* Copyright 2013-2018 Kay Stenschke
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.kstenschke.dummytext;

import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent;
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.PlatformDataKeys;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Caret;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.CaretModel;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor;
import com.kstenschke.dummytext.helpers.TextualHelper;
import com.kstenschke.dummytext.dictionaries.*;
import com.kstenschke.dummytext.resources.StaticTexts;

class ActionPerformer {

     * Dictionary of preferred genre vocabulary
    final private Dictionary genreDictionary;

     * Constructor
    ActionPerformer(String genreCode) {

        switch (genreCode) {
            case StaticTexts.GENRE_CODE_PIRATES:
                genreDictionary = new DictionaryPirates();
            case StaticTexts.GENRE_CODE_SCIFI:
                genreDictionary = new DictionarySciFi();
            case StaticTexts.GENRE_CODE_ESCOTERIC:
                genreDictionary = new DictionaryEsoteric();
            case StaticTexts.GENRE_CODE_COOKERY:
                genreDictionary = new DictionaryCookery();
                genreDictionary = new DictionaryLatin();

     * @param   event    ActionSystem event
    void write(final AnActionEvent event) {
        Editor editor = event.getData(PlatformDataKeys.EDITOR);

        if (editor != null) {
            final Document document = editor.getDocument();
            CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel();
            for (Caret caret : caretModel.getAllCarets()) {
                boolean hasSelection = caret.hasSelection();
                String selectedText  = caret.getSelectedText();
                String trailingCharacter    = TextualHelper.getTrailingPunctuationMark(selectedText);
                String leadingCharacters    = TextualHelper.getLeadingPreservation(selectedText);
                int amountLines     = 1;
                // applies only when replacing a single-lined selection, can be rounded up
                Integer amountWords = null;
                // Generated dummy text will replace the current selected text
                if (hasSelection && selectedText != null ) {
                    int selectionLength = selectedText.length();
                    if (selectionLength > 0) {
                        amountLines = TextualHelper.countLines(selectedText);
                        if (amountLines == 1) {
                            amountWords = TextualHelper.getWordCount(selectedText);
                // Generate and insert / replace selection with dummy text
                String dummyText  = generateText(amountLines, amountWords, leadingCharacters, trailingCharacter, selectedText).toString();
                Integer dummyTextLength = dummyText.length();
                Integer offsetStart;
                if (hasSelection) {
                    // Move caret to end of selection
                    offsetStart = caret.getSelectionStart();
                    int offsetEnd = caret.getSelectionEnd();
                    document.replaceString(offsetStart, offsetEnd, dummyText);
                    caret.setSelection(offsetStart, offsetStart + dummyTextLength);
                } else {
                    // Move caret to end of inserted text
                    offsetStart  = caretModel.getOffset();
                    dummyText   = dummyText.trim();
                    document.insertString(offsetStart, dummyText);

     * @param   amountLines          Amount of lines
     * @param   amountWords          Amount of words (per line, only given for single lined selection)
     * @param   leadingCharacters    Leading whitespace and e.g. quotation to be preserved
     * @param   trailingPunctuation  Trailing punctuation to be cast to the generated string's ending
     * @return  Random dummy text of the given amount of lines and at least the given string-length
    private CharSequence generateText(Integer amountLines, Integer amountWords,
                                      String leadingCharacters, String trailingPunctuation, String textToBeReplaced) {
        String dummyText = "";

        if (amountLines > 1) {
            amountWords = null;

        // Add random sentences until the given text length is reached
        Integer linesCount = 0;
        String[] originalLines = textToBeReplaced != null ? textToBeReplaced.split("\\n") : null;
        String dummyLine;

        while (linesCount < amountLines) {
            String originalLine;
            String leadingWhiteSpace    = "";
            int casing                  = 0;
            boolean isEmpty             = false;

            if (originalLines != null) {
                originalLine      = originalLines[linesCount];
                amountWords       = TextualHelper.getWordCount(originalLine);
                isEmpty           = amountWords == null || amountWords == 0;
                leadingWhiteSpace = TextualHelper.getLeadingWhiteSpace(originalLine);
                casing            = TextualHelper.getCasing(originalLine);

            int amountWordsLacking;
            if (!isEmpty) {
                dummyLine   = leadingWhiteSpace + genreDictionary.getRandomLine(amountWords);
                while (null != amountWords && TextualHelper.getWordCount(dummyLine) < amountWords - 2) {
                    amountWordsLacking  = amountWords - TextualHelper.getWordCount(dummyLine);
                    if (amountWordsLacking < 4) {
                        amountWordsLacking = 4;
                    dummyLine += " " + genreDictionary.getRandomLine(amountWordsLacking);

                dummyLine = TextualHelper.setCasing(dummyLine, casing);
            } else {
                dummyLine = "";

            dummyText = dummyText.concat(dummyLine);
            dummyText = dummyText.concat(amountLines > 1 ? "\n" : " ");


        if (textToBeReplaced != null && leadingCharacters != null && !textToBeReplaced.isEmpty() && !leadingCharacters.isEmpty()) {
            dummyText = leadingCharacters + dummyText;
        if (textToBeReplaced != null && trailingPunctuation != null && !textToBeReplaced.isEmpty() && !trailingPunctuation.isEmpty()) {
            dummyText = TextualHelper.castTrailingPunctuation(dummyText, trailingPunctuation);

        return dummyText;