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package org.matsim.maas.drt;

import org.matsim.contrib.av.robotaxi.fares.drt.DrtFareModule;
import org.matsim.contrib.av.robotaxi.fares.drt.DrtFaresConfigGroup;
import org.matsim.contrib.drt.run.DrtControlerCreator;
import org.matsim.contrib.drt.run.MultiModeDrtConfigGroup;
import org.matsim.contrib.dvrp.run.DvrpConfigGroup;
import org.matsim.core.config.Config;
import org.matsim.core.config.ConfigUtils;
import org.matsim.core.controler.Controler;
import org.matsim.vis.otfvis.OTFVisConfigGroup;

 * @author jbischoff
 * An example to run the demand responsive transport contribution in MATSim, with DRT service
 * serving customers in between stops.
 * The stops are defined using the Transit Schedule file format.
 * You'll find the scenario in the "scenario" folder of the project.
public class RunStopBasedDrtExample {

    public static void run(Config config, boolean otfvis) {
        //Creates a MATSim Controler and preloads all DRT related packages
        Controler controler = DrtControlerCreator.createControler(config, otfvis);

        //this is optional, adds fares to DRT
        controler.addOverridingModule(new DrtFareModule());

        //starts the simulation

    public static void main(String[] args) {

		Config config = ConfigUtils.loadConfig("scenarios/cottbus/drtconfig_stopbased.xml",
				new MultiModeDrtConfigGroup(), new DvrpConfigGroup(),
                new OTFVisConfigGroup(), new DrtFaresConfigGroup());
        run(config, false);