 * Copyright 2011 - 2015 Metamarkets Group Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.metamx.collections.spatial;

import com.google.common.primitives.Floats;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import com.metamx.collections.bitmap.BitmapFactory;
import com.metamx.collections.bitmap.ImmutableBitmap;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Iterator;

 * Byte layout:
 * Header
 * 0 to 1 : the MSB is a boolean flag for isLeaf, the next 15 bits represent the number of children of a node
 * Body
 * 2 to 2 + numDims * Floats.BYTES : minCoordinates
 * 2 + numDims * Floats.BYTES to 2 + 2 * numDims * Floats.BYTES : maxCoordinates
 * concise set
 * rest (children) : Every 4 bytes is storing an offset representing the position of a child.
 * The child offset is an offset from the initialOffset
public class ImmutableNode
  public static final int HEADER_NUM_BYTES = 2;

  private final int numDims;
  private final int initialOffset;
  private final int offsetFromInitial;

  private final short numChildren;
  private final boolean isLeaf;
  private final int childrenOffset;

  private final ByteBuffer data;

  private final BitmapFactory bitmapFactory;

  public ImmutableNode(
      int numDims,
      int initialOffset,
      int offsetFromInitial,
      ByteBuffer data,
      BitmapFactory bitmapFactory
    this.bitmapFactory = bitmapFactory;
    this.numDims = numDims;
    this.initialOffset = initialOffset;
    this.offsetFromInitial = offsetFromInitial;
    short header = data.getShort(initialOffset + offsetFromInitial);
    this.isLeaf = (header & 0x8000) != 0;
    this.numChildren = (short) (header & 0x7FFF);
    final int sizePosition = initialOffset + offsetFromInitial + HEADER_NUM_BYTES + 2 * numDims * Floats.BYTES;
    int bitmapSize = data.getInt(sizePosition);
    this.childrenOffset = initialOffset
                          + offsetFromInitial
                          + HEADER_NUM_BYTES
                          + 2 * numDims * Floats.BYTES
                          + Ints.BYTES
                          + bitmapSize;

    this.data = data;

  public ImmutableNode(
      int numDims,
      int initialOffset,
      int offsetFromInitial,
      short numChildren,
      boolean leaf,
      ByteBuffer data,
      BitmapFactory bitmapFactory
    this.bitmapFactory = bitmapFactory;
    this.numDims = numDims;
    this.initialOffset = initialOffset;
    this.offsetFromInitial = offsetFromInitial;
    this.numChildren = numChildren;
    this.isLeaf = leaf;
    final int sizePosition = initialOffset + offsetFromInitial + HEADER_NUM_BYTES + 2 * numDims * Floats.BYTES;
    int bitmapSize = data.getInt(sizePosition);
    this.childrenOffset = initialOffset
                          + offsetFromInitial
                          + HEADER_NUM_BYTES
                          + 2 * numDims * Floats.BYTES
                          + Ints.BYTES
                          + bitmapSize;

    this.data = data;

  public BitmapFactory getBitmapFactory()
    return bitmapFactory;

  public int getInitialOffset()
    return initialOffset;

  public int getOffsetFromInitial()
    return offsetFromInitial;

  public int getNumDims()
    return numDims;

  public int getNumChildren()
    return numChildren;

  public boolean isLeaf()
    return isLeaf;

  public float[] getMinCoordinates()
    return getCoords(initialOffset + offsetFromInitial + HEADER_NUM_BYTES);

  public float[] getMaxCoordinates()
    return getCoords(initialOffset + offsetFromInitial + HEADER_NUM_BYTES + numDims * Floats.BYTES);

  public ImmutableBitmap getImmutableBitmap()
    final int sizePosition = initialOffset + offsetFromInitial + HEADER_NUM_BYTES + 2 * numDims * Floats.BYTES;
    int numBytes = data.getInt(sizePosition);
    data.position(sizePosition + Ints.BYTES);
    ByteBuffer tmpBuffer = data.slice();
    return bitmapFactory.mapImmutableBitmap(tmpBuffer.asReadOnlyBuffer());

  public Iterable<ImmutableNode> getChildren()
    return new Iterable<ImmutableNode>()
      public Iterator<ImmutableNode> iterator()
        return new Iterator<ImmutableNode>()
          private volatile int count = 0;

          public boolean hasNext()
            return (count < numChildren);

          public ImmutableNode next()
            if (isLeaf) {
              return new ImmutablePoint(
                  data.getInt(childrenOffset + (count++) * Ints.BYTES),
            return new ImmutableNode(
                data.getInt(childrenOffset + (count++) * Ints.BYTES),

          public void remove()
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  public ByteBuffer getData()
    return data;

  private float[] getCoords(int offset)
    final float[] retVal = new float[numDims];

    final ByteBuffer readOnlyBuffer = data.asReadOnlyBuffer();

    return retVal;