
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;



 * The Class MtasSpanSequenceSpans.
public class MtasSpanSequenceSpans extends MtasSpans {

  /** The query. */
  private MtasSpanSequenceQuery query;

  /** The queue spans. */
  private List<QueueItem> queueSpans;

  /** The ignore item. */
  private MtasIgnoreItem ignoreItem;

  /** The queue matches. */
  private List<Match> queueMatches;

  /** The doc id. */
  private int docId;

  /** The current position. */
  private int currentPosition;

  /** The cost. */
  private long cost;

  /** The current match. */
  Match currentMatch;

   * Instantiates a new mtas span sequence spans.
   * @param query the query
   * @param setSequenceSpans the set sequence spans
   * @param ignoreSpans the ignore spans
   * @param maximumIgnoreLength the maximum ignore length
  public MtasSpanSequenceSpans(MtasSpanSequenceQuery query,
      List<MtasSpanSequenceQuerySpans> setSequenceSpans, Spans ignoreSpans,
      Integer maximumIgnoreLength) {
    docId = -1;
    this.query = query;
    queueSpans = new ArrayList<>();
    queueMatches = new ArrayList<>();
    for (MtasSpanSequenceQuerySpans sequenceSpans : setSequenceSpans) {
      queueSpans.add(new QueueItem(sequenceSpans));
    ignoreItem = new MtasIgnoreItem(ignoreSpans, maximumIgnoreLength);

   * Compute costs.
  private void computeCosts() {
    cost = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    for (QueueItem item : queueSpans) {
      cost = Math.min(cost, item.sequenceSpans.spans.cost());

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public int nextStartPosition() throws IOException {
    if (findMatches()) {
      currentMatch = queueMatches.get(0);
      currentPosition = currentMatch.startPosition();
      return currentMatch.startPosition();
    } else {
      currentMatch = new Match(NO_MORE_POSITIONS, NO_MORE_POSITIONS);
      currentPosition = NO_MORE_POSITIONS;
      return NO_MORE_POSITIONS;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public int startPosition() {
    if (currentMatch == null) {
      return -1;
    } else {
      return currentMatch.startPosition();

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public int endPosition() {
    if (currentMatch == null) {
      return -1;
    } else {
      return currentMatch.endPosition();

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public int width() {
    return 0;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
   * .SpanCollector)
  public void collect(SpanCollector collector) throws IOException {
    for (QueueItem item : queueSpans) {

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public int docID() {
    return docId;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
    while (!goToNextDoc())
    return docId;

   * Go to next doc.
   * @return true, if successful
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  private boolean goToNextDoc() throws IOException {
    if (docId == NO_MORE_DOCS) {
      return true;
    } else {
      // try to find docId with match for all items from sequence
      Integer spanDocId;
      Integer newDocId = null;
      Integer minOptionalDocId = null;
      boolean allItemsOptional = true;
      for (QueueItem item : queueSpans) {
        if (!item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
          allItemsOptional = false;
        if (!item.noMoreDocs) {
          if (item.sequenceSpans.spans == null) {
            spanDocId = NO_MORE_DOCS;
          } else if (newDocId == null) {
            spanDocId = item.sequenceSpans.spans.nextDoc();
          } else {
            if (!item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
              spanDocId = item.sequenceSpans.spans.advance(newDocId);
            } else {
              if (item.sequenceSpans.spans.docID() == -1
                  || newDocId > item.sequenceSpans.spans.docID()) {
                spanDocId = item.sequenceSpans.spans.advance(newDocId);
              } else {
                spanDocId = item.sequenceSpans.spans.docID();
          if (spanDocId.equals(NO_MORE_DOCS)) {
            item.noMoreDocs = true;
            if (!item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
              // a not optional span has NO_MORE_DOCS: stop
              docId = NO_MORE_DOCS;
              return true;
          } else if (!spanDocId.equals(newDocId)) {
            // last found spanDocId not equal to potential new docId
            if (newDocId != null) {
              if (!item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
                // move also previous spans to at least spanDocId
                return true;
              // define potential new docId
            } else {
              if (!item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
                // previous optional span with lower docId
                if ((minOptionalDocId != null)
                    && (minOptionalDocId < spanDocId)) {
                  return true;
                } else {
                  // use spanDocId as potential newDocId
                  newDocId = spanDocId;
              } else {
                // remember minimum docId optional spans
                minOptionalDocId = (minOptionalDocId == null) ? spanDocId
                    : Math.min(minOptionalDocId, spanDocId);
      // if all items are optional
      if (allItemsOptional && newDocId == null && minOptionalDocId != null) {
        newDocId = minOptionalDocId;
      // nothing found
      if (newDocId == null) {
        docId = NO_MORE_DOCS;
        return true;
      } else {
        docId = newDocId;
        // try and glue together
        if (findMatches()) {
          return true;
          // no matches
        } else {
          return false;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public int advance(int target) throws IOException {
    Integer newTarget = target;
    do {
      newTarget = advanceToDoc(newTarget);
    } while (newTarget != null);
    return docId;

