package com.akkademy;

import akka.contrib.pattern.ClusterClient;
import akka.pattern.Patterns;
import akka.util.Timeout;
import scala.concurrent.Await;
import scala.concurrent.Future;
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class ArticleParseClusterClient {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Timeout timeout = new Timeout(Duration.create(5, "seconds"));

        ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("clientSystem");

        Set<ActorSelection> initialContacts = new HashSet<ActorSelection>();
        initialContacts.add(system.actorSelection("akka.tcp://[email protected]:2552/user/receptionist"));
        initialContacts.add(system.actorSelection("akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551/user/receptionist"));

        ActorRef receptionist = system.actorOf(ClusterClient.defaultProps(initialContacts));

        ClusterClient.Send msg = new ClusterClient.Send("/user/workers", articleToParse, false);

        Future f = Patterns.ask(receptionist, msg, timeout);
        String result = (String) Await.result(f, timeout.duration());
        System.out.println("result: " + result);

    public static String articleToParse = "\n" +
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            "\t<header class=\"entry-header\">\n" +
            "\t\t<h1 class=\"entry-title\">RHEL nginx init.d&nbsp;Script</h1>\n" +
            "\t\t<div class=\"entry-meta\">\n" +
            "\t\t\t<span class=\"posted-on\"><a href=\"\" rel=\"bookmark\"><time class=\"entry-date published updated\" datetime=\"2015-02-03T18:16:32+00:00\">February 3, 2015</time></a></span><span class=\"byline\"> <span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"url fn n\" href=\"\">refactoringfactory</a></span></span>\t\t</div><!-- .entry-meta -->\n" +
            "\n" +
            "\t</header><!-- .entry-header -->\n" +
            "\n" +
            "\t<div class=\"entry-content\">\n" +
            "\t\t<p>I noticed that the behaviour of deamon is a bit different in RHEL &#8211; it won&#8217;t write a pid file. Here is a very simple init.d script for RHEL.</p>\n" +
            "<blockquote><p>#!/bin/sh<br />\n" +
            "#<br />\n" +
            "# nginx Startup script for nginx<br />\n" +
            "#<br />\n" +
            "# chkconfig: &#8211; 85 15<br />\n" +
            "# processname: nginx<br />\n" +
            "# description: nginx is an HTTP and reverse proxy server<br />\n" +
            "#<br />\n" +
            "### BEGIN INIT INFO<br />\n" +
            "# Provides: nginx<br />\n" +
            "# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network<br />\n" +
            "# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network<br />\n" +
            "# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5<br />\n" +
            "# Default-Stop: 0 1 6<br />\n" +
            "# Short-Description: start and stop nginx<br />\n" +
            "### END INIT INFO</p>\n" +
            "<p># Source function library.<br />\n" +
            ". /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions</p>\n" +
            "<p>#if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/nginx ]; then<br />\n" +
            "#. /etc/sysconfig/nginx<br />\n" +
            "#fi</p>\n" +
            "<p>############CONFIG###############<br />\n" +
            "user=totes<br />\n" +
            "nginx=${NGINX-/app/totes/nginx16/sbin/nginx}<br />\n" +
            "conffile=${CONFFILE-/app/totes/nginx16/conf/nginx.conf}<br />\n" +
            "#################################</p>\n" +
            "<p>lockfile=${LOCKFILE-/app/totes/nginx}<br />\n" +
            "pidfile=${PIDFILE-/app/totes/}</p>\n" +
            "<p>prog=nginx<br />\n" +
            "SLEEPMSEC=100000<br />\n" +
            "RETVAL=0</p>\n" +
            "<p>start() {<br />\n" +
            "echo -n $&#8221;Starting $prog: &#8221;<br />\n" +
            "daemon &#8211;user=${user} &#8211;pidfile=${pidfile} ${nginx} -c ${conffile}<br />\n" +
            "RETVAL=$?<br />\n" +
            "echo<br />\n" +
            "[ $RETVAL = 0 ] &amp;&amp; touch ${lockfile}<br />\n" +
            "return $RETVAL<br />\n" +
            "}</p>\n" +
            "<p>stop() {<br />\n" +
            "echo -n $&#8221;Stopping $prog: &#8221;<br />\n" +
            "#killproc -p ${pidfile} ${prog}<br />\n" +
            "$nginx -s stop<br />\n" +
            "RETVAL=$?<br />\n" +
            "echo<br />\n" +
            "[ $RETVAL = 0 ] &amp;&amp; rm -f ${lockfile} ${pidfile}<br />\n" +
            "}</p>\n" +
            "<p>configtest() {<br />\n" +
            "if [ &#8220;$#&#8221; -ne 0 ] ; then<br />\n" +
            "case &#8220;$1&#8243; in<br />\n" +
            "-q)<br />\n" +
            "FLAG=$1<br />\n" +
            ";;<br />\n" +
            "*)<br />\n" +
            ";;<br />\n" +
            "esac<br />\n" +
            "shift<br />\n" +
            "fi<br />\n" +
            "${nginx} -t -c ${conffile} $FLAG<br />\n" +
            "RETVAL=$?<br />\n" +
            "return $RETVAL<br />\n" +
            "}</p>\n" +
            "<p># See how we were called.<br />\n" +
            "case &#8220;$1&#8243; in<br />\n" +
            "start)<br />\n" +
            "rh_status &gt;/dev/null 2&gt;&amp;1 &amp;&amp; exit 0<br />\n" +
            "start<br />\n" +
            ";;<br />\n" +
            "stop)<br />\n" +
            "stop<br />\n" +
            ";;<br />\n" +
            "restart)<br />\n" +
            "configtest -q || exit $RETVAL<br />\n" +
            "stop<br />\n" +
            "start<br />\n" +
            ";;<br />\n" +
            "configtest)<br />\n" +
            "configtest<br />\n" +
            ";;<br />\n" +
            "*)<br />\n" +
            "echo $&#8221;Usage: $prog {start|stop|restart|help|configtest}&#8221;<br />\n" +
            "RETVAL=2<br />\n" +
            "esac</p>\n" +
            "<p>exit $RETVAL</p></blockquote>\n" +
            "\n" +
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            "\n" +
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