package com.mesosphere.sdk.config.validate;

import com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.Capabilities;
import com.mesosphere.sdk.dcos.DcosConstants;
import com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.Constants;
import com.mesosphere.sdk.offer.LoggingUtils;
import com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.NetworkSpec;
import com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.PodSpec;
import com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ResourceSpec;
import com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.SecretSpec;
import com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.ServiceSpec;
import com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.TaskSpec;
import com.mesosphere.sdk.specification.VolumeSpec;

import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Optional;

 * This class contains logic for validating that a {@link ServiceSpec} only requires features
 * supported by the DC/OS cluster being run on.
public class PodSpecsCannotUseUnsupportedFeatures implements ConfigValidator<ServiceSpec> {

  private final Logger logger = LoggingUtils.getLogger(getClass(), Optional.empty());

  public static boolean serviceRequestsGpuResources(ServiceSpec serviceSpec) {
    return serviceSpec.getPods().stream().anyMatch(

  private static boolean podRequestsGpuResources(PodSpec podSpec) {
    // control automatic opt-in to scarce resources (GPUs) here.
    // If the framework specifies GPU resources >= 1 then we opt-in to scarce resource, otherwise
    // follow the default policy (which as of 8/3/17 was to opt-out)
    if (DcosConstants.DEFAULT_GPU_POLICY) {
      return true;
    return podSpec.getTasks().stream()
        .flatMap(taskSpec -> taskSpec.getResourceSet().getResources().stream())
        .anyMatch(resourceSpec -> resourceSpec.getName().equals(Constants.GPUS_RESOURCE_TYPE)
            && resourceSpec.getValue().getScalar().getValue() >= 1);

  private static boolean podRequestsCNI(PodSpec podSpec) {
    // if we don't have a cluster that supports CNI port mapping make sure that we don't either
    // (1) specify any networks and/
    // (2) if we are make sure we didn't explicitly do any port mapping or that any of the tasks
    // ask for ports (which will automatically be forwarded, this requiring port mapping).
    for (NetworkSpec networkSpec : podSpec.getNetworks()) {
      if (!MapUtils.isEmpty(networkSpec.getPortMappings())) {
        return true;

    for (TaskSpec taskSpec : podSpec.getTasks()) {
      for (ResourceSpec resourceSpec : taskSpec.getResourceSet().getResources()) {
        if (resourceSpec.getName().equals("ports")) {
          return true;
    return false;

  private static boolean podRequestsEnvBasedSecrets(PodSpec podSpec) {
    for (SecretSpec secretSpec : podSpec.getSecrets()) {
      if (secretSpec.getEnvKey().isPresent()) {
        return true;
    return false;

  private static boolean podRequestsFileBasedSecrets(PodSpec podSpec) {
    for (SecretSpec secretSpec : podSpec.getSecrets()) {
      // Default is file-based Secret
      if (secretSpec.getFilePath().isPresent() || !secretSpec.getEnvKey().isPresent()) {
        return true;
    return false;

  private static boolean podRequestsProfileMountVolumes(PodSpec podSpec) {
    for (VolumeSpec volumeSpec : podSpec.getVolumes()) {
      if (!volumeSpec.getProfiles().isEmpty()) {
        return true;
    return false;

  //SUPPRESS CHECKSTYLE CyclomaticComplexity
  public Collection<ConfigValidationError> validate(
      Optional<ServiceSpec> oldConfig,
      ServiceSpec newConfig)
    Collection<ConfigValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<>();

    Capabilities capabilities = Capabilities.getInstance();
    boolean supportsPreReservedResources = capabilities.supportsPreReservedResources();
    boolean supportsGpus = capabilities.supportsGpuResource();
    boolean supportsRLimits = capabilities.supportsRLimits();
    boolean supportsCNI = capabilities.supportsCNINetworking();
    boolean supportsEnvBasedSecrets = capabilities.supportsEnvBasedSecretsProtobuf();
    boolean supportsFileBasedSecrets = capabilities.supportsFileBasedSecrets();
    boolean supportsProfileMountVolumes = capabilities.supportsProfileMountVolumes();
    boolean supportsSeccomp = capabilities.supportsSeccomp();
    boolean supportsShm = capabilities.supportsShm();

    for (PodSpec podSpec : newConfig.getPods()) {
      if (!supportsGpus && podRequestsGpuResources(podSpec)) {
            // SUPPRESS CHECKSTYLE MultipleStringLiterals
            "pod:" + podSpec.getType(),
            "This DC/OS cluster does not support GPU resources"));

      if (!supportsPreReservedResources &&
            "pod:" + podSpec.getType(),
            "This DC/OS cluster does not support consuming pre-reserved resources."));

      if (!supportsRLimits && !podSpec.getRLimits().isEmpty()) {
            "pod:" + podSpec.getType(),
            "This DC/OS cluster does not support setting rlimits"));

      if (!supportsCNI && podRequestsCNI(podSpec)) {
            "pod:" + podSpec.getType(),
            "This DC/OS cluster does not support CNI port mapping"));

      // TODO(MB) : Change validator if we decide to support DCOS_DIRECTIVE label
      if (!supportsEnvBasedSecrets && podRequestsEnvBasedSecrets(podSpec)) {
            "pod:" + podSpec.getType(),
            "This DC/OS cluster does not support environment-based secrets"
      if (!supportsFileBasedSecrets && podRequestsFileBasedSecrets(podSpec)) {
            "pod:" + podSpec.getType(),
            "This DC/OS cluster does not support file-based secrets"

      if (!supportsProfileMountVolumes && podRequestsProfileMountVolumes(podSpec)) {
            "pod:" + podSpec.getType(),
            "This DC/OS cluster does not support profile mount volumes"

      if (!supportsSeccomp && ((podSpec.getSeccompUnconfined() != null
              && podSpec.getSeccompUnconfined()) ||
        logger.warn("Seccomp is not supported in this cluster.");

      if (!supportsShm && (podSpec.getSharedMemory().isPresent() ||
                "pod:" + podSpec.getType(),
                "This DC/OS cluster does not support shared memory"
    return errors;