package box2dLight;

/** @author kalle_h */

import java.util.HashMap;

import box2dLight.shaders.LightShader;

import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Filter;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Fixture;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.RayCastCallback;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.World;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable;

public class RayHandler implements Disposable {

	private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RAYS = 1023;
	final static int MIN_RAYS = 3;

	boolean culling = true;
	boolean shadows = true;
	boolean blur = true;

	int blurNum = 1;
	Color ambientLight = new Color();
	Color ambientColor = Color.BLACK;

	int MAX_RAYS;

	World world;
	ShaderProgram lightShader;
	boolean depthMasking;

	/** gles1.0 shadows mesh */
	private Mesh box;

	 * @param combined
	 *            matrix that include projection and translation matrices
	final private Matrix4 combined = new Matrix4();

	/** camera matrix corners */
	float x1, x2, y1, y2;

	private LightMap lightMap;

	 * This Array contain all the lights.
	final public Array<Light> lightList = new Array<Light>( false, 16, Light.class );
	 * This Array contain all the disabled lights.
	final public Array<Light> disabledLights = new Array<Light>( false, 16, Light.class );

	/** how many lights passed culling and rendered to scene */
	public int lightRenderedLastFrame = 0;

	 * Construct handler that manages everything related to updating and
	 * rendering the lights MINIMUM parameters needed are world where collision
	 * geometry is taken.
	 * Default setting: culling = true, shadows = true, blur =
	 * true(GL2.0),blurNum = 1, ambientLight = 0.0f;
	 * NOTE1: rays number per lights are capped to 1023. For different size use
	 * other constructor
	 * NOTE2: On GL 2.0 FBO size is 1/4 * screen size and used by default. For
	 * different sizes use other constructor
	 * @param world
	 * @param camera
	public RayHandler( World world, boolean depthMasking ) {
		this( world, DEFAULT_MAX_RAYS, / 4, / 4, depthMasking );

	 * Construct handler that manages everything related to updating and
	 * rendering the lights MINIMUM parameters needed are world where collision
	 * geometry is taken.
	 * Default setting: culling = true, shadows = true, blur =
	 * true(GL2.0),blurNum = 1, ambientLight = 0.0f;
	 * @param world
	 * @param camera
	 * @param maxRayCount
	 * @param fboWidth
	 * @param fboHeigth
	public RayHandler( World world, int maxRayCount, int fboWidth, int fboHeigth, boolean depthMasking ) { = world;
		this.depthMasking = depthMasking;

		MAX_RAYS = maxRayCount < MIN_RAYS ? MIN_RAYS : maxRayCount;

		m_segments = new float[ maxRayCount * 8 ];
		m_x = new float[ maxRayCount ];
		m_y = new float[ maxRayCount ];
		m_f = new float[ maxRayCount ];

		lightMap = new LightMap( this, fboWidth, fboHeigth, depthMasking );
		lightShader = LightShader.createLightShader();

	 * Set combined camera matrix. Matrix will be copied and used for rendering
	 * lights, culling. Matrix must be set to work in box2d coordinates. Matrix
	 * has to be updated every frame(if camera is changed)
	 * NOTE: Matrix4 is assumed to be orthogonal for culling and directional
	 * lights.
	 * If any problems detected Use: [public void setCombinedMatrix(Matrix4
	 * combined, float x, float y, float viewPortWidth, float viewPortHeight)]
	 * Instead
	 * @param combined
	 *            matrix that include projection and translation matrices
	public void setCombinedMatrix( Matrix4 combined ) {
		System.arraycopy( combined.val, 0, this.combined.val, 0, 16 );

		// updateCameraCorners
		float invWidth = combined.val[Matrix4.M00];

		final float halfViewPortWidth = 1f / invWidth;
		final float x = -halfViewPortWidth * combined.val[Matrix4.M03];
		x1 = x - halfViewPortWidth;
		x2 = x + halfViewPortWidth;

		float invHeight = combined.val[Matrix4.M11];

		final float halfViewPortHeight = 1f / invHeight;
		final float y = -halfViewPortHeight * combined.val[Matrix4.M13];
		y1 = y - halfViewPortHeight;
		y2 = y + halfViewPortHeight;


