 * MDAG is a Java library capable of constructing character-sequence-storing,
 * directed acyclic graphs of minimal size. 
 *  Copyright (C) 2012 Kevin Lawson <[email protected]>
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.BoxOfC.MDAG;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Stack;

 * The class which represents a node in a MDAG.

 * @author Kevin
public class MDAGNode 
    public int id;
    //The boolean denoting the accept state status of this node
    private boolean isAcceptNode;
    //The TreeMap to containing entries that represent a transition (label and target node)
    private final TreeMap<Character, MDAGNode> outgoingTransitionTreeMap;

    //The int representing this node's incoming transition node count
    private int incomingTransitionCount = 0;
    //The int denoting index in a simplified mdag data array that this node's transition set begins at
    private int transitionSetBeginIndex = -1;
    //The int which will store this node's hash code after its been calculated (necessary due to how expensive the hashing calculation is)
    private Integer storedHashCode = null;
     * Constructs an MDAGNode.
     * @param isAcceptNode     a boolean denoting the accept state status of this node 
    public MDAGNode(boolean isAcceptNode)
        this.isAcceptNode = isAcceptNode;     
        outgoingTransitionTreeMap = new TreeMap<Character, MDAGNode>(); 

     * Constructs an MDAGNode possessing the same accept state status and outgoing transitions as another.
     * @param node      the MDAGNode possessing the accept state status and 
     *                  outgoing transitions that the to-be-created MDAGNode is to take on
    private MDAGNode(MDAGNode node)
        isAcceptNode = node.isAcceptNode;
        outgoingTransitionTreeMap = new TreeMap<Character, MDAGNode>(node.outgoingTransitionTreeMap);
        //Loop through the nodes in this node's outgoing transition set, incrementing the number of
        //incoming transitions of each by 1 (to account for this newly created node's outgoing transitions)
        for(Entry<Character, MDAGNode> transitionKeyValuePair : outgoingTransitionTreeMap.entrySet())
    public MDAGNode(boolean isAcceptNode, int id)
        this.id = id;
        this.isAcceptNode = isAcceptNode;     
        outgoingTransitionTreeMap = new TreeMap<Character, MDAGNode>(); 
    private MDAGNode(MDAGNode node, int id)
        this.id = id;
        isAcceptNode = node.isAcceptNode;
        outgoingTransitionTreeMap = new TreeMap<Character, MDAGNode>(node.outgoingTransitionTreeMap);
        for(Map.Entry<Character, MDAGNode> transitionKeyValuePair : outgoingTransitionTreeMap.entrySet())
     * Creates an MDAGNode possessing the same accept state status and outgoing transitions as this node.
     * @return      an MDAGNode possessing the same accept state status and outgoing transitions as this node
    public MDAGNode clone()
        return new MDAGNode(this);
     * Creates an MDAGNode possessing the same accept state status ant transition set 
     * (incoming & outgoing) as this node. outgoing transitions as this node.
     * @param soleParentNode                        the MDAGNode possessing the only transition that targets this node
     * @param parentToCloneTransitionLabelChar      the char which labels the transition from {@code soleParentNode} to this node
     * @return                                      an MDAGNode possessing the same accept state status and transition set as this node. 
    public MDAGNode clone(MDAGNode soleParentNode, char parentToCloneTransitionLabelChar)
        MDAGNode cloneNode = new MDAGNode(this);
        soleParentNode.reassignOutgoingTransition(parentToCloneTransitionLabelChar, this, cloneNode);
        return cloneNode;

