/*! ******************************************************************************
 * Pentaho Data Integration
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 by Pentaho : http://www.pentaho.com
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.pentaho.di.dataset.spoon.dialog;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionAdapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.ShellAdapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.ShellEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormAttachment;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormData;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Dialog;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
import org.pentaho.di.core.Const;
import org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database;
import org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta;
import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException;
import org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LogChannel;
import org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LoggingObject;
import org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMeta;
import org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface;
import org.pentaho.di.core.row.ValueMetaInterface;
import org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaFactory;
import org.pentaho.di.core.util.StringUtil;
import org.pentaho.di.core.variables.Variables;
import org.pentaho.di.dataset.DataSet;
import org.pentaho.di.dataset.DataSetField;
import org.pentaho.di.dataset.DataSetGroup;
import org.pentaho.di.dataset.DataSetGroupType;
import org.pentaho.di.dataset.spoon.DataSetHelper;
import org.pentaho.di.dataset.util.DataSetConst;
import org.pentaho.di.i18n.BaseMessages;
import org.pentaho.di.ui.core.PropsUI;
import org.pentaho.di.ui.core.dialog.ErrorDialog;
import org.pentaho.di.ui.core.dialog.PreviewRowsDialog;
import org.pentaho.di.ui.core.gui.GUIResource;
import org.pentaho.di.ui.core.gui.WindowProperty;
import org.pentaho.di.ui.core.widget.ColumnInfo;
import org.pentaho.di.ui.core.widget.TableView;
import org.pentaho.di.ui.trans.step.BaseStepDialog;
import org.pentaho.di.ui.trans.step.TableItemInsertListener;
import org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore;
import org.pentaho.metastore.api.exceptions.MetaStoreException;
import org.pentaho.metastore.persist.MetaStoreFactory;
import org.pentaho.metastore.util.PentahoDefaults;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class DataSetDialog extends Dialog {
  private static Class<?> PKG = DataSetDialog.class; // for i18n purposes, needed by Translator2!!

  private DataSet dataSet;

  private List<DataSetGroup> groups;

  private Shell shell;

  private Text wName;
  private Text wDescription;
  private Text wTableName;
  private Combo wDataSetGroup;
  private TableView wFieldMapping;

  private Button wOK;
  private Button wGetMetadata;
  private Button wCreateTable;
  private Button wEditData;
  private Button wViewData;
  private Button wCancel;

  private Button wNewGroup;

  private PropsUI props;

  private int middle;
  private int margin;

  private boolean ok;

  private IMetaStore metaStore;

  private Button wEditGroup;

  private List<DatabaseMeta> databases;

  public DataSetDialog( Shell parent, IMetaStore metaStore, DataSet dataSet, List<DataSetGroup> groups, List<DatabaseMeta> databases ) {
    super( parent, SWT.NONE );
    this.metaStore = metaStore;
    this.dataSet = dataSet;
    this.groups = groups;
    this.databases = databases;
    props = PropsUI.getInstance();
    ok = false;

  public boolean open() {
    Shell parent = getParent();
    shell = new Shell( parent, SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | SWT.RESIZE | SWT.MAX | SWT.MIN );
    props.setLook( shell );
    shell.setImage( GUIResource.getInstance().getImageTable() );

    middle = props.getMiddlePct();
    margin = Const.MARGIN;

    FormLayout formLayout = new FormLayout();
    formLayout.marginWidth = Const.FORM_MARGIN;
    formLayout.marginHeight = Const.FORM_MARGIN;

    shell.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.Shell.Title" ) );
    shell.setLayout( formLayout );

    // The name of the group...
    Label wlName = new Label( shell, SWT.RIGHT );
    props.setLook( wlName );
    wlName.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.Name.Label" ) );
    FormData fdlName = new FormData();
    fdlName.top = new FormAttachment( 0, 0 );
    fdlName.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 0 );
    fdlName.right = new FormAttachment( middle, -margin );
    wlName.setLayoutData( fdlName );
    wName = new Text( shell, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.LEFT | SWT.BORDER );
    props.setLook( wName );
    FormData fdName = new FormData();
    fdName.top = new FormAttachment( 0, 0 );
    fdName.left = new FormAttachment( middle, 0 );
    fdName.right = new FormAttachment( 100, 0 );
    wName.setLayoutData( fdName );
    Control lastControl = wName;