	 * EXPERT USE Set combined camera matrix. Matrix will be copied and used for
	 * rendering lights, culling. Matrix must be set to work in box2d
	 * coordinates. Matrix has to be updated every frame(if camera is changed)
	 * NOTE: this work with rotated cameras.
	 * @param combined
	 *            matrix that include projection and translation matrices
	 * @param x
	 *            combined matrix position
	 * @param y
	 *            combined matrix position
	 * @param viewPortWidth
	 *            NOTE!! use actual size, remember to multiple with zoom value
	 *            if pulled from OrthoCamera
	 * @param viewPortHeight
	 *            NOTE!! use actual size, remember to multiple with zoom value
	 *            if pulled from OrthoCamera
	public void setCombinedMatrix( Matrix4 combined, float x, float y, float viewPortWidth, float viewPortHeight ) {
		System.arraycopy( combined.val, 0, this.combined.val, 0, 16 );
		// updateCameraCorners
		final float halfViewPortWidth = viewPortWidth * 0.5f;
		x1 = x - halfViewPortWidth;
		x2 = x + halfViewPortWidth;

		final float halfViewPortHeight = viewPortHeight * 0.5f;
		y1 = y - halfViewPortHeight;
		y2 = y + halfViewPortHeight;


	boolean intersect( float x, float y, float side ) {
		return (x1 < (x + side) && x2 > (x - side) && y1 < (y + side) && y2 > (y - side));

	 * Remember setCombinedMatrix(Matrix4 combined) before drawing.
	 * Don't call this inside of any begin/end statements. Call this method
	 * after you have rendered background but before UI. Box2d bodies can be
	 * rendered before or after depending how you want x-ray light interact with
	 * bodies
	public final void updateAndRender() {

	 * Manual update method for all lights. Use this if you have less physic
	 * steps than rendering steps.
	public final void update() {
		final int size = lightList.size;
		for( int j = 0; j < size; j++ ) {


	 * Manual rendering method for all lights.
	 * NOTE! Remember to call updateRays if you use this method. * Remember
	 * setCombinedMatrix(Matrix4 combined) before drawing.
	 * Don't call this inside of any begin/end statements. Call this method
	 * after you have rendered background but before UI. Box2d bodies can be
	 * rendered before or after depending how you want x-ray light interact with
	 * bodies
	public void updateLightMap() {

		lightRenderedLastFrame = 0;

		if( depthMasking ) { true ); GL20.GL_DEPTH_TEST );


	void renderWithShaders() {

		if( shadows || blur ) {
			Gdx.gl20.glClearColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

			if( depthMasking ) {
				Gdx.gl20.glClearDepthf( 1 );
				Gdx.gl20.glClear( GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL20.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );
			} else {
				Gdx.gl20.glClear( GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );

			lightShader.setUniformMatrix( "u_projTrans", combined );

			final Light[] list = lightList.items;
			for( int i = 0, size = lightList.size; i < size; i++ ) {

		if( shadows || blur ) {

	public void renderLightMap( Rectangle viewport, FrameBuffer dest ) {
		lightMap.render( viewport, dest );

	public FrameBuffer getLightMap() {
		return lightMap.frameBuffer;

	private void alphaChannelClear() {
		Gdx.gl20.glClearColor( 0f, 0f, 0f, ambientLight.a );
		Gdx.gl20.glColorMask( false, false, false, true );
		Gdx.gl20.glClear( GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );
		Gdx.gl20.glColorMask( true, true, true, true );
		Gdx.gl20.glClearColor( 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f );


	public void dispose() {

		for( int i = 0; i < lightList.size; i++ ) {

		for( int i = 0; i < disabledLights.size; i++ ) {

		if( lightMap != null )
		if( lightShader != null )

	float m_segments[];
	float[] m_x;
	float[] m_y;
	float[] m_f;
	int m_index = 0;

	class LightRayCastCallback implements RayCastCallback {
		public Light requestingLight = null;

		final public float reportRayFixture( Fixture fixture, Vector2 point, Vector2 normal, float fraction ) {

			if( (requestingLight.maskBits != Light.MaskConsiderAllFixtures) && !considerFixture( fixture ) )
				return -1;
			// if (fixture.isSensor())
			// return -1;
			m_x[m_index] = point.x;
			m_y[m_index] = point.y;
			m_f[m_index] = fraction;
			return fraction;

		private HashMap<Fixture, Filter> map = new HashMap<Fixture, Filter>();

		final boolean considerFixture( Fixture fixture ) {
			Filter filter = map.get( fixture );
			if( filter == null ) {
				filter = fixture.getFilterData();
				map.put( fixture, filter );

			return ((requestingLight.maskBits & filter.categoryBits) != 0);


	final LightRayCastCallback ray = new LightRayCastCallback();

	final void doRaycast( Light requestingLight, Vector2 start, Vector2 end ) {
		ray.requestingLight = requestingLight;
		world.rayCast( ray, start, end );

	public void removeAll() {

		while( lightList.size > 0 )

		while( disabledLights.size > 0 )


	private void setShadowBox() {
		int i = 0;
		// This need some work, maybe camera matrix would needed
		float c = Color.toFloatBits( 0, 0, 0, 1 );

		m_segments[i++] = -1000000f;
		m_segments[i++] = -1000000f;
		m_segments[i++] = c;
		m_segments[i++] = -1000000f;
		m_segments[i++] = 1000000f;
		m_segments[i++] = c;
		m_segments[i++] = 1000000f;
		m_segments[i++] = 1000000f;
		m_segments[i++] = c;
		m_segments[i++] = 1000000f;
		m_segments[i++] = -1000000;
		m_segments[i++] = c;
		box.setVertices( m_segments, 0, i );