     * Retrieves the index in a simplified mdag data array that the SimpleMDAGNode
     * representation of this node's outgoing transition set begins at.
     * @return      the index in a simplified mdag data array that this node's transition set begins at,
     *              or -1 if its transition set is not present in such an array
    public int getTransitionSetBeginIndex()
        return transitionSetBeginIndex;
     public Map.Entry<Character, MDAGNode> getLastTransition()
        return outgoingTransitionTreeMap.lastEntry();
     * Retrieves this node's outgoing transition count.
     * @return      an int representing this node's number of outgoing transitions
    public int getOutgoingTransitionCount()
        return outgoingTransitionTreeMap.size();
     * Retrieves this node's incoming transition count
     * @return      an int representing this node's number of incoming transitions
    public int getIncomingTransitionCount()
        return incomingTransitionCount;
     * Determines if this node is a confluence node
     * (defined as a node with two or more incoming transitions
     * @return      true if this node has two or more incoming transitions, false otherwise
    public boolean isConfluenceNode()
        return (incomingTransitionCount > 1);
     * Retrieves the accept state status of this node.
     * @return      true if this node is an accept state, false otherwise
    public boolean isAcceptNode()
        return isAcceptNode;
     * Sets this node's accept state status.
     * @param isAcceptNode     a boolean representing the desired accept state status 
    public void setAcceptStateStatus(boolean isAcceptNode)
        this.isAcceptNode = isAcceptNode;
     * Records the index that this node's transition set starts at
     * in an array containing this node's containing MDAG data (simplified MDAG).
     * @param transitionSetBeginIndex       a transition set
    public void setTransitionSetBeginIndex(int transitionSetBeginIndex)
        this.transitionSetBeginIndex = transitionSetBeginIndex;
     * Determines whether this node has an outgoing transition with a given label.
     * @param letter        the char labeling the desired transition
     * @return              true if this node possesses a transition labeled with
     *                      {@code letter}, and false otherwise
    public boolean hasOutgoingTransition(char letter)
        return outgoingTransitionTreeMap.containsKey(letter);
     * Determines whether this node has any outgoing transitions.
     * @return      true if this node has at least one outgoing transition, false otherwise
    public boolean hasOutgoingTransitions()
        return !outgoingTransitionTreeMap.isEmpty();
     * Follows an outgoing transition of this node labeled with a given char.
     * @param letter        the char representation of the desired transition's label
     * @return              the MDAGNode that is the target of the transition labeled with {@code letter},
     *                      or null if there is no such labeled transition from this node
    public MDAGNode transition(char letter)
        return outgoingTransitionTreeMap.get(letter);
     * Follows a transition path starting from this node.
     * @param str               a String corresponding a transition path in the MDAG
     * @return                  the MDAGNode at the end of the transition path corresponding to 
     *                          {@code str}, or null if such a transition path is not present in the MDAG
    public MDAGNode transition(String str)
        int charCount = str.length();
        MDAGNode currentNode = this;
        //Iteratively transition through the MDAG using the chars in str
        for(int i = 0; i < charCount; i++)
            currentNode = currentNode.transition(str.charAt(i));
            if(currentNode == null) break;
        return currentNode;
     * Retrieves the nodes in the transition path starting
     * from this node corresponding to a given String .
     * @param str       a String corresponding to a transition path starting from this node
     * @return          a Stack of MDAGNodes containing the nodes in the transition path 
     *                  denoted by {@code str}, in the order they are encountered in during transitioning
    public Stack<MDAGNode> getTransitionPathNodes(String str)
        Stack<MDAGNode> nodeStack = new Stack<MDAGNode>();
        MDAGNode currentNode = this;
        int numberOfChars = str.length();
        //Iteratively transition through the MDAG using the chars in str,
        //putting each encountered node in nodeStack
        for(int i = 0; i < numberOfChars && currentNode != null; i++)
            currentNode = currentNode.transition(str.charAt(i));
        return nodeStack;