    // The description of the group...
    Label wlDescription = new Label( shell, SWT.RIGHT );
    props.setLook( wlDescription );
    wlDescription.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.Description.Label" ) );
    FormData fdlDescription = new FormData();
    fdlDescription.top = new FormAttachment( lastControl, margin );
    fdlDescription.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 0 );
    fdlDescription.right = new FormAttachment( middle, -margin );
    wlDescription.setLayoutData( fdlDescription );
    wDescription = new Text( shell, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.LEFT | SWT.BORDER );
    props.setLook( wDescription );
    FormData fdDescription = new FormData();
    fdDescription.top = new FormAttachment( lastControl, margin );
    fdDescription.left = new FormAttachment( middle, 0 );
    fdDescription.right = new FormAttachment( 100, 0 );
    wDescription.setLayoutData( fdDescription );
    lastControl = wDescription;

    // The table storing the set...
    Label wlTableName = new Label( shell, SWT.RIGHT );
    props.setLook( wlTableName );
    wlTableName.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.TableName.Label" ) );
    FormData fdlTableName = new FormData();
    fdlTableName.top = new FormAttachment( lastControl, margin );
    fdlTableName.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 0 );
    fdlTableName.right = new FormAttachment( middle, -margin );
    wlTableName.setLayoutData( fdlTableName );
    wTableName = new Text( shell, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.LEFT | SWT.BORDER );
    props.setLook( wTableName );
    FormData fdTableName = new FormData();
    fdTableName.top = new FormAttachment( lastControl, margin );
    fdTableName.left = new FormAttachment( middle, 0 );
    fdTableName.right = new FormAttachment( 100, 0 );
    wTableName.setLayoutData( fdTableName );
    lastControl = wTableName;

    // The data set group...
    Label wlGroup = new Label( shell, SWT.RIGHT );
    props.setLook( wlGroup );
    wlGroup.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.Group.Label" ) );
    FormData fdlDatabase = new FormData();
    fdlDatabase.top = new FormAttachment( lastControl, margin );
    fdlDatabase.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 0 );
    fdlDatabase.right = new FormAttachment( middle, -margin );
    wlGroup.setLayoutData( fdlDatabase );

    wNewGroup = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
    props.setLook( wNewGroup );
    wNewGroup.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.NewGroup.Label" ) );
    FormData fdlNewGroup = new FormData();
    fdlNewGroup.top = new FormAttachment( lastControl, margin );
    fdlNewGroup.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -margin );
    wNewGroup.setLayoutData( fdlNewGroup );
    wNewGroup.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
      public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent arg0 ) {
    } );

    wEditGroup = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
    props.setLook( wEditGroup );
    wEditGroup.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.EditGroup.Label" ) );
    FormData fdlEditGroup = new FormData();
    fdlEditGroup.top = new FormAttachment( lastControl, margin );
    fdlEditGroup.right = new FormAttachment( wNewGroup, -margin );
    wEditGroup.setLayoutData( fdlEditGroup );
    wEditGroup.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
      public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent arg0 ) {
    } );

    wDataSetGroup = new Combo( shell, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.LEFT | SWT.BORDER );
    FormData fdDatabase = new FormData();
    fdDatabase.top = new FormAttachment( lastControl, margin );
    fdDatabase.left = new FormAttachment( middle, 0 );
    fdDatabase.right = new FormAttachment( wEditGroup, -margin );
    wDataSetGroup.setLayoutData( fdDatabase );
    lastControl = wDataSetGroup;

    // The field mapping from the input to the data set...
    Label wlFieldMapping = new Label( shell, SWT.NONE );
    wlFieldMapping.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.FieldMapping.Label" ) );
    props.setLook( wlFieldMapping );
    FormData fdlUpIns = new FormData();
    fdlUpIns.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 0 );
    fdlUpIns.top = new FormAttachment( lastControl, margin * 2 );
    wlFieldMapping.setLayoutData( fdlUpIns );
    lastControl = wlFieldMapping;

