package org.clapper.util.text;

import java.util.Collection;


 * Abstract base class for <tt>XStringBuffer</tt> and <tt>XStringBuilder</tt>.
 * This class exists to share common functionality, pushing appropriate details
 * to the underlying implementation.
 * @see XStringBuffer
 * @see XStringBuilder
 * @see java.lang.StringBuffer
 * @see java.lang.StringBuilder
public abstract class XStringBufBase implements CharSequence, Appendable
                             Public Constants

     * The character that denotes the start of a metacharacter sequence.
    public static final char METACHAR_SEQUENCE_START = '\\';

                             Private Variables


     * Construct an empty <tt>XStringBuffer</tt> object with a default
     * initial capacity (the same initial capacity as an empty
     * <tt>StringBuffer</tt> object).
        // Nothing to do

                          Abstract Public Methods

     * Copy the some or all of the contents of the buffer into a character
     * array. The first character to be copied is at index
     * <tt>srcBegin</tt>; the last character to be copied is at index
     * (<tt>srcEnd - 1</tt>). The total number of characters to be
     * copied is (<tt>srcEnd - srcBegin</tt>). The characters are
     * copied into the subarray of <tt>dst</tt> starting at index
     * <tt>dstBegin</tt> and ending at index
     * <tt>(dstBegin + (srcEnd - srcBegin) - 1)</tt>.
     * @param srcBegin  Start copy from this offset in the string buffer
     * @param srcEnd    Stop copy from this offset in the string buffer
     * @param dst       Where to copy the characters.
     * @param dstBegin  Offset into <tt>dst</tt>
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException invalid index
    public abstract void getChars (int   srcBegin,
                                   int   srcEnd,
                                   char  dst[],
                                   int   dstBegin)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;

                        Abstract Protected Methods

     * Get the underlying buffer (e.g., <tt>StringBuffer</tt>,
     * <tt>StringBuilder</tt>) as an <tt>Appender</tt> object.
     * @return the <tt>Appender</tt>
    protected abstract Appendable getBufferAsAppendable();

     * Get the underlying buffer (e.g., <tt>StringBuffer</tt>,
     * <tt>StringBuilder</tt>) as a <tt>CharSequence</tt> object.
     * @return the <tt>Appendable</tt>
    protected abstract CharSequence getBufferAsCharSequence();

     * Get a new instance of the underlying buffer type (e.g.,
     * <tt>StringBuffer</tt>, <tt>StringBuilder</tt>) as a
     * <tt>CharSequence</tt> object.
     * @return the <tt>Appendable</tt>
    protected abstract CharSequence newBufferAsCharSequence();

     * Remove the characters in a substring of this
     * <tt>XStringBuffer</tt>. The substring begins at the specified
     * <tt>start</tt> and extends to the character at index
     * <tt>end - 1</tt>, or to the end of the string, if no such
     * character exists. If <tt>start</tt> is equal to <tt>end</tt>,
     * no changes are made.
     * @param start  The beginning index, inclusive
     * @param end    The ending index, exclusive
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException  if <tt>start</tt> is negative,
     *                                    greater than <tt>length()</tt>,
     *                                    or greater than <tt>end</tt>
    protected abstract void deleteCharacters (int start, int end)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;

     * Insert a single character into the buffer at a specified position.
     * Note that an insertion operation may push characters off the end of
     * the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param ch     The character to insert
    protected abstract void insertCharacter (int index, char ch);

     * Insert characters from a character array into the buffer at a
     * specified position. Note that an insertion operation may push
     * characters off the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param chars  The character(s) to insert
     * @param offset The starting position in the <tt>chars</tt> array
     * @param len    The number of characters to insert
    protected abstract void insertCharacters (int  index,
                                              char chars[],
                                              int  offset,
                                              int  len);