   * Advance to doc.
   * @param target the target
   * @return the integer
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  private Integer advanceToDoc(int target) throws IOException {
    if (docId == NO_MORE_DOCS || target <= docId) {
      return null;
    } else {
      Integer spanDocId;
      Integer newDocId = target;
      for (QueueItem item : queueSpans) {
        if (item.sequenceSpans.spans != null) {
          if (item.sequenceSpans.spans.docID() < newDocId) {
            spanDocId = item.sequenceSpans.spans.advance(newDocId);
            if (spanDocId.equals(NO_MORE_DOCS)) {
              item.noMoreDocs = true;
              if (!item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
                // a not optional span has NO_MORE_DOCS: stop
                docId = NO_MORE_DOCS;
                return null;
            } else {
              if (!spanDocId.equals(newDocId) && !item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
                // a not optional span has nothing for newDocId: stop
                return spanDocId;
          } else if (item.sequenceSpans.spans.docID() != newDocId) {
            spanDocId = item.sequenceSpans.spans.docID();
            if (!item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
              // a not optional span seems to have nothing for newDocId: stop
              return spanDocId;
      // find match
      docId = newDocId;
      // try and glue together
      if (findMatches()) {
        return null;
        // no matches
      } else {
        // try next document
        return (newDocId + 1);

   * Find matches.
   * @return true, if successful
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  private boolean findMatches() throws IOException {
    Boolean status = _findMatches();
    while (!(status || (currentPosition == NO_MORE_POSITIONS))) {
      status = _findMatches();
    return status;

   * Find matches.
   * @return true, if successful
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  private boolean _findMatches() throws IOException {
    // queue not empty
    if (!queueMatches.isEmpty()) {
      return true;
      // no more matches to be found
    } else if (currentPosition == NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
      return false;
      // try to find matches
    } else {
      // subMatches: try to build matches while collecting
      Integer subMatchesStartPosition = null;
      Boolean subMatchesOptional = true;
      List<Match> subMatchesQueue = new ArrayList<>();
      // minimum startPosition previous, used to set lower boundary on
      // startPosition next
      Integer minStartPositionPrevious = null;
      // maximum endPosition previous, used to set upper boundary on
      // startPosition next
      Integer maxEndPositionPrevious = null;
      // other variables
      Integer minStartPositionNext = null;
      Integer minStartPosition = null;
      Integer minOptionalStartPosition = null;
      // adjusted minimum ignoreItem
      boolean adjustedMinimumIgnoreItem = false;
      // fill queue if necessary and possible
      for (int i = 0; i < queueSpans.size(); i++) {
        QueueItem item = queueSpans.get(i);
        // if span is optional, check docId
        if (!item.sequenceSpans.optional || (item.sequenceSpans.spans != null
            && item.sequenceSpans.spans.docID() == docId)) {
          // compute minimum startPosition until next non-optional item
          // used as lower boundary on endPosition next
          minStartPositionNext = null;
          for (int j = (i + 1); j < queueSpans.size(); j++) {

