 * opsu! - an open-source osu! client
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Jeffrey Han
 * opsu! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * opsu! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with opsu!.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package itdelatrisu.opsu.user;

import itdelatrisu.opsu.GameImage;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.Colors;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.Fonts;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.animations.AnimatedValue;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.animations.AnimationEquation;

import org.newdawn.slick.Color;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;

 * User button.
public class UserButton {
	/** Button dimensions. */
	private static int buttonWidth, buttonHeight;

	/** User icon size. */
	private static int iconSize;

	/** Button coordinates. */
	private int x, y;

	/** Background color. */
	private Color bgColor;

	/** Background alpha level. */
	private AnimatedValue bgAlpha = new AnimatedValue(200, 0f, 1f, AnimationEquation.OUT_QUAD);

	/** Bar colors. */
	private Color
		barBgColor = new Color(Color.darkGray),
		barBorderColor = new Color(Color.lightGray),
		barFillColor = new Color(Colors.YELLOW_FILL);

	/** Flash color. */
	private Color flashColor = new Color(218, 28, 63);

	/** Whether the button is currently flashing. */
	private boolean flashing = false;

	/** The user. */
	private User user;

	/** Placeholder text to display if {@link #user} is null. */
	private String placeholderText;

	 * Initializes the user buttons.
	 * @param width the container width
	 * @param height the container height
	public static void init(int width, int height) {
		buttonWidth = width * 5 / 18;
		buttonHeight = height / 9;
		iconSize = buttonHeight - 4 * 4;

	/** Returns the button width. */
	public static int getWidth() { return buttonWidth; }

	/** Returns the button height. */
	public static int getHeight() { return buttonHeight; }

	 * Returns the user icon image with the given identifier,
	 * or the default image if invalid.
	public static Image getIconImage(int id) {
		int i = (id < 0 || id >= getIconCount()) ? 0 : id;
		return GameImage.USER.getImages()[i].getScaledCopy(iconSize, iconSize);

	/** Returns the total number of user icons. */
	public static int getIconCount() { return GameImage.USER.getImages().length; }

	/** Returns the size of an icon. */
	public static int getIconSize() { return iconSize; }

	 * Creates a user button.
	 * @param x the top-left x coordinate
	 * @param y the top-left y coordinate
	 * @param color the background color (when focused)
	public UserButton(int x, int y, Color color) {
		setPosition(x, y);
		this.bgColor = new Color(color);

	 * Sets the button position.
	 * @param x the top-left x coordinate
	 * @param y the top-left y coordinate
	public void setPosition(int x, int y) {
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;

	/** Sets the user. */
	public void setUser(User user) {
		this.user = user;
		Fonts.loadGlyphs(Fonts.MEDIUM, user.getName());

	/** Returns the user. */
	public User getUser() { return user; }

	/** Sets the text to display if no user is set. */
	public void setPlaceholderText(String placeholderText) {
		this.placeholderText = placeholderText;

	/** Returns the placeholder text. */
	public String getPlaceholderText() { return placeholderText; }

	 * Returns true if the coordinates are within the button bounds.
	 * @param cx the x coordinate
	 * @param cy the y coordinate
	public boolean contains(int cx, int cy) {
		return ((cx > x && cx < x + buttonWidth) && (cy > y && cy < y + buttonHeight));

	 * Draws a user button.
	 * @param g the graphics context
	public void draw(Graphics g) { draw(g, 1f); }

	 * Draws a user button.
	 * @param g the graphics context
	 * @param alpha the alpha multiplier
	public void draw(Graphics g, float alpha) {
		int padding = 4;
		int cx = x + padding, cy = y + padding;
		float t = bgAlpha.getValue();
		float oldWhiteAlpha = Colors.WHITE_FADE.a;
		Colors.WHITE_FADE.a = alpha;

		// rectangle
		Color bg;
		if (flashing) {
			bg = flashColor;
			bg.a = t * alpha;
		} else {
			bg = bgColor;
			bg.a = (0.5f * t) * alpha;
		g.fillRoundRect(cx, cy, buttonWidth - padding * 2, buttonHeight - padding * 2, 4);

		// no user?
		if (user == null && placeholderText != null) {
				x + (buttonWidth - Fonts.LARGE.getWidth(placeholderText)) / 2,
				y + (buttonHeight - Fonts.LARGE.getLineHeight()) / 2,
				placeholderText, Colors.WHITE_FADE
			Colors.WHITE_FADE.a = oldWhiteAlpha;

		// icon
		int iconSize = buttonHeight - padding * 4;
		Image img = getIconImage(user.getIconId());
		img.draw(cx + padding, cy + padding);

		// text
		int textX = cx + iconSize + padding * 3;
		int textY = cy + padding / 2;
		Fonts.MEDIUM.drawString(textX, textY, user.getName(), Colors.WHITE_FADE);
		textY += Fonts.MEDIUM.getLineHeight() - 3;
		Fonts.SMALL.drawString(textX, textY, String.format("Score: %,d", user.getScore()), Colors.WHITE_FADE);
		textY += Fonts.SMALL.getLineHeight() - 2;
		Fonts.SMALL.drawString(textX, textY, String.format("Accuracy: %.2f%%", user.getAccuracy()), Colors.WHITE_FADE);
		textY += Fonts.SMALL.getLineHeight() - 2;
		Fonts.SMALL.drawString(textX, textY, String.format("Lv%d", user.getLevel()), Colors.WHITE_FADE);

		// progress bar
		int barX = textX + Fonts.SMALL.getWidth("Lv#####");
		int barWidth = x + buttonWidth - padding - barX - 1;
		int barHeight = buttonHeight / 7;
		int barY = y + buttonHeight - padding - barHeight - 1;
		int barRadius = 8;
		float barAlpha = (0.75f + 0.25f * t) * alpha;
		barBgColor.a = barBorderColor.a = barFillColor.a = barAlpha;
		g.fillRoundRect(barX, barY, barWidth, barHeight, barRadius);
		g.setClip(barX, barY, (int) (barWidth * user.getNextLevelProgress()), barHeight);
		g.fillRoundRect(barX, barY, barWidth, barHeight, barRadius);
		g.drawRoundRect(barX, barY, barWidth, barHeight, barRadius);

		Colors.WHITE_FADE.a = oldWhiteAlpha;

	 * Processes a hover action depending on whether or not the cursor
	 * is hovering over the button.
	 * @param delta the delta interval
	 * @param isHover true if the cursor is currently hovering over the button
	public void hoverUpdate(int delta, boolean isHover) {
		if (flashing) {
			if (!bgAlpha.update(-delta / 2))
				flashing = false;
		} else {
			int d = delta * (isHover ? 1 : -1);

	 * Sets the hover animation duration.
	 * @param duration the duration, in milliseconds
	public void setHoverAnimationDuration(int duration) {

	 * Sets the hover animation equation.
	 * @param eqn the equation to use
	public void setHoverAnimationEquation(AnimationEquation eqn) {

	 * Sets the hover animation base value.
	 * @param base the base value
	public void setHoverAnimationBase(float base) {
		AnimatedValue value = new AnimatedValue(bgAlpha.getDuration(), base, 1f, bgAlpha.getEquation());
		bgAlpha = value;

	/** Resets the hover fields for the button. */
	public void resetHover() {
		flashing = false;

	/** Flashes the button. */
	public void flash() {
		flashing = true;