     * Replace the characters in a substring of this buffer with
     * characters in the specified <tt>String</tt>. The substring
     * begins at the specified <tt>start</tt> and extends to the
     * character at index <tt>end - 1</tt>, or to the end of the
     * <tt>XStringBuffer</tt> if no such character exists. First the
     * characters in the substring are removed and then the specified
     * <tt>String</tt> is inserted at <tt>start</tt>. (The
     * <tt>XStringBuffer</tt> will be lengthened to accommodate the
     * specified <tt>String</tt> if necessary.)
     * @param start  The beginning index, inclusive
     * @param end    The ending index, exclusive
     * @param str    The string that will replace the previous contents
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>start</tt> is negative,
     *                                   or greater than
     *                                   <tt>length()</tt>, or greater
     *                                   than <tt>end</tt>
    protected abstract void replaceString (int start, int end, String str)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;

                              Public Methods

     * Append the string representation of a <tt>boolean</tt> value to
     * the buffer.
     * @param val  The boolean value.
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (boolean val)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (String.valueOf (val));

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Append the specified character to the buffer. If the buffer is already
     * at its maximum length, the character is silently ignored.
     * @param c  The character to append.
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (char c)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (c);

        catch (IOException ex)

        return this;

     * Append the specified array of characters to the buffer. This method
     * appends only as much of the string as will fit without causing the
     * buffer to exceed its maximum length.
     * @param chars  The characters to append.
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (char chars[])
        for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++)
            append (chars[i]);

        return this;

     * Append the specified characters in a character array to the buffer.
     * This method appends only as much of the string as will fit without
     * causing the buffer to exceed its maximum length.
     * @param chars  The characters to append.
     * @param offset The index of the first character to append
     * @param len    The maximum number of characters to append
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (char chars[], int offset, int len)
        Appendable buf = getBufferAsAppendable();

        while (offset < len)
                buf.append (chars[offset++]);

            catch (IOException ex)
                // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Append the string representation of a <tt>double</tt> value to
     * the buffer.
     * @param val  The double value.
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (double val)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (String.valueOf (val));

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Append the string representation of a <tt>float</tt> value to
     * the buffer.
     * @param val  The float value.
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (float val)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (String.valueOf (val));

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Append the string representation of a <tt>int</tt> value to
     * the buffer.
     * @param val  The int value.
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (int val)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (String.valueOf (val));

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Append the string representation of a <tt>long</tt> value to
     * the buffer.
     * @param val  The long value.
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (long val)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (String.valueOf (val));

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Append the string representation of an object to the buffer.
     * @param obj  The object whose string value is to be appended.
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (Object obj)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (obj.toString());

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Append the string representation of a <tt>short</tt> value to
     * the buffer.
     * @param val  The short value.
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (short val)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (String.valueOf (val));

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Append the specified string to the buffer. This method appends only
     * as much of the string as will fit without causing the buffer to
     * exceed its maximum length.
     * @param s  The string to append.
     * @return a reference to this object
    public XStringBufBase append (String s)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (s);

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Append the entire contents of the specified <tt>CharSequence</tt> to
     * the buffer. This method appends only as much of the
     * <tt>CharSequence</tt> as will fit without causing the buffer to
     * exceed its maximum length.
     * @param csq  The <tt>CharSequence</tt> to append
     * @return a reference to this object
     * @see #append(CharSequence,int,int)
    public XStringBufBase append (CharSequence csq)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (csq);

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Append a subsequence of the specified <tt>CharSequence</tt> to the
     * buffer. This method appends only as much of the subsequence as will
     * fit without causing the buffer to exceed its maximum length.
     * @param csq    The <tt>CharSequence</tt> to append
     * @param start  The starting index of the subsequence
     * @param end    One past the ending index of the subsequence
     * @return a reference to this object
     * @see #append(CharSequence)
    public XStringBufBase append (CharSequence csq, int start, int end)
            getBufferAsAppendable().append (csq, start, end);

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Shouldn't happen here.

        return this;

     * Return the character at a specified index in the buffer. Indexes begin
     * at 0. (i.e., The first character in the buffer has index 0.)
     * @param index  The index of the character to return
     * @return  The character at the specified index.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>index</tt> is negative or
     *                                   greater than or equal to
     *                                   <tt>length()</tt>
    public char charAt (int index)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        return getBufferAsCharSequence().charAt (index);

