package io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.warnings.steps;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Maps;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.jvnet.hudson.test.Issue;

import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage;

import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
import hudson.model.FreeStyleProject;
import hudson.model.Result;
import hudson.model.Run;

import io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.AnalysisResult;
import io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.ResultAction;
import io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesRecorder;
import io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.testutil.IntegrationTestWithJenkinsPerSuite;
import io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.util.QualityGate.QualityGateResult;
import io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.util.QualityGate.QualityGateType;
import io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.util.QualityGateEvaluator;
import io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.util.QualityGateStatus;
import io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.warnings.checkstyle.CheckStyle;

import static io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.assertions.Assertions.*;

 * Tests the {@link QualityGateEvaluator}. The file 'checkstyle-quality-gate.xml' is being used for the tests. It
 * contains 11 issues overall, from which 6 have high, 2 have normal and 3 have low severity.
 * @author Michaela Reitschuster
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // old API should be still working
// TODO: add some tests for severity HIGH
public class QualityGateITest extends IntegrationTestWithJenkinsPerSuite {
    private static final Map<Result, QualityGateStatus> RESULT_TO_STATUS_MAPPING
            = Maps.fixedSize.of(Result.UNSTABLE, QualityGateStatus.WARNING, Result.FAILURE, QualityGateStatus.FAILED);
    private static final String REPORT_FILE = "checkstyle-quality-gate.xml";

     * Verifies that the first build is always considered stable if the quality gate is set up for delta warnings - even
     * if there is a warning.
    public void shouldBePassedForFirstBuildWithDelta() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(11, QualityGateType.DELTA, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        copyMultipleFilesToWorkspaceWithSuffix(project, REPORT_FILE);

        scheduleBuildAndAssertStatus(project, Result.SUCCESS, QualityGateStatus.PASSED);

     * Verifies that the first build is always considered stable if the quality gate is set up for new warnings - even
     * if there is a new warning.
    public void shouldBePassedForFirstBuildWithNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(11, QualityGateType.NEW, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        copyMultipleFilesToWorkspaceWithSuffix(project, REPORT_FILE);

        scheduleBuildAndAssertStatus(project, Result.SUCCESS, QualityGateStatus.PASSED);

     * Sets the UNSTABLE threshold to 8 and parse a file that contains exactly 8 warnings: the build should be
     * unstable.
    public void shouldCreateUnstableResult() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProjectWithWorkspaceFiles("eclipse.txt");
                publisher -> publisher.addQualityGate(7, QualityGateType.TOTAL, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));

        AnalysisResult result = scheduleBuildAndAssertStatus(project, Result.UNSTABLE);


        HtmlPage page = getWebPage(JavaScriptSupport.JS_DISABLED, project, "eclipse");