    // Buttons at the bottom...
    wOK = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
    wOK.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "System.Button.OK" ) );

    wGetMetadata = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
    wGetMetadata.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.GetMetadata.Button" ) );

    wCreateTable = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
    wCreateTable.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.CreateTable.Button" ) );

    wEditData = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
    wEditData.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.EditData.Button" ) );

    wViewData = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
    wViewData.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.ViewData.Button" ) );

    wCancel = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
    wCancel.setText( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "System.Button.Cancel" ) );

    Button[] buttons = new Button[] { wOK, wGetMetadata, wCreateTable, wEditData, wViewData, wCancel };
    BaseStepDialog.positionBottomButtons( shell, buttons, margin, null );

    // the field mapping grid in between
    ColumnInfo[] columns = new ColumnInfo[] {
      new ColumnInfo( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.ColumnInfo.FieldName" ),
        ColumnInfo.COLUMN_TYPE_CCOMBO, new String[] { "" }, false ),
      new ColumnInfo( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.ColumnInfo.ColumnName" ),
        ColumnInfo.COLUMN_TYPE_CCOMBO, new String[] { "" }, false ),
      new ColumnInfo( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.ColumnInfo.FieldType" ),
        ColumnInfo.COLUMN_TYPE_CCOMBO, ValueMetaFactory.getAllValueMetaNames(), false ),
      new ColumnInfo( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.ColumnInfo.FieldFormat" ),
        ColumnInfo.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT, true, false ),
      new ColumnInfo( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.ColumnInfo.FieldLength" ),
        ColumnInfo.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT, true, false ),
      new ColumnInfo( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.ColumnInfo.FieldPrecision" ),
        ColumnInfo.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT, true, false ),
      new ColumnInfo( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.ColumnInfo.Comment" ),
        ColumnInfo.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT, false, false ),

    wFieldMapping = new TableView(
      new Variables(),
      null, props );

    FormData fdFieldMapping = new FormData();
    fdFieldMapping.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 0 );
    fdFieldMapping.top = new FormAttachment( lastControl, margin );
    fdFieldMapping.right = new FormAttachment( 100, 0 );
    fdFieldMapping.bottom = new FormAttachment( wOK, -2 * margin );
    wFieldMapping.setLayoutData( fdFieldMapping );

    // Add listeners
    wOK.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
      public void handleEvent( Event e ) {
    } );
    wGetMetadata.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
      public void handleEvent( Event e ) {
    } );
    wCreateTable.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
      public void handleEvent( Event e ) {
    } );
    wEditData.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
      public void handleEvent( Event e ) {
    } );
    wViewData.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
      public void handleEvent( Event e ) {
    } );
    wCancel.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
      public void handleEvent( Event e ) {
    } );

    SelectionAdapter selAdapter = new SelectionAdapter() {
      public void widgetDefaultSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {
    wName.addSelectionListener( selAdapter );
    wDescription.addSelectionListener( selAdapter );
    wTableName.addSelectionListener( selAdapter );

    // Detect X or ALT-F4 or something that kills this window...
    shell.addShellListener( new ShellAdapter() {
      public void shellClosed( ShellEvent e ) {
    } );


    BaseStepDialog.setSize( shell );

    Display display = parent.getDisplay();
    while ( !shell.isDisposed() ) {
      if ( !display.readAndDispatch() ) {
    return ok;

  protected void addDataSetGroup() {

    try {
      refreshGroups( metaStore );
    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      new ErrorDialog( shell, "Error", "Error creating new data set group", e );

  protected void editDataSetGroup() {

    String groupName = wDataSetGroup.getText();
    if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( groupName ) ) {

    try {
      DataSetHelper.getInstance().editDataSetGroup( groupName );
      refreshGroups( metaStore );
    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      new ErrorDialog( shell, "Error", "Error editing data set group", e );

  private void refreshGroups( IMetaStore metaStore ) throws MetaStoreException {

    MetaStoreFactory<DataSetGroup> factory = new MetaStoreFactory<DataSetGroup>( DataSetGroup.class, metaStore, PentahoDefaults.NAMESPACE );
    factory.addNameList( DataSetConst.DATABASE_LIST_KEY, databases );

    groups = factory.getElements();