     * Delete the first occurrence of a given substring in the buffer.
     * with another substring.
     * @param substring   The substring to find and replace
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the replacement succeeded,
     *         <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
    public boolean delete (String substring)
        int      i;
        boolean  deleted = false;

        i = indexOf (substring);
        if (i > -1)
            deleteCharacters (i, i + substring.length());
            deleted = true;

        return deleted;

     * Removes all characters from the buffer leaving it empty.
    public void clear()
        delete (0, length());

     * Remove the characters in a substring of this
     * <tt>XStringBuffer</tt>. The substring begins at the specified
     * <tt>start</tt> and extends to the character at index
     * <tt>end - 1</tt>, or to the end of the string, if no such
     * character exists. If <tt>start</tt> is equal to <tt>end</tt>,
     * no changes are made.
     * @param start  The beginning index, inclusive
     * @param end    The ending index, exclusive
     * @return This object
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException  if <tt>start</tt> is negative,
     *                                    greater than <tt>length()</tt>,
     *                                    or greater than <tt>end</tt>
    public XStringBufBase delete (int start, int end)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        deleteCharacters (start, end);
        return this;

     * <p>Replaces certain characters in the string buffer with Java
     * metacharacter ("backslash") sequences.</p>
     * <ul>
     *    <li> A horizontal tab is replaced with <tt>\t</tt>.
     *    <li> A line feed is replaced with <tt>\n</tt>.
     *    <li> A carriage return is replaced with <tt>\r</tt>.
     *    <li> A form feed is replaced with <tt>\f</tt>.
     *    <li> A backslash is replaced by two backslashes.
     *    <li> Nonprintable characters are replaced with a
     *         <tt>&#92;u</tt><i>xxxx</i> sequence.
     * </ul>
     * <p>This method uses the same definition of "non-printable" as
     * {@link TextUtil#isPrintable}.</p>
     * @param start  The beginning index, inclusive
     * @param end    The ending index, exclusive
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>start</tt> is negative,
     *                                         or greater than
     *                                         <tt>length()</tt>, or greater
     *                                         than <tt>end</tt>
     * @throws IOException                     I/O exception
     * @see #encodeMetacharacters()
     * @see #decodeMetacharacters(int, int)
    public void encodeMetacharacters (int start, int end)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException,
        char           chars[] = toString().toCharArray();
        int            i       = 0;
        StringBuilder  scratch = new StringBuilder();

            while (i < start)
                append (chars[i++]);

            while (i < end)
                append (encodeOneMetacharacter (chars[i++], scratch));

            while (i < chars.length)
                append (chars[i++]);

        catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex)
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException (String.valueOf (i));

     * A version of {@link #encodeMetacharacters(int,int) encodeMetacharacters}
     * that processes the entire string buffer. Calling this method is
     * equivalent to:
     * <blockquote>
     * <pre>
     * buf.encodeMetacharacters (0, buf.length())
     * </pre>
     * </blockquote>
     * @see #encodeMetacharacters(int, int)
     * @see #decodeMetacharacters()
    public void encodeMetacharacters()
            encodeMetacharacters (0, this.length());

        catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex)
            // Should never happen

        catch (IOException ex)
            // Should never happen

     * Replaces any metacharacter sequences in a portion of the string
     * buffer (such as those produced by {@link #encodeMetacharacters()}
     * with their actual characters.
     * @param start  The beginning index, inclusive
     * @param end    The ending index, exclusive
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>start</tt> is negative,
     *                                         or greater than
     *                                         <tt>length()</tt>, or greater
     *                                         than <tt>end</tt>
     * @see #decodeMetacharacters()
     * @see #encodeMetacharacters(int,int)
    public void decodeMetacharacters (int start, int end)
        throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        char           chars[] = toString().toCharArray();
        int            i       = 0;
        StringBuilder  newBuf  = new StringBuilder();

            // Copy verbatim the region of characters prior to "start"

            while (i < start)
                newBuf.append (chars[i++]);

            // Process the region. First, allocate a PushbackReader than
            // can handle up to 5 characters (4 characters for a Unicode
            // code, plus the preceding "u").

