 * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * <p> See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 * ownership. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which accompanies this distribution and is
 * available at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
package org.locationtech.geowave.analytic.spark;

import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD;
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast;
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD;
import org.locationtech.geowave.core.index.NumericIndexStrategy;
import org.locationtech.geowave.core.store.api.QueryBuilder;
import org.locationtech.geowave.core.store.cli.store.DataStorePluginOptions;
import org.locationtech.geowave.mapreduce.input.GeoWaveInputFormat;
import org.locationtech.geowave.mapreduce.input.GeoWaveInputKey;
import org.opengis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import scala.Tuple2;

public class GeoWaveRDDLoader {
  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeoWaveRDDLoader.class);

  public static GeoWaveRDD loadRDD(final SparkContext sc, final DataStorePluginOptions storeOptions)
      throws IOException {
    final RDDOptions defaultOptions = new RDDOptions();
    return GeoWaveRDDLoader.loadRDD(sc, storeOptions, defaultOptions);

  public static GeoWaveRDD loadRDD(
      final SparkContext sc,
      final DataStorePluginOptions storeOptions,
      final RDDOptions rddOpts) throws IOException {
    final JavaPairRDD<GeoWaveInputKey, SimpleFeature> rawRDD =
        GeoWaveRDDLoader.loadRawRDD(sc, storeOptions, rddOpts);
    return new GeoWaveRDD(rawRDD);

  public static GeoWaveIndexedRDD loadIndexedRDD(
      final SparkContext sc,
      final DataStorePluginOptions storeOptions,
      final RDDOptions rddOpts,
      final NumericIndexStrategy indexStrategy) throws IOException {
    final GeoWaveRDD wrappedRDD = GeoWaveRDDLoader.loadRDD(sc, storeOptions, rddOpts);
    // Index strategy can be expensive so we will broadcast it and store it
    Broadcast<NumericIndexStrategy> broadcastStrategy = null;
    if (indexStrategy != null) {
      broadcastStrategy =
          (Broadcast<NumericIndexStrategy>) RDDUtils.broadcastIndexStrategy(sc, indexStrategy);

    final GeoWaveIndexedRDD returnRDD = new GeoWaveIndexedRDD(wrappedRDD, broadcastStrategy);
    return returnRDD;

  public static GeoWaveIndexedRDD loadIndexedRDD(
      final SparkContext sc,
      final GeoWaveRDD inputRDD,
      final NumericIndexStrategy indexStrategy) throws IOException {
    if ((inputRDD == null) || !inputRDD.isLoaded()) {
      return null;
    // Index strategy can be expensive so we will broadcast it and store it
    Broadcast<NumericIndexStrategy> broadcastStrategy = null;
    if (indexStrategy != null) {
      broadcastStrategy =
          (Broadcast<NumericIndexStrategy>) RDDUtils.broadcastIndexStrategy(sc, indexStrategy);

    final GeoWaveIndexedRDD returnRDD = new GeoWaveIndexedRDD(inputRDD, broadcastStrategy);
    return returnRDD;

  public static JavaPairRDD<GeoWaveInputKey, SimpleFeature> loadRawRDD(
      final SparkContext sc,
      final DataStorePluginOptions storeOptions,
      final RDDOptions rddOpts) throws IOException {
    if (sc == null) {
      LOGGER.error("Must supply a valid Spark Context. Please set SparkContext and try again.");
      return null;

    if (storeOptions == null) {
      LOGGER.error("Must supply input store to load. Please set storeOptions and try again.");
      return null;

    if (rddOpts == null) {
      LOGGER.error("Must supply valid RDDOptions to load a rdd.");
      return null;

    final Configuration conf = new Configuration(sc.hadoopConfiguration());

    GeoWaveInputFormat.setStoreOptions(conf, storeOptions);

    if (rddOpts.getQuery() != null) {

    if ((rddOpts.getMinSplits() > -1) || (rddOpts.getMaxSplits() > -1)) {
      GeoWaveInputFormat.setMinimumSplitCount(conf, rddOpts.getMinSplits());
      GeoWaveInputFormat.setMaximumSplitCount(conf, rddOpts.getMaxSplits());
    } else {
      final int defaultSplitsSpark = sc.getConf().getInt("spark.default.parallelism", -1);
      // Attempt to grab default partition count for spark and split data
      // along that.
      // Otherwise just fallback to default according to index strategy
      if (defaultSplitsSpark != -1) {
        GeoWaveInputFormat.setMinimumSplitCount(conf, defaultSplitsSpark);
        GeoWaveInputFormat.setMaximumSplitCount(conf, defaultSplitsSpark);

    final RDD<Tuple2<GeoWaveInputKey, SimpleFeature>> rdd =

    final JavaPairRDD<GeoWaveInputKey, SimpleFeature> javaRdd =

    return javaRdd;

  public static JavaPairRDD<GeoWaveInputKey, GridCoverage> loadRawRasterRDD(
      final SparkContext sc,
      final DataStorePluginOptions storeOptions,
      final String indexName,
      final Integer minSplits,
      final Integer maxSplits) throws IOException {
    if (sc == null) {
      LOGGER.error("Must supply a valid Spark Context. Please set SparkContext and try again.");
      return null;

    if (storeOptions == null) {
      LOGGER.error("Must supply input store to load. Please set storeOptions and try again.");
      return null;

    final Configuration conf = new Configuration(sc.hadoopConfiguration());

    GeoWaveInputFormat.setStoreOptions(conf, storeOptions);

    if (indexName != null) {
    if (((minSplits != null) && (minSplits > -1)) || ((maxSplits != null) && (maxSplits > -1))) {
      GeoWaveInputFormat.setMinimumSplitCount(conf, minSplits);
      GeoWaveInputFormat.setMaximumSplitCount(conf, maxSplits);
    } else {
      final int defaultSplitsSpark = sc.getConf().getInt("spark.default.parallelism", -1);
      // Attempt to grab default partition count for spark and split data
      // along that.
      // Otherwise just fallback to default according to index strategy
      if (defaultSplitsSpark != -1) {
        GeoWaveInputFormat.setMinimumSplitCount(conf, defaultSplitsSpark);
        GeoWaveInputFormat.setMaximumSplitCount(conf, defaultSplitsSpark);

    final RDD<Tuple2<GeoWaveInputKey, GridCoverage>> rdd =

    final JavaPairRDD<GeoWaveInputKey, GridCoverage> javaRdd =

    return javaRdd;