	 * Disables/enables culling. This save cpu and gpu time when world is bigger
	 * than screen.
	 * Default = true
	 * @param culling
	 *            the culling to set
	public final void setCulling( boolean culling ) {
		this.culling = culling;

	 * Disables/enables gaussian blur. This make lights much more softer and
	 * realistic look but also cost some precious shader time. With default fbo
	 * size on android cost around 1ms
	 * default = true;
	 * @param blur
	 *            the blur to set
	public final void setBlur( boolean blur ) {
		this.blur = blur;

	 * Set number of gaussian blur passes. Blurring can be pretty heavy weight
	 * operation, 1-3 should be safe. Setting this to 0 is same as
	 * setBlur(false)
	 * default = 1
	 * @param blurNum
	 *            the blurNum to set
	public final void setBlurNum( int blurNum ) {
		this.blurNum = blurNum;

	 * Disables/enables shadows. NOTE: If gl1.1 android you need to change
	 * render target to contain alpha channel* default = true
	 * @param shadows
	 *            the shadows to set
	public final void setShadows( boolean shadows ) {
		this.shadows = shadows;

	 * Ambient light is how dark are the shadows. clamped to 0-1
	 * default = 0;
	 * @param ambientLight
	 *            the ambientLight to set
	public final void setAmbientLight( float ambientLight ) {
		if( ambientLight < 0 )
			ambientLight = 0;
		if( ambientLight > 1 )
			ambientLight = 1;
		this.ambientLight.a = ambientLight;

	 * Ambient light color is how dark and what colored the shadows are. clamped
	 * to 0-1 NOTE: color is changed only in gles2.0 default = 0;
	 * @param ambientLight
	 *            the ambientLight to set
	public final void setAmbientLight( float r, float g, float b, float a ) {
		this.ambientLight.set( r, g, b, a );

	 * Ambient light color is how dark and what colored the shadows are. clamped
	 * to 0-1 NOTE: color is changed only in gles2.0 default = 0,0,0,0;
	 * @param ambientLight
	 *            the ambientLight to set
	public final void setAmbientLight( Color ambientLightColor ) {
		this.ambientLight.set( ambientLightColor );

	 * @param world
	 *            the world to set
	public final void setWorld( World world ) { = world;

	final static String HIGH = "highp";
	final static String MED = "mediump";
	final static String LOW = "lowp";
	static String colorPrecision = MED;

	 * set color precision to highp. Overkill quality. NOTE: this must be set
	 * before rayHandler is constructed
	public static void setColorPrecisionHighp() {
		colorPrecision = HIGH;

	 * set color precision to mediump. Good quality and performance. NOTE: this
	 * must be set before rayHandler is constructed
	public static void setColorPrecisionMediump() {
		colorPrecision = MED;

	 * set color precision to lowp. Worst quality, best performance. NOTE: this
	 * must be set before rayHandler is constructed
	public static void setColorPrecisionLowp() {
		colorPrecision = LOW;

	 * return current color precision Note: if changed after RayHandler is
	 * initialized, returned String is not what rayHandler is using
	 * @return colorPrecision
	public static String getColorPrecision() {
		return colorPrecision;

	static boolean gammaCorrection = false;
	static float gammaCorrectionParameter = 1f;
	static boolean isDiffuse = false;
	final static float GAMMA_COR = 0.625f;

	 * return is gamma correction enabled
	 * @return
	public static boolean getGammaCorrection() {
		return gammaCorrection;

	 * set gammaCorrection. This need to be done before creating instance of
	 * rayHandler. NOTE: this do nothing on gles1.0. NOTE2: for match the
	 * visuals with gamma uncorrected lights light distance parameters is
	 * modified internal.
	 * @param gammeCorrectionWanted
	public static void setGammaCorrection( boolean gammeCorrectionWanted ) {
		gammaCorrection = gammeCorrectionWanted;
		if( gammaCorrection )
			gammaCorrectionParameter = GAMMA_COR;
			gammaCorrectionParameter = 1f;

	 * If this is set to true and shadow are on lights are blended with diffuse
	 * algoritm. this preserve colors but might look bit darker. This is more
	 * realistic model than normally used This might improve perfromance
	 * slightly
	 * @param useDiffuse
	public static void useDiffuseLight( boolean useDiffuse ) {
		isDiffuse = useDiffuse;