 * Copyright 2002-2017 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.expression.spel;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;

import org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor;
import org.springframework.expression.EvaluationContext;
import org.springframework.expression.EvaluationException;
import org.springframework.expression.Operation;
import org.springframework.expression.OperatorOverloader;
import org.springframework.expression.PropertyAccessor;
import org.springframework.expression.TypeComparator;
import org.springframework.expression.TypeConverter;
import org.springframework.expression.TypedValue;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;

 * An ExpressionState is for maintaining per-expression-evaluation state, any changes to
 * it are not seen by other expressions but it gives a place to hold local variables and
 * for component expressions in a compound expression to communicate state. This is in
 * contrast to the EvaluationContext, which is shared amongst expression evaluations, and
 * any changes to it will be seen by other expressions or any code that chooses to ask
 * questions of the context.
 * <p>It also acts as a place for to define common utility routines that the various AST
 * nodes might need.
 * @author Andy Clement
 * @since 3.0
public class ExpressionState {

	private final EvaluationContext relatedContext;

	private final TypedValue rootObject;

	private final SpelParserConfiguration configuration;

	private Stack<TypedValue> contextObjects;

	private Stack<VariableScope> variableScopes;

	// When entering a new scope there is a new base object which should be used
	// for '#this' references (or to act as a target for unqualified references).
	// This stack captures those objects at each nested scope level.
	// For example:
	// #list1.?[#list2.contains(#this)]
	// On entering the selection we enter a new scope, and #this is now the
	// element from list1
	private Stack<TypedValue> scopeRootObjects;

	public ExpressionState(EvaluationContext context) {
		this(context, context.getRootObject(), new SpelParserConfiguration(false, false));

	public ExpressionState(EvaluationContext context, SpelParserConfiguration configuration) {
		this(context, context.getRootObject(), configuration);

	public ExpressionState(EvaluationContext context, TypedValue rootObject) {
		this(context, rootObject, new SpelParserConfiguration(false, false));

	public ExpressionState(EvaluationContext context, TypedValue rootObject, SpelParserConfiguration configuration) {
		Assert.notNull(context, "EvaluationContext must not be null");
		Assert.notNull(configuration, "SpelParserConfiguration must not be null");
		this.relatedContext = context;
		this.rootObject = rootObject;
		this.configuration = configuration;

	private void ensureVariableScopesInitialized() {
		if (this.variableScopes == null) {
			this.variableScopes = new Stack<VariableScope>();
			// top level empty variable scope
			this.variableScopes.add(new VariableScope());
		if (this.scopeRootObjects == null) {
			this.scopeRootObjects = new Stack<TypedValue>();

	 * The active context object is what unqualified references to properties/etc are resolved against.
	public TypedValue getActiveContextObject() {
		if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.contextObjects)) {
			return this.rootObject;
		return this.contextObjects.peek();

	public void pushActiveContextObject(TypedValue obj) {
		if (this.contextObjects == null) {
			this.contextObjects = new Stack<TypedValue>();

	public void popActiveContextObject() {
		if (this.contextObjects == null) {
			this.contextObjects = new Stack<TypedValue>();

	public TypedValue getRootContextObject() {
		return this.rootObject;

	public TypedValue getScopeRootContextObject() {
		if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.scopeRootObjects)) {
			return this.rootObject;
		return this.scopeRootObjects.peek();

	public void setVariable(String name, Object value) {
		this.relatedContext.setVariable(name, value);

	public TypedValue lookupVariable(String name) {
		Object value = this.relatedContext.lookupVariable(name);
		return (value != null ? new TypedValue(value) : TypedValue.NULL);

	public TypeComparator getTypeComparator() {
		return this.relatedContext.getTypeComparator();

	public Class<?> findType(String type) throws EvaluationException {
		return this.relatedContext.getTypeLocator().findType(type);

	public Object convertValue(Object value, TypeDescriptor targetTypeDescriptor) throws EvaluationException {
		return this.relatedContext.getTypeConverter().convertValue(value,
				TypeDescriptor.forObject(value), targetTypeDescriptor);

	public TypeConverter getTypeConverter() {
		return this.relatedContext.getTypeConverter();

	public Object convertValue(TypedValue value, TypeDescriptor targetTypeDescriptor) throws EvaluationException {
		Object val = value.getValue();
		return this.relatedContext.getTypeConverter().convertValue(val, TypeDescriptor.forObject(val), targetTypeDescriptor);

	 * A new scope is entered when a function is invoked.
	public void enterScope(Map<String, Object> argMap) {
		this.variableScopes.push(new VariableScope(argMap));

	public void enterScope() {
		this.variableScopes.push(new VariableScope(Collections.<String,Object>emptyMap()));

	public void enterScope(String name, Object value) {
		this.variableScopes.push(new VariableScope(name, value));

	public void exitScope() {

	public void setLocalVariable(String name, Object value) {
		this.variableScopes.peek().setVariable(name, value);

	public Object lookupLocalVariable(String name) {
		int scopeNumber = this.variableScopes.size() - 1;
		for (int i = scopeNumber; i >= 0; i--) {
			if (this.variableScopes.get(i).definesVariable(name)) {
				return this.variableScopes.get(i).lookupVariable(name);
		return null;

	public TypedValue operate(Operation op, Object left, Object right) throws EvaluationException {
		OperatorOverloader overloader = this.relatedContext.getOperatorOverloader();
		if (overloader.overridesOperation(op, left, right)) {
			Object returnValue = overloader.operate(op, left, right);
			return new TypedValue(returnValue);
		else {
			String leftType = (left == null ? "null" : left.getClass().getName());
			String rightType = (right == null? "null" : right.getClass().getName());
			throw new SpelEvaluationException(SpelMessage.OPERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED_BETWEEN_TYPES, op, leftType, rightType);

	public List<PropertyAccessor> getPropertyAccessors() {
		return this.relatedContext.getPropertyAccessors();

	public EvaluationContext getEvaluationContext() {
		return this.relatedContext;

	public SpelParserConfiguration getConfiguration() {
		return this.configuration;

	 * A new scope is entered when a function is called and it is used to hold the
	 * parameters to the function call. If the names of the parameters clash with
	 * those in a higher level scope, those in the higher level scope will not be
	 * accessible whilst the function is executing. When the function returns,
	 * the scope is exited.
	private static class VariableScope {

		private final Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();

		public VariableScope() {

		public VariableScope(Map<String, Object> arguments) {
			if (arguments != null) {

		public VariableScope(String name, Object value) {

		public Object lookupVariable(String name) {
			return this.vars.get(name);

		public void setVariable(String name, Object value) {

		public boolean definesVariable(String name) {
			return this.vars.containsKey(name);