     * Retrieves this node's outgoing transitions.
     * @return      a TreeMap containing entries collectively representing
     *              all of this node's outgoing transitions
    public TreeMap<Character, MDAGNode> getOutgoingTransitions()
        return outgoingTransitionTreeMap;
     * Decrements (by 1) the incoming transition counts of all of the nodes
     * that are targets of outgoing transitions from this node.
    public void decrementTargetIncomingTransitionCounts()
        for(Entry<Character, MDAGNode> transitionKeyValuePair: outgoingTransitionTreeMap.entrySet())
     * Reassigns the target node of one of this node's outgoing transitions.
     * @param letter            the char which labels the outgoing transition of interest
     * @param oldTargetNode     the MDAGNode that is currently the target of the transition of interest
     * @param newTargetNode     the MDAGNode that is to be the target of the transition of interest
    public void reassignOutgoingTransition(char letter, MDAGNode oldTargetNode, MDAGNode newTargetNode)
        outgoingTransitionTreeMap.put(letter, newTargetNode);
     * Creates an outgoing transition labeled with a 
     * given char that has a new node as its target.
     * @param letter                        a char representing the desired label of the transition
     * @param targetAcceptStateStatus       a boolean representing to-be-created transition target node's accept status
     * @return                              the (newly created) MDAGNode that is the target of the created transition
    public MDAGNode addOutgoingTransition(char letter, boolean targetAcceptStateStatus)
        MDAGNode newTargetNode = new MDAGNode(targetAcceptStateStatus);
        outgoingTransitionTreeMap.put(letter, newTargetNode);
        return newTargetNode;
     public MDAGNode addOutgoingTransition(char letter, boolean isEndOfWord, int id)
        MDAGNode newTargetNode = new MDAGNode(isEndOfWord, id);
        newTargetNode.id = id;
        outgoingTransitionTreeMap.put(letter, newTargetNode);
        return newTargetNode;
     * Removes a transition labeled with a given char. This only removes the connection
     * between this node and the transition's target node; the target node is not deleted.
     * @param letter        the char labeling the transition of interest
    public void removeOutgoingTransition(char letter)

     * Determines whether the sets of transition paths from two MDAGNodes are equivalent. This is an expensive operation.
     * @param outgoingTransitionTreeMap1        a TreeMap containing entries collectively representing
     *                                          all of a node's outgoing transitions
     * @param outgoingTransitionTreeMap2        a TreeMap containing entries collectively representing
     *                                          all of a node's outgoing transitions
     * @return                                  true if the set of transition paths from {@code node1}
     *                                          and {@code node2} are equivalent
    public static boolean haveSameTransitions(MDAGNode node1, MDAGNode node2)
        TreeMap<Character, MDAGNode> outgoingTransitionTreeMap1 = node1.outgoingTransitionTreeMap;
        TreeMap<Character, MDAGNode> outgoingTransitionTreeMap2 = node2.outgoingTransitionTreeMap;
        if(outgoingTransitionTreeMap1.size() == outgoingTransitionTreeMap2.size())
            //For each transition in outgoingTransitionTreeMap1, get the identically lableed transition
            //in outgoingTransitionTreeMap2 (if present), and test the equality of the transitions' target nodes
            for(Entry<Character, MDAGNode> transitionKeyValuePair : outgoingTransitionTreeMap1.entrySet())
                Character currentCharKey = transitionKeyValuePair.getKey();
                MDAGNode currentTargetNode = transitionKeyValuePair.getValue();
                if(!outgoingTransitionTreeMap2.containsKey(currentCharKey) || !outgoingTransitionTreeMap2.get(currentCharKey).equals(currentTargetNode))
                    return false;
            return false;
        return true;
     * Clears this node's stored hash value
    public void clearStoredHashCode()
        storedHashCode = null;
     * Evaluates the equality of this node with another object.
     * This node is equal to obj if and only if obj is also an MDAGNode,
     * and the set of transitions paths from this node and obj are equivalent.
     * @param obj       an object
     * @return          true of {@code obj} is an MDAGNode and the set of 
     *                  transition paths from this node and obj are equivalent
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        boolean areEqual = (this == obj);
        if(!areEqual && obj != null && obj.getClass().equals(MDAGNode.class))
            MDAGNode node = (MDAGNode)obj;
            areEqual = (isAcceptNode == node.isAcceptNode && haveSameTransitions(this, node));
        return areEqual;

     * Hashes this node using its accept state status and set of outgoing transition paths.
     * This is an expensive operation, so the result is cached and only cleared when necessary.
     * @return      an int of this node's hash code
    public int hashCode() {
        if(storedHashCode == null)
            int hash = 7;
            hash = 53 * hash + (this.isAcceptNode ? 1 : 0);
            hash = 53 * hash + (this.outgoingTransitionTreeMap != null ? this.outgoingTransitionTreeMap.hashCode() : 0);    //recursively hashes the nodes in all the 
                                                                                                                                //transition paths stemming from this node
            storedHashCode = hash;
            return hash;
            return storedHashCode;