            // check for available lowestPosition
            if (!queueSpans.get(j).sequenceSpans.optional
                && queueSpans.get(j).lowestPosition != null) {
              minStartPositionNext = (minStartPositionNext == null)
                  ? queueSpans.get(j).lowestPosition
                  : Math.min(minStartPositionNext,
              // computing restrictions not possible
            } else {
              if (!queueSpans.get(j).sequenceSpans.optional) {
                minStartPositionNext = null;
          // fill queue
          if ((minStartPositionPrevious == null) || subMatchesOptional) {
            fillQueue(item, null, maxEndPositionPrevious, minStartPositionNext);
          } else {
            fillQueue(item, minStartPositionPrevious, maxEndPositionPrevious,
          // try to adjust minimum ignoreItem
          if (!adjustedMinimumIgnoreItem && !item.sequenceSpans.optional
              && item.filledPosition) {
            if (minOptionalStartPosition != null) {
                  Math.min(minOptionalStartPosition, item.lowestPosition));
            } else {
              ignoreItem.removeBefore(docId, item.lowestPosition);
            adjustedMinimumIgnoreItem = true;
          // check for available positions
          if (!item.sequenceSpans.optional && item.noMorePositions
              && !item.filledPosition) {
            currentPosition = NO_MORE_POSITIONS;
            return false;
          // build matches
          subMatchesQueue = _glue(subMatchesQueue, subMatchesOptional, item);
          // update subMatchesOptional
          if (!item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
            subMatchesOptional = false;
          // check if matches are still achievable
          if (!subMatchesOptional && subMatchesQueue.isEmpty()) {
            // clean up previous queues
            if (subMatchesStartPosition != null) {
              int cleanStartPosition = subMatchesStartPosition;
              for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                if (!queueSpans.get(j).sequenceSpans.optional) {
            return false;
          // update subMatchesStartPosition
          if (subMatchesQueue.isEmpty()) {
            subMatchesStartPosition = null;
          } else {
            subMatchesStartPosition = subMatchesQueue.get(0).startPosition;
          // compute minimum startPosition for next span
          if (item.lowestPosition != null) {
            minStartPositionPrevious = (minStartPositionPrevious == null)
                ? item.lowestPosition
                : Math.min(minStartPositionPrevious, item.lowestPosition);
          // for optional spans
          if (item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
            // update stats
            if (item.lowestPosition != null) {
              minOptionalStartPosition = (minOptionalStartPosition == null)
                  ? item.lowestPosition
                  : Math.min(minOptionalStartPosition, item.lowestPosition);
            // for not optional spans
          } else {
            // update stats, item.lowestPosition should be set
            minStartPosition = (minStartPosition == null) ? item.lowestPosition
                : Math.min(minStartPosition, item.lowestPosition);
            // reset maximum endPosition for next span
            maxEndPositionPrevious = null;
          // compute maximum endPosition for next span
          if (item.lowestPosition != null) {
            for (Integer endPosition : item.queue.get(item.lowestPosition)) {
              maxEndPositionPrevious = (maxEndPositionPrevious == null)
                  ? endPosition : Math.max(maxEndPositionPrevious, endPosition);
      if (subMatchesQueue.isEmpty()) {
        // condition has only optional parts
        if (subMatchesOptional) {
          // check for
          boolean allFinished = true;
          for (int i = 0; i < queueSpans.size(); i++) {
            if (!queueSpans.get(i).noMorePositions) {
              allFinished = false;
          if (allFinished) {
            currentPosition = NO_MORE_POSITIONS;
        return false;
      } else if ((minOptionalStartPosition != null)
          && (minOptionalStartPosition < subMatchesStartPosition)) {
        for (int i = 0; i < queueSpans.size(); i++) {
          if (!queueSpans.get(i).sequenceSpans.optional) {
          } else {
        return false;
      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < queueSpans.size(); i++) {
        for (Match m : subMatchesQueue) {
          if (!queueMatches.contains(m)) {
        ignoreItem.removeBefore(docId, queueMatches.get(0).startPosition);
        return true;