            String         region = new String (chars, i, end - i);
            StringReader   sr     = new StringReader (region);
            PushbackReader pb     = new PushbackReader (sr, 5);

            // Now, process the region.

            for (;;)
                int c;

                if ((c = == -1)

                if (c == METACHAR_SEQUENCE_START)
                    if ((c = == -1)
                        // Incomplete metacharacter sequence at end of
                        // region. Just pass along the backslash as is.

                        newBuf.append ((char) c);

                        c = decodeMetacharacter (c, pb);
                        if (c == -1)

                        if (c == -2) // Bad unicode sequence
                            newBuf.append (METACHAR_SEQUENCE_START);
                            newBuf.append ((char) c);

                    newBuf.append ((char) c);

            // Copy verbatim the region of characters after "end"

            i = end;
            while (i < chars.length)
                newBuf.append (chars[i++]);

        catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex)
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException (String.valueOf (i));

        catch (IOException ex)
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException();

        append (newBuf.toString());

     * A version of {@link #decodeMetacharacters(int,int) decodeMetacharacters}
     * that processes the entire string buffer. Calling this method is
     * equivalent to:
     * <blockquote>
     * <pre>
     * buf.decodeMetacharacters (0, buf.length())
     * </pre>
     * </blockquote>
     * @see #encodeMetacharacters(int, int)
     * @see #decodeMetacharacters()
    public void decodeMetacharacters()
            decodeMetacharacters (0, this.length());

        catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex)
            // Should never happen

     * Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
     * specified character. If a character with value <tt>ch</tt> occurs in
     * the character sequence represented by this object, then the
     * index (in Unicode code units) of the first such occurrence is
     * returned.
     * @param ch  the cahracter (Unicode code point)
     * @return the index of the first occurrence of the character, or
     *         -1 if not found
    public int indexOf (int ch)
        return toString().indexOf (ch);

     * Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
     * specified substring in this sequence, starting at position 0.
     * @param str  the string to find
     * @return the index of the first occurrence of the substring, or
     *         -1 if not found
    public int indexOf (String str)
        return toString().indexOf (str);

     * Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
     * specified substring in this sequence, with the search starting at the
     * specified position.
     * @param str   the string to find
     * @param start the index at which to start the search
     * @return the index of the first occurrence of the substring, or
     *         -1 if not found
    public int indexOf (String str, int start)
        return toString().indexOf (str, start);

     * Insert the string representation of a <tt>boolean</tt>value into
     * the buffer at a specified position. Note that an insertion operation
     * may push characters off the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param val    The <tt>boolean</tt> value
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int index, boolean val)
        return insert (index, String.valueOf (val));

     * Insert a single character at a specified position in the buffer.
     * Note that an insertion operation may push * characters off the end
     * of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param ch     The character to insert.
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int index, char ch)
        insertCharacter (index, ch);
        return this;

     * Insert the contents of a character array into the buffer at a
     * specified position. Note that an insertion operation may push
     * characters off the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param chars  The character array.
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int index, char chars[])
        insertCharacters (index, chars, 0, chars.length);
        return this;

     * Insert characters from a character array into the buffer at a
     * specified position. Note that an insertion operation may push
     * characters off the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param chars  The character array.
     * @param offset The index of the first character to insert
     * @param len    The maximum number of characters to insert
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int  index,
                                  char chars[],
                                  int  offset,
                                  int  len)
        insertCharacters (index, chars, offset, len);
        return this;

     * Insert the string representation of a <tt>double</tt>value into
     * the buffer at a specified position. Note that an insertion operation
     * may push characters off the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param val    The <tt>double</tt> value
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int index, double val)
        return insert (index, String.valueOf (val));

     * Insert the string representation of a <tt>float</tt>value into
     * the buffer at a specified position. Note that an insertion operation
     * may push characters off the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param val    The <tt>float</tt> value
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int index, float val)
        return insert (index, String.valueOf (val));

     * Insert the string representation of a <tt>int</tt>value into
     * the buffer at a specified position. Note that an insertion operation
     * may push characters off the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param val    The <tt>int</tt> value
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int index, int val)
        return insert (index, String.valueOf (val));

