package eu.manuelgu.discordmc;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;

import com.vdurmont.emoji.EmojiParser;
import sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IChannel;
import sx.blah.discord.util.DiscordException;
import sx.blah.discord.util.MessageBuilder;
import sx.blah.discord.util.MissingPermissionsException;
import sx.blah.discord.util.RequestBuffer;

public class MessageAPI {
    private static DiscordMC plugin;
    private static final Boolean useIngameFormat = DiscordMC.get().getConfig().getBoolean("settings.use_ingame_format", true);

    MessageAPI(DiscordMC main) {
        MessageAPI.plugin = main;

     * Send a chat message to the Minecraft server
     * @param origin   {@link IChannel} the message came from
     * @param username player who sent the message
     * @param message  the actual message which gets sent
    public static void sendToMinecraft(IChannel origin, String username, String message) {
        String formattedMessage = getFormattedMessage(origin, username);

        DiscordMC.getSubscribedPlayers().forEach(uuid -> Bukkit.getPlayer(uuid).sendMessage(
                        .replaceAll("%message", ChatColor.stripColor(message)))));

     * Send a chat message to the Minecraft server console
     * @param origin   {@link IChannel} the message came from
     * @param username player who sent the message
     * @param message  the actual message which gets sent
    public static void sendToMinecraftConsole(IChannel origin, String username, String message) {
        String formattedMessage = getFormattedMessage(origin, username);

                EmojiParser.parseToAliases(formattedMessage.replaceAll("%message", ChatColor.stripColor(message))));

    private static String getFormattedMessage(final IChannel origin, final String username) {
        String format = (String) DiscordMC.getUserFormats().get(username, "-");
        String formattedMessage;
        if (!useIngameFormat || Objects.equals(format, "-")) {
            formattedMessage =
                    ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', DiscordMC.get().getConfig().getString("settings.templates.chat_message_minecraft")
                            .replace("%user", username)
                            .replace("%channel", origin.getName()));
        } else {
            formattedMessage = format.replace("%1$s", username).replace("%2$s", "%message");
        return formattedMessage;

     * Send a raw message to the Minecraft server
     * @param message raw message which gets sent
    public static void sendRawToMinecraft(String message) {

     * Send a chat message to the Discord server
     * @param message the message which gets sent
    public static void sendToDiscord(String message) {
        if (!DiscordMC.getClient().isReady()) {
        Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, () -> DiscordMC.getMinecraftToDiscord().forEach(channel -> sendToDiscord(channel, ChatColor.stripColor(message))));

     * Send a message to a specific channel
     * @param channel channel to receive message
     * @param message message to send
    static void sendToDiscord(IChannel channel, String message) {
        RequestBuffer.request(() -> {
            try {
                new MessageBuilder(DiscordMC.getClient()).appendContent(ChatColor.stripColor(message)).withChannel(channel).build();
            } catch (DiscordException e) {
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Critical issue while sending message.. See stacktrace below");
            } catch (MissingPermissionsException e) {
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Your Bot is missing required permissions to perform this action! "
                        + e.getErrorMessage());
            return null;

     * Send a message to a list of specific channels
     * @param channels channels that receive message
     * @param message  message to send
    static void sendToDiscord(List<IChannel> channels, String message) {
        channels.forEach(channel -> sendToDiscord(channel, message));