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for delta (overall) is reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableDeltaAllIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(11, QualityGateType.DELTA, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for new issues (overall) is reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableNewAllIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(11, QualityGateType.NEW, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for new issues (overall) is reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableNewAllIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setUnstableNewAll(11));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for delta with high severity is reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableDeltaErrorIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(6, QualityGateType.DELTA_ERROR, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for new issues with high severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableNewErrorIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(6, QualityGateType.NEW_ERROR, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for delta with normal severity is reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableDeltaNormalIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(2, QualityGateType.DELTA_NORMAL, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for new issues with normal severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableNewNormalIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(2, QualityGateType.NEW_NORMAL, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for new issues with normal severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableNewNormalIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setUnstableNewNormal(2));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for new issues with low severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableDeltaLowIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(3, QualityGateType.DELTA_LOW, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for new issues with low severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableNewLowIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(3, QualityGateType.NEW_LOW, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for new issues with low severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableNewLowIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setUnstableNewLow(3));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for all issues is reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableTotalAllIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(11, QualityGateType.TOTAL, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for all issues is reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableTotalAllIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setUnstableTotalAll(11));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for all issues with high severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableTotalErrorIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(6, QualityGateType.TOTAL_ERROR, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for all issues with normal severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableTotalNormalIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(2, QualityGateType.TOTAL_NORMAL, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for all issues with normal severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableTotalNormalIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setUnstableTotalNormal(2));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for all issues with low severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableTotalLowIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(3, QualityGateType.TOTAL_LOW, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered unstable when its defined threshold for all issues with low severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeUnstableWhenUnstableTotalLowIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setUnstableTotalLow(3));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.UNSTABLE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for all new issues(overall) is reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailedNewAllIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(9, QualityGateType.NEW, QualityGateResult.FAILURE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for all new issues(overall) is reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailedNewAllIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setFailedNewAll(9));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for new issues with high priority is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailedNewErrorIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(6, QualityGateType.NEW_ERROR, QualityGateResult.FAILURE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for new issues with normal priority is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailedNewNormalIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(2, QualityGateType.NEW_NORMAL, QualityGateResult.FAILURE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for new issues with normal priority is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailedNewNormalIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setFailedNewNormal(2));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for new issues with low priority is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailedNewLowIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(3, QualityGateType.NEW_LOW, QualityGateResult.FAILURE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for new issues with low priority is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailedNewLowIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setFailedNewLow(3));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for all issues is reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailureTotalAllIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(11, QualityGateType.TOTAL, QualityGateResult.FAILURE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for all issues is reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailureTotalAllIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setFailedTotalAll(11));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for issues with high severity is reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailureTotalErrorIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(6, QualityGateType.TOTAL_ERROR, QualityGateResult.FAILURE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for issues with normal severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailureTotalNormalIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(2, QualityGateType.TOTAL_NORMAL, QualityGateResult.FAILURE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for issues with normal severity is
     * reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailureTotalNormalIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setFailedTotalNormal(2));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for issues with low severity is reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailureTotalLowIsReachedLow() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
                recorder -> recorder.addQualityGate(3, QualityGateType.TOTAL_LOW, QualityGateResult.FAILURE));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when its defined threshold for issues with low severity is reached.
    public void shouldBeFailureWhenFailureTotalLowIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> recorder.setFailedTotalLow(3));
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when thresholds for unstable and for failure are reached.
    public void shouldOverrideUnstableWhenFailureAndUnstableThresholdIsReachedNew() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> {
            recorder.addQualityGate(1, QualityGateType.TOTAL, QualityGateResult.UNSTABLE);
            recorder.addQualityGate(3, QualityGateType.TOTAL_LOW, QualityGateResult.FAILURE);
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Tests if the build is considered a failure when thresholds for unstable and for failure are reached.
    public void shouldOverrideUnstableWhenFailureAndUnstableThresholdIsReached() {
        FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject();
        enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(project, recorder -> {
        runJobTwice(project, Result.FAILURE);

     * Runs the specified project two times in a row. During the first run, no warnings report file is in the workspace
     * so the build always will be successful. In the second run, the file 'checkstyle-quality-gate.xml' is copied to
     * the workspace so that the project will contain new warnings. (In the first run, new warnings are suppressed
     * automatically, so at least two builds are required to fire the new warnings detection).
     * @param project
     *         the project to build
     * @param expectedResult
     *         the expected result of the build
    private void runJobTwice(final FreeStyleProject project, final Result expectedResult) {
        scheduleBuildAndAssertStatus(project, Result.SUCCESS, QualityGateStatus.PASSED);
        copyMultipleFilesToWorkspaceWithSuffix(project, REPORT_FILE);
        scheduleBuildAndAssertStatus(project, expectedResult, RESULT_TO_STATUS_MAPPING.get(expectedResult));

    private IssuesRecorder enableAndConfigureCheckstyle(final AbstractProject<?, ?> job,
            final Consumer<IssuesRecorder> configuration) {
        IssuesRecorder item = new IssuesRecorder();
        item.setTools(createTool(new CheckStyle(), "**/*issues.txt"));
        return item;

    private void scheduleBuildAndAssertStatus(final AbstractProject<?, ?> job, final Result result,
            final QualityGateStatus qualityGateStatus) {
        try {
            Run<?, ?> build = getJenkins().assertBuildStatus(result, job.scheduleBuild2(0));
            ResultAction action = build.getAction(ResultAction.class);
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw new AssertionError(e);