   * Glue.
   * @param subMatchesQueue the sub matches queue
   * @param subMatchesOptional the sub matches optional
   * @param item the item
   * @return the list
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  private List<Match> _glue(List<Match> subMatchesQueue,
      Boolean subMatchesOptional, QueueItem item) throws IOException {
    List<Match> newSubMatchesQueue = new ArrayList<>();
    // no previous queue, only use current item
    if (subMatchesQueue.isEmpty()) {
      if (item.filledPosition) {
        for (Integer endPosition : item.queue.get(item.lowestPosition)) {
          Match m = new Match(item.lowestPosition, endPosition);
          if (!newSubMatchesQueue.contains(m)) {
      return newSubMatchesQueue;
      // previous queue
    } else {
      // startposition from queue
      int startPosition = subMatchesQueue.get(0).startPosition;
      // previous queue optional, current item optional
      if (subMatchesOptional && item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
        // forget previous, because current has lower startposition
        if (item.filledPosition && item.lowestPosition < startPosition) {
          for (Integer endPosition : item.queue.get(item.lowestPosition)) {
            Match m = new Match(item.lowestPosition, endPosition);
            if (!newSubMatchesQueue.contains(m)) {
          // merge with previous
        } else if (item.filledPosition) {
          if (item.lowestPosition.equals(startPosition)) {
            for (Integer endPosition : item.queue.get(item.lowestPosition)) {
              Match m = new Match(item.lowestPosition, endPosition);
              if (!newSubMatchesQueue.contains(m)) {
          for (Match m : subMatchesQueue) {
            if (item.queue.containsKey(m.endPosition)) {
              for (Integer endPosition : item.queue.get(m.endPosition)) {
                Match o = new Match(m.startPosition, endPosition);
                if (!newSubMatchesQueue.contains(o)) {
          // no filled position
        } else {
        // previous queue optional, current item not optional
      } else if (subMatchesOptional && !item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
        assert item.filledPosition : "span not optional, should contain items";
        // forget previous
        if (item.lowestPosition < startPosition) {
          for (Integer endPosition : item.queue.get(item.lowestPosition)) {
            Match m = new Match(item.lowestPosition, endPosition);
            if (!newSubMatchesQueue.contains(m)) {
          // merge with previous
        } else {
          if (item.lowestPosition.equals(startPosition)) {
            for (Integer endPosition : item.queue.get(item.lowestPosition)) {
              Match m = new Match(item.lowestPosition, endPosition);
              if (!newSubMatchesQueue.contains(m)) {
          for (Match m : subMatchesQueue) {
            if (item.queue.containsKey(m.endPosition)) {
              for (Integer endPosition : item.queue.get(m.endPosition)) {
                Match o = new Match(m.startPosition, endPosition);
                if (!newSubMatchesQueue.contains(o)) {
        // previous queue not optional, current item optional
      } else if (!subMatchesOptional && item.sequenceSpans.optional) {
        // merge with previous
        if (item.filledPosition) {
          for (Match m : subMatchesQueue) {
            if (item.queue.containsKey(m.endPosition)) {
              for (Integer endPosition : item.queue.get(m.endPosition)) {
                Match o = new Match(m.startPosition, endPosition);
                if (!newSubMatchesQueue.contains(o)) {
        // previous queue not optional, current item not optional
      } else if (!subMatchesOptional && !item.sequenceSpans.optional
          && item.filledPosition) {
        for (Match m : subMatchesQueue) {
          Set<Integer> ignoreList = ignoreItem.getFullEndPositionList(docId,
          Integer[] checkList;
          if (ignoreList == null) {
            checkList = new Integer[] { m.endPosition };
          } else {
            checkList = new Integer[1 + ignoreList.size()];
            checkList = ignoreList.toArray(checkList);
            checkList[ignoreList.size()] = m.endPosition;
          for (Integer checkEndPosition : checkList) {
            if (item.queue.containsKey(checkEndPosition)) {
              for (Integer endPosition : item.queue.get(checkEndPosition)) {
                Match o = new Match(m.startPosition, endPosition);
                if (!newSubMatchesQueue.contains(o)) {
    return newSubMatchesQueue;

   * Fill queue.
   * @param item the item
   * @param minStartPosition the min start position
   * @param maxStartPosition the max start position
   * @param minEndPosition the min end position
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  private void fillQueue(QueueItem item, Integer minStartPosition,
      Integer maxStartPosition, Integer minEndPosition) throws IOException {
    int newStartPosition;
    int newEndPosition;
    Integer firstRetrievedPosition = null;
    // remove everything below minStartPosition
    if ((minStartPosition != null) && (item.lowestPosition != null)
        && (item.lowestPosition < minStartPosition)) {
      item.del((minStartPosition - 1));
    // fill queue
    while (!item.noMorePositions) {
      boolean doNotCollectAnotherPosition;
      doNotCollectAnotherPosition = item.filledPosition
          && (minStartPosition == null) && (maxStartPosition == null);
      doNotCollectAnotherPosition |= item.filledPosition
          && (maxStartPosition != null) && (item.lastRetrievedPosition != null)
          && (maxStartPosition < item.lastRetrievedPosition);
      if (doNotCollectAnotherPosition) {
      } else {
        // collect another full position
        firstRetrievedPosition = null;
        while (!item.noMorePositions) {
          newStartPosition = item.sequenceSpans.spans.nextStartPosition();
          if (newStartPosition == NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
            if (!item.queue.isEmpty()) {
              item.filledPosition = true;
              item.lastFilledPosition = item.lastRetrievedPosition;
            item.noMorePositions = true;
          } else if ((minStartPosition != null)
              && (newStartPosition < minStartPosition)) {
            // do nothing
          } else {
            newEndPosition = item.sequenceSpans.spans.endPosition();
            if ((minEndPosition == null) || (newEndPosition >= minEndPosition
                - ignoreItem.getMinStartPosition(docId, newEndPosition))) {
              item.add(newStartPosition, newEndPosition);
              if (firstRetrievedPosition == null) {
                firstRetrievedPosition = newStartPosition;
              } else if (!firstRetrievedPosition.equals(newStartPosition)) {

