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package org.matsim.maas.taxi;

import org.matsim.contrib.dvrp.run.DvrpConfigGroup;
import org.matsim.contrib.taxi.run.MultiModeTaxiConfigGroup;
import org.matsim.contrib.taxi.run.TaxiControlerCreator;
import org.matsim.core.config.Config;
import org.matsim.core.config.ConfigUtils;
import org.matsim.vis.otfvis.OTFVisConfigGroup;

 * An example class to Run a taxi scenario based on a config file.
 * Note that several different optimizers may be set directly within the config file.
 * Two examples are provided here: A rulebased and an assignment based dispatch algorithm.

public class RunTaxiExample {
	public static final String CONFIG_FILE_RULEBASED = "scenarios/mielec_2014_02/mielec_taxi_config_rulebased.xml";
	public static final String CONFIG_FILE_ASSIGNMENT = "scenarios/mielec_2014_02/mielec_taxi_config_assignment.xml";

	public static void run(String configFile, boolean otfvis, int lastIteration) {
		// load config
		Config config = ConfigUtils.loadConfig(configFile, new MultiModeTaxiConfigGroup(), new DvrpConfigGroup(),
				new OTFVisConfigGroup());

		TaxiControlerCreator.createControler(config, otfvis).run();

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//RunTaxiExample.run(CONFIG_FILE_RULEBASED,false, 0); // switch to 'true' to turn on visualisation
		RunTaxiExample.run(CONFIG_FILE_ASSIGNMENT, false, 0); // switch to 'true' to turn on visualisation