 * Copyright 2016 LinkedIn Corp.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package com.linkedin.drelephant.mapreduce.heuristics;

import com.linkedin.drelephant.configurations.heuristic.HeuristicConfigurationData;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.util.Utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.analysis.Heuristic;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.analysis.HeuristicResult;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.analysis.Severity;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.mapreduce.data.MapReduceCounterData;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.mapreduce.data.MapReduceApplicationData;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.mapreduce.data.MapReduceTaskData;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.math.Statistics;

import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * This heuristic deals with the efficiency of container size
public abstract class GenericMemoryHeuristic implements Heuristic<MapReduceApplicationData> {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GenericMemoryHeuristic.class);
  private static final long CONTAINER_MEMORY_DEFAULT_MBYTES = 2048L;

  // Severity Parameters
  private static final String MEM_RATIO_SEVERITY = "memory_ratio_severity";
  private static final String CONTAINER_MEM_SEVERITY = "container_memory_severity";
  private static final String CONTAINER_MEM_DEFAULT_MB = "container_memory_default_mb";

  // Default value of parameters
  private double[] memRatioLimits = {0.6d, 0.5d, 0.4d, 0.3d}; // Avg Physical Mem of Tasks / Container Mem
  private double[] memoryLimits = {1.1d, 1.5d, 2.0d, 2.5d};   // Container Memory Severity Limits

  private String _containerMemConf;
  private HeuristicConfigurationData _heuristicConfData;

  private long getContainerMemDefaultMBytes() {
    Map<String, String> paramMap = _heuristicConfData.getParamMap();
    if (paramMap.containsKey(CONTAINER_MEM_DEFAULT_MB)) {
      String strValue = paramMap.get(CONTAINER_MEM_DEFAULT_MB);
      try {
        return Long.parseLong(strValue);
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        logger.warn(CONTAINER_MEM_DEFAULT_MB + ": expected number [" + strValue + "]");

  private void loadParameters() {
    Map<String, String> paramMap = _heuristicConfData.getParamMap();
    String heuristicName = _heuristicConfData.getHeuristicName();

    double[] confMemRatioLimits = Utils.getParam(paramMap.get(MEM_RATIO_SEVERITY), memRatioLimits.length);
    if (confMemRatioLimits != null) {
      memRatioLimits = confMemRatioLimits;
    logger.info(heuristicName + " will use " + MEM_RATIO_SEVERITY + " with the following threshold settings: "
        + Arrays.toString(memRatioLimits));

    long containerMemDefaultBytes = getContainerMemDefaultMBytes() * FileUtils.ONE_MB;
    logger.info(heuristicName + " will use " + CONTAINER_MEM_DEFAULT_MB + " with the following threshold setting: "
            + containerMemDefaultBytes);

    double[] confMemoryLimits = Utils.getParam(paramMap.get(CONTAINER_MEM_SEVERITY), memoryLimits.length);
    if (confMemoryLimits != null) {
      memoryLimits = confMemoryLimits;
    logger.info(heuristicName + " will use " + CONTAINER_MEM_SEVERITY + " with the following threshold settings: "
        + Arrays.toString(memoryLimits));
    for (int i = 0; i < memoryLimits.length; i++) {
      memoryLimits[i] = memoryLimits[i] * containerMemDefaultBytes;

  protected GenericMemoryHeuristic(String containerMemConf, HeuristicConfigurationData heuristicConfData) {
    this._containerMemConf = containerMemConf;
    this._heuristicConfData = heuristicConfData;


  protected abstract MapReduceTaskData[] getTasks(MapReduceApplicationData data);

  public HeuristicConfigurationData getHeuristicConfData() {
    return _heuristicConfData;

  public HeuristicResult apply(MapReduceApplicationData data) {

    if(!data.getSucceeded()) {
      return null;