     * Insert the string representation of a <tt>long</tt>value into
     * the buffer at a specified position. Note that an insertion operation
     * may push characters off the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param val    The <tt>long</tt> value
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int index, long val)
        return insert (index, String.valueOf (val));

     * Insert the string representation of a <tt>short</tt>value into
     * the buffer at a specified position. Note that an insertion operation
     * may push characters off the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param val    The <tt>short</tt> value
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int index, short val)
        return insert (index, String.valueOf (val));

     * Insert the string representation of an arbitrary object into the
     * buffer at a specified position. Note that an insertion operation may
     * push characters off the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param obj    The object whose string representation is to be inserted
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int index, Object obj)
        return insert (index, obj.toString());

     * Insert the contents of a string into the buffer at a specified
     * position. Note that an insertion operation may push characters off
     * the end of the buffer.
     * @param index  Where to start inserting in the string buffer
     * @param s      The string to insert
     * @return this object
    public XStringBufBase insert (int index, String s)
        insertCharacters (index, s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length());
        return this;

     * Return the number of characters currently in the buffer.
     * @return The number of characters in the buffer.
    public int length()
        return getBufferAsCharSequence().length();

     * Replace the characters in a substring of this buffer with
     * characters in the specified <tt>String</tt>. The substring
     * begins at the specified <tt>start</tt> and extends to the
     * character at index <tt>end - 1</tt>, or to the end of the
     * <tt>XStringBuffer</tt> if no such character exists. First the
     * characters in the substring are removed and then the specified
     * <tt>String</tt> is inserted at <tt>start</tt>. (The
     * <tt>XStringBuffer</tt> will be lengthened to accommodate the
     * specified <tt>String</tt> if necessary.)
     * @param start  The beginning index, inclusive
     * @param end    The ending index, exclusive
     * @param str    The string that will replace the previous contents
     * @return This object
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>start</tt> is negative,
     *                                         or greater than
     *                                         <tt>length()</tt>, or greater
     *                                         than <tt>end</tt>
    public XStringBufBase replace (int start, int end, String str)
        throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        replaceString (start, end, str);
        return this;

     * Replace the first occurrence of a given substring in the buffer
     * with another substring.
     * @param substring   The substring to find and replace
     * @param replacement The replacement string
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the replacement succeeded,
     *         <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
    public boolean replace (String substring, String replacement)
        int      i;
        boolean  replaced = false;

        i = indexOf (substring);
        if (i > -1)
            replaceString (i, i + substring.length(), replacement);
            replaced = true;

        return replaced;

     * Replace the first occurrence of a given substring in the buffer
     * with a given character
     * @param substring   The substring to find and replace
     * @param replacement The replacement char
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the replacement succeeded,
     *         <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
    public boolean replace (String substring, char replacement)
        int      i;
        boolean  replaced = false;

        i = indexOf (substring);
        if (i > -1)
            deleteCharacters (i, i + substring.length());
            insert (i, replacement);
            replaced = true;

        return replaced;

     * Replace the all occurrences of a given substring in the buffer
     * with another substring. This method avoids recursion; that is, it's
     * safe even if the replacement string contains the source string.
     * @param substring   The substring to find and replace
     * @param replacement The replacement string
     * @return the number of replacements made
    public int replaceAll (String substring, String replacement)
        StringBuilder  buf = new StringBuilder (getBufferAsCharSequence());
        int            i;
        int            start;
        int            total = 0;

        start = 0;
        while ( (start < buf.length()) &&
                ((i = buf.toString().indexOf (substring, start)) >= 0) )
            buf.replace (i, i + substring.length(), replacement);
            start = i + replacement.length();

        this.append (buf.toString());

        return total;

     * Replace the all occurrences of a given character in the buffer
     * with another character.
     * @param ch          The character to find and replace
     * @param replacement The replacement character
     * @return the number of replacements made
    public int replaceAll (char ch, char replacement)
        int    len   = length();
        char[] chars = new char[len];
        int    i;
        int    total = 0;

        getChars (0, len, chars, 0);
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
            if (chars[i] == ch)
                chars[i] = replacement;

        if (total > 0)
            append (chars);

        return total;