   * Reset queue.
  void resetQueue() {
    currentPosition = -1;
    for (QueueItem item : queueSpans) {
    currentMatch = null;

   * The Class QueueItem.
  private static class QueueItem {

    /** The no more docs. */
    private boolean noMoreDocs;

    /** The no more positions. */
    private boolean noMorePositions;

    /** The filled position. */
    private boolean filledPosition;

    /** The lowest position. */
    private Integer lowestPosition;

    /** The last filled position. */
    private Integer lastFilledPosition;

    /** The last retrieved position. */
    private Integer lastRetrievedPosition;

    /** The queue. */
    private HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> queue;

    /** The sequence spans. */
    public MtasSpanSequenceQuerySpans sequenceSpans;

     * Instantiates a new queue item.
     * @param sequenceSpans the sequence spans
    QueueItem(MtasSpanSequenceQuerySpans sequenceSpans) {
      noMoreDocs = false;
      this.sequenceSpans = sequenceSpans;
      queue = new HashMap<>();

     * Reset.
    public void reset() {
      noMorePositions = false;
      lowestPosition = null;
      lastFilledPosition = null;
      lastRetrievedPosition = null;
      filledPosition = false;

     * Adds the.
     * @param startPosition the start position
     * @param endPosition the end position
    public void add(int startPosition, int endPosition) {
      if (!queue.keySet().contains(startPosition)) {
        if (!queue.isEmpty()) {
          filledPosition = true;
          lastFilledPosition = lastRetrievedPosition;
        queue.put(startPosition, new ArrayList<Integer>());
      if ((lowestPosition == null) || (lowestPosition > startPosition)) {
        lowestPosition = startPosition;
      lastRetrievedPosition = startPosition;

     * Del.
     * @param position the position
    public void del(int position) {
      ArrayList<Integer> removePositions = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int p : queue.keySet()) {
        if (p <= position) {
      if (!removePositions.isEmpty()) {
        // positions.removeAll(removePositions);
        for (int p : removePositions) {
        if (queue.isEmpty()) {
          lowestPosition = null;
          lastFilledPosition = null;
          filledPosition = false;
        } else {
          lowestPosition = Collections.min(queue.keySet());
          if (filledPosition && !queue.keySet().contains(lastFilledPosition)) {
            lastFilledPosition = null;
            filledPosition = false;

   * The Class Match.
  private static class Match {

    /** The start position. */
    private int startPosition;

    /** The end position. */
    private int endPosition;

     * Instantiates a new match.
     * @param startPosition the start position
     * @param endPosition the end position
    Match(int startPosition, int endPosition) {
      this.startPosition = startPosition;
      this.endPosition = endPosition;

     * Start position.
     * @return the int
    public int startPosition() {
      return startPosition;

     * End position.
     * @return the int
    public int endPosition() {
      return endPosition;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      if (this == obj)
        return true;
      if (obj == null)
        return false;
      if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
        return false;
      final Match that = (Match) obj;
      return startPosition == that.startPosition
          && endPosition == that.endPosition;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
    public int hashCode() {
      int h = this.getClass().getSimpleName().hashCode();
      h = (h * 5) ^ startPosition;
      h = (h * 7) ^ endPosition;
      return h;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
    public String toString() {
      return "[" + startPosition + "," + endPosition + "]";


   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public long cost() {
    return cost;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public float positionsCost() {
    return 0;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public TwoPhaseIterator asTwoPhaseIterator() {
    if (queueSpans == null || !query.twoPhaseIteratorAllowed()) {
      return null;
    } else {
      // TODO
      return null;