    String containerSizeStr = data.getConf().getProperty(_containerMemConf);
    long containerMem = -1L;

    if (containerSizeStr != null) {
      try {
        containerMem = Long.parseLong(containerSizeStr);
      } catch (NumberFormatException e0) {
        // Some job has a string var like "${VAR}" for this config.
        if(containerSizeStr.startsWith("$")) {
          String realContainerConf = containerSizeStr.substring(containerSizeStr.indexOf("{")+1,
          String realContainerSizeStr = data.getConf().getProperty(realContainerConf);
          try {
            containerMem = Long.parseLong(realContainerSizeStr);
          catch (NumberFormatException e1) {
            logger.warn(realContainerConf + ": expected number [" + realContainerSizeStr + "]");
        } else {
          logger.warn(_containerMemConf + ": expected number [" + containerSizeStr + "]");
    if (containerMem < 0) {
      containerMem = getContainerMemDefaultMBytes();
    containerMem *= FileUtils.ONE_MB;

    MapReduceTaskData[] tasks = getTasks(data);
    List<Long> taskPMems = new ArrayList<Long>();
    List<Long> taskVMems = new ArrayList<Long>();
    List<Long> runtimesMs = new ArrayList<Long>();
    long taskPMin = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    long taskPMax = 0;
    for (MapReduceTaskData task : tasks) {
      if (task.isTimeAndCounterDataPresent()) {
        long taskPMem = task.getCounters().get(MapReduceCounterData.CounterName.PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES);
        long taskVMem = task.getCounters().get(MapReduceCounterData.CounterName.VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BYTES);
        taskPMin = Math.min(taskPMin, taskPMem);
        taskPMax = Math.max(taskPMax, taskPMem);

    if(taskPMin == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
      taskPMin = 0;

    long taskPMemAvg = Statistics.average(taskPMems);
    long taskVMemAvg = Statistics.average(taskVMems);
    long averageTimeMs = Statistics.average(runtimesMs);

    Severity severity;
    if (tasks.length == 0) {
      severity = Severity.NONE;
    } else {
      severity = getTaskMemoryUtilSeverity(taskPMemAvg, containerMem);

    HeuristicResult result = new HeuristicResult(_heuristicConfData.getClassName(),
        _heuristicConfData.getHeuristicName(), severity, Utils.getHeuristicScore(severity, tasks.length));

    result.addResultDetail("Number of tasks", Integer.toString(tasks.length));
    result.addResultDetail("Avg task runtime", Statistics.readableTimespan(averageTimeMs));
    result.addResultDetail("Avg Physical Memory (MB)", Long.toString(taskPMemAvg / FileUtils.ONE_MB));
    result.addResultDetail("Max Physical Memory (MB)", Long.toString(taskPMax / FileUtils.ONE_MB));
    result.addResultDetail("Min Physical Memory (MB)", Long.toString(taskPMin / FileUtils.ONE_MB));
    result.addResultDetail("Avg Virtual Memory (MB)", Long.toString(taskVMemAvg / FileUtils.ONE_MB));
    result.addResultDetail("Requested Container Memory", FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(containerMem));

    return result;

  private Severity getTaskMemoryUtilSeverity(long taskMemAvg, long taskMemMax) {
    double ratio = ((double)taskMemAvg) / taskMemMax;
    Severity sevRatio = getMemoryRatioSeverity(ratio);
    // Severity is reduced if the requested container memory is close to default
    Severity sevMax = getContainerMemorySeverity(taskMemMax);

    return Severity.min(sevRatio, sevMax);

  private Severity getContainerMemorySeverity(long taskMemMax) {
    return Severity.getSeverityAscending(
        taskMemMax, memoryLimits[0], memoryLimits[1], memoryLimits[2], memoryLimits[3]);

  private Severity getMemoryRatioSeverity(double ratio) {
    return Severity.getSeverityDescending(
        ratio, memRatioLimits[0], memRatioLimits[1], memRatioLimits[2], memRatioLimits[3]);