
import com.javafx.experiments.importers.obj.ObjImporter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javafx.scene.paint.PhongMaterial;
import javafx.scene.shape.MeshView;
import javafx.scene.transform.Affine;
import javafx.scene.transform.Rotate;

 * @author jpereda, April 2014 - @JPeredaDnr
public class Model3D {
    Cube.obj, downloaded from from
    Contains 117 meshes, so each of the 27 cubies has 5 to 6 meshes.
    They are marked as "Block46", "Block46 (2)",...,"Block72 (6)" in this set:
    private Set<String> meshes;
    HashMap to store a MeshView of each mesh with its key.
    private final Map<String,MeshView> mapMeshes=new HashMap<>();
    custom designed arrows to visually mark the face or axis of rotation.
    private MeshView faceArrow;
    private MeshView axisArrow;
    public Model3D(){
    public void importObj(){
        try {// cube.obj
            ObjImporter reader = new ObjImporter(getClass().getResource("Cube.obj").toExternalForm());
            meshes=reader.getMeshes(); // set with the names of 117 meshes
            Since the model is oriented with White to the right and blue in the bottom,
            two rotations are required:
            - first rotate -90ºX B->F (Rx[-Pi/2])
            - then + 90º Z W->U (Rz[Pi/2])
            Mathematically, 2nd rotation matrix multiplies on the left the 1st matrix: Rz[Pi/2].Rx[-Pi/2]
            Check this link to notice the difference of add/append or prepend a transformation:
            Notice this will be wrong:
            * cubiePart.getTransforms().addAll(new Rotate(-90, Rotate.X_AXIS),new Rotate(90, Rotate.Z_AXIS)); 
            as it will perform this: Rx[-Pi/2].Rz[Pi/2] ->Red on top, yellow front!
            Also this is wrong:
            * cubiePart.getTransforms().addAll(new Rotate(90, Rotate.Z_AXIS),new Rotate(-90, Rotate.X_AXIS)); 
            It does the right rotations, but then it will require for further rotations of any cubie to be rotated from 
            its original position, which is quite more complicated than rotating always from the last state.
            PREPEND is the right way to proceed here, so we just need to prepend the last R matrix to the Affine matrix
            of the cubie with all the previous rotations stored there.
            Affine affineIni=new Affine();            
            affineIni.prepend(new Rotate(-90, Rotate.X_AXIS));
            affineIni.prepend(new Rotate(90, Rotate.Z_AXIS));
  > { 
                MeshView cubiePart = reader.buildMeshView(s);
                // every part of the cubie is transformed with both rotations:
                // since the model has Ns=0 it doesn't reflect light, so we change it to 1
                PhongMaterial material = (PhongMaterial) cubiePart.getMaterial();
                // finally, add the name of the part and the cubie part to the hashMap:
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Error loading model "+e.toString());
        try {// arrow.obj
            ObjImporter reader = new ObjImporter(getClass().getResource("arrow.obj").toExternalForm());
            String mesh = reader.getMeshes().iterator().next();
            faceArrow = reader.buildMeshView(mesh);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Error loading arrow "+e.toString());
        try {// axis.obj
            ObjImporter reader = new ObjImporter(getClass().getResource("axis.obj").toExternalForm());
            String mesh = reader.getMeshes().iterator().next();
            axisArrow = reader.buildMeshView(mesh);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Error loading arrow "+e.toString());

    public Map<String, MeshView> getMapMeshes() {
        return mapMeshes;

    public MeshView getFaceArrow() {
        return faceArrow;

    public MeshView getAxisArrow() {
        return axisArrow;