 * Copyright 2015 See AUTHORS file.
 * <p/>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * <p/>
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * <p/>
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mygdx.game.objects;

import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.ai.steer.Steerable;
import com.badlogic.gdx.ai.steer.SteeringAcceleration;
import com.badlogic.gdx.ai.utils.Location;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g3d.Model;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.bullet.collision.btCollisionShape;
import com.mygdx.game.GameScreen;
import com.mygdx.game.pathfinding.Triangle;
import com.mygdx.game.scene.GameScene;
import com.mygdx.game.utilities.BulletLocation;
import com.mygdx.game.utilities.BulletSteeringUtils;
import com.mygdx.game.utilities.Constants;
import com.mygdx.game.utilities.Steerer;

 * A {@code SteerableBody} has the ability to exploit steering behaviors through its active {@link #steerer}.
 * @author jsjolund
public class SteerableBody extends GameModelBody implements Steerable<Vector3> {

	public interface SteerSettings {
		float getTimeToTarget();

		float getArrivalTolerance();

		float getDecelerationRadius();

		float getPredictionTime();

		float getPathOffset();

		float getZeroLinearSpeedThreshold();

		float getIdleFriction();

	public final SteerSettings steerSettings;

	private Triangle currentTriangle;

	private long currentTriangleFrameId = Gdx.graphics.getFrameId() + 12345L;

	 * Outputs the linear steering of the steering behaviour.
	 * Angular steering is currently not used.
	final SteeringAcceleration<Vector3> steeringOutput = new SteeringAcceleration<Vector3>(new Vector3());

	 * Holds the active steerer
	public Steerer steerer;

	private boolean isSteering;

	 * Used to adjust model orientation when following a path.
	protected final Quaternion targetOrientation = new Quaternion();
	protected final Quaternion currentOrientation = new Quaternion();
	protected final Vector3 targetOrientationVector = new Vector3(Vector3.Z);

	 * Holds steering data. Use getters and setters.
	private Vector3 position = new Vector3();
	private float boundingRadius;
	private final Vector3 linearVelocity = new Vector3();
	private final Vector3 angularVelocity = new Vector3();
	private float zeroLinearSpeedThreshold;
	private float maxLinearSpeed;
	private float maxLinearAcceleration;
	private boolean tagged;
	private float maxAngularSpeed;
	private float maxAngularAcceleration;

	 * Various temporary objects used in calculation
	private boolean wasSteering = false;
	private final Matrix4 tmpMatrix = new Matrix4();
	private final Vector3 tmpVec = new Vector3();
	private final Quaternion tmpQuat = new Quaternion();

	 * @param model            Model to instantiate
	 * @param name               Name of model
	 * @param location         World position at which to place the model instance
	 * @param rotation         The rotation of the model instance in degrees
	 * @param scale            Scale of the model instance
	 * @param shape            Collision shape with which to construct a rigid body
	 * @param mass             Mass of the body
	 * @param belongsToFlag    Flag for which collision layers this body belongs to
	 * @param collidesWithFlag Flag for which collision layers this body collides with
	 * @param callback         If this body should trigger collision contact callbacks.
	 * @param noDeactivate     If this body should never 'sleep'
	 * @param steerSettings    Steerable settings
	public SteerableBody(Model model, String name,
						 Vector3 location, Vector3 rotation, Vector3 scale,
						 btCollisionShape shape, float mass,
						 short belongsToFlag, short collidesWithFlag,
						 boolean callback, boolean noDeactivate,
						 SteerSettings steerSettings) {
		super(model, name,
				location, rotation, scale,
				shape, mass,
				belongsToFlag, collidesWithFlag,
				callback, noDeactivate);
		// Set the bounding radius used by steering behaviors like collision avoidance, 
		// raycast collision avoidance and some others. Note that calculation only takes
		// into account dimensions on the horizontal plane since we are steering in 2.5D
		this.boundingRadius = (boundingBox.getWidth() + boundingBox.getDepth()) / 4;

		this.steerSettings = steerSettings;