    List<String> names = factory.getElementNames();
    Collections.sort( names );
    wDataSetGroup.setItems( names.toArray( new String[ names.size() ] ) );


   * Look at the metadata specified here and create the table accordingly...
  protected void getMetadataFromTable() {
    try {

      DataSet set = new DataSet();
      getInfo( set );
      DataSetGroup group = set.getGroup();

      if ( group.getType() != DataSetGroupType.Database ) {

      String schemaTable = group.getDatabaseMeta().getQuotedSchemaTableCombination( group.getSchemaName(), wTableName.getText() );

      Database database = null;
      try {
        database = new Database( new LoggingObject( "DataSetDialog" ), group.getDatabaseMeta() );
        if ( database.checkTableExists( schemaTable ) ) {
          RowMetaInterface rowMeta = database.getTableFields( schemaTable );

          BaseStepDialog.getFieldsFromPrevious( rowMeta, wFieldMapping, 2, new int[] { 1, 2 }, new int[] { 3 }, 4, 5, new TableItemInsertListener() {
            public boolean tableItemInserted( TableItem tableItem, ValueMetaInterface v ) {

              tableItem.setText( 4, v.getLength() < 0 ? "" : Integer.toString( v.getLength() ) );
              tableItem.setText( 5, v.getPrecision() < 0 ? "" : Integer.toString( v.getPrecision() ) );

              return true;
          } );

        } else {
          throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.Error.TableDoesNotExist", schemaTable ) );

      } finally {
        if ( database != null ) {

    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      new ErrorDialog( shell, "Error", "Error retrieving metadata from dataset table", e );

  private void verifySettings() throws KettleException {
    DataSetGroup group = DataSetConst.findDataSetGroup( groups, wDataSetGroup.getText() );

    if ( group == null ) {
      throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.Error.NoGroupSpecified" ) );
    if ( StringUtil.isEmpty( wTableName.getText() ) ) {
      throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.Error.NoTableSpecified" ) );


   * Look at the metadata specified here and create the table accordingly...
   * - Create a table for the Database Group type
   * - Create a metadata file for the CSV group type
  protected void createTable() {
    try {

      DataSet set = new DataSet();
      getInfo( set );
      DataSetGroup group = set.getGroup();

      String tableName = wTableName.getText();

      // Calculate the row metadata of the table
      RowMetaInterface rowMeta = new RowMeta();
      int nrFields = wFieldMapping.nrNonEmpty();
      for ( int i = 0; i < nrFields; i++ ) {
        TableItem item = wFieldMapping.getNonEmpty( i );
        int colnr = 2;
        String columnName = item.getText( colnr++ );
        if ( StringUtil.isEmpty( columnName ) ) {
          throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.Error.NoColumnName", Integer.toString( i ) ) );
        int fieldType = ValueMetaFactory.getIdForValueMeta( item.getText( colnr++ ) );
        if ( fieldType == ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NONE ) {
          throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.Error.NoDataType", Integer.toString( i ) ) );
        int length = Const.toInt( item.getText( colnr++ ), -1 );
        int precision = Const.toInt( item.getText( colnr++ ), -1 );

        ValueMetaInterface valueMeta = ValueMetaFactory.createValueMeta( columnName, fieldType, length, precision );
        rowMeta.addValueMeta( valueMeta );

      group.createTable( tableName, rowMeta );

    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      new ErrorDialog( shell, "Error", "Error retrieving metadata from dataset table", e );


  protected void editData() {

    // If the row count is too high, we don't want to load it into memory...
    // Too high simply means: above the preview size...
    int previewSize = props.getDefaultPreviewSize();
    try {


      DataSet set = new DataSet();
      getInfo( set );
      DataSetGroup group = set.getGroup();

      // get rows from the data set...
      List<Object[]> rows = set.getAllRows( LogChannel.UI );

