
	 * can say something like: "Page 5 of 10". To do this you'll have to specify
	 * the word "Page" during construction.
	 * <p>
	 * However if we just have a generic SpinnerModel: then there's no telling
	 * where the min/max is. In that case this just converts the spinner's
	 * current value to a String.
	public static class NumberSpinnerDescriptor extends SpinnerDescriptor {
		protected String word;
		protected int incr;

		 * Create a new NumberSpinnerDescriptor.
		 * @param spinner
		 *            the spinner this applies to.
		 * @param word
		 *            in the expression "Page 5 of 10" this argument is "Page"
		public NumberSpinnerDescriptor(JSpinner spinner, String word) {
			this(spinner, word, 0);

		 * Create a new DefaultDescriptor.
		 * @param numberModel
		 *            the number model to consult.
		 * @param word
		 *            in the expression "Page 5 of 10" this argument is "Page"
		public NumberSpinnerDescriptor(SpinnerNumberModel numberModel,
				String word) {
			this(numberModel, word, 0);

		 * Create a new DefaultDescriptor.
		 * @param spinner
		 *            the spinner this applies to.
		 * @param word
		 *            in the expression "Page 5 of 10" this argument is "Page"
		 * @param incr
		 *            an optional amount to increment spinner values by. For
		 *            example if a model ranges from [0, 99] and this value is
		 *            1, then the text will present this model as ranging from
		 *            [1,100]
		public NumberSpinnerDescriptor(JSpinner spinner, String word, int incr) {
			this.word = word;
			this.incr = incr;

		 * Create a new DefaultDescriptor.
		 * @param numberModel
		 *            the number model to consult.
		 * @param word
		 *            in the expression "Page 5 of 10" this argument is "Page"
		 * @param incr
		 *            an optional amount to increment spinner values by. For
		 *            example if a model ranges from [0, 99] and this value is
		 *            1, then the text will present this model as ranging from
		 *            [1,100]
		public NumberSpinnerDescriptor(SpinnerNumberModel numberModel,
				String word, int incr) {
			if (word == null)
				throw new NullPointerException();
			this.word = word;
			this.incr = incr;

		public String call() {
			SpinnerNumberModel numberModel = (SpinnerNumberModel) getModel();
			Number max = (Number) numberModel.getMaximum();
			if (incr != 0) {
				return word + " " + add(numberModel.getNumber(), incr) + " of "
						+ add(max, incr);
			return word + " " + (numberModel.getValue()) + " of " + max;

		private static Number add(Number value, int incr) {
			if (value instanceof Integer) {
				return Integer.valueOf(value.intValue() + incr);
			return Double.valueOf(value.doubleValue() + incr);

	protected JLabel createLabel() {
		JLabel editor = new JLabel("");
		return editor;

	protected boolean isDraggable(JSpinner spinner) {
		Boolean b = (Boolean) spinner.getClientProperty(PROPERTY_DRAGGABLE);
		if (b == null)
			return false;
		return b.booleanValue();

	 * Refresh a label to describe the contents of a spinner. The consults the
	 * {@link #PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR} client property for the spinner, and if it
	 * is defined then it is used to format the label text. If that property is
	 * not defined, then the label is basically set to
	 * spinner.getValue().toString().
	 * @param spinner
	 *            the spinner to consult.
	 * @param label
	 *            the label to update.
	public void refreshLabel(JSpinner spinner, JLabel label) {
		if (label == null)

		Callable<String> callable = (Callable<String>) spinner
		if (callable == null) {
			refreshLabelDefault(spinner, label);
		} else {
			try {
				String text = callable.call();
			} catch (Exception e) {

	private static void refreshLabelDefault(JSpinner spinner, JLabel label) {
		Object value = spinner.getModel().getValue();
		if (value == null) {
			value = "";

	protected JLabel label;

	private ChangeListener valueListener = new ChangeListener() {
		public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
			SpinnerModel model = spinner.getModel();
					model.getPreviousValue() != null,
					model.getNextValue() != null);

	protected void updateEnabledState(boolean isSpinnerEnabled,
			boolean hasPreviousValue, boolean hasNextValue) {
		getComponent(spinner, NEXT_BUTTON_NAME).setEnabled(
				isSpinnerEnabled && hasNextValue);
		getComponent(spinner, PREV_BUTTON_NAME).setEnabled(
				isSpinnerEnabled && hasPreviousValue);

	public void uninstallUI(JComponent c) {
		UpdateLabelListener changeListener = (UpdateLabelListener) c
		((JSpinner) c).removeChangeListener(changeListener);
		((JSpinner) c).removePropertyChangeListener(changeListener);
		c.putClientProperty(PROPERTY_LABEL_CHANGE_LISTENER, null);

	protected static Component getComponent(Container parent,
			String componentName) {
		for (int a = 0; a < parent.getComponentCount(); a++) {
			if (parent.getComponent(a).getName().equals(componentName)) {
				return parent.getComponent(a);
		return null;

	public JLabel getLabel() {
		return label;

	public void installUI(JComponent c) {

		label = createLabel();
		maybeAdd(label, "Label");
		UpdateLabelListener changeListener = new UpdateLabelListener(
				(JSpinner) c, label);
		c.putClientProperty(PROPERTY_LABEL_CHANGE_LISTENER, changeListener);
		((JSpinner) c).addChangeListener(changeListener);
		((JSpinner) c).addPropertyChangeListener(changeListener);

	public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
		return new LargeNavigationPanelUI();

	 * If a component is non-null, then add it to this Spinner.
	 * @param componentToAdd
	 *            the component to add
	 * @param constraintName
	 *            the name of the constraint this component is added with.
	protected void maybeAdd(Component componentToAdd, String constraintName) {
		if (componentToAdd != null) {
			spinner.add(componentToAdd, constraintName);

	 * Suspend all listeners, then adjust the value max, then resume all
	 * listeners and fire them exactly once.
	 * @param spinner
	 * @param newValue
	 * @param newMax
	public static void setValue(JSpinner spinner, int newValue, int newMax) {
		if (newValue > newMax)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(newValue + ">" + newMax);
		SpinnerNumberModel model = (SpinnerNumberModel) spinner.getModel();

		ChangeListener[] listeners = spinner.getListeners(ChangeListener.class);
		try {
			for (ChangeListener l : listeners) {
			if (newValue > ((Number) model.getMaximum()).doubleValue()) {
			} else {
		} finally {
			for (ChangeListener l : listeners) {
			for (ChangeListener l : listeners) {
				l.stateChanged(new ChangeEvent(spinner));