		// Don't allow physics engine to turn character around any axis.
		// This prevents it from gaining any angular velocity as a result of collisions, for instance.
		// Usually, you use angular factor Vector3.Y, which allows the engine to turn it only around
		// the up axis, but here we can use Vector3.Zero since we directly set linear and angular
		// velocity in applySteering() instead of using force and torque.
		// This gives us (almost?) total control over character's motion.
		// Of course, subclasses can specify different angular factor, if needed.

	public void update(float deltaTime) {

		if (steerer == null) {

		// Calculate steering acceleration
		isSteering = steerer.calculateSteering(steeringOutput);

		if (isSteering) {
			if (!wasSteering) {
				// Start steering since this character was not already steering
			// Apply steering acceleration since this character is steering
			applySteering(steeringOutput, deltaTime);
		} else { //if (wasSteering) {
			// Stop steering since this character is not steering now but was steering before


	 * Starts steering; this clears friction since this character is now controlled by the steerer.
	protected void startSteering() {
		wasSteering = true;
		modelTransform.getRotation(currentOrientation, true);
		if (steerer != null) {

	 * Stops steering; this restores normal friction so it cannot slide down most slopes.
	 * Removes any angular velocity the body accumulated.
	 * Sets the body to the orientation of the model.
	 * @param clearLinearVelocity whether linear velocity should be cleared or not 
	protected void stopSteering(boolean clearLinearVelocity) {
		wasSteering = false;
		// Since we were only rotating the model when steering, set body to
		// model rotation when finished moving.
		position = getPosition();

		if (steerer != null) {
			clearLinearVelocity = steerer.stopSteering();

		steerer = null;
		if (clearLinearVelocity) {

	 * Finds the current triangle and sets the model to be visible on the same layer as mesh part index of current triangle
	 * @param scene the game scene
	public void updateSteerableData(GameScene scene) {

	 * Applies the linear component of the steering behaviour. As for the angular component,
	 * the orientation of the model and the body is set to follow the direction of motion (non independent facing).
	 * @param steering the steering acceleration to apply
	 * @param deltaTime the time between this frame and the previous one
	protected void applySteering(SteeringAcceleration<Vector3> steering, float deltaTime) {
		// Update linear velocity trimming it to maximum speed
		linearVelocity.set(body.getLinearVelocity().mulAdd(steering.linear, deltaTime).limit(getMaxLinearSpeed()));

		// Failed attempt to clear angular velocity possibly due to collision
		// Actually, this issue has been fixed by setting the angular factor
		// to Vector3.Zero in SteerableBody constructor
		// Maybe we should do this even if applySteering is not invoked
		// since the entity might move because of other bodies that are pushing it 

		// Calculate the target orientation of the model based on the direction of motion
		// Note that the entity might twitch or jitter slightly when it finds itself in a situation with  
		// conflicting responses from different behaviors. If you need to mitigate this scenario you can decouple
		// the heading from the velocity vector and average its value over the last few frames, for instance 5.
		// This smoothed heading vector will be used to work out model's orientation.
		if (!linearVelocity.isZero(getZeroLinearSpeedThreshold())) {
			position = getPosition();
			targetOrientationVector.set(linearVelocity.x, 0, -linearVelocity.z).nor();
			modelTransform.setToLookAt(targetOrientationVector, Constants.V3_UP).setTranslation(position);

			targetOrientation.setFromMatrix(true, tmpMatrix.setToLookAt(targetOrientationVector, Constants.V3_UP));

			// Set current orientation of model, setting orientation of body causes problems when applying force.
			currentOrientation.slerp(targetOrientation, 10 * deltaTime);


	 * @return True if linear velocity of body is not within threshold of zero
	public boolean isMoving() {
		return !body.getLinearVelocity().isZero(getZeroLinearSpeedThreshold());