     * Replace the all occurrences of a given character in the buffer
     * with string. This method avoids recursion; that is, it's
     * safe even if the replacement string contains the character being
     * replaced.
     * @param ch          The character to find and replace
     * @param replacement The replacement string
     * @return the number of replacements made
    public int replaceAll (char ch, String replacement)
        return replaceAll ("" + ch, replacement);

     * Removes all existing characters from the buffer and loads the
     * string into the buffer.
     *  @param str <tt>String</tt> object to be loaded into the cleared buffer.
    public void reset (String str)
        append (str);

     * Split the contents of a buffer on white space, and return the
     * resulting strings. This method is a convenient front-end to
     * {@link TextUtil#split(String)}.
     * @return an array of <tt>String</tt> objects
     * @see #split(String)
     * @see TextUtil#split(String,char)
    public String[] split()
        return TextUtil.split (this.toString());

     * Split the contents of a buffer on a delimiter, and return the
     * resulting strings. This method is a convenient front-end to
     * {@link TextUtil#split(String,char)}.
     * @param delim the delimiter
     * @return an array of <tt>String</tt> objects
     * @see #split(String)
     * @see TextUtil#split(String,char)
    public String[] split (char delim)
        return TextUtil.split (this.toString(), delim);

     * Split the contents of a buffer on a delimiter, and return the
     * resulting strings. This method is a convenient front-end to
     * {@link TextUtil#split(String,String)}
     * @param delimSet the delimiter set
     * @return an array of <tt>String</tt> objects
     * @see #split(char)
     * @see TextUtil#split(String,String)
    public String[] split (String delimSet)
        return TextUtil.split (this.toString(), delimSet);

     * Split the contents of a buffer on a delimiter, and store the
     * resulting strings in a specified <tt>Collection</tt>. This method
     * is a convenient front-end for
     * {@link TextUtil#split(String,char,Collection)}.
     * @param delim      the delimiter
     * @param collection where to store the resulting strings
     * @return the number of strings added to the collection
     * @see #split(String,Collection)
     * @see #split(char)
     * @see TextUtil#split(String,char)
     * @see TextUtil#split(String,String,Collection)
    public int split (char delim, Collection<String> collection)
        return TextUtil.split (this.toString(), delim, collection);

     * Split the contents of a buffer on a delimiter, and store the
     * resulting strings in a specified <tt>Collection</tt>. This method
     * is a convenient front-end for
     * {@link TextUtil#split(String,char,Collection)}.
     * @param delimSet   the set of delimiters
     * @param collection where to store the resulting strings
     * @return the number of strings added to the collection
     * @see #split(char,Collection)
     * @see #split(String)
     * @see TextUtil#split(String,String)
     * @see TextUtil#split(String,char,Collection)
    public int split (String delimSet, Collection<String> collection)
        return TextUtil.split (this.toString(), delimSet, collection);

     * Return a new <tt>String</tt> that contains a subsequence of
     * characters currently contained in this buffer. The substring
     * begins at the specified index and extends to the end of the
     * StringBuffer.
     * @param index  The beginning index, inclusive
     * @return the substring
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException index out of range
    public String substring (int index)
        throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        return substring (index, length());

     * Return a new <tt>String</tt> that contains a subsequence of
     * characters currently contained in this buffer. The substring begins
     * at the specified <tt>start</tt> and extends to the character at
     * index <tt>end - 1</tt>.
     * @param start  The beginning index, inclusive
     * @param end    The beginning index, exclusive
     * @return the substring
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>start</tt> is negative,
     *                                         greater than <tt>length()</tt>,
     *                                         or greater than <tt>end</tt>
     * @see #subSequence
    public String substring (int start, int end)
        throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        return subSequence (start, end).toString();

     * Return a new <tt>CharSequence</tt> object (really, another
     * <tt>XStringBuffer</tt>0 that contains a subsequence of
     * characters currently contained in this buffer. The substring begins
     * at the specified <tt>start</tt> and extends to the character at
     * index <tt>end - 1</tt>.
     * @param start  The beginning index, inclusive
     * @param end    The beginning index, exclusive
     * @return the subsequence
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>start</tt> is negative,
     *                                   greater than <tt>length()</tt>,
     *                                   or greater than <tt>end</tt>
    public CharSequence subSequence (int start, int end)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        return getBufferAsCharSequence().subSequence (start, end);

