 * Copyright 2014 See AUTHORS file.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.badlogic.gdx.ai.tests.steer.bullet;

import com.badlogic.gdx.ai.steer.Steerable;
import com.badlogic.gdx.ai.steer.SteeringAcceleration;
import com.badlogic.gdx.ai.steer.SteeringBehavior;
import com.badlogic.gdx.ai.tests.utils.bullet.BulletEntity;
import com.badlogic.gdx.ai.utils.Location;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.bullet.dynamics.btRigidBody;

/** @author Daniel Holderbaum */
public class SteeringBulletEntity extends BulletEntity implements Steerable<Vector3> {

	public btRigidBody body;

	float maxLinearSpeed;
	float maxLinearAcceleration;
	float maxAngularSpeed;
	float maxAngularAcceleration;
	float boundingRadius;
	boolean tagged;
	boolean independentFacing;
	protected SteeringBehavior<Vector3> steeringBehavior;
	private static final SteeringAcceleration<Vector3> steeringOutput = new SteeringAcceleration<Vector3>(new Vector3());

	private static final Quaternion tmpQuaternion = new Quaternion();
	private static final Matrix4 tmpMatrix4 = new Matrix4();
	private final Vector3 tmpVector3 = new Vector3();

	private static final Vector3 ANGULAR_LOCK = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

	public SteeringBulletEntity (BulletEntity copyEntity) {
		this(copyEntity, false);

	public SteeringBulletEntity (BulletEntity copyEntity, boolean independentFacing) {
		super(copyEntity.modelInstance, copyEntity.body);

		if (!(copyEntity.body instanceof btRigidBody)) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Body must be a rigid body.");
// if (copyEntity.body.isStaticOrKinematicObject()) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Body must be a dynamic body.");
// }

		this.body = (btRigidBody)copyEntity.body;
		this.independentFacing = independentFacing; 

	public SteeringBehavior<Vector3> getSteeringBehavior () {
		return steeringBehavior;

	public void setSteeringBehavior (SteeringBehavior<Vector3> steeringBehavior) {
		this.steeringBehavior = steeringBehavior;

//	float oldOrientation = 0;

	public void update (float deltaTime) {
		if (steeringBehavior != null) {
			// Calculate steering acceleration

			 * Here you might want to add a motor control layer filtering steering accelerations.
			 * For instance, a car in a driving game has physical constraints on its movement: it cannot turn while stationary; the
			 * faster it moves, the slower it can turn (without going into a skid); it can brake much more quickly than it can
			 * accelerate; and it only moves in the direction it is facing (ignoring power slides).
			// Apply steering acceleration
			applySteering(steeringOutput, deltaTime);

	protected void applySteering (SteeringAcceleration<Vector3> steering, float deltaTime) {
		boolean anyAccelerations = false;

		// Update position and linear velocity
		if (!steeringOutput.linear.isZero()) {
			// this method internally scales the force by deltaTime
			anyAccelerations = true;

		// Update orientation and angular velocity
		if (isIndependentFacing()) {
			if (steeringOutput.angular != 0) {
				// this method internally scales the torque by deltaTime
				body.applyTorque(tmpVector3.set(0, steeringOutput.angular, 0));
				anyAccelerations = true;
		else {
			// If we haven't got any velocity, then we can do nothing.
			Vector3 linVel = getLinearVelocity();
			if (!linVel.isZero(getZeroLinearSpeedThreshold())) {
				// TODO: Commented out!!!
				// Looks like the code below creates troubles in combination with the applyCentralForce above
				// Maybe we should be more consistent by only applying forces or setting velocities.
//				float newOrientation = vectorToAngle(linVel);
//				Vector3 angVel = body.getAngularVelocity();
//				angVel.y = (newOrientation - oldOrientation) % MathUtils.PI2;
//				if (angVel.y > MathUtils.PI) angVel.y -= MathUtils.PI2;
//				angVel.y /= deltaTime;
//				body.setAngularVelocity(angVel);
//				anyAccelerations = true;
//				oldOrientation = newOrientation;
		if (anyAccelerations) {

			// TODO:
			// Looks like truncating speeds here after applying forces doesn't work as expected.
			// We should likely cap speeds form inside an InternalTickCallback, see
			// http://www.bulletphysics.org/mediawiki-1.5.8/index.php/Simulation_Tick_Callbacks

			// Cap the linear speed
			Vector3 velocity = body.getLinearVelocity();
			float currentSpeedSquare = velocity.len2();
			float maxLinearSpeed = getMaxLinearSpeed();
			if (currentSpeedSquare > maxLinearSpeed * maxLinearSpeed) {
				body.setLinearVelocity(velocity.scl(maxLinearSpeed / (float)Math.sqrt(currentSpeedSquare)));

			// Cap the angular speed
			Vector3 angVelocity = body.getAngularVelocity();
			if (angVelocity.y > getMaxAngularSpeed()) {
				angVelocity.y = getMaxAngularSpeed();

	public boolean isIndependentFacing () {
		return independentFacing;

	public void setIndependentFacing (boolean independentFacing) {
		this.independentFacing = independentFacing;

	public void setOrientation (float orientation) {
		transform.setToRotationRad(0, 1, 0, orientation);

	public float getOrientation () {
		transform.getRotation(tmpQuaternion, true);
		return tmpQuaternion.getYawRad();

	public Vector3 getLinearVelocity () {
		return body.getLinearVelocity();

	public float getAngularVelocity () {
		Vector3 angularVelocity = body.getAngularVelocity();
		return angularVelocity.y;

	public float getBoundingRadius () {
		// TODO: this should be calculated via the actual btShape
		return .5f;

	public boolean isTagged () {
		return tagged;

	public void setTagged (boolean tagged) {
		this.tagged = tagged;

	public Location<Vector3> newLocation () {
		return new BulletLocation();

	public float vectorToAngle (Vector3 vector) {
		return BulletSteeringUtils.vectorToAngle(vector);

	public Vector3 angleToVector (Vector3 outVector, float angle) {
		return BulletSteeringUtils.angleToVector(outVector, angle);

	public Vector3 getPosition () {
		return tmpMatrix4.getTranslation(tmpVector3);

	public float getMaxLinearSpeed () {
		return maxLinearSpeed;

	public void setMaxLinearSpeed (float maxLinearSpeed) {
		this.maxLinearSpeed = maxLinearSpeed;

	public float getMaxLinearAcceleration () {
		return maxLinearAcceleration;

	public void setMaxLinearAcceleration (float maxLinearAcceleration) {
		this.maxLinearAcceleration = maxLinearAcceleration;

	public float getMaxAngularSpeed () {
		return maxAngularSpeed;

	public void setMaxAngularSpeed (float maxAngularSpeed) {
		this.maxAngularSpeed = maxAngularSpeed;

	public float getMaxAngularAcceleration () {
		return maxAngularAcceleration;

	public void setMaxAngularAcceleration (float maxAngularAcceleration) {
		this.maxAngularAcceleration = maxAngularAcceleration;

	public float getZeroLinearSpeedThreshold () {
		return 0.001f;

	public void setZeroLinearSpeedThreshold (float value) {
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