	 * @return True if linear steering output  is not within threshold of zero
	public boolean isSteering() {
		return steerer != null && isSteering;

	public Vector3 getLinearVelocity() {
		return linearVelocity.set(body.getLinearVelocity());

	public float getAngularVelocity() {
		return angularVelocity.set(body.getAngularVelocity()).len();

	public float getBoundingRadius() {
		return boundingRadius;

	public boolean isTagged() {
		return tagged;

	public void setTagged(boolean tagged) {
		this.tagged = tagged;

	public float getZeroLinearSpeedThreshold() {
		return zeroLinearSpeedThreshold;

	public void setZeroLinearSpeedThreshold(float value) {
		zeroLinearSpeedThreshold = value;

	public float getMaxLinearSpeed() {
		return maxLinearSpeed;

	public void setMaxLinearSpeed(float maxLinearSpeed) {
		this.maxLinearSpeed = maxLinearSpeed;

	public float getMaxLinearAcceleration() {
		return maxLinearAcceleration;

	public void setMaxLinearAcceleration(float maxLinearAcceleration) {
		this.maxLinearAcceleration = maxLinearAcceleration;

	public float getMaxAngularSpeed() {
		return maxAngularSpeed;

	public void setMaxAngularSpeed(float maxAngularSpeed) {
		this.maxAngularSpeed = maxAngularSpeed;

	public float getMaxAngularAcceleration() {
		return maxAngularAcceleration;

	public void setMaxAngularAcceleration(float maxAngularAcceleration) {
		this.maxAngularAcceleration = maxAngularAcceleration;

	public Vector3 getPosition() {
		return body.getWorldTransform().getTranslation(position);

	 * Get the rotation of the model for this Steerable, around the Y-axis.
	 * This might not be equal to the rotation of the collision body while steering is active.
	 * <p>
	 * When orientation is 0, character faces positive X axis.
	 * Rotating [0:PI] makes the character turn to the left from its perspective.
	 * Rotating [0:-PI] turns it right.
	 * @return
	public float getOrientation() {
		return BulletSteeringUtils.vectorToAngle(getDirection(tmpVec));

	 * Set the rotation of the model and collision body for this Steerable, around the Y-axis.
	 * <p>
	 * When orientation is 0, character faces positive X axis.
	 * Rotating [0:PI] makes the character turn to the left from its perspective.
	 * Rotating [0:-PI] turns it right.
	 * @param orientation
	public void setOrientation(float orientation) {
		position = getPosition();
		BulletSteeringUtils.angleToVector(tmpVec, -orientation);
		modelTransform.setToLookAt(tmpVec, Constants.V3_UP).setTranslation(position);

	public float vectorToAngle(Vector3 vector) {
		return BulletSteeringUtils.vectorToAngle(vector);

	public Vector3 angleToVector(Vector3 outVector, float angle) {
		return BulletSteeringUtils.angleToVector(outVector, angle);

	public Location<Vector3> newLocation() {
		return new BulletLocation();

	 * Returns the world position of the lowest point of the body.
	 * @param out Output vector
	 * @return The output vector for chaining
	public Vector3 getGroundPosition(Vector3 out) {
		out.y -= boundingBox.getHeight() / 2;
		return out;

	 * Sets the vector to point in the direction the model is facing
	 * @param out Output vector
	 * @return The output vector for chaining
	public Vector3 getDirection(Vector3 out) {
		return modelTransform.getRotation(tmpQuat, true).transform(out.set(Vector3.Z));
	 * Returns the triangle which the steerable is standing on
	public Triangle getCurrentTriangle() {
		return getCurrentTriangle(GameScreen.screen.engine.getScene());

	public Triangle getCurrentTriangle(GameScene scene) {
		long frameId = Gdx.graphics.getFrameId();
		// Find the triangle at most once per frame
		if (currentTriangleFrameId != frameId) {
			currentTriangleFrameId = frameId;
			final Vector3 pos = getPosition();
			// This test is O(1) and, according to the coherence assumption, it should succeed most of the times
			// since the entity is usually not far from where it was in the previous frame
			currentTriangle = scene.navMesh.groundRayTest(pos, halfExtents.y + .2f, null);
			if (currentTriangle == null) {
				//Gdx.app.log(tag, "Frame " + frameId + ": Finding closest navigation mesh position for " + this);
				// This test is O(n) where n is the number of meshes.
				currentTriangle = scene.navMesh.getClosestTriangle(pos, tmpVec, null);
			else {
				//Gdx.app.log(tag, "Frame " + frameId + ": Vertical test has found navigation mesh for " + this);
		return currentTriangle;