package com.laoqiu.amap;

import android.view.View;

import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactApplicationContext;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableArray;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableMap;
import com.facebook.react.common.MapBuilder;
import com.facebook.react.uimanager.LayoutShadowNode;
import com.facebook.react.uimanager.ThemedReactContext;
import com.facebook.react.uimanager.ViewGroupManager;
import com.facebook.react.uimanager.annotations.ReactProp;

import com.amap.api.maps.model.Marker;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

public class AMapMarkerManager extends ViewGroupManager<AMapMarker> {

    private static final int SHOW_INFO_WINDOW = 1;
    private static final int HIDE_INFO_WINDOW = 2;
    private final ReactApplicationContext appContext;

    public AMapMarkerManager(ReactApplicationContext context) {
        this.appContext = context;

    public String getName() {
        return "AMapMarker";

    public AMapMarker createViewInstance(ThemedReactContext context) {
        return new AMapMarker(context);

    @ReactProp(name = "coordinate")
    public void setCoordinate(AMapMarker view, ReadableMap map) {

    @ReactProp(name = "title")
    public void setTitle(AMapMarker view, String title) {

    @ReactProp(name = "identifier")
    public void setIdentifier(AMapMarker view, String identifier) {

    @ReactProp(name = "description")
    public void setDescription(AMapMarker view, String description) {

    // NOTE(lmr):
    // android uses normalized coordinate systems for this, and is provided through the
    // `anchor` property  and `calloutAnchor` instead.  Perhaps some work could be done
    // to normalize iOS and android to use just one of the systems.
//    @ReactProp(name = "centerOffset")
//    public void setCenterOffset(AMapMarker view, ReadableMap map) {
//    }
//    @ReactProp(name = "calloutOffset")
//    public void setCalloutOffset(AMapMarker view, ReadableMap map) {
//    }

    @ReactProp(name = "anchor")
    public void setAnchor(AMapMarker view, ReadableMap map) {
        // should default to (0.5, 1) (bottom middle)
        double x = map != null && map.hasKey("x") ? map.getDouble("x") : 0.5;
        double y = map != null && map.hasKey("y") ? map.getDouble("y") : 1.0;
        view.setAnchor(x, y);

    //@ReactProp(name = "calloutAnchor")
    //public void setCalloutAnchor(AMapMarker view, ReadableMap map) {
    //    // should default to (0.5, 0) (top middle)
    //    double x = map != null && map.hasKey("x") ? map.getDouble("x") : 0.5;
    //    double y = map != null && map.hasKey("y") ? map.getDouble("y") : 0.0;
    //    view.setCalloutAnchor(x, y);

    @ReactProp(name = "image")
    public void setImage(AMapMarker view, @Nullable String source) {
//    public void setImage(AMapMarker view, ReadableMap image) {
//        view.setImage(image);
//    }

    @ReactProp(name = "pinColor", defaultInt = Color.RED, customType = "Color")
    public void setPinColor(AMapMarker view, int pinColor) {
        float[] hsv = new float[3];
        Color.colorToHSV(pinColor, hsv);
        // NOTE: android only supports a hue

    @ReactProp(name = "rotation", defaultFloat = 0.0f)
    public void setMarkerRotation(AMapMarker view, float rotation) {

    @ReactProp(name = "flat", defaultBoolean = false)
    public void setFlat(AMapMarker view, boolean flat) {

    @ReactProp(name = "draggable", defaultBoolean = false)
    public void setDraggable(AMapMarker view, boolean draggable) {

    @ReactProp(name = "zIndex", defaultFloat = 0.0f)
    public void setZIndex(AMapMarker view, float zIndex) {
      //super.setZIndex(view, zIndex);
      int integerZIndex = Math.round(zIndex);

    @ReactProp(name = "opacity", defaultFloat = 1.0f)
    public void setOpacity(AMapMarker view, float opacity) {
      super.setOpacity(view, opacity);

    public void addView(AMapMarker parent, View child, int index) {
        // if an <Callout /> component is a child, then it is a callout view, NOT part of the
        // marker.
        //if (child instanceof AMapCallout) {
        //    parent.setCalloutView((AMapCallout) child);
        //} else {
            super.addView(parent, child, index);

    public void removeViewAt(AMapMarker parent, int index) {
        super.removeViewAt(parent, index);

    public Map<String, Integer> getCommandsMap() {
        return MapBuilder.of(
                "showCallout", SHOW_INFO_WINDOW,
                "hideCallout", HIDE_INFO_WINDOW

    public void receiveCommand(AMapMarker view, int commandId, @Nullable ReadableArray args) {
        switch (commandId) {
            case SHOW_INFO_WINDOW:
                ((Marker) view.getFeature()).showInfoWindow();

            case HIDE_INFO_WINDOW:
                ((Marker) view.getFeature()).hideInfoWindow();

    public Map getExportedCustomDirectEventTypeConstants() {
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = MapBuilder.of(
                "onPress", MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onPress"),
                "onCalloutPress", MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onCalloutPress"),
                "onDragStart", MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onDragStart"),
                "onDrag", MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onDrag"),
                "onDragEnd", MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onDragEnd")

                "onDragStart", MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onDragStart"),
                "onDrag", MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onDrag"),
                "onDragEnd", MapBuilder.of("registrationName", "onDragEnd")

        return map;

    public LayoutShadowNode createShadowNodeInstance() {
        // we use a custom shadow node that emits the width/height of the view
        // after layout with the updateExtraData method. Without this, we can't generate
        // a bitmap of the appropriate width/height of the rendered view.
        return new SizeReportingShadowNode();

    public void updateExtraData(AMapMarker view, Object extraData) {
        // This method is called from the shadow node with the width/height of the rendered
        // marker view.
        HashMap<String, Float> data = (HashMap<String, Float>) extraData;
        float width = data.get("width");
        float height = data.get("height");
        view.update((int) width, (int) height);