      RowMetaInterface fieldsRowMeta = set.getSetRowMeta( false );
      RowMetaInterface columnsRowMeta = set.getSetRowMeta( true );

      EditRowsDialog editRowsDialog = new EditRowsDialog( shell, SWT.NONE,
        BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.EditRows.Title" ),
        BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.EditRows.Message", set.getName() ),
        rows );
      List<Object[]> newList = editRowsDialog.open();
      if ( newList != null ) {
        // Write the rows back to the data set
        group.writeDataSetData( set.getTableName(), columnsRowMeta, newList );

    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      new ErrorDialog( shell, "Error", "Error previewing data from dataset table", e );

  protected void viewData() {
    try {
      DataSet set = new DataSet();
      getInfo( set );

      List<Object[]> setRows = set.getAllRows( LogChannel.UI );
      RowMetaInterface setRowMeta = set.getSetRowMeta( false );

      PreviewRowsDialog previewRowsDialog = new PreviewRowsDialog( shell, new Variables(), SWT.NONE, set.getName(), setRowMeta, setRows );

    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      new ErrorDialog( shell, "Error", "Error previewing data from dataset table", e );

  public void dispose() {
    props.setScreen( new WindowProperty( shell ) );

  public void getData() {

    for ( DataSetGroup group : groups ) {
      wDataSetGroup.add( group.getName() );

    wName.setText( Const.NVL( dataSet.getName(), "" ) );
    wDescription.setText( Const.NVL( dataSet.getDescription(), "" ) );
    wDataSetGroup.setText( Const.NVL( dataSet.getGroup() == null ? null : dataSet.getGroup().getName(), "" ) );
    wTableName.setText( Const.NVL( dataSet.getTableName(), "" ) );
    for ( int i = 0; i < dataSet.getFields().size(); i++ ) {
      DataSetField field = dataSet.getFields().get( i );
      int colnr = 1;
      wFieldMapping.setText( Const.NVL( field.getFieldName(), "" ), colnr++, i );
      wFieldMapping.setText( Const.NVL( field.getColumnName(), "" ), colnr++, i );
      wFieldMapping.setText( ValueMetaFactory.getValueMetaName( field.getType() ), colnr++, i );
      wFieldMapping.setText( Const.NVL( field.getFormat(), ""), colnr++, i );
      wFieldMapping.setText( field.getLength() >= 0 ? Integer.toString( field.getLength() ) : "", colnr++, i );
      wFieldMapping.setText( field.getPrecision() >= 0 ? Integer.toString( field.getPrecision() ) : "", colnr++, i );
      wFieldMapping.setText( Const.NVL( field.getComment(), "" ), colnr++, i );

  private void cancel() {
    ok = false;

   * @param set The data set to load the dialog information into
  public void getInfo( DataSet set ) {

    set.setName( wName.getText() );
    set.setDescription( wDescription.getText() );
    set.setGroup( DataSetConst.findDataSetGroup( groups, wDataSetGroup.getText() ) );
    set.setTableName( wTableName.getText() );
    int nrFields = wFieldMapping.nrNonEmpty();
    for ( int i = 0; i < nrFields; i++ ) {
      TableItem item = wFieldMapping.getNonEmpty( i );
      int colnr = 1;
      String fieldName = item.getText( colnr++ );
      String columnName = item.getText( colnr++ );
      int type = ValueMetaFactory.getIdForValueMeta( item.getText( colnr++ ) );
      String format = item.getText( colnr++ );
      int length = Const.toInt( item.getText( colnr++ ), -1 );
      int precision = Const.toInt( item.getText( colnr++ ), -1 );
      String comment = item.getText( colnr++ );

      DataSetField field = new DataSetField( fieldName, columnName, type, length, precision, comment, format );
      set.getFields().add( field );


  public void ok() {

    try {
    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      new ErrorDialog( shell, "Error", BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DataSetDialog.Error.ValidationError" ), e );

    getInfo( dataSet );

    ok = true;


  public IMetaStore getMetaStore() {
    return metaStore;

  public void setMetaStore( IMetaStore metaStore ) {
    this.metaStore = metaStore;
