// Licensed to Julian Hyde under one or more contributor license
// agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
// additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// Julian Hyde licenses this file to you under the Modified BSD License
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
package sqlline;

import java.util.List;

import org.jline.reader.Completer;

 * A generic command to be executed. Execution of the command should be
 * dispatched to the
 * {@link #execute(String, DispatchCallback)} method after
 * determining that the command is appropriate with the
 * {@link #matches(String)} method.
public interface CommandHandler {
   * @return the name of the command
  String getName();

   * @return all the possible names of this command.
  List<String> getNames();

   * @return the short help description for this command.
  String getHelpText();

   * Checks to see if the specified string can be dispatched to this
   * command.
   * @param line The command line to check
   * @return the command string that matches, or null if it no match
  String matches(String line);

   * Executes the specified command.
   * @param line The full command line to execute
   * @param dispatchCallback the callback to check or interrupt the action
  void execute(String line, DispatchCallback dispatchCallback);

   * Returns the completers that can handle parameters.
   * @return Completers that can handle parameters
  List<Completer> getParameterCompleters();

   * Returns whether the command should be written to the output file of the
   * {@code !script} command.
   * <p>Returns {@code true} by default, but the {@code !script} command hides
   * itself by returning {@code false}.
   * @return true if command should be written to file
  boolean echoToFile();

// End CommandHandler.java