     * Return the <tt>String</tt> representation of this buffer.
     * @return The string.
    public String toString()
        return getBufferAsCharSequence().toString();

                              Private Methods

     * Escape a specific character, if it's non-printable. See the
     * documentation for encodeMetacharacters() for the definition of
     * non-printable.
     * @param c    the character to escape
     * @param buf  a scratch buffer, to avoid allocating a new one on each call
     * @return the escape string (which might contain only the character passed
     *         in, if the character is printable)
    private static String encodeOneMetacharacter (char c, StringBuilder buf)
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

        if (TextUtil.isPrintable(c))
            if (c == METACHAR_SEQUENCE_START)
                // Have to escape the escape character.



            // Assume it's non-printable and translate it.

            switch (c)
                case '\r':

                case '\n':

                case '\t':

                case '\f':

                    result.append(toUnicodeEscape(c, buf));

        return result.toString();

     * Convert a character to a Unicode escape string.
     * @param c    the character to escape
     * @param buf  a scratch buffer, to avoid allocating a new one on each call
     * @return the Unicode escape string
    private static String toUnicodeEscape (char c, StringBuilder buf)
        buf.setLength (0);
        return TextUtil.charToUnicodeEscape(c, buf);

     * Decode a metacharacter sequence.
     * @param c   the character after the backslash
     * @param pb  a PushbackReader representing the remainder of the region
     *            being processed (necessary for Unicode sequences)
     * @return the decoded metacharacter, -1 on EOF, -2 for unknown or
     *         bad sequence
     * @throws IOException read error
    private int decodeMetacharacter (int c, PushbackReader pb)
        throws IOException
        switch (c)
            case 't':
                c = '\t';

            case 'n':
                c = '\n';

            case 'r':
                c = '\r';

                c = METACHAR_SEQUENCE_START;

            case 'u':
                c = decodeUnicodeSequence (pb);
                if (c == -2)
                    pb.unread ('u');
                    c = METACHAR_SEQUENCE_START;

                // An escaped "regular" character is just the character.

        return c;

     * Parse the next four characters and attempt to decode them as a Unicode
     * character code.
     * @param pb  a PushbackReader representing the remainder of the region
     *            being processed (necessary for Unicode sequences)
     * @return the decoded character, -1 on EOF, -2 for a bad Unicode sequence.
     *         If -2 is returned, the 4-character Unicode code is pushed
     *         back on the input stream. (The leading backslash and "u" are
     *         not pushed back, however).
     * @throws IOException  on error
    private int decodeUnicodeSequence (PushbackReader pb)
        throws IOException
        int            c          = -1;
        boolean        incomplete = false;
        StringBuilder  buf        = new StringBuilder();

        // Read four characters, each of which represents a single hex
        // digit.

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if ( (c = == -1 )
                // Incomplete Unicode escape sequence at EOF. Just swallow
                // it.

                incomplete = true;

            buf.append ((char) c);

        if (incomplete)
            // Push the entire buffered sequence back onto the input
            // stream.

            unread (buf.toString(), pb);

            int      code = 0;
            boolean  error = false;

                code = Integer.parseInt (buf.toString(), 16);
                if (code < 0)
                    throw new NumberFormatException();

            catch (NumberFormatException ex)
                // Bad hexadecimal value in Unicode escape sequence. Push
                // it all back.

                unread (buf.toString(), pb);
                error = true;

            if (! Character.isDefined ((char) code))
                // Invalid Unicode character. Push it all back.

                unread (buf.toString(), pb);
                error = true;

            c = (error ? -2 : ((char) code));

        return c;

     * Push a string back on the input stream.
     * @param s  the string
     * @param pb the PushbackReader onto which to push the characters
     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs or if the pushback buffer is
     *                     full
    private void unread (String s, PushbackReader pb)
        throws IOException
        for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            pb.unread (